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OOC Comments and General Discussion Thread

Re: OOC Comments and General Discussion Thread

This is my favourite post on the whole Citadel. XD

Sounds like fun, if you can juggle that much. Bring a Krogan, they're always wonderful. XD

I figured you, of us all, would pick up on that. Probably going to steal characters, too, rather than build my own, but with some tweaks. Have to see. That, and, well, I run games for two people. I think I can handle a bank of NPCs.

...And I might have derped some on a PM...

Did I muck something up? If so, can always retcon.
Re: OOC Comments and General Discussion Thread

Well, the stuff I'd send you, Copper, was explaining something that had previously happened when my characters were "recruited" near the beginning of the Anubis stuff, which was supposed to have happened about two years prior to this.

However, I did come up with a possible (potentially humorous) way of handling things if you want to leave the post as is, so... Up to you.
Re: OOC Comments and General Discussion Thread

So I'm thinking the colors will be based as follows for characters:

Normal Black = Siphon.
Blue = Talok.
Green = Sivok.
Red = Aya.
HotPink = Vanessa.
Teal = Draven.
Orange = Narlina.
Purple = Sivala.
Brown = Samantha Millstar
Navy = Julia

Other colors TBD at a later date, partially because I have to test what the selections are, and I also don't know who'll be talking a lot yet.
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Re: OOC Comments and General Discussion Thread

Guess I'll do one of these as well. Will update with more details later, mostly once Quint's properly introduced.

Black = Victor
Purple = Ravage
DarkGreen = Quint #1 (Has the same preciseness that Christopher Lee had, particularly in his roles as Saruman and Count Dooku.)
DarkOrange = Quint #2 (Has a patient tone to it, kind of similar to the 90's live-action TMNT Splinter.)
RoyalBlue = Quint #3 (Calm, direct... Perhaps similar to Morgan Freeman.)
Magenta = Quint #4 (Has a calm, diplomatic-ish sound to it, akin to how Liam Neeson spoke as Qui-Gon Jinn.)
Lime = Quint #5 (Think Tommy Chong's stoner routine.)
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Re: OOC Comments and General Discussion Thread

Well, the stuff I'd send you, Copper, was explaining something that had previously happened when my characters were "recruited" near the beginning of the Anubis stuff, which was supposed to have happened about two years prior to this.

However, I did come up with a possible (potentially humorous) way of handling things if you want to leave the post as is, so... Up to you.

Nah, s'okay. I'll edit it in. Could just be Ravage's way of saying hello. That, and it lets me take out the meta of bringing in the ME Crew. Which I think I'm going to do. Because I'm overdosing on the game currently and I have ideeeeeeeas. (Which may or may not frighten some.)
Re: OOC Comments and General Discussion Thread

It's a pain in the ass to edit colours from my phone. Thankfully, i'm only running two characters, so it shouldnt be too bad to separate them mentally. XD
Re: OOC Comments and General Discussion Thread

Ian's got a distinct way of speaking, so I'm not worried about differentiating mine. Maybe when I bring in the ME folk, I'll start, but I like to think I'm good about that.
Re: OOC Comments and General Discussion Thread

By the way, Victor had P.O.K.E.'d at least once during the war against Anubis, so the others would very likely know about the giant-crater-making-Punch that he mentioned using against Mirvik's ground boys.

...And he's also likely promised to warn before using it, hence the mention now.
Re: OOC Comments and General Discussion Thread

Alrighty, is anyone actually taking up Ari's offer of a ride to the surface? Wanna make sure before I make my post in the planet thread.

Edit: Oh, looks like Victor's fine then, at least. Kind of makes my trip look like the dangerous one, even. Should have read the planet thread before i asked. XD
Re: OOC Comments and General Discussion Thread

It's fine. Sho and Ian might go with you, since they can't exactly drop from orbit ;) Height, yes. Outside of the the atmosphere, not really *laughs* So, count two more among your bunch.
Re: OOC Comments and General Discussion Thread

Sorry for the wait. With any luck, I should have time to make a suitably epic post tonight or tomorrow.
Re: OOC Comments and General Discussion Thread

Re: OOC Comments and General Discussion Thread

I seriously hope Ariana didn't park the ship in the center of the crater...

Victor's going to need to get back out before he can get into the fight.
Re: OOC Comments and General Discussion Thread

he's got plenty of time to get out before she arrives. She launched her ship about the same time Victor hit atmo.
Re: OOC Comments and General Discussion Thread

Well, I suppose that I could edit my first to include that... Was kind of hoping to avoid doing that, though.

EDIT: Actually, now that I think of it, doing both fists for the P.O.K.E. might leave the crater large enough that she'd have to be off-center, otherwise the people getting off of the ship (Minus Sho) would have to climb out, which would leave them exposed for a while.
Re: OOC Comments and General Discussion Thread

you could also mention that he's already out of the crater by the time she lands in your next post.
Re: OOC Comments and General Discussion Thread

Yeah, but that would also mean that he's going to have started fighting before everyone else got there.

Look, the only point to me dropping him in right away was so I could get the P.O.K.E. off before I had to worry about figuring out where everyone else's characters were so they didn't get caught. I'd always intended to leave him under the rubble in the bottom of the crater until the rest of you got there. And since he'd be using jump jets to leave the crater, that would result in either A) a large hole in Ariana's ship and/or B) damage to him.

That's why I'm not wanting her ship in the exact center of the bloody crater, not to mention the previous issue of that placement leaving the others slowed down in getting into the fight as well. It's not some tank-shell hole. It's BIG.
Re: OOC Comments and General Discussion Thread

That's kind of why she's parking there, it's big enough to protect her ship. If it's literally multiple ships wide and deep, then yeah, park it on the side, makes no difference to me. Or just have him do his jumping out thing just before she comes in. Or if it's really that large that climbing it is gonna tucker folk out, then she'll open it up at the edge and let everyone off, then go and park it down there alone while you join them. Plenty of options here.
Re: OOC Comments and General Discussion Thread

if it's really that large that climbing it is gonna tucker folk out

Let me put it this way: Ever seen the movie "Glory"...? Specifically, the fort assault at the end?
Re: OOC Comments and General Discussion Thread

Nope. tried youtubing it, came up with a civil war scene. no craters large enough to hide a person, really. Chances are that's not it, then.