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4. Simca, no questions other than were you attached to marine SF or regulars.

5. Burrito the same as the previous two. Plus you may want to change you're rank to Master gunny. Same rank as 1SG, just that the 1SG is more admininistrative duties compare to the field duties of Master Gunny.

OK, SF and SBS were totally lost on me lol. Not really sure what the difference is there, so I can't really make a call on that just yet. If it becomes too burdensome we'll just leave it as is, that way I can always just run it based off what I have in my head. Personality wise, besides being significantly more friendly, think Agent Gibbs from the show NCIS as far as what he's like and the training he has.

Woah, sorry about that Siphon. I have a tendency to slip into militarese well all the time, forget that civilians don't know it. Don't feel bad about asking if you didn't catch what I said. Probably have to add a thread for that or use the technical questions one already up. SF is special forces(Force Recon for the USMC). SBS ws in regards to you answereing about the SAS, SBS is the Special Boat Service. The other part of the UK SF.

Thanks Hero that's pretty much all I needed, pretty much the same mission as the Green Berets.

Now to get started on writing things up, either tonight or tommorow expect an intro thread to start up for you're charrie. Don't feel hurried as I have work tommorrow, but the next 3 days off. So it'll probably move faster then.

OK I was right on my assumption with the SF, but yeah SBS totally had me lost. Probably should have known it since I watch NCIS but, ah well.

Anyway yeah no he probably would have limited SF training, though wouldn't be discounted out of it especially if sniping is required.

For intro's, feel free to have someone standing with an apple on their head and him blasting it off as a demonstration :p

For intro's, feel free to have someone standing with an apple on their head and him blasting it off as a demonstration :p

lol "now, don't move, you'll be fine" *BOOM* "see?" *applause*

I vote to do the same thing as Siphon, except Henderson throwing a knife.

All right we can do the apple off the head part if you all agree to let me Arkansas toothpick an apple off your heads IRL( I can do it, just ask my bro down in Algiers. Ah the crazy stuff you'll do in a gang.).

Ahah I think 3 people is too many, it was Siphon's idea originally so let him do it :)

Yeah I wouldn't give anyone the same intro, as that would bore me too much. Not to mention everyone else.

Apple off the head, from what distance? ;)

Does the distance really matter if I'm throwing a foot long blade anywheres near your head.

EDIT: maybe not tonight after all, my brain hurts after writing things out, and now I must sleep.
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Yes, yes it does, though I was talking about the gun, originally. Funnily enough, if you're throwing knives around my head, I'd want you further away, so I can tell if the knife is going to miss or not, and get out of the way. Since there's no reliable way to do that with a gun, I'd want you to shoot from well inside what you think the comfort range is, to be safe.

Probably three hundred yards for something like that, unless it was with a 9mm or the P90, then SIGNIFICANTLY closer.

Alright. Sorry I haven't been on, but I'll be doing Ronny's intro, as well as helping out with yours.

Ronny, CSOR is a fairly new regiment in Canada. Originally stood up as a replacement for the Airborne regiment that was stood down back in the early 90's. They are closer to Delta Force, or possibly the Rangers in terms of what they do. Counter-Terrorism, but also plenty of regular infantry crap.

Jeesh, woops NVM on that question Burrito, I had the ranks confused 1st SGT is more appropriate.

Sinful if something doesn't seem quite right with the Afghanistan parts feel free to do a little editing. Iraq was my place, so I'm working off very little knowledge of the place.

Everyone feel free to start posting in your threads as soon as they're up.

Like Ronny said, Afghanistan was my little bit, so I'll mostly be doing my Moderation/GMing in those prologues for the moment.

All right everyone, but Shrike's is started now, having a little writer's block there. Sorry again about forgetting to finish yor intro, Sinful. Go ahead and get started if you haven't, if you're confused or have questions go ahead and ask.

Well, I haven't caught up to everyone's yet, but I get the feeling that you're pulling everyone from wherever they are to get them in this special group, right? Since Linda's currently in the Reserves, chances are she'd be at home. Except she almost never sits around at home, so maybe she's off hunting, and gets a phone call. How's that sound?

Good god damn Shrike I love you!

*gives Shrike a big kiss*