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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

You raise some very valid points, Rule, but I would like to point out that there are few scenarios for a party of adventurers where being a fully-grown dragon is just not practical, i.e. dungeon crawls and buildings. Also it does tend to attract a great deal of "aggro," to borrow a term from MMORPGs.

Still, you do raise some good points and if my character is a "deal breaker" for any of the players (including you), I would be okay with handing off the professor to be an NPC and taking a different character. I don't want to make anyone feel excluded.

Of course all of this is subject to Chibi's final approval.
Re: OOC thread

I'm... less than pleased about having a dragon in the party. Personality deficiency or no, I think the power gap between a dragon and the other characters is just too big. I remember dragons being explicitly non-playable in Chibi's last fantasy RP, and I'm pretty sure it was for the sake of balance.

Calcius is kind of in a similar position to Toring, though not to the same extent as he can actually use magic. As a hunter, his character is designed for comabt - his plant manipulation isn't much good for offense and serves mostly as support. Having an huge, scaly, lightning breathing powerhouse around makes his primary talents a bit redundant.
Re: OOC thread

I've got a plan in the works to limit that kind of.... inbalance. Give me a day or two and I'll have it fully fleshed out.
Re: OOC thread

heh, ninja'd. also, heading off for food, then a movie. so i'll be slow for about two hours, then off entirely for another two. if Toring and Delilah wanna continue along, don't feel like you have to wait for a response from Jess every time, i'll do my best to keep up, though.
Re: OOC thread

I feel accomplished, solving that problem so quickly
Re: OOC thread

Ok. I need some help. I have caught some kind of crud and my brain just does not want to work for more than five seconds.

I really need a few someone's to help make this RP keep moving.
Re: OOC thread

Just a heads up. Chibi's asked me to jump the game forward a bit to when everyone's about to leave, so I'll give you all a little time to finish up with whatever you're doing now, and then I'll make the jump post.
Re: OOC thread

Excellent idea... I would suggest the following:

a) Ramielle has a bad hangover but is otherwise able to adjust to her new human body with few difficulties.
b) The students are able to discern the locations of the portals (probably from the warmages) and gain maps
c) The students equip themselves with standard adventuring provisions (i.e. lanterns, cloaks, clothing, rope, rations)
d) Optionally, the students that want them might be able to acquire mounts (horses for human-sized travelers, a pony or war dog for the "wee one")

Obviously the swift-footed, like Toring and Lyinne, could find mounts unsuitable or insulting.
Re: OOC thread

Like I said, I'm leaving it until everyone's finished up doing what they're doing now. Whatever you want your characters to grab a hold of during the time skip you will need to mention in the post after I make. I've already been given instructions by Chibi, further input isn't required.
Re: OOC thread

Sorry guys! I'm on Spring break now, so i just need to sort this out in my head and I'll get something posted today. You guys -can- talk to each other you know
Re: OOC thread

Out of town until Sunday evening.

Play nice and I'll post the jump when i get home
Re: OOC thread

I hate to do this to you guys, and I feel incredibly guilty for doing so, but I have to shut it down.

There are too many things going on irl for me to be able to concentrate on running this RP. I know it sounds trite but it doesn't make me happy anymore, it makes me stressed and frustrated and all around grumpy.

I spent all day thinking about this and came to the conclusion that I'd be better off without it on my plate. I don't have any long winded explanation for it, sorry.