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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

Thanks for the bappy hirthday wishes.

Skip the hippy stuff and let's all go drinking!
Re: OOC thread

If you want an insane game to just try and survive in ck2 pick any Armenian miaphysite ruler. Here I thought trying to be a small tribal chief near the nomads was insane but they have nothing on the Armenians.

Also what is the difference between a strategos and a doux in the Byzantine Empire? They have both of them but they both just seem to be different names for a duke. I haven't actually tried playing as a Byzantine but I do tend to pick countries near them and it confuses me seeing both titles.
Re: OOC thread

Some titles are based on the culture of the holder, and I think the Byzantines start with some late game laws in place that allow them to create special viceroyalties, which basically act like a normal Duchy but upon ruler death the Emperor gets the title back not their heir. I haven't played a Byzantine game since that system was put in place though so I'm no where near 100% sure.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah I knew they changed titles based on the culture: emperor, basileus, badshah, kaiser. The part that confused me was them using two different titles for what looked to be duchy rulers. It would make sense for the Byzantines to be a bit more ahead of the other rulers administration-wise, so that explanation make sense as to why they have two types of duke.

Though technically the Greek word for duke would be doukas instead of doux, but I suppose they didn't want you confused since that's one of the ruling dynasties. It's also kind of odd that Amalfi doesn't use the Greek term at least early on since they are Byzantine and mostly of Greek culture. Historically speaking did the other merchant republics use doge because I've never really seen it outside of Venice and they all seem to use it in game.

I do enjoy starting at the earliest date and trying to go the whole distance but there is something quite enjoyable at starting in other bookmarks. I am very much enjoying my current game with the independent Armenian county of Lori in the Caucasus. Though it is insane trying to build an Armenian kingdom while sandwiched between the Byzantines, Seljuks, Georgians, and Azeri lands. It's more like a game of survival and seizing opportunities when you see them.
Re: OOC thread

No, if you had failed I would have already covered the room in Eric bits. Unless you would like to fail in which case feel free to cover the room in Eric bits yourself.
Re: OOC thread

Odd question for Oamp, but here goes. How much of a difference would there have been between the Anglo-saxons of England and the Saxons of Germany? I know the Anglos adopted Christianity sooner than the Germans but would they have still been similar in culture at say the time of charlemagne?
Re: OOC thread

I'll admit, that's pretty far from any of my expertise, but that said I'm fairly confident that the Anglos adopted a lot of native ways fairly quickly. I couldn't give anything more specific than "there were definitely some differences". I think among the very upper classes and people with more education you'd probably see more similarities though.
Re: OOC thread

Makes sense to me, I didn't honestly expect you to be an expert on the difference between the multitude of Germanic peoples after all. It was more out of simple curiosity as well so I don't mind the vague answer.
Re: OOC thread

Just dropping by to say I haven't turned into Linemarvin on you guys, just been insanely busy with other stuff and things as of late is all. Hopefully it will all calm down before long though.
Re: OOC thread

Don't worry Ronny, yers ain't the only one. Thanks for the update though!
Re: OOC thread

Invading to drop this here, since I figured you guys might get the most out of it.

Humble bundle on VtM books. Mostly 3rd edition.