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So move any points we have in perception to other stats then?

Edit: Well, to keep things simple, I shoved the two points one step up to con. Might make Vela a bit over balance in that direction, but there's less fractions if I consolidate, hopefully.
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Okay, so if I'm right this should be the current setup for the substats...

ATT: .5*STR + .5*SPD
DEF: .5*INT + .5*SPD
PER: .5*INT + .5*CHA
VIR: .75*CON + .25*CHA
HP : .25*CON + .75*STR

If I were to make one final suggestion, it'd be to get rid of those .25 and .75... makes everything balance more nicely, and perhaps simplifies calculations as well.

ATT: .5*[COLOR="Red"]STR [/COLOR]+ .5*[COLOR="Blue"]SPD[/COLOR]
DEF: .5*[COLOR="Magenta"]INT [/COLOR]+ .5*[COLOR="Blue"]SPD[/COLOR]
PER: .5*[COLOR="Magenta"]INT [/COLOR]+ .5*[COLOR="Orange"]CHA[/COLOR]
VIR: .5*[COLOR="Lime"]CON [/COLOR]+ .5*[COLOR="Orange"]CHA[/COLOR]
HP : .5*[COLOR="Lime"]CON [/COLOR]+ .5*[COLOR="Red"]STR[/COLOR]

Okay, so if I'm right this should be the current setup for the substats...

ATT: .5*STR + .5*SPD
DEF: .5*INT + .5*SPD
PER: .5*INT + .5*CHR
VIR: .75*CON + .25*CHA
HP : .25*CON + .75*STR

If I were to make one final suggestion, it'd be to get rid of those .25 and .75...

ATT: .5*STR + .5*SPD
DEF: .5*INT + .5*SPD
PER: .5*INT + .5*CHR
VIR: .5*CON + .5*CHA
HP : .5*CON + .5*STR

It's good the way it is, plus I still can't quite figure out how charisma increases your sexual stamina anyway.

It's good the way it is, plus I still can't quite figure out how charisma increases your sexual stamina anyway.

Well, one might be able to see how much damage you deal or are dealt in sex being influenced by your relative charisma. >.>

Also, this is rather bothering me...

Say an average monster pops out of the floor and starts to attack an average character. 2's all around. So, first round the monster tries to rape our young adventurer. 1d6 + 2 vs 1d6 + 2. Bad luck, we get a 2 and the monster gets a 4. We take 2 points of damage to virility.... and we've lost. Same thing if it had gone for damage. I know we'll be raising our stats as we level, but that seems... abrupt. Unless I'm mistaken and we have some number *times* our virility as the total we have to reach before we lose?
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Well, one might be able to see how much damage you deal or are dealt in sex being influenced by your relative charisma. >.>

Charisma is your looks and silver tongue. How does being good looking or having a silver tongue make you more able to resist sexual stimulation...

Charisma is your looks and silver tongue. How does being good looking or having a silver tongue make you more able to resist sexual stimulation...

*Relative* sexual stimulation. Since the way we're doing sex damage in this is "the amount they do minus the amount you do" we can't seperate the concept of "giving" sexual stimulation from the concept of "resisting" it. And I'm sure charisma can be expressed through actions as much as through words or looks. :p

*Relative* sexual stimulation. Since the way we're doing sex damage in this is "the amount they do minus the amount you do" we can't seperate the concept of "giving" sexual stimulation from the concept of "resisting" it. And I'm sure charisma can be expressed through actions as much as through words or looks. :p

Actions would fall under speed, probably.

Im no good with math and dont have my secondaries up, can someone help me?

I think you have the wrong ooc?

Either that, or plug and chug with this:

ATT: .5*STR + .5*SPD
DEF: .5*INT + .5*SPD
PER: .5*INT + .5*CHR
VIR: .75*CON + .25*CHA
HP : .25*CON + .75*STR

You can use a calculator or excel if you need to.

I'll join, but only because I was forced to...

Forced by my incredibly high desire to play, that is.

Oh hey, I'd be interested in joining if there's room for me.

Maybe I'd fit in there too, I don't take up much space.

(god, if I had a dollar for every time..)

I will probably just do a few people (3-5) initially. Mostly so I don't burn myself out like last time. More details will follow later on this weekend. Going out with a few friends tonight. Yay for bar hopping!

Things are going a bit slowly elsewhere, so I guess there's no harm in joining when you decide you have room.

I'm overhauling the mechanics a bit to make the character stats more interesting. I also think I am just going to do a series of encounters, Similar to "Two Sides..." to make the individual posts longer, as well as avoid the chains of posts that go:

Me: You're hit. you can flee or attack.
You: I attack
Me: you hit, want to attack again or run?
You: I attack again.

Etc. Etc....

Once I have the new rules/back story up, I'll put up a new char sign up sheet.

Because I'm anal/OCD so I moved it out of the char sheet thread... But I would have felt bad by just deleting it >.<

But I moved the wrong one...

EDIT: Maybe I didn't.... I'm confused. But there IS a char sheet for you there in the char sheet thread, and the stuff is the same as the archived one so.... No harm no foul I suppose.
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