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OOC Thread


Mar 28, 2009
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Exactly what it sounds like.

This isn't the place to post your character sheets; that is Here, along with what you'll want to know before creating a character sheet.

If all the threads have gotten you absolutely lost, I've made a list of all the threads below, in decending order of how useful I think they would be to a new player.

1. The Expanded Details Thread - gives you a good idea of the game.
2. Quick Start Guide & How to Make a Character (Character Sheets go here) - contains summary of the main information about the game, then follows it with all the nessesary instruction to create a character.
3. The Story So Far - a retelling of the events at the end of the old DULMF, it will tell you more than you will probably ever need to know about the previous events of the game. The main points are covered in the Quick Start thread, but if you can stand the large amount of writing, this will get you much more familiar with the characters than the short version.
4. Ingame History of ULMF and the Internet - this tells the story of what has happened to ULMF in the past. There is a far shorter version of it in the Quick Start Guide, and most of the history of ULMF will probably be either irrelevant, or explained in game, making this a fairly low priority thread. Still, it is more lore to immerse yourself in, should you be the kind of person who likes that sort of thing.

(Edit: Wait... crap... how do I sticky this thing? Triple edit - thanks Nunu)

Double Edit: Oh, look. Courtsey of Copper from years ago in old DULMF, we have ourselves a tagline:

"This is our reality. Run with it."
Last edited:
Re: OOC Thread

Excuse me while I dust off the musty old scent of a sub-forum that was secretly made ages ago.

...There we go. Now it's last posted in some time this year!
Re: OOC Thread

So when does this start, anyway?

Oh, and by the way, I've been thinking about actually making some changes to the character sheet I've sent you some time ago. I'll send you a message later with the details, if that's not a problem.
Re: OOC Thread

I may rejoin this myself, however I intend to vastly rework Siphon. I'm flitting back and forth atm between several ideas, one which would turn him into a vampire himself, but more like Sanctuary's version. I actually can't fully remember how he was at the end of the last version of this, though I think he may have been able to teleport and somewhat insane.

Ideally if I do return him, it would be after this has started up again and it'd be more like he finds you folks than anything. Again though, still working on ideas to toy around with. If anyone knows what he was like previously, that'd help out.
Re: OOC Thread

Host. You beautiful fucking bastard. I knew you could pull this off. You know who the hell I'm bringing in for this, with a few modifications.

Considering I've been through a name change since then, means Burrito's going to need some changes as well. Either way, this is going to be awesome.
Re: OOC Thread

Couple of questions... First: Can a new member join this?
Second: Can I have a character be ageless? They can be killed, but they stay young. I have a character in mind, but I'd have to time warp him, and make him MUCH weaker.
Re: OOC Thread

Couple of questions... First: Can a new member join this?

Most assuredly.

Second: Can I have a character be ageless? They can be killed, but they stay young. I have a character in mind, but I'd have to time warp him, and make him MUCH weaker.

Immortal, in the sense of being unable to die from aging, is fine. And it won't hurt to post the character up and have Pale and I check the sheet. Once we finish working out the kinks of the remaining character sheets (Suri's, Siphon's, now yours), and approve them with the agreement of the players, I'll put up the first post. Need to know who's playing before I start saying that they show up in game, after all.
Re: OOC Thread

Okay, thanks. Should be a barrel full of laughs, then.
Re: OOC Thread

Wellp, I figure that's about enough waiting for the game to start.

Shadearion hasn't informed me as to how he wants his character to join the game, so for the moment I'll presume that he's in the same place as everyone else, and retcon him out if he wants to start some other way.

But that aside - let the game begin!
Re: OOC Thread

Just a minor note:
In the band of shadows between the light divide, a person sits on a chair, their only easily notable feature being a pair of square, reflective glasses.

It was the above guy that was egging Grave on. Nunu is still in darkness.
Re: OOC Thread

Seeing as my character wasn't mentioned, can I assume I'm waiting to be introduced, or can I jump in?
Re: OOC Thread

I was wondering about that myself, thought you already had something planned with them *shrugs*.
Re: OOC Thread

Nope... nothing was planned. Hence my confusion.
Re: OOC Thread

Aww, crud. My bad, I thought I had edited Sinful into the list of people Aika says hi to, but I must not have saved that version of the file. Sinful is good to start posting.
Re: OOC Thread

Host when you have a chance check my PM out that I sent you, as well as we need to work out where will be good on my end to pop in. I have a couple of ideas but nothing concrete yet.

If you have an AIM or something lmk and I'll chat with you there, will make it much easier.
Re: OOC Thread

For those of you who might be wondering: No, I'm not sure where Truffles thinks he is, either.
Re: OOC Thread

Doublepost because nobody will notice if I just edit the other one:

Shade, for the sake of simplicity, just assume you've been at the meeting the whole time and just didn't say anything previously.

Grave, Host hasn't actually touched him. The jabs were in the figurative sense.
Re: OOC Thread

My bad, I misread one bit of your post... I am not that dumb, though. I can tell the difference between one jab and another.
Re: OOC Thread

Hehe, my revised post is now up. Took me an hour to write the original in between stuff at work, forgot to refresh before I posted to see if anyone else had ninja'd me. Ended up missing like four posts, so yeah, got that fixed now.