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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

Christ on a bike, you people know how to get posts in.
Re: OOC thread

I'm going to be gone for the weekend. Don't expect to see me til Sunday's eve.

I'm off to War!
Re: OOC thread

There's one thing I forgot to ask about lycans, and it's kinda important. Does it hurt them to transform? Is it all breaking bones and shifting flesh, or is the transformation more magical in nature?
Re: OOC thread

Magical. Definitely magical. But the magic does wear on the body. Which is why they only live to like 60 or something
Re: OOC thread

Also, hey Bartnum, Bibble isn't there anymore. Jess (Who also looks human, just short) dragged her off back to the experiment.
Re: OOC thread

Okay, yeah, another lycan question (I know, I swear I'll run out of them soon). If a human carries the gene to become a lycan, does that mean they can't use magic even before they were bitten? Or could a human still use magic, then be bitten and as a consequence lose their magic ability?

EDIT: And! On a weirder note - can a lycanthrope reproduce with the animal he transforms into? As in, could a werewolf in wolf form mate with a wolf, which would then have normal wolf babies? Toring is just joking about it obviously, but is it possible?
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Re: OOC thread

Nope! They've got the gene for it and the saliva only expresses it. It's dormant until they get the virus in the Saliva.

And... No. Just, no.
Re: OOC thread

Rule, how do i love thee, let me count the ways. roflrofl
Re: OOC thread

Whoops. The things you miss when you play Mass effect 3 until five in the morning, three days in a row. Hmmph. Now to engage in a little retroactive posting.
Re: OOC thread

Speaking of retroactive posts... Chibi's been kind enough to allow me to post the original background story I sent her on Professor Ramielle. It's just a bit of reading for fun, if that's your thing. Enjoy.
Re: OOC thread

Sorry for the double post... but I do enjoy the irony of a dragon standing helplessly in front of a halfling.
Re: OOC thread

Toring will be gone until the scene is done - or he can be encountered sitting in the woods, pondering his role in the "party."
Re: OOC thread

;_; I'm trying really hard to make everyone feel included
Re: OOC thread

Oh, I'm feeling included. Toring, not so much.
Re: OOC thread

Well, in the back of his mind, Toring thought "okay, I can't do magic, but hey, if you need some mauling done, I can do that. I'll be the go-to guy for mauling." And now, suddenly, the party has a dragon, a creature that is arguably much better at mauling AND can use magic. You can see how that would make him feel inadequate, right?
Re: OOC thread

True, but There will be plenty of places and times when.... !!!

-runs off to actually RP-