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OOC Thread


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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We can continue discussion about the game in this thread.
Re: OOC Thread

Bumping this thread, however I'm doing it with content.

I'd like to keep this separate from the official "creation" thread because this will be used solely for discussion.

I'd like throw out some ideas and questions that I feel the players should have in mind as they are writing their best interests. The 4 plot points and now the characters we have created all raise a bunch of questions.

We know that we have a tower full of powerful mages, and we know that they have slaves because they have a NPC slavemaster and a PC slave girl. Where do they get these slaves from? Perhaps from the Raiding Town? Why does the tower need slaves?

We also know that the Raiders live in the squat town along the river, and that they have many "ugly" boats that they raid with. But who do they raid? Do they raid solely for money and supplies? or do they take prisoners and slaves? Maybe they supply the Tower with these slaves? If so, why?

I have introduced a rebel NPC. She represents the opposition. But what is this opposition? escaped prisoners? bent but unbroken villagers who have been raided before?

What are the Daughters of Lilith? One is an Enchantress, the other is a Serpent Demoness? Will they rule this land as the prophecy says?

None of these questions need be answered right away - nor even by any one person. But as we play this out, we will inevitably fill in the blanks, and one way to help fill them in (or even create new and interesting "blanks") is through your best interests.

I encourage you to list other questions about the world that you feel might need answering. You can feel free to posit ideas here. Nothing will be considered "fact" until it is written into the actual story thread, but it is here that we might formulate ideas together about what we want to see.
Re: OOC Thread

Regarding the terms of being an 'ally' with other characters, as my character is generally more on the healing and For-Others side of the fence, you're saying it should be a general rule that she 'not' actively do things for others? Like, only in a limited extent? Such as the difference between simply doing something for another person, and actually being in the presence of another person and helping them do it?

I just think it's a bit odd how we're encouraged not to be on friendly terms with 'anyone,' when I have a character so devoted to aiding others, stat wise.
Re: OOC Thread

I think I'm saying this wrong. Argh.

You can be friendly. You can be allies. You can be a good person in a Wicked Age.

I think what I've been trying to get at is the idea that best interests should be at odds with other best interests.

Example from the book:

PC#1: It's in Tajie's best interest to be a virgin when she is married to the Harvest God.

PC#2: It's in Mehka's best interest to take Tajie as his bride and prevent her marriage to the Harvest God, and make certain she is not a virgin.

NPC: It's in Ameka's interest to make sure Tajie marries the harvest god, and to take Mehka as her lover.

These three characters don't want to kill each other. They can help each other against outside danger and might be happy to do so - but their interests still create conflict.
Re: OOC Thread

Alright, that makes sense. So while Arwia wants to stop what the Master of the tower is doing as well, when her fellow Greenhorn comes into consideration, she doesn't want anyone to be killed either, just for the sake of the murderer to take the previous title owner's place.

So, while Arwia and Rakdos may be on the same side, "We don't want to be sacrificed," Arwia doesn't agree with his best interest? For instance, I can edit in that she does not want any bloodshed to occur.
Re: OOC Thread

Alright, that makes sense. So while Arwia wants to stop what the Master of the tower is doing as well, when her fellow Greenhorn comes into consideration, she doesn't want anyone to be killed either, just for the sake of the murderer to take the previous title owner's place.

So, while Arwia and Rakdos may be on the same side, "We don't want to be sacrificed," Arwia doesn't agree with his best interest? For instance, I can edit in that she does not want any bloodshed to occur.

Exactly. Now in order to satisfy her best interests, she will have to stop both the Master and Rakdos from fulfilling their best interests - but not necessarily harming either one. It will be a harder task, as she will need to discover a way to accomplish this, but it will be a far more interesting and rewarding one.
Re: OOC Thread

Sounds interesting I'm going to read through everything again to make sure I got it all down.
Re: OOC Thread

If you're interested in playing, WeirdOne, message me.
Re: OOC Thread

Yes, you can make a post in response to your bit. I'm still writing the walls of text for the other players, but if I've made a post regarding your character, then you may post. Chronologically not everyone will start at the same time, but I think it'll be okay after a bit.

Also, if anyone has a problem with any liberties I've taken with their character, let me know and I'll edit accordingly. I've tried to avoid any personal backstories beyond that which is required to put you in the present situation in the story.

Halrikk's background is coming next, because I referred to it in Zakiri's intro. After that it'll be Nadia. And then I'll get to Akashka when Tenta gives me a second best interest.
Re: OOC Thread

Do you handle all NPC actions, or are we allowed to write minor things for them? Obviously anything major is out of the question (e.g. PC decides to leave, writes NPC as following without you deciding it), but what about small things (PC accepts drink from NPC, hands glass back to NPC, things like that).

Sorry if that's not terribly clear, I can't think of any good examples.
Re: OOC Thread

I get what you're saying, and the answer is yes, minor control of the environment is allowed - and players may introduce reasonable lore into the world within their posts. For instance, if you wanted to have Halrikk remember a time from his childhood in some far away city, and you choose to name that city and describe it- then that city becomes a part of the world.

If something isn't appropriate I'll let players know and some editing can be done.

If at any point you're unsure, post your ideas in this thread or message me. Other players may have good suggestions that you or I might not think of, and putting ideas in the OOC thread helps.
Re: OOC Thread

I sat down, and pressed the reply button, but as soon as I tried to write, I thought of future events, and I just couldn't help but feel hesitant as all the thoughts of fighting, and conflict came up, with very, very unsexy results. I may have stated it in my interest somewhere, but I am mostly in RP for the sexy material. Even if you gave me all the high dice in the game, and I beat everybody in conflicts, unless sex happened, I'd feel kind of unsatisfied, as I'm not one for unfriendly competition. A waste of time, and usually someone leaves the table with an ill disposition.

And this thought also came from a conversation with Grave, as the conclusion we drew was fairly much that our characters would be utter enemies, or at least his to mine, as he naturally isn't fond for the good willed, love filled and passionate types. I can easily predict a whole lot of angry killing, everyone out at each other's throats. Something I'm fine with readin', but wouldn't feel fine with writing, as my characters are usually on the good side, or the neutral side, at worst. My character currently just seems so out of place in such a dark, morbid setting. Not that I had any ideas before hand, but with high character traits of love and will to do things for others, instead of herself, I can easily tell that most of her bunk mates will not share her ideas.
Re: OOC Thread

Well, if explaining why Arwia would be striving for peaceful solutions in such a harsh world is what your struggling with, there are a number of reasons that could explain it. Perhaps she was raised in some kind of pacifist religious order, and her beliefs prevent her from acting out violently. Or maybe she's a kind of good intentioned villain, who thinks the only way to make the world better is to force people to play nice. Maybe she's insanely perfectionist and sees injuries as an imperfection, and violence causes that imperfection, so it has to be prevented and reversed at all costs. You can rule out violence, on your part at least, by coming up with other solutions. You're character is a mage after all, and I would think that she is capable of other spells than healing, that's just her specialty. I had a character in Pheonix's Both Sides adventure that was a mage that never cast any harmful magic, just things like summoning help and oiling herself up and so on.

As far as wanting to see sex, well, you can always steer your character towards that yourself. Maybe that can be how Arwia prevents violence? Or she's just very suggestive and tends to get people thinking about sex. As far as Rakdos and Arwia being enemies, neither character actually wants to go along with the master's plan for sacrificing one and inducting the other. You two could actually help each other, without either going against your interests. That doesn't mean you have to like each other...
Re: OOC Thread


Since the forum is what it is, I'll start off with the simpler of your two issues - both of which I might add are totally legit, and I'm glad you aired out your thoughts here.

So, to address the sex issue. The system itself does not guarantee it, and is not centered around it, but at the same time does nothing to discourage it, and if the players and the moderator make an effort towards it (which we're all obviously willing to do) it can and will happen. I'm three posts into Halrikk's tale and he's already getting a handjob from a snake lady - I'd say that's in tune with this forum's mojo.

The Silver Tower is meant to be a place of unknown wonder, mystery, and desire. I am certain that if Arwia explores her magical environs, she will find something willing to give her a ride on the orgasm express. If you have any preferences as to what kind of encounter you wish her to have, you can state your interests here or PM me in advance.

As for fighting and conflict - fighting is as optional as sex (and requires that you use With Violence) but the heart of any story is conflict, and that is what this system promises to deliver in abundance. If you didn't want to involve yourself in a story with conflict, then we might have a problem, but I for one think that your character Arwia is in a position to become an incredibly interesting protagonist.

Character creation is so simple in A Wicke Age in order to force players to define their character from the central story, rather than forcing the GM to craft a story from decentralized characters.

Arwia is provocative. You want her to be a good character, and I think she should be as well. That means we need to answer the question "What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?"

Xivvix is right in that just because your Particular Strength is healing, it doesn't mean that you don't have other powers. It just means you don't get any mechanical benefit from them. And your healing itself might be more than just knitting wounds. I was thinking about Arwia yesterday, and was thinking of her strength more as a "restoration" magic than a "healing." What if she could "heal" corruption? What if she could "restore" a true face that had been enchanted into something else? What if her magics might be able to undo the evil works of an entire tower of despicable mages?

;) It's just a suggestion, but maybe Arwia was sent to infiltrate this mage order, and stop it from within. Maybe by satisfying her best interests of halting the sacrifices, she will undo the magics that hold the tower up?

Maybe in trying to uncover the secrets of the tower, she'll meet up with trouble in the form of monsters that want to rape her. Friends that may wish to help her in her task? Maybe she'll need to escape and find allies in the wilderness?

Remember, your characters were left undefined at character creation for a reason. Now that there's a central plot, define your character to suit your needs and desires. And keep giving me feedback. It's how this stuff works. :D

EDIT: One other thing. A PC can't die unless the player allows it. So don't fear for your character's life just because she has a d4 in Violence. Fear instead for your character's irrelevance.
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Re: OOC Thread

I thought about those very things myself, friend. However, the only one that really hits the spot, is the religious one. However, based on the people I'm dealin' with, I can easily see her getting ganged up on by the other's, due to her nature. You know, the holier-than-thou type that'll get on everyone's dark nerves. I don't have anyone to really identify with, either as an enemy or ally, with Arwia, it feels like. And I don't mean the character, I mean me, by heart. Most player's best interests are in the usual fare of sexless, serious RP. And she really doesn't have enough, 'for herself' characteristic for me to really describe her as a rapist. Raping wouldn't really work out for her.

Edit: Darnit, I hit reply hours after making the post, without thinking there'd be another.

You make a point, slime, if I tough it out in my head, I can really accomplish what I want. However, as you said, the irrelevance is another factor that worries me. I'm worried that, as you go into the tale of her and the mystics of the tower, she'll branch off from everyone else, and it'll be like a private instance of just me and you playing. And as I said, it's not the result of the conflicts that worry me, it's the flavor of the conflicts themselves. My own story of MGI has plenty of conflict, but there's always the incentive of, if one were to lose the conflict, should both player and GM agree, then something sexual related is likely to occur, as a Mamono is distinctly inclined to have sex, both for the pleasure, and for breeding. Some even for nutrition. So, it's the nature of each and every foe in MGI, that make me like them, and enjoy using them against players. If they were just regular orcs, goblins, and other monsters with bow and sword, aiming to stop the adventurers from slaying the dragon, I wouldn't be nearly as interested.

And with the first post I read of Arwia's intro, there was a lot of that feel of dark, similar to some fantasy novels I've read, a very small bit of sex here, maybe in a fraction of the book, while the rest of it is mindgames and murder. I'm fine if I find a character I agree with, and find the story interesting, but if I'm directly apart of it, especially in a place normally investigated for lewd reasons, I'd rather something closer to the basic instinct, as 90% of the time, the styles of those who play in such a way among this board, are very, very boring to me. It's just not about winning to me. Well, unless you count having fun as winning. And that doesn't necessarily mean beating everyone up. I run characters like Penelope for a reason.
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Re: OOC Thread

It's my job to keep the elements of the story intertwined. As long as Arwia is working towards her best interests, she should naturally stay within the twisted confines of the story, where other players roam, and will not be shoved aside into her own "instance" as you put it. I encourage players to interact - and when everyone checks in and starts posting, I intend to give everyone that opportunity.

I don't make apologies for the game having darker or more serious elements, and I tried to make it clear at the beginning that players might be in conflict with each other. It may be as much a reflection on me as it is on the game itself, but this isn't going to be a game where every character is happy all the time. (Though I hope the players will always be having fun.)

I think that making a good (and at times erotic) story is fun. I like doing it collectively with people, and that's why I brought it to the RP section. I thought I'd like to have ero involved, so that's why I brought it to this forum in particular. This is my first crack both at this system, and at running an ero rpg. If I'm misjudging your interest, then I'm sorry to have misled you. There may be bits of comic relief, and there will be potentially a lot of sex before the chapter is completed, but ultimately it's the story AND the ero fun together that make it fun for me.

I guarantee that there are monsters in this world that are motivated by lust, and I can tell you from my GM view that no one in the Tower wants to kill you at this point - even Shamash-Andulli, who is the guy with the best interest to sacrifice either you or Rakdos. I also find the idea of simply killing a character boring - it works for extras and people in the background, but these people will much rather corrupt you than remove you from the equation.
Re: OOC Thread

I meant nothing by anything I implied, directed at anything you've done. This wasn't me being a critic to you're workings, so there's nary a need to explain, or make an apology, despite lack of interest to make one. I wasn't interested in that at all. I was merely taking a step back on my own, and thinkin' the situation through, and whether or not I wanted to involve myself in a situation I might not enjoy.

As what may have been implied by my mannerisms, I'm not the kind to slip into the shoes of a mopey, down-on-his-luck person with nary a good moment to remember, or care to think of. While happy may not be the word I'd say I'm after, I'd definitely make a gesture towards the meaning opposite of standing in a desolate waste, kicking the dirt to pass the time until the timely death comes. Or, even in Rakdos's shoes, a man who's boots fill like sponges with blood, who's main intent for his presence in the tower to be to take the thing over, and become it's new master. Another pair of shoes that don't exactly appeal to my tastes, something I worry becoming apart of, as the sacrifice is of course, a big factor of both their stories, to be sure.

So, in all fairness, I'm just stating my concern, and reason for not immediately gettin' to postin'. Not directing any hostile thoughts or intentions of change to what's happening. And I know I'm not powerless in the story, I understand that much, but I'm not one to maintain a stubborn stance, and push others in a manner only I find appropriate. The others I play with, their enjoyment is as important as my own to me. Ruins the feeling of a group experience if my stubborn desire for things to go a certain way cause others to become uncomfortable.

But I suppose a talk regarding future events might better sway me out of this indecisive limbo I've found myself in. I suppose maybe it was first impressions that made me lose sight of your master plan, but that is all I see so far, and seein' more of it doesn't exactly catch my fancy. That's not to say it was bad, it was very clear, and descriptive. That's why I've not doubts of it. I'm just statin' that my bein' a quiet spectator while such scenes similar to that one occur, is a topic of interest to me.
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Re: OOC Thread

While I have "ideas" for how things might go - I actually don't have a master plan. I really don't. I felt compelled to give you guys a setting to get started in, to give you access to world details that you may or may not have an interest in exploring further. That was all I intended. The Plan, as it were, is in the players' hands as much as mine.

If you think you don't want to play, now that you've glimpsed the darker feel of the narrative, I'll understand. Last thing I would do is force anyone to play a game that they won't have fun being a part of. Obviously, I would be happy for you to stay and give it a shot, and I would do what I can to keep you interested. People who have reviewed this system have sometimes said that they really didn't know who their character was until halfway through a chapter - so if you're feeling a bit lost, I suppose the advice I would give you (assuming you want to play) would be just to write what instinctively feels right, and wait for something to click.

I will try to let the rays of sunshine peek through the clouds of the game world. Maybe Arwia can be the force that brings this fictional realm out of its doldrums. I don't think of myself as a naturally depressing person, and the story I'd like to present isn't one of doom and gloom.

It's difficult for me to say more without seeing an actual in-game post from you. You don't need to write a wall of text. Just something for me to pick up on. Play it by ear and all that good stuff. :)
Re: OOC Thread

Blargh. After that conversation with RJ, I'm starting to have some serious doubts too. The character concept I came up with is starting to look less and less appealing, and I'm starting to think I just won't feel good playing the kind of guy I envisioned. I dunno if it's RJ's influence or someone else's, but after some thinking I realized I probably made a mistake, coming up with something I don't find attractive in the long run. I'm not sure how to fix it.