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OOC Chat and stuff

Re: OOC Chat and stuff

I'll give that a look over for accuracy, but my own additions if I may.

Mamono who train at the dojo and succeed do level up. Only one mamono can train at a dojo at a time though, so sending half a dozen mamono to all different dojos will not be allowed for the sake of my own sanity.

As well, this is all only important if you wish to make custom skills for your mamono. You can skip all of this hassle and I will make a skill for you and spare you having to learn all this nonsense.
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

Update: Because I've been thinking about a less cheesy method of strong defense (Not gaining 20 guts in order to hugely mitigate a 100 guts attack sort of destroys the point of using an ultimate skill like that) I've updated the Defense command and added another.

Defend! (Forsake using a skill and use Guts to mitigate the enemy's next attack by up to half. Scales with Tech.)
Get out of the way! (Use all current Guts to increase Speed for the enemy's next attack. Scales with Tech)

As well, I added a small rule for item use. Whenever you use an item and have the option of using another, you must wait five second in-game time before you can use another. (Just to clarify, mamono will normally gain 25 guts after five seconds.)
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

Also, I've decided how to work Kitsune-bi.

You may be excited to hear that when you are Rank C, your kitsune-bi may possess you to form a kitsune-tsuki, allowing you to participate in battles (granted, while you're possessed.)
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

All Ranchers get an emergency message in their mail.

Warning to all Ranchers and citizens of Venice city: A powerful creature has been sighted by frightened travelers. Venice cautions all Ranchers to avoid this new mamono by any means possible, and to absolutely not engage it until it's determined whether or not she is a threat.

Enclosed Picture of the sighted Mamono:
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

Ashley: "Lets be "
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

This is serious, Ashley. That mamono can just swoop right down and steal you away and rape y-wait nevermind you're fine.
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

*points into the sky*

It's Gojirra!
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

Attention Ranchers D Rank and above. A new race of mamono has been sighted to the north in the frozen lands. They hunt as individuals and are not too threatening to people, but caution is still advised.

Selkie: Grade D
Mamono Level: -
Life: E
Power: D
Intelligence: D
Defense: D
Skill: C
Speed: D
Loyalty: A
Tech: C
Special Trait: Grants herself and allies 20% Mag damage reduction, 
reducing damage up to 20% of her Mamono level before being destroyed.
Allies share the same protection, and all lose it if destroyed.
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

Iiiinteresting. Nao poast!
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

Weak mamono with corruption glyphs on their bodies are appearing in Hell! Somehow, they're really strong!

Ranchers may speak with Saphirette to participate in tournaments being held in Hell, and fight against these tough foes.

Gil isn't being offered as prize money, instead, there seems to be strange items available to the champions who defeat the dangerous mamono within Hell's Arena.
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Re: OOC Chat and stuff

Valdis has been added to the list of Unique Mamono. Venice is no longer the only one on the list.
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

All of the typing I did, I knew I would have to do if I explained the combat system. It was so easy to make, but explaining it makes my fingers bleed.

Two new things added to the information thread.
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

Updated the Dragon's art in the mamonodex to better fit how I wanted it to look. I merely found the art as well... In case one of you confuses me with someone with talent.

Re: OOC Chat and stuff

Updated the basic list of mamono (it doesn't include special abilities and parameters).


And here is the stats of the Khepri, who is now available to all ranchers to encounter.

Khepri: Grade D
Mamono Level: -
Life: D
Power: E
Intelligence: C
Defense: D
Skill: D
Speed: D
Loyalty: A
Tech: C
Special Trait: Special attack: "Infuse" ; D accuracy attack that inflicts Charm
upon an opponent. The effect has greater power and success rate when
more Mana is gathered. Infuse consumes all gathered Mana.
Special Trait2: The Khepri has an ability pool directly linked to it's Infuse
ability. Every time a magical attack is made by friend or foe, 10% of it's
power (before defense) is added to the Khepri's 'Mana'
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

Making a note here for myself:

Re: OOC Chat and stuff

I believe its about time I joined this game as well~
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

Even though it has stats, dis game is VERY RP oriented. Even the method of winning battles involves good role play in order to inspire yon mamonos, or losing battles by not inspiring them.
