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OOC Thread

Re: OOC Thread

Damn... forgot Shade put the rifle back. I'm going to have to edit my post. Alrighty Shade?

*Edit* Couple days later and no word if Shade is willing to change up, so fuck it. Sin just forgot he put the rifle back.
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Re: OOC Thread

Ack... Sorry about the absence. I've been a bit stuck on how I want combat to go. I think I've decided, now, though I'll confer with Pale for a bit before handing out any advice on how to post in a combat scene. For the moment, just post as comes natural.
Re: OOC Thread

Well, I'm on my way on vacation, where I wil be without so much as cell service for the better part of a week. Pale, please get back to me hopefully today, I should be able to make a post tomorrow, then I'll be back saturday or sunday. Apologies if I wind up slowing things down.
Re: OOC Thread

Hmm. Pale would seem to be effectively on indefinite leave, so I'll be attempting to control Rapture until I can stick her somewhere safe, or Pale comes back. That’s going to be somewhat problematic, given that Rapture was the driving force behind deciding the player-groups’ actions; since the GM and Rapture now act within the space of the same post, I'm tempted to make things a bit chunkier, and move the story further each time. (Case in point, the post I’m about to make/have made. With control of Rapture, I was tempted to move it further, because there isn’t much to do but offer an opinion at the point that it currently ends.) In the unlikely chance that someone wants to, I’m willing to let another player control Rapture rather than myself.

Less immediately important is the fact that I never heard anything back from Pale about the best method of setting up a fight in this RP. Instead of just deciding for myself, I figure I'll throw the question out to the people it actually influences.

The way I see it, there are three options:

1. The Old DULMF way; players get to write the totallity of their character's actions. This includes deciding that they killed or at least hit an enemy. Strong and important enemies wouldn't be auto-hit by players, but mooks would be able to be killed simply because the player said that they died. Of course, the GM would step in if anyone tried to godmod and go beyond the boundries of their character's abilities, but other than that the players would be allowed to do as they pleased with weak mooks.

If the player had to do all the writing, of course, a fight could become quite boring. The GM still controls the mooks, and the mooks still fight back; just because you can kill individuals easily doesn't mean that a group is not a threat. Even if you're highly resistant to bullets, the most bog-standard humans can still attempt to use a grenade or a rocket launcher... and in the GM's response, you'll have to deal with their retaliation. On new enemies, you most likely won’t immediately know how strong they are; thusly, you would only be able to auto-kill enemies you already had an understanding of. Personally, though, this isn't my favourite option - but it's one I could do.

2. The players give a simple post indicating that they are attacking, leaving the GM to decide what they do and how successful they are. It has the benefits of letting the action be written by one person, potentially making it flow better. It has the disadvantage of possibly getting boring for players, who would likely not feel any ownership toward the action occurring, given that it’s almost entirely being created by the GM.

3. Between 1 and 2; the players do everything short of deciding if their attack succeeds. The players go into a decent amount of detail about what they’re doing; a shooter might be targeting a certain part of the enemy’s body, or a certain enemy within a group. Melee fighters can express the movements they are making; running, blocking, attacking in a certain manner (jab, uppercut, sweep). Mages, psions, and other power users get to describe the attack they’re launching. The GM’s response then indicates whether or not they hit, the damage they do, and how the enemy/s retaliate.

4. Variable; the player posts as much detail as they want to go into as per 1 2 and 3, and the GM responds as would be appropriate for each one. Basically, what we’ve been doing.

Also, rather than putting it in the RP thread; Suri, while there is a mechanically powerful being in the complex – to a degree of mechanically powerful, anyway – there isn’t anyone Suri would be able to sense. When Host says techie, he really does just mean a nerd, not a Hacker/Programmer.

(Lastly: Sorry for the absence, a small series of unfortunate, disconnected events has stopped me from being able to write basically all the past week.)
Re: OOC Thread

Personally, I think 3 or 4 are the best options here. At least, I like them more than others.
Re: OOC Thread

I agree with Cross. 3 and 4 sound good. I'm more partial to 4, but that's just me.
Re: OOC Thread

I'm alright with whatever, as I try to just use the same style as everybody else does anyways. 3 and 4 do sound good, but it wouldn't be hard to switch to whichever for specific parts if necessary. Use 1 for mobs of nobodies to move things along faster, switch to 2 if the GM wants it to go a certain way for plot or sommat, use 3-4 for neral use, that kind of thing.
Re: OOC Thread

I agree that 3 and 4 sound good. I think how we've been doing it has been working, so why change it really?
Re: OOC Thread

The post I just made doesn't exactly move things too far forward, but never mind. If I went any further than this break, I'd probably need a second post to fit it all. For the moment, feel free to respond to the various bits of conversation were appropriate and then move your character along with the rest. *Grin*

As for the fight-style, for the moment I'll go with 4, given that it's the more open of the two most favoured choices. I may end up changing that later, depending on how things go.
Re: OOC Thread

Having difficulty finding the motivation to post at the moment... I'll try to come up with something soon.