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One of Them (Dragontear)

Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

Upon getting closer, Merlacie noticed that the secured door was, in fact, not secured at all. The hinges had been ripped off, though it was not clear how. The door was resting slightly into the door frame, with a little effort Merlacie could knock it over, perhaps even the stiff infected with her could, if she was determined and smart. The room beyond could not be seen, of course, but there was enough of a crack to know that there was no light from inside. However, there was a smell that stood out from the other side. The woman knew instantly what it was, a dead human, quite fresh too it seemed.

The zombie came up to stand beside Merlacie, still excited. She clearly knew they'd found something, but wasn't sure what to do, so just gibbered towards her companion for now. The hall went on, and rounded a bend a few feet away, but the woman did not seem interested in what was that way.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

(My apologies for taking so long. ^.=.^')

Taking in the features of this large, metallic door, the Infected Tier 1 remained in a low, stooped posture that had rapidly become comfortable in comparison to standing up straight like her... fellow. With elongated feet tensing in anticipation of what was so dam important that shi had been lead here in a slow, ambling pace, the recent and refreshing drink of somewhat-fresh water had mildly countered the discomfort caused by waking up in some of Humanity's finest filth. Blinking and feeling a little dizzy from thinking so much, those odd words flitted across her altered consciousness again, something about machines and power.

Gazing at the door blankly enough to make the gibbering woman seem thoughtful, Merlacie felt her ears ache and automatically hissed at the other female, glaring silently and advancing, giving the corridor's bend a few looks, before gingerly reaching out, grabbing at the door and using it's form to support herself. Now she stood, and examined the contours of the door, touching cool metal that didn't feel so bad compared to the rough metal of the dumpster's lid. However she did feel some hesitation, for even the lightest of efforts could make her groggy muscles tingle in discomfort. The idea of seeking help was not at the fore-front of hir mind, for there was a measure of pride as well as curiosity was further piqued by the smell, even if it was somewhat repulsive, as she preferred fluids thus-far into reawakening. Sniffing where the hinges used to be, hir tail flickered as the female's long hands began pushing, increasing the strength progressively and with care, rather than just shoving the thing down thoughtlessly.
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Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

The woman got excited, making more noise and Merlacie moved the door. On the otherside was a small, dark office of some sort. There were rows of filing cabinets, most had their shelves removed and strewned on the ground. There was also a desk with papers scattered all over. However, neither of these was the first thing that caught Merlacie's eye.

In one corner was a man, old enough to have grey hair, slumped in the corner. He was wearing a lab coat of some kind, now covered with blood. He'd shot himself in the head with a small pistol. His other hand had some kind of device, like a pager maybe, that was flashing one blue light. Odd, as nothing else of the sort seemed to be working.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

The longer-haired woman's un-ceasing noises were starting to annoy and distract the white-haired female, making the already taxing task of moving this door more difficult. Hissing again for a little respite and from the effort, shi managed to place the hinge-less door against the nearest wall, though clumsily, stumbling and panting from the exertion. Lowering to the primal stoop, shi gazed about and instinctively wished to take cover - from what she didn't know - but this seemingly natural wish was interrupted by the source of the smell; A elderly body dressed in some long white coat, a fatal head-wound with many papers strewn around, however the flashing blue light drew the most attention.

Deciding to skulk forwards to crouch upon tip-toes by the corpse, shi hesitantly reached for the rectangle-shaped device, tilting her head and doing her best to ignore the bloody mess and the weapon nearby. For now Merlacie decided to investigate and interact with this device, so very faintly aware of what it is but feeling out of touch. Given hir preference for fluids, the supply of edible flesh was practically ignored as the dark-skinned Infected scooted away, hissing in curiosity. The fact that the pager worked while nothing else did flit across her mind, though partially ignored for she was so wrapped up in this little investigation.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

The object was quite sturdy, made to withstand alot of punishment. It also felt pretty heavy, and the outer casing was rather thick by the feel of it. There was a tiny little screen, backlit in light blue, with room for a small message to be displayed. However, it was flashing with the very unhelpful code "XX-D02". Perhaps the man knew what it meant, but he was dead now, even if Merlacie wasn't out of it right now there was no way to decode it.

However, Merlacie noticed that some of the papers scattered around the dead body has codes in the same format. Next to the man's left leg was a page that looked like part of a manuel, but the binding had been torn off. It had "AX-D01" printed in large red letters at the top. Nearby was a "CX-D01" and a bloodstained "FX-D01", but no "XX-D02", though it might be anywhere in the mess that was the room. Merlacie also noticed the man had a large burlap sack, it was in the corner and stuffed full of a bunch of papers from the filing cabinets. Next to it was another stack of papers, carefully shredded by hand, with a few crumped up instead.

The other infected wandered in behind Merlacie. She looked right at the dead man, moaning loudly with a look of confusion on her stiff face. She scanned the room, as if looking for something, but not knowing what. After a sweep, she looked at Merlacie and moaned again, as if trying to ask if she knew what to do.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

(I'ma sorry for taking so long. D:! Posting NOAW.)

Settling upon powerful, thick limbs held up with gradually increasing easy by resting on tip-toes even in this wide hunching crouch, the infected female tilted her head and clicked the longe tongue, wondering what "XX-D02" actually meant. Although it was hard to concentrate upon the miniscule screen when it hurt her sensitive eyes, blinking emerald optics until the discomfort receded. Hissing in thought, the odd purple-green tail flickered as she then gazed around slowly, ignoring the body and its assorted scents. Looking down at the male's left leg, "AX-D01" was printed in big, pretty red letters on a ruined manual-script, while "CX-D01" was located... with nothing having an "02" showing up anywhere. Though the idea of sifting through all the papers occurred, it flitted across hir mind for two good reasons - the first being that she still felt so disoriented and thus the attention-span was lacking, secondly information felt better processed by sights, smells, sounds and sensations and not cold, boring text.

Half-turning in hir agile crouch, she hissed again at the female Zombie's want to keep making moaning noises, baring those fangs and then looked at the woman's awkward leg that seemed wounded or broken, and felt a little surge of compassion, whether it meant good or ill for the Zombie that would be difficult to tell, as Merlacie filed the codes away to remember later, she dropped the pager and advanced towards the other woman, making hiss-moaning noises approaching 'come here' and would attempt to examine the leg, long arms and fingers feeling about and considering what to do...

(Derp, she got distracted. X3)
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

The woman moaned a bit more, her face managing to display a bit of confusion, but she came over anyway, trusting the better developed woman to know what to do. Her leg was covered with tattered bluejeans that were caked with some unknown substances. It was a dull-reddish brown color, smelling faintly of dried blood and dirt. Merlacie couldn't see the leg itself very well without removing the lower part of the pants, but through some holes and tears she could see what looked to be minor scrape wounds, also with some dried caked materials in it.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

Though lacking in medical knowledge that Doctors and their kind knew well, shi did feel as though she sufficiently knew how to care for hir own body, at least. Somewhat pleased by the Tier 2's acceptance, shi hissed pseudo-soothingly and kneeled next to her, studied the leg, and saw the bloody obvious - caked in various shades of blood and dirt, therefore the woman obviously had been hurt repeatedly and had travelled far enough to accumulate such mess. Tilting her head and pulling the ankles of the blue-jeans up to expose the flesh for how it truly looked, quite capable of rolling the material up so that if did not fall, without truly putting much thought into it, though it was sloppy and shi had to do this several times with each leg.

Giving hirself a few minutes of abject silence to gather hir wits, she growled and decided to have hir 'patient' lay down, whether subtly or hissing and patting the cold floor, shi would begin lapping at the female's wounds with a long, slimy tongue, the saliva containing healing compounds and aphrodisiacs, the former were more important now.
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Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

The woman let Merlacie examine her, quite interested. She had no idea what was going on, but it was important to her, she knew that. She got on the ground as instructed, letting out a curious noise as she lay. As Merlacie licked she hissed, and tensed a bit, healing stung, and she didn't like it. She pulled away a bit, but not entirely, as if she knew the woman was trying to help, but wasn't exactly sold on the idea yet.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

Having the upper hand in terms of raw, physical strength, Merlacie could have held the woman down and still examine her with ease, however the headache (amongst other funny sensations) ensured maximum annoyance at minimal provocation, eliciting a series of hisses swinging from soothing to cautions, before shi 'cleaned' the last of the uncovered wounds, inspecting them closely with eyes roaming every fleck of skin, fingers roaming and pressing at every muscle, seeking to determine what caused the limp, with the inhuman tail flickering lightly, still balanced upon enlongated feet and toes.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

The wounds weren't anything special, just normal rips and tears, probably caused by some sort of claw, or very beat up knife. They were colored a bit funny, even after cleaning, probably affected by the gunk that had gotten in them, but looked better now, though still sore. The woman calmed down once Merlacie was finished licking her, making small noises as her leg was felt, perhaps even enjoying it a bit. Nothing seemed physically wrong with the limping leg, it was just very stiff and tense, like the muscle wouldn't relax. Interestingly, as Merlacie continued, the woman seemed to regain some movement of the limb, as if all she needed was a good massage.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

With a transition from sensory-overload due to the chaos of the outside world to this oddly serene, if tainted, moment of relative quiet, Merlacie felt... calmer, though had to distract herself from the smell of blood in the air from the nearby corpse and the poor taste of various bits of dirt or gunk in the female's wounds. Hissing soothingly , the stronger female flexed her long fingers, kneading the tension out of the Tier 2's muscles whilst searching for any abnormalities that should not be there, even for an infected, the general result was a variation of superficial wounds received over a period of time with little care from the woman's own body. Spitting some gunk away to the side that had collected from this little ad-hoc gift of medical care and comfort, the purple-tinted woman noticed with a lift in spirits that hir patient relaxed and slowly regained movement in the limb, settling on a basic conclusion that simple cleaning and relief of tense muscles was the required course of action.

So she acted on that process, feeling happier in the dimly lit room than outside in the bright, painful light, aiding another in a cool, if smelly place. She decided to gaze around to see if there was anything she could use to carry water back from the fountain with, a cup would be convenient and easily carried in one hand, for her current, nigh-crawling mode of locomotion felt more comfortable with more limbs. All the while, her fingers pressed into and savored the cool touch of flesh, even if it did feel dirty and bloodied.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

The woman's moans were still somewhat annoyed, but slowly came down as she relaxed. Instead of struggling she slid a bit closer and pressed into Merlacie. One of her hands even went back to sort of gently rub the more developed woman's side. After awhile, though, she seemed to lose interest slightly, swinging her feet back and forth like a small, bored child would. Her injured leg was now much more mobile, though there'd still be a slight limp. Her mind was wandering too, as she started to look around and make curious noises now, seemingly forgetting the earlier excitement.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

A strange, but not un-welcomed sensation coursed through the female's strong frame, a little bit of joy from giving comfort and health to another and it surprised Merlacie slightly, however she did not resist such a feeling and merely continued to knead and massage until all the muscles of her lower legs became relaxed. Whilst the woman did this, she did feel the other female's appreciation, and instinctively hissed at the prolonged physical contact, however aside from making a little noise, shi did not retaliate for the recently awoken infected was idly searching for some sort of container, and at least spotted a hopefully clean coffee-mug, the larger sort.

Of course, with the less stable woman making curious noises, shi grumbled and rose, leaving hir patient behind to take the mug back to the fountain and to, hopefully, return without incident, un-willing to force her new companion through discomfort to the fountain...
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

As Merlacie neared the outside again she heard noises. Two sets actually, but it took time to make them out. A few blocks away was some gunfire, very distinct. It was small sounding, not a big gun at all. It was accompanied by some shouting, a loud and young male voice, a few others as well that the infected could not make out.

The other, quieter noise was some scratching from up above, from an office nearly right above this set of doors. Maybe a little feminine sounding whimpering too. The other noise drew attention away from it, but it was clearly there as well.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

( D: )

Still regaining the best part of her senses and abilities, Merlacie felt that it would be a little more time before the sun didn't make her head swim so badly. Reaching the onyx-black coated reception, the infected female certainly did hear those noises, and reacted much slower than typical - moving forwards on both legs in a sort of stooped, upright posture until the white-haired woman was almost outside - before actually stopping to bare pearly white fangs and listen in stillness, save for the hastened of heart-rate. Soft pops and loud voices, perhaps masculine a few blocks away, that was what her hearing and odd -'city map' senses warned of. Yet that was of little consequence in comparison to the more distinctly feminine whimpers which might be above or elsewhere, so soft that it was initially difficult to tell them from background noises.

This startled Merlacie yet had her, either bravely or due to some obsessive compulsion, to swiftly move outside towards the fountain, rather intent upon filling the large mug of water to return to the Tier 2 female. Such foolishness wasn't natural, but then again shi had recently awoken from a deep sleep most... involuntary, or so it felt. At the very least, a container of humanity's refuse was the last place she would consider napping in. Despite this seemingly stupid act, the dark-skinned and lightly armored woman kept to whatever cover was available, wishing to rapidly secure some of the faintly murky water and hide back indoors, where it was much cooler. She naturally favored the darkness, like any arachnid - the metaphorical idea of such creatures were far from scaring this former human.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

The noise from far away continued without much pause, events were unfolding outside of Merlacie's influence. However, the noise from within the building did change. The infected had managed to get the water she desired, nothing happened right away. After that, though, she heard a loud gasp, and some shuffling, from the same area as the female whimpers had been coming from. She could not help but notice some damage to the buildings windows there, with a debris strewn office on the other side.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

(Obsessive compulsion! >:3 One thing at a time...)

Heading back torwards Clover Grove's Bank, Merlacie hissed a little at the continious noises from much further away, faint little pops that sounded almost pleasent, however shi was quite aware that those were bad, and intelligently wished to remain out of sight of any potential marksmen. However, a feminine gasp occurred from where the Infected had heard little whimpers before and felt the need to take cover again, baring fanged teeth whilst all the time keeping the large coffee mug full of water level; Shi didn't wish to go to all the effort and discomfort just to drop the little thing.

For now, one thing at a time, she would think to hirself and hurried indoors, intent on giving her new friend some further aid before searching around the ground floor, to investigate a way to reach this source of female unhappiness or discomfort...
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Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

(That'll come back to bite you sometime, though not now ;) )

The infected had gotten up and was looking around the room with a confused expression, having grown bored in the time Merlacie had been gone. Fortunately, the woman seemed to have some sense of appreciation for what she'd done, moving over slowly while jibbering happily. She stopped short, looking at the item Merlacie was holding with a bit of bewilderment.
Re: One of Them (Dragontear)

(Had a brainfart, and shi will seek out this feminine whimper-source, I assume the noises are coming from the same building so... stair-finding time?)

Holding up the large, ceramic mug full of water, shi emitted something akin to a purring hiss, laying the container down upon the table and hoping the other, thinner female understood what to do; if not, some further hissing and more assertive offering would aid, before - with little warning - Merlacie decided to investigate the whimpers, sending a droning noise for the Tier II to remain here in relative saftey in the vault-turned scene of clues that had invited both infected woman here.

Shi took off down the corridor to reception again, hoping to find a way up...