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OOC Discussion thread

Re: OOC Discussion thread

Before I make a character, will there be rape if we lose and have to roleplay as being sex slaves? Because that would be awesome!
Re: OOC Discussion thread

I second Iggy's question, and I would certainly be interested in playing were it the case =P.
Re: OOC Discussion thread

I remember this game! Wow, a text game/RP version of it? How do I sign up? When will it start?
Re: OOC Discussion thread

I hope this is still going, I am all excited...
Re: OOC Discussion thread

Not to be rude, but I really would like to know the official answer to my question.
Re: OOC Discussion thread

@ Skull: not sure. Life is insane and haven't gotten around to doing system stuff.
@Iggy: I guess. If the players in question wish to.
Re: OOC Discussion thread

Re: OOC Discussion thread

I dont like to step on other peoples toes or anything but do you need any help figuring anything out?
Re: OOC Discussion thread

Alright. Every body, please look at the rules thread again; and honestly this time work on the to will pick back up now and I think we should b able to begin before long.
Re: OOC Discussion thread

Oh-Kay--- I have two choices for gameplay, #1- I can make it simple with like three or so base stats that everything can fall under; or #2- I can have like thee or so main stats and several sub divided skills that rely on the main stats and allow for more customization. I need to know what sounds Best to you all an which system I should go with for making enemies and such.
Re: OOC Discussion thread

It doesn't really matter to me. The more complex it is, the less I'll understand it, but that gives me the chance to do what I do best; stumble around blindly and shoot fireballs at things.
Re: OOC Discussion thread

Even when the number 2 sound cool, all depend which one is better for you, if you make it very customizable more problems will you had. But maybe you could enjoy it more with more rules and dont saw the same character in many threads
Re: OOC Discussion thread

I like complex but simple is easier to run and follow I have found.
Re: OOC Discussion thread

Okay. I think I will keep this simple.

So for stats there will be:


And Dodge and Attack

I think I will try to keep it akin to the lines of DnD. With things being determined by rolling a d20. With the highest any stay can go being a 20-21, giving a +5 bonus. Con determines hp, Int determines Mp and what you can do with magic , and strength and dex determine attack and defense. Things like bluff will be done by a random unmodified d20 roll, and puzzle solving and trap disabling are done with Int.

Do you think this is good enough to work?
Re: OOC Discussion thread

Seems useful and good. More details perhaps?
Re: OOC Discussion thread

I figured I should add fortitude, reflex and will as well, to handle things like trap, poison chests, breath attacks, and other special abilities.

Which will start out at +0 or +1 and the max. will be +5. And increase every two to four levels. With the max level being either 10 or 20. All characters will begin as level 1.

And one other thing I forgot to finish it: AP (Arousal Points) these will be determined by adding your DEX,STR,and WILL modifiers together.

I am thinkin of possibly addingtraits like in egg to this as well, what do you think?

PS: Resistance to AP damage is done through WILL save.

Finally, last thing before char sheet us finished: AC/armor class= 10+dex modifier+armor bonus+misc. bonus.

I will work on armor And weapons later.
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Re: OOC Discussion thread

Sure, all sound good the armors and trails will help you to customize the characters without make the game hard to make, i would love some kind of corruption stat but that will make the game bad for many
Re: OOC Discussion thread

such things like a corruption stat could be ab option at the beginning. just tell people to write on their sheet, weather they will have corruption or not. (I personnel only prefer mental corruption, not physical)