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OOC Discussion thread

Re: OOC Discussion thread

Should I use the stats from the walkthrough for the bosses, or water them down/tweak them some?
Re: OOC Discussion thread

The bosses have a ton of hp.
Re: OOC Discussion thread

Keep in mind that LWR requires ridiculous amounts of grinding, which we aren't going to be able to do. You should probably tweak them.
Re: OOC Discussion thread

Or we could just PBP being Tiss's bitch, or any of the other bosses' bitch..
Re: OOC Discussion thread

Okay enemies and first campaign bosses complete:
Wererat- 3 hp 2 exp- can inflict poison/ 1 hp per round till cured
werebat- 3 hp 3 exp
Weretiger- 3 hp 4 exp
FonFon- 10 HP - aphrodisiac claws - X AP
Skeleton- 5 hp 4 exp
Chimera- 6 hp 6 exp- breath deals 3 damage- can inflict poison
Minotaur - 7 hp 7 exp
Sorcereress- 15 HP - spell - X damage- lust wave- X AP
ghost- 10 hp 7 exp- cold hand- 3 MP damage
Cerberus- 12 hp 8 exp breath deals 5 damage
Lamia- 14 hp 9 exp spell deals 4 damage - can inflict poison
Tiss- 25 hp - spell does x damage
Salamander- 18 hp 11 exp - breath deals 7 damage
Undine- 21 hp 12 exp
Sylph- 24 hp 14 exp
Foless- 30 hp - spell deals x damage- lust deals x AP- charm- cannot act for 1d4 rounds
Amazoness- 30 hp 14 exp - can inflict poison
Grappler- 34 hp 16 exp
Dullahan- 38 hp 18 exp- glare deals 5 mp damage
Knight- 40 hp
Dragon- 46 hp 19 exp - breath deals 9 damage
Death - 61 hp 21 exp - glare deals 6 mp damage
Sphinx- 66 hp 23 exp- spell deals 7 damage
Cubast- 75 hp - aphrodisiac tentacles- deals 3 AP

I still need to give them ability scores and such but I got the bare bones done for now. I'd appreciate if someone could give me a hand on that. Then all that'll be left to do is armor and weaponry. Then we can start finally.
Re: OOC Discussion thread

Let me know what you think of this:

Dagger 1d2 damage
Q.staff 1d2 damage
Long sword 1d3 damage
Bastard sword 1d6 damage
G sword 1d4 damage
Polearm 1d6 damage

Wooden +1 defense light and heavy
Copper + 1 light +2 heavy
Iron +2 light and heavy
Steel +2 light + 3 heavy
Mithril +3 light +4 heavy
Orihalcon +4 light and + 5 heavy


Dagger= w/1 g c/2 g I/3 g s/ 5g m/10 g o/20g
Q.Staff= w 3 g c/4 g I/5g s/7g m/14g o/28g
L.Sword= w/ 3 g c/ 5 g I/ 7g s/10g m/20 g o/40g
Bastard Swrd.= w/5g c/10g I/15g s/20g m/ 40g o/ 80g
Great Sword= w/10g c/15g I/20g s/25g m/50g o/100 g
Polearm= w/7g c/12g I/18g s/23g m/50g o/150g

Light wood shield = 1g heavy wood shield= 3G
Light copper shield= 3G heavy copper shield= 9g
Light iron shield= 6g heavy iron shield = 12 g
Light steel shield= 12g heavy steel shield= 24g
Light mithril shield= 25g heavy mithril shield = 50g
Light orihalcon shield= 50g heavy orihalcon shield=100g

Players may start with weapon of choice of iron or lower and 1d6x100 gold

G=gold, w=wood, c=copper, I=iron, s=steel, m=mithril,o= orihalcon

W=+0 to attack/defense, c= +1, I=+2, s=+3 m=+4, o=+5

Ok there's the weapons and shield list. Please feel free to point out any thing that needs changing, and I'll get around to it.
Re: OOC Discussion thread

What about the mythril equipment and other stuff from the second game?
Re: OOC Discussion thread

We can worry bout that when & if people make it through the first game.

Edit: I have NOT played the second game. So im clueless as to what the equipment is, and what the enemies and bosses can do. Also I have mythrill, I just misspelled it obviously.
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Re: OOC Discussion thread

I was looking back and I was wondering about stats, if str => attack and dex => dodge and int => Mp and con => HP, why bother with eight stats, why not just have 4? get rid of HP, MP, Dodge, attack and just do Str vs Dex and using magic drains you Int, and getting hit drains your str? it seems much simpler.
Re: OOC Discussion thread

Okay after letting it lie dormant I gave finally decided to try to get this going again, I've been thinking of maybe just ripping te system from the Egg and using it, applying certain traits to certain enemies and bosses, and maybe ignoring armor and weapons from the game or something. For example:

The werewolf would have aggressor,whip proficiency,or something; sorceress,dark elf and maybe the succubus would have magic at varying levels, knight errant would have combat expertise and so on and so on.
Re: OOC Discussion thread

ok, in that way will be more easy for you and if you need it, you could add more things later.
Re: OOC Discussion thread

Okay, what I've decided to do is run the game the same way egg is run. Traps,puzzles and other non combat actions are decided by a non modified d20 roll, combat is settled by a d20 roll vs the enemy or boss(es). You have a maximum of 5 hearts (Game Over's), everytime you lose to a boss it is a game over, and you are sent to the bottom subfloor; both worlds have 4 subfloors, which you must make your way through to get back to your starting point. The stat blocks work the same as Egg's as well as the traits. Special Attacks, Magic Spells, and etc. can be learned over the course of the game depending on how well you RP, what you find, and etc. just be sure to keep them reasonable, no auto kills or nothing. Also feel free to come up with your own traits, and run them by me for approval. Other then that, I am ready to beginning reviewing and or accepting character sheets again, and will hopefully be able to finally start it in proper fairly soon.

Re: OOC Discussion thread

Nice to see this thing revived, deciding to toss my hat into the ring. good luck Tent. :)
Re: OOC Discussion thread

Is everyone else okay with having the same dungeon, just to make things easier on me, or does everybody want something "individual"? Secondly, if anyone wishes I can do multiplayer dungeons as well.
Re: OOC Discussion thread

I'm fine with same dungeon, monsters will keep things switched up.
Re: OOC Discussion thread

im fine with both, multiplayer and same dungeon, but individual game also sound fine

PS: character sheet edited
Re: OOC Discussion thread

Okay for all my players, stats will go like this:

HP 5/5
AP 0/10
MP (if applicable) 3/3

The only stat that is likely to change is MP, when your magic trait, if you took it, goes up in level. For players other then Dep, unless you mention it in your sheet or discuss it with me you don't know any other magic then standard fireballs/attack spells which take up no MP.

You will also have a number of GO's (game overs) before its GO for good.

Armor has it's own HP. Which you can find by visiting the Pheonix's Games sub forum in the RP sections archives. The types of armor, the cost and HP is in the char creation thread there.

@Dep: You can only heal one point total of either yours, a friendly NPCs, or your armors total health, per use of heal or mend. Also your magic shield only confers a +1 bonus to dodge/defense.

That's all for now, if anyone has any questions, concerns, or complaints let me know in here and I'll try to work things out with you. :)
Re: OOC Discussion thread

@Dep: You can only heal one point total of either yours, a friendly NPCs, or your armors total health, per use of heal or mend. Also your magic shield only confers a +1 bonus to dodge/defense.

Sounds good to me.
Re: OOC Discussion thread

I'll try to get posts out for everyone before I have to go to work today, if not it maybe Thursday when I have more time and freedom to work on things.