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Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
Reputation score
Here's the place to chat about anything and everything out of game context, including questions for the GMs and just general funzies. This thread is the only no-biting zone on DotD!

For the environment, think... upper floor of a gothic night club. It'll be an important location in the game, but for us it just serves as a place to hang out out of context.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Your character creation method sold me at a glance.

Eleven Impossible (Hand to hand combat with a pack of angry lupines. That's stupid. Don't do it.)

We'll see.

Also, it's horribly tempting to make a self-insertish character for this, given that's just about the one thing I've never actually done in an RP.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Interested in playing. Especially because it's an RP game. :cool:
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)


(As in it's a verb, not more than one fanboy)
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I wish to be Rayo de Luna Misteriosa, the Mysterious Moonbeam. Vampire Luchadore.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I guess there's always room for a Malkavian, blarg.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I already had a character idea my dear Princess
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Do we put sheets here or in the Character Dossiers thread? This one isn't finished anyway.

Name: Bob (placeholder)

Age: 28


Physical Appearance:

Attributes: Please rank Social, Physical, and Mental
Mental - Physical - Social (from greatest to smallest)

Personality Survey

1. It is a Friday night. Where are we most likely to find your character?
-At home reading OR at a bar or close friend's house.

2. It is a Monday afternoon. Where are we most likely to find your character?
-Working, or going home to read and/or plan for the night's activities depending on the time.

3. Your character learns someone is spreading nasty rumors about them. What do they do?
-Not be bothered generally.

4. If your character had to defend themselves from a mugger, what would they do?
-Take the mugger's weapon and do horrible things to them with it. If they were unarmed, then just beat them up.

5. Has your character ever had a summer job? What were they?

6. Describe your character's favorite outfit.

7. What is your character's favorite song? (feel free to provide me a youtube link!)

8. How does your character usually get from place to place in the city?
-He has a car.

9. Does your character believe in the supernatural? Explain.
-Being a frequent reader of sci-fi and fantasy, he knows about it. But believe? No.

10. What is the sexual orientation of your character? (mostly so I can give you juicy victims to feed on).

11. If there are any clans you absolutely, positively do NOT want to be embraced by, list them here. Please limit your list to no more than three clans.
-I would like to not be Sabbat, if possible, but if I do end up being Sabbat I'd like to not be Tzimisce in particular. Trust me when I say that you don't want to give me those abilities in an even slightly freeform setting. I would also prefer not to be Ravnos or Giovanni.
I'm curious as to whether those answers are sufficient or if you want more to work with.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I posted there, more because I have a complete idea pretty much, and answered all the questions.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Why didn't you put this up last week when I still had an idea for a character to play?

I would just like to say add that a luchadore could easily be a Nosferatu, assuming he's mask and not hair. I almost want to make his tag team partner Guillermo "El Guapo" Ramoso, obviously he's hair and a Toreador. We can be the first kindred to attempt a double corkscrew plancha off a two story building.

Now that I've given myself nightmares with those images I'll just say that interest is shown. I'll have to think up an idea though, hopefully something inspires me.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I woulda posted it earlier, but figuring out what rules to include and what to not include was making my head spin.

Also all the wrestling, omg. lol Please no, one luchadore is enough!

Anyways, I'm glad so many people are interested! It warms my heart to see so many pretty things coming into my evil clutches.... to be bitten and toyed with in evils ways. I mean... loved and stuff! :) I'm sure it'll be fun.

Since this is my first time STing for multiple threads and because I'm a busy girl, I'm gonna cut off the sign ups at 6 which is the number we have now. I might accept more people later if I feel like I can handle it... or if you rock my socks with a character idea or something. Fair warning though, it's not easy to rock my socks.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I feel really bad for not knowing what this means.

Damn you /tg/, making me and yet not teaching me fuck all about wrasslin'.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I narrowed it down to three possible clans for each character dossier posted so far and then tentatively ranked them from 1 - 3. I like your guys' character ideas a lot! It's fun to read them and think about which clans might fit. Don't worry, nobody is getting a nossie or a sabbat clan per request, but I think some of you might be surprised. :)

I'm really busy this week, like it's not even funny how busy I am this week, but I'm planning to make the first posts either Friday night or Saturday.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Yeah that's probably my fault for giving you the rule book, I think you did a good job of making sense of it all though. And don't worry I was completely joking about making Blarg's tag-team partner.

Well despite it's silliness, I must admit to being entertained by pro wrestling especially luchadores. The plancha is a pretty common luchador move so here's an example for you, Blarg.

Oddly enough looking up plancha videos gave me some inspiration for a character. Now I just have to decide between my first idea and my second and write it up.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

The rulebook is a godsend though. It's really helping me tons.

Oh and I just wanted to say, if there's anyone that actually wants to be in the Giovanni clan, you should work together with me on making a character. They are VERY picky and don't embrace outside their family units basically. Also, I'm leaning toward not embracing PCs into sabbat clans, but if you do want to be in the sabbat, indicate that preference.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Well as long as it helped in some fashion, I'm glad.

I've got my sheet up, though it still needs my background. I've got a few more details to hammer out, should be up tomorrow though. Same with my music since I haven't had the chance to check Youtube just yet.

EDIT: And I'm done. At least enough for you to get started. Let me know if you have any questions or the like.
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Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Oh God you're Sheamus.

Also, uhh, if I recall correctly, according to ye olde lore, the vampire's fun bits stop working unless you apply vitae to them, and they sorta lose their sex drives concurrently. So, are we gonna go for sexy vampires, with wacky vampirevagoos (or draculapenises for the like two guys who are playing), given the nature of ULMF, or are we gonna rock it canon?
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Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

Kelly is Sheamus, sort of. He looks and fights like him at the very least. I did say I got the idea after looking up luchador wrestling videos. That coupled with learning Phillie has the second largest Irish-American population in the country. It just all sort of fell together perfectly while I was making him.

Like you said kindred don't usually care about sex, since feeding actually feels better than sex, they still use it quite often while seducing their victims. Just spend a little blood to make sure everything works right, which is fine since you're about to get it right back anyways.

Wait a minute why am I answering this question? Force of habit I guess. Though I would assume Ranger is leaning more towards canon style where yes you can have sex though it's not the foremost thing in your mind.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

I'm good with sex requiring a little blood to work right, but still feeling good -- just nowhere near as good as feeding. Sex AND Feeding would be great!

All consensual, naturally. :cool:

Also, -- a little gothy-metal remix. Dammit, now I want Corrine to be in a sexy vampire band. She'll have to be the vocalist though, since the only instrument she plays is the violin.
Re: Onyx Oasis Court (OOC Chat)

That's more what I meant to say actually.

Wait how do you consensually feed, damn Salubri popping up when they're supposed to be dead.