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OOC and Discussion Thread

Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Very well. Listed in Character Sheets.
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

When will we be starting this?
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Well, Sin's character isn't quite up yet, and after that, we start as soon as I can drum up enough of an idea to run with as a first Episode. Unless anyone else wants to, of course ;)
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Yeah... sorry about that folks...
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

I have something of an idea but I wouldn’t be able to implement it until probably late evening tomorrow at the earliest. At least now with my Halloween costume more or less finished, I only have to worry about minor things like college assignments.

Basic premise for the first episode: Rhapsody returns to (insert name of world where everyone is) after a marginally successful salvage op. The old crew has quit, leaving the captain in a bind, because there’s another job lined up and the ship needs a crew…

I figure this would give people a chance to introduce themselves and be collected into the crew. Ideas, suggestions, problems?
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Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Sounds like a plan to me. Do you know what that next job is, or are we crossing that hurdle when we get to it?

Also, what planet are we on, people? I'd poll the character sheets, but that's a lot of effort on my cell :/
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

I'm thinkin' Haven. It's pretty much a refuge planet, right next to mining, plus I like the name. :p
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Right, Haven it is then.

Alright, from what I know, Sin already knows her character, she just hasn't had the time to work it all out and put it up, so feel free to start any time you can Heretic :D
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Sounds like a plan to me. Do you know what that next job is, or are we crossing that hurdle when we get to it?

I have some ideas on that front as well but they sort of meander into a potential larger plot line and I’d kind of like to see where it goes first rather than establish such a concrete plan.

For now, I'll just worry about the first post.
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Fair enough, much of the larger plotlines are going to be split up anyways, as different people are running different episodes. Think like Mal's little plotline with Nishka, quite a spread between appearances there.

As for the first post, a bit of background on what's happened since Miranda, and some setting on wherever we start, should be enough. People can wander in as they have time, shouldn't be a problem.
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

First post is up, didn’t think to fill the gaps since Miranda because it’s getting late and I’ve been at the college all day and need sleep. I’ll try to flesh things out a bit more in my next post, after some people have had a chance to intro their characters.
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Or just editit in when you've got time, and leave a note here letting people know you did, doesn't matter. Get some sleep, see ya later.
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Hope I didn't go over the line with my post. I wanted to have a little fun and interaction instead of just wandering around xD

and here's some more Chinese in addition to what's in the book guidebook.
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Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Hah, I'm actually more worried about myself going over the line, introducing hostile dudes like that. :p

Now I don't know if I should make a post, making a few rolls to determine the success of the bluff, or if that would really be over the line. :eek: Since I'm not GM and all...
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

I'm so so sorry that I haven't posted anything at all. I've just been exhausted and cranky and my creative mind is spinning in too many different directions at the moment. I'll be on as soon as I can.
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

We've all had days like that, hehehe. Rest easy 'till ya feel alright. ;)
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Hey! Hey! Listen! Hey! Sin! Look!

Take your time, you've got plenty of it ;)
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Hey! Hey! Listen! Hey! Sin! Look!

Take your time, you've got plenty of it ;)

Thank Jesus Titty Fuckin Christ...

Pardon my blasphemy. :p