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(Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Yes... Sadly, it seemed that the author focused mostly on conveying her own impressions, rather than making an accurate account." Talia sighed. Still, she'd rent the book. Just because this one time it turned out to be a bust didn't mean she wouldn't find something useful later on. The librarian seemed somewhat plain, but she managed to get the tiefling's interest anyway: both due to her lack of reservations and her activities. "And I certainly wouldn't mind taking a look. It's a rather ambitious project, a compilation like that." One would not only the ability to find and put all the relevant facts together in the right order, but also a degree of writing talent to present them in an interesting manner. "How much progress have you made so far, if you don't mind me asking?"
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Approaching the house, Yumi looked up in amazement at its extravagances, she expected the man to be wealthy, but this house overshadowed her expectations. Yumi grinned pleased at herself, knowing that her expectations had been more then met, and that she might’ve found both a lucrative and influential partner. However, Yumi had to wonder why someone this rich would spend their time selling trinkets on an open marketplace, instead of owning an impressive store. Considering how much this house must’ve costed him, he should easily be able to afford it. It made Yumi feel glad that things went the way they did, and that she didn’t make an enemy out of him instead.

Although, the impressive house wasn’t the only thing that caught Yumi’s eyes, the moment she approached, she noticed an impressive looking guard dog immediately stand up and ready to defend its home, and considering the gate was unlocked, the dog must be well-trained for it to not attack her or walk outside of the gate. Yumi crouched down to take a better look at the dog’s physique, trying to make herself smaller so the dog wouldn’t be as intimidated, she noticed the dog’s massive sheath and big balls. ''I bet you must make some bitch very happy, and don’t worry, I’m not here to rob your home. I’m here to become good friends with your master, very good friends.'' Yumi said in a cutesy voice, before chuckling a little, and if the dog looked a bit friendlier after that, she’d reach for its head and scratch its ear. Either way, instead of entering the gate uninvited, she stood up and rang the bell.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Wo...woah! Easy there tiger."Vylyra worked it so that she'd be able to bed one of the smaller of the pirates, feeling too much strain would be to much of a hassle for her body. At the very least she'd have a little fun with whichever man she was with, even if it was just as a distraciton or diversion. She seemed to be doing alot of that today.Whoever she ended up with, she tried to enjoy a little sweet talk with him. "So...what do you want to do first? Little teasing or straight to the action? Do you have a thing for pregnant women?"
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Anne couldn't help but bite her lip a bit, the temptation to play was high. She wanted to have some fun, and well, she needed to keep Cystie from getting even her powers back, maybe, or at least probably. She didn't think Cystie would really do that much damage now, but you never know...

Though given who else was involved there was a fair number of options. Still, with the ones that were closing in on them, Anne would latch onto the better hung ones, or atleast, one of them, maybe two at most. She wanted to latch onto Cystie, but well, that wasn't quite an option at the moment given what they had to do to help deal with these guys.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Time: 12:30 PM

The pirates were each seemingly lost in the thrills of being about to have a good time. With only Anne and Vylyra doing something, the other pirates seemingly just crowded around those two while the others, Opera and Tavia, seemed to hang back and do nothing.

At Vylyra's question, five pirates, two uncorrupted and three corrupted from the looks of it, came forth and each seemed to share a nod. "You certainly look hotter~" one commented. Then, he came forth, sticking his middle finger into his mouth and hugging Vylyra from behind as he put his now saliva soaked finger to her ass, and slipped the soaked digit into her rear entry. "I happen to enjoy fucking a pregnant woman in the ass." he cooed, while another corrupted pirate came forth and slipped his cock between her thighs, using the friction of her pussy and inner thighs to grind his cock between them all. "I can't wait much longer, dear!" he declared, while Vylyra felt the corruption starting to seep in.

With Anne latching onto one, and finding five around her instead, all Cystie did was pull one of the non-corrupted ones away, leaving her with four well hung corrupted men. "Wuzzis? This two foot tall girl is gonna try to handle all of us? Poor thing, nobody wants to help out. Don't worry lil' pixie, we'll be gentle~" there came a coo, before one of them outright picked up Anne by her legs. "She weighs nothin'!" he said, before putting his face to her crotch, digging his tongue into her pussy hole such that her stomach actually bulged from the intrusion with every swirl he made. "Look at how stretchy she is! She'll fit our cocks for sure~" one said, despite his cock being half her body length.


"Sure!" she said, taking out a rather big book and slamming it on the counter, before turning it and opening it to Talia. "I've made a lot of progress, from deciphering what species the author spoke of, since she only gave vague descriptions, to outright figuring out the events she left out. This one in particular is scary, since it relates to our city!" she said, flipping through the pages, as if conveniently going right to the knowledge Talia wanted. "It tells of a mob boss who runs a business in town that converts women into monsters! I'm almost certain it's..." she spoke in a really hushed voice. "Don Corleone..." she whispered. "It tells of how one of their comrades went there, and kept going back at every opportunity, before one day declaring she was going to work there! Everyone had their suspicions, but nobody could prove anything. They actually saw a powerful adventurer lower herself to being a bee girl in a spa! When they came to take her back she violently refused their forceful requests. As if she was completely overtaken with her new lot in life. They were convinced he was working with Chaos, but they couldn't prove it, and had to let him go." she said in a hushed tone.


The dog only stared at her. (Animal Handling=7+0) And when she reached in, it growled. It seemed that it was giving her a casual warning not to intrude, even if it's only her hand. Though, she rung the bell all the same, and as if trained to do so, he sat down, still staring at her. It was as if he knew she were following the rules. But nobody came out. Looking at the time of day, it was likely he was still at his shop. She'd recall that evening is when he expected her. If she wished, she could just wait until Evening.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"They couldn't prove anything?" Talia raised an eyebrow. Clearly they must have failed to have his business searched... Or he had a way to hide the monstrosity from others. Either was problematic: the former meant he had considerable clout within the city, the latter meant that short of tearing the place apart she had nothing she could use to prove his guilt. Still, this information was little more than what she had already known. The tiefling scanned the page, looking for information on the bee girls or whatever biological nightmare the Don used to make them, weaknesses in particular.

"If it's really true, he'd have to be hella audacious to do it this way. I seem to recall his place was quite well-advertised around the city." Talia mused. Was he paying someone off, perchance? Or did he get some important frequent guests? He had to have some connections around here that he was making use of, and not just among other criminals. Destroying his joint seemed more and more appealing by the minute, but if he had a way to recover the monster hive somehow, then this'd be merely a stopgap measure. "Though I wonder, where did those bee girls come from originally?"
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Yumi grimaced at the dog’s reaction, she never been good with animals, despite her upbringing. Yumi did know one way the dog would accept her, since all forest elves learn the phrase, if you fail to be accepted by your mate, let your mate control you and he’ll automatically accept you, those words were often said by her teachers, but even then, unless there was something in it for her, there was no way she’d submit to some beast. ''What shame, here I thought we could be good friends before I become good friends with your master, but you’re not going to court a lady while behaving like that.'' Yumi chuckled, before she considers what to do. Yumi knew that Voice wouldn’t be back until nighttime, but considering her current condition, she couldn’t stay with those pirates, and she secretly hoped he might be home early.

After Yumi pondered her options for a while, she came to the conclusions that she didn’t have much to do, or that the things she had to do would be boring. Yumi considered helping Talia, but books weren’t exactly her thing. Yumi also considered helping Voice, but she’d rather be bored senseless than do anything that even remotely resembled honest work. The other options Yumi thought of would most likely take too much time or were too risky in her current condition, but since she didn’t want to waste time doing nothing, she figured that she might as well go to the nearest shop and buy a bracer to hide her tattoo. Once Yumi bought the bracer, she figured that she would take a look around the city, trying to find something interesting. However, before Yumi headed into the city, she faced the dog once more. ''If I’m not able to find something interesting in the city, I might consider coming back here, and if you court me a little, I might consider testing something with you~.'' Yumi said with a sweet voice while shaking her hips from side to side, making her big elven butt jiggle a little. ''However, I don’t expect to return here or for you to understand what I’m saying.'' Yumi said to the dog, before she heads into the city.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Time: I'll decide later


The girl took in all her questions. "... I... I don't know where they came from. The author never mentioned it. All they knew was that he was foul, a servant of chaos that made a wish to the dragon to be rich and prosperous with women. And that she granted his wish without question." she explained. "It says they tried to see if he was evading taxes, but the Knight King revealed that not only was he paying taxes, but he was also donating to repair the slums! Legally speaking, it seemed like the Don was untouchable. So the heroes left their comrade behind. They pondered just storming in and taking her back, but not only would she fight back, but those bee girls were able to fly and their stingers were apparently full of a paralyzing venom, making anyone stung a possible victim to be turned like she did! It is a dangerous place that no one touches, because the Don is so powerful..." she said, despair in her voice.


Yumi departs from the dog, going into town. She was looking around for a place to buy a bracer. Most were incredibly expensive jewelry. Quite high indeed. Though she did find a shop with seemingly normal bracers. It was a shop made of wood, pretty much in the shape of a square. The boards looked old as if the city built around the shack, which never saw repair or upgrades in it's lifetime. Inside, it was dusty, and the windows so grimy that only weak beams of light poured in as Yumi would only enter through a black blanket hanging over the door, and no door present, the hinges bent as if kicked or blown off. Over the counter of the small store whose namesake was only a sign that showed various armorwear, was a medium sized man built like a lumberjack with a heavy upper body and muscles so thick they looked ready to burst from his shirt. He had a toothpick in his mouth and ginger hair that went down along his sides into a thick muttonchop beard.

He regarded Yumi with a very obvious up down look at her figure. "I don't serve your kind." he said, giving a rather rude flick to his ears. "Go back to your tree."
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Anne blinked, five, a-aaaaah, that might be a few to many. Anne certainly was thinking about saying something when she felt the pirate pick her up by the leg, flipping her over and letting the blood rush to her head as her wings fluttered. Then she felt the pirate bury his tongue into her pussy and she let out a mewl as her belly bloated just from the tongue wiggling around inside her. The girl managing to moan out. "Of co~ourse I'm stretchy, I'm a fe~ey afterall."

Then she saw the size of the cocks she was dealing with and her eyes widened, blinking as she rather unconsciously reached out to try to wrap her self around the warm shaft. "H-Haaah, one at a time we'll be fi~ine for sure. Two might have to stay shallo~ow."
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Walking through town, Yumi noticed an awful lot of jewelry stores that sold expensive looking bracers. Considering the amount of places that sold expensive jewelry, it made Yumi wonder how many rich people lived in this city, and consider the city was supposed to be suffering financially right now, she wondered if only the poor were suffering because of it. Not that Yumi was affected by it one bit, she didn’t exactly care for the poor, and other people’s misfortune was generally a good thing for mercenaries and thieves like her.

Either way, after searching through the town for a bit, Yumi finally noticed a place that looked like it would sell cheap bracers. Yumi passed through the black blanket and into the store, taking a look around. It was rather refreshing for Yumi to see such an old styled building, it looked like it was a type of blacksmith she’d expect to find in a village. Yumi noticed the strong looking man behind the counter and approached him, but before she could even get a greeting in, the man already refused to sell her anything. ''Oh, did you really have to make that rude gesture? I find my ears the only thing that’s good about us, we tend to make great sounds when you pinch them, especially the men tend to make a high pitched girly moan when you pinch them, it’s very amusing to pinch the ears of a mighty elven warrior and humiliate him in front of his friends.'' Yumi said. ''I’m a bit insulted about the tree comment though, since you humans live inside them more then we elves do, but I suppose you don’t fuck them like most of my kin does. I don’t get their love for such a basic resource, a resource that in the right hands can make many magnificent creations and amazing looking war machines.'' Yumi explained a bit excitedly, showing a bit of her child like admiration for human civilization, that she prefers to suppress, since she doesn’t want to come over as an amazed and excited child. ''Anyway, normally I’d just take the item you refuse to sell and run away with it, but since shops like these have a special little place in my heart and since you didn’t insult me personally, I’ll take my money somewhere else.'' Yumi said, before turning around and leaving the store, to continue her search for a place that sells affordable bracers.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Talia gently patted the girl on the shoulder, trying to reassure her and snap her out of her bout of despair. "Nobody's untouchable. Some people are just harder to reach than others." She stated. Still, this situation left her with a small chance of getting anything done via legal channels, given how poorly it went last time. Unless the Don started slipping up, she'd have to turn to more unsavory means of taking him down. That explosive powder of Yumi's could be useful if she liberated some, but there were alternatives to it too. One way or another, the only difficulty was figuring out how to level the place without getting caught. Or at least kill the demon room.

Still, this story left one rather noteworthy question that had not yet been answered. "That comrade they've left behind, who was she?" Talia asked the girl. This could be useful information, both tactically and in case they managed to somehow break Corleone's control over the girls. In fact, that'd probably be the best way to do it: unless they suffered from memory loss, they'd know enough to destroy his reputation utterly and potentially get the Knight King on his sorry ass. She had no idea if killing the source of the bee transformations would be enough, but it was potentially a start.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Keeping herself controlled, the ranger would do her best to keep herself together during this situation. Though seeing how Anne had already let go and was going full force into this certainly tempted her to say the very least. No she had to maintain control. It worked on greater men then this, so she would have to try herself and see if she could cleanse these men of their corruption. Maybe it'd inspire Anne to do the same. Only time would tell for certain. "I admire your enthusiasm boys. Even for an expectant mother like myself. Though I have a way that can make this whole thing really special." She tried to make it sound like she was going to do something extra lewd but instead she would concentrate, doing her best to try and purify these men as they pleased themselves with her body.

(Attempting a purification on both her partners.)
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Opera found herself stymied a she watched, feeling very conflicted. These men were not good men, and having them kept under control wasn't necessarily a bad thing. But using sexuality and pleasure as tools for domination went against all she stood for. It should be something shared and experienced and enjoyed mutually, not coerced, stolen or bartered. Not that she faulted those who chose to give themselves willingly and un-coerced as a means to live, but it shouldn't have to be the only way.

But everyone else seemed bent on this course, well, besides Talia, and to leave the fae to try and handle everyone by herself for the most part...

But was this really showing them a better way? It seemed more like just doing what was already done by their opponents. What point was there in opposing them if they stood for the exact same things? This was making her head hurt, because the capacity to find novel solutions was denied to her. And this was novel, she'd never had been exposed to this sort of thing. She really wished she had her mentor with her. He'd know what to do. Instead she had to struggle along with what tools and knowledge she had.

So what did she know? Well, they were corrupted. They could cleanse them via sex. Cystie had mostly proved that being cleansed didn't inherently make you a better person. So they'd probably still be murderous cutthroats. Assuming they were, she didn't actually know much about these men. But they were pirates right? Or did Yumi just pick up random people thinking they were? It was hard to say.

So that left her with a quandary. And the people she could ask for help figuring out a path were kinda... In the thick of it or gone. So... Where did that leave her?

Well if everything was equal... Anna seemed to be getting into it. She was fae so... She must know what she was doing.

Taking a deep breath, Opera wriggled out of her armor, before undoing her clothes and carefully peeling off the full body fishnet. She was quite pale beneath it, having small black wings on her back, her lower legs bird like and having D cup breasts. She moved over, a little unsure how to begin. As experienced as she was, she had to admit this was a little outside her wheelhouse. She hadn't slept with many humans, and certainly not pirates. At least they didn't seem to mind feeling up Cystie's cock before so she doubted they'd be bothered by her own being present.

Either way she observed a bit, watching Anna show off her fae elasticity. She always was a little jealous about how fae could do that.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained


She left the shop, not intent on buying from the man. She continued to look around, but all she found were general supplies. It seemed bracers were built with sets in mind, whole armor and the like. She learned that a bandage would do fine, and cost about 2 silvers.


The woman shuffled through her pages. "Her name apparently was Kalina. She was a swordsman who specialized in duel wielding. They said she was masterful in her arts." she described. "She had such a strong personality that they were shocked when she suddenly just... Became so subservient."


A pirate broke off with a big dong. Leaving a corrupted one to approach. "Lemme soften her body up a little~" he cooed, before Anne was soon positioned on all fours, and she felt a large intrusion push against her ass... Harder, and then a little harder still. Until her body stretched, and the pirate gave a rather hefty push, groaning in one motion as he hilted inside of the pixie's pussy. Her stomach expanded as the man let out a happy noise. "OOOoogh, this is... Incredible..." he groaned, before moving with slow motions at first, shifting the pixie's insides around that somehow allowed him in easily.


Meanwhile, Vylyra was seemingly not doing much to entice them and also lost two pirates to the sudden bird getting naked. The 3 that were left approached, one spreading her legs and laying her on her back on the bed and the other getting on his knees above her head, and lowering his genitals to rest on her face to do with as she will. Essentially leaving her with a healthy ballsack and surprisingly clean looking pirate asshole in her face.


Three pirates broke off from her comrades to approach her, each one corrupted. "So, the bird joins in eh? How do you like to get fucked?" they inquired, one being so bold as to get right behind her, start rubbing her cock while getting his hand under her right breast to grope and deliver smacks to her breast.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Talk about a change in attitude indeed. No wonder it raised suspicions." Talia mused. The woman was likely still in the Don's employ somehow. She was too big a prize to just let go, especially for scum like him. Come to think of it, she'd have to think of a way to ensure that all girls were outside and, ideally, not in bee form before reducing Corleone's place to slag. This greatly complicated matters. There was much more to discover before she could form a final plan. But right now, it was perhaps time to change the subject. "Aside of this, were there any other incidents involving this city? I have to admit, I've grown even more curious."
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Anne blinked as one of the corrupted ones approached her, and at this point her response was more a wiggle followed by a moan as she was slipped over one of the pirate's cocks. Hilted inside in a single push that caused the outline of the pirate's shaft to be visible through the taunt skin of her stomach. "H-Haaaa, of course it's incre~edible. I'm fae, no~ow just watch as I start squeezing." A moment later, even as the pirate was shifting around inside her with slow thrusts, she'd start to work her muscles in her core and pussy. Causing her inner walls to twist and squeeze around the man's shaft, teasing at everywhere she could as she tried to help purge the corruption in him, and well, give them both a fair bit of pleasure.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Yumi didn't think her search for something cheap and sturdy to hide the chain tattoo would be this difficult, and in the end the only thing she could find were bandages that the general store sold. Yumi was most definitely not satisfied with the bandages she found, they were too easy to remove and she'd have to change them if they got dirty, and depending on where they're at, it could take some time before she finds a replacement. Yumi didn't feel like betraying a fellow elf hater, but since the options in this massive city were apparently very limited, she'd have to settle for a bit of trickery. Yumi made her way back to the shop from before, but instead of immediately going in, she searched for a place to hide.

When Yumi found such a place, she began an incantation in elven, and when she stopped talking, her body changed rapidly into a completely different person. Instead of looking like an elf, Yumi changed her ears to become cute human ears, her complexion turned less pale, her facial features and eye color changed, making her looking a little bit more meeker and softer, her hair became pure blond and her breasts and ass became a little fuller. With this disguise, Yumi stepped inside the door. Surely the man would be a lot kinder to one of his own kind. ''Hello?'' Yumi said in a soft voice, while pretending to meekly look around.

[Casted disguise self.]
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The girl hummed. "Oh! There's the story of how the King Knight, a man with seemingly no political experience, became the leader of this place." she said, and told a quite rudimentary story of how he was such a great leader on the battlefield that he beat out any desire for any other ruler. Even his rule and taxes were fair, as he had no desire for riches and let the town run itself while squashing any signs of corruption try to bubble from the increased power to the people. "He used to be fair, but with Chaos on the rise he seems to be even worse than any lord now. Makes you wonder if he's doing it to protect us, which some believe, or if he's revealing how unskilled he truly is."


As she tightened up, the pirate let out a deep moan and began slow thrusts into her smaller body. "I can barely move..." The man groaned, as a thick sloshing sound of a man like a giant pounding the fairy below himself. The lightest taps from from his flesh meeting hers as he hilted in her once with every passing of a second.

[roll Charisma]


When Yumi walked in, the same man was standing there. "This isn't a place for pretty girls seeking a husband." he dismissed her. Oddly enough his attitude didn't change from before. He still seemed rather rotten. "What do you want?" he inquired.
Hah, if only it were that simple. Still, Talia couldn't go around telling tales to just anyone she ran across. "Or perhaps he's resorting to what he knows in face of a crisis." She mused. "He's a warrior, so he adopts such a militant approach to ruling in order to crush the enemy faster. A matter of a personal flaw, rather than lack of skill." She concluded. "Thank you for sharing all this with me. I feel I've learned a lot here already." The tiefling admitted. "By the way, I don't think I've caught your name. I am Talia."
"You sure, it sounds like you could use a wife." Yumi said with a gentle smile, the man's foul mood was still there, but at least he was willing to sell something to her. "I'm looking for something cheap to hide this embarrassing tattoo, with the Knight King's brutal taxes there's no way I could afford any kind of fancy jewelry." Yumi puts out her wrists on the counter, showing off her chained tattoo that she slightly changed to emphasis the need to hide it, instead of it being a normal chain it was a chain of vulgar words going around her wrists. "I got this tattoo when I was young and stupid, but now it's rather embarrassing to have men think I'm some easy slut and it's hard to find proper work. If you've got anything sturdy to hide this, I would appreciate it." Yumi plead, making her full huge breasts bounce around a little and sticking out her big bottom a bit.