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OOC thread

Yes fun, but very evil when you're a completionist type like I am. Actually it wasn't that bad, since that I figured out where the last trophy was earlier.

EDIT 2: Sorry about disappearing for a few days there but my computer was on the fritz, hopefully we'll be able to get started soon.

EDIT 3: All right I was planning on starting tonight but I ended up working overtime and I'm exhausted so I'll get it started tomorrow. I've got the whole day off tomorrow so we should be able to get a good start on things, maybe, possibly.

EDIT 4: Okay so I procrastinate too much. They do feel a bit more hurried than I had planned but that's because I wasted all day and then realized I had said I would get started. Sorry about that.

If you are currently already embraced in your prologue i.e. Shrike and Spider's characters you have the first level in each of your disciplines. Any other questions just ask and feel free to post in your prologue.

EDIT 5: Sorry, been a busy week with thanksgiving preparations. Hopefully you all haven't stopped paying attention.
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Re: OOC thread

Omygod! What's this? Who are you? Why am I here? Who spat in my visor?

Re: OOC thread

Me I'm just some random weirdo who had the time on his hands, and you spat in your own visor, well sort of spat in your own visor.
Re: OOC thread

Sorry I haven't been posting either. Family drama has arisen as of late and is causing major-league problems.
Re: OOC thread

Eh no problem, just jump back in whenever you get the chance. I made sure I would have no problem working people in even if they didn't all start together. Plus it is a busy time of the year with holidays and all.

Shrike also reminded me that I should get everyone their blood points (BP), will power (WP), etc. Occam and Sin's characters aren't yet embraced so they don't have much stats. I'll put up an explanation of everything just as soon as I get a chance.

Jocelyn - 4/14 BP, 6/6 WP. Auspex 1 Dementation 1 Obfuscate 1. mental 9, physical 5, social 4.

William - 7/13 BP, 4/4 WP. Auspex 1 Celerity 1 Presence 1. mental 8, social 6, physical 4.

Mikaelis - social 7, mental 5, physical 3.

Anabelle - physical 7, social 5, mental 3.
Re: OOC thread

Well... ain't I bloody late to the party.
Re: OOC thread

Sin! You're back! I was so worried!
Re: OOC thread

Why were ya worried?
Re: OOC thread

Cause you're all military and shooty and stuff, and i thought you got called away for that and something happened. I don't remember you particularly saying anything, you just dropped off the map for so long, I didnt know what to think.
Re: OOC thread

College. Nothing crazy, only a few fights in bars.
Re: OOC thread

Oh, okay. Didja kick their asses? :D
Re: OOC thread

Well yeah. I was sober with back-up. They were drunk. I don't fight fairly when it's me job.
Re: OOC thread

Good! Well, glad to have ya back!
Re: OOC thread

I'll try to be around more often... we'll see what happens.
Re: OOC thread

Well I at least heard you were busy with college, still it's good to see you back even if it only ends up being brief. You didn't really miss much of the party if it makes you feel better, it seems most of the party goers got lost on the way.

I personally never fight fair if I can help it, never really saw the point to it.
Re: OOC thread

Eh, I'll be around often enough to partake in this
Re: OOC thread

Ah that's good, I'm going with a real casual pace though so you needn't worry too much about keeping up with anyone.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah I like the casualness, too. Less chance of me getting burnt out on the game this way.

On a side note, I'm pretty sure I've set history for the forum by having the first tentacle monster attack where the intent wasn't to rape anyone.
Re: OOC thread

It'll be fun!

And yes Ronny... I think you may have. Good job of it too, I didn't even think of other implications until you brought that factoid up.