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Talk about your ideas, questions, and if you're going to leave or not here. If you're going to leave the RP, please state so here instead of disappearing. That can cause a lot of trouble.
Re: OOC/Discussion

So so so...

I notice you've posted the first in game events. Are players going to receive their own entrances/intros, or is this a "walk into the scene" type thing?
Re: OOC/Discussion

Walk into the scene. But each character is to have their own intrepretation of how to quell the Dark King and his forces. And each object would be said to be different things passed down by legend. (Platinum Spheres for Mystique, something else for a different character.)
Re: OOC/Discussion

Ok. Though I'm getting the impression there might be more you could explain to help us get to grips with what's going on here. Have our characters literally just appeared/found themselves in this world without knowing what's going on, or might they have some idea of what's what already?

My characters whimsical enough that he should be fairly easy to play even if I don't know these things, but the other guys might need more to go on.

An object passed down through prinny legend huh... that could be any number of random things. =)
Re: OOC/Discussion

Heh. They are very similar, yet different. Our heroes might have known about the legend, as the world is completely crumbling. The only way is to get 5 objects stated in legend to ward off the king and restore peace.

Though you could play a regular freedom fighter and battle against the minions he sent there.
Re: OOC/Discussion

I'd just like to know if I've got a green light for Ammy or if she needs a little work in your opinion.
Re: OOC/Discussion

She looks like she would be fine, as her story looks like it could be in this story as well.
Re: OOC/Discussion

Update. Since I do not want this to go in the way of most RP's (People aren't posting, et al) I will go ahead and post my turns until someone else joins in with us.
Re: OOC/Discussion

I won't be available today or Thursday probably. I am sorry for the long wait.
Re: OOC/Discussion

Labtop is broken so I wont be able to post for a week or two... so go right a head on without me.
Re: OOC/Discussion

Attention. Be sure to make up enemies. I can't be the only one with ideas for them.
Re: OOC/Discussion

I've been thinking about enemies, and I believe I will have Orochi being reborn as the result of a band of demons based around the the Chinese zodiac. I want each animal to hold a power based on Amaterasu's brush techniques, but I can't seem to actually work that out.

Stay tuned for further developments.

I think I'll use this thread for brainstorming.

Demons of the Zodiac (I believe their official title would be "Akuma no Sheng Xiao")

I wonder if I should just make them direct opposing forces to the Gods which give Ammy her powers in the game.

Rat Tachigami - Slash
Ox Itegami - Ice
Tiger Gekigami - Lightning
Hare Yumigami - Moon
Dragon Yomigami - Rejuvenation
Snake Nuregami - Water
Horse Kazegami - Wind
Sheep Kasugami - Mist (Time)
Monkey Hanagami (Sakigami, Hasugami, Tsutagami) - Plant
Rooster Moegami - Fire
Dog Ametarasu - Sun
Pig Bakugami - Cherry Bomb
Cat Kabegami - Wall Climb

I'll take some artistic license and bump Ammy off the list and replace her with Kabegami so there are actually 12 beings, and I'll transfer the Sun power to whatever I decide to do with the Hare space.
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Re: OOC/Discussion

Since I've decided to involve powers of chaos, might as well introduce some Space Marine knockoffs into the enemy ranks, maybe something like imperial guard... I have to warn you people first, though: I'm most likely going to stay offline for the whole next week. A trip to Germany is about to begin and I might have not enough time or chances to post anything.
Re: OOC/Discussion

As my character is the Master Chief expect me to be putting in some shadow remnants of the Covenant.
Re: OOC/Discussion

I suggest people ignore Undead_Kenny's post ingame as s/he/it hasn't posted a character. Well, until we can get some clarification from Lila anyway.
Re: OOC/Discussion

Oh god how could i forget to post my char info...im terribly sorry,just ignore my post and go on with your story.
Re: OOC/Discussion

Either way the character would have to be approved by Lila before you could post. Unless it's already been approved?
Re: OOC/Discussion

Well either way,its deleted now.But i did send a message to him/her if i could join later.he/she answere itl have to be when they have ;eft the city.
Re: OOC/Discussion

I'm back and got a question. When we come up with enemies do you want use to post them in to the enemy list or PM them to you for the ok first?
Re: OOC/Discussion

I'd imagine Lila meant for you to just post them. Which reminds me, I still need to type up mine.