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OOC thread


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Like Inky said in RotA. This is a place to herp your derp out of Character
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Re: OOC thread

Okay, I've settled for lycanthrope. Before going that route, however, I'd like to know a bit more about lycans. When/how do they transform? Are they in control during transformation? Do they transform all the way into the animal form, or do they get stuck in between like the typical horror movie werewolf?
Re: OOC thread

Okay, I've settled for lycanthrope. Before going that route, however, I'd like to know a bit more about lycans. When/how do they transform? Are they in control during transformation? Do they transform all the way into the animal form, or do they get stuck in between like the typical horror movie werewolf?

Weres have three forms. They have a human form, a full animal form, and an in between "furry" form. They are completely in control of all their transformations. Except during the seasons their animal side is supposed to ah... mate. It's only one week out of the year, and they can't become people or in between again until that rut/heat is over. They are still in possession of their faculties, however they're pretty easily distracted. Oh! And they can't talk out of human form.


"OH! Squirrel! -chase-"

There are a lot of Were groups out there and many of them form something similar to Indian tribes. They've stopped thinking of it like a disease and embraced it. You must have the genetics for it, and you must have the saliva mixed with your blood. Now-a-days Parents and teens can go to these huge fairs where there can listen to the different options and make an informed choice.

Of course sometimes you get the douches that force it on their kids too.
Re: OOC thread

Anyone got a problem with my siblings? I can nix one of them iffn you do
Re: OOC thread

No problem OOC. IC, Hoten might be a little..............Preoccupied to worry about them.
Re: OOC thread

Ooooh, the brother's gonna hate Jess! This will be fun!
Re: OOC thread

Thought you guys might like that
Re: OOC thread

No problem with the siblings... Altough I suspect the elder would skin my character if he somehow got Delilah involved in one of his experiments as an assistant/partner in crime.
Re: OOC thread

Toring could go into mating madness and eat a few of them if that's a problem for you. Though it's a phenomenon I also observed on TDL way back when.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, it would have been much more scary if instead of a hulking viking, the polar bear lycanthrope would've been a quiet mousy wisp of a girl that just all out of a sudden turned into an enormous bloodthirsty animal.
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Re: OOC thread

Yeah, poor TDL...

Yes. Rule that would have been much more frighting. But I think I like it this way. I like your fluffy characters XD

Also, i keep wanting to call you Fletch. OTL
Re: OOC thread

Well yeah, still leaves the problem of an enormous, randy polar bear running amok on campus every year (oh the things he did to that statue in the plaza). Though I figure the university has facilities for lycans.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah, They do. Though sometimes those facilities get a lot messy....
Re: OOC thread

Lycans that get into too much trouble get their fur magically braided for a week. The worst offenders get ribbons and bows.
Re: OOC thread

Your strengths have been rolled. Please familiarize yourself with the magic as we start SOON
Re: OOC thread

I predict that at some point, Toring and Servante are going to butt heads.

Tasty, tasty seals.
Re: OOC thread

Oh lord. I forgot about that when I let you have a polar bear.

Oh dear. Damage control will be fun, I think.
Re: OOC thread

I humbly propose we have a couple of new location threads? One for the library and one for the holding area?