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Operation Is That Cheese in Your Ear (Game Test Thread)


Nov 9, 2008
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3:00 AM in the morning, Thursday. The night of the new moon. All is well, and the people lay asleep in the comforts of their beds, safe. Well, all except for one person.

Enter John Freeman. Your typical salary man in his thirties, single, mediocre... and now unemployed. Having been laid off from his job, the man thought fit to indulge himself in alcohol at his local bar in an attempt to "drink away his troubles". However, after causing such a ruckus at the establishment, he promptly find himself thrown out. Which would be why... he is now wandering the park, still tipsy from overdrinking.

"Stupid outsourcing... *hic* I slave my ass off for twelve years, then I get my job handed to some colored bastard in India... guy prob'ly can't even speak English right."

Engaged in his rant, the man stumbled about the park, too drunk to know where we has going, and completely unaware of the creatures that resided within the bushes...

(And here begins the test thread, with the first victim as a laid off salaryman (racist bastard at that), who's dead drunk and stumbling around the park. He is unarmed, and afflicted by the "drunk" status effect, which reduces all of his stats by 5, and adds a -15 penalty to all awareness rolls. He also loses the chance of ever gaining the initiative on actions so this would be his sheet if he was a player character:

Name: Drunk Salary Man
HP: 20 (25)
Str: 5 (10)
Dex: 4 (9)
Int: 3 (8)
Con: 5 (10)

Drunk: -5 to all stats, -15 to all awareness rolls.

So if you're interested in joining the test game, please do so. I won't assign an official limit on the amount of players (yet), however please keep it at a reasonable number.)
Re: Operation Is That Cheese in Your Ear (Game Test Thread)

Granth stay in the bushes, waiting for the man to come close. The once-male zombie had recently gorged itself and now looked for a different way to sate himself. Granth wasn't the smartest zombie, but he knew enough to not approach the prey head on. Slowly, Granth makes his way up to the prey from behind. If he could get close enough, he would leap onto the prey from behind, tear off his pants and begin to sate his second hunger.

(Because all zombie games must begin with 'Surprise! Flying Zombie Buttsecks!')
Re: Operation Is That Cheese in Your Ear (Game Test Thread)

(So be it, although don't expect me to go into detail :V, hell as if I'm going to write Yaoi smut even if you paid me to.)

Sneaking up behind the drunk man, Graneth patiently waited for an opening and then... pounced, to great success.

(Grapple: 12 vs 7)

"Huh?...What th-"

By the time the man knew what hit him, he had been knocked flat onto the ground, his flesh AND his clothes being torn at.

(Escape Grapple: 11 vs 16)

"Get off of me you stinking-"

Struggle as he might however, he was unable to shift the creature that had leapt upon him. The fact that he was dead drunk didn't help his chances of course.

(Awareness: 0 vs 0, Civilian Awareness has NOT been raised.)

And naturally, the man was too tipsy to think about calling for help. Instead, he continued squirming to no avail.

(On a side note, "horde bonuses and penalties" are currently at "0" as Phoenix's character is the only one currently here, as more people join the bonuses will be added effectively. Or in short, yes, players contribute to the bonuses and penalties.)
Re: Operation Is That Cheese in Your Ear (Game Test Thread)

With a loud groan, Granth begins to plunge his cock into the man's ass. Caring little for his prey's pleasure he will continue to rape the man until the man is either a zombie or Granth cums.
Re: Operation Is That Cheese in Your Ear (Game Test Thread)

In another alley- somewhere else- a young girl, somewhere about the age of 18, sat sobbing to herself. Besides the odvious lack of clothing, they may be the notation that she has several injuries all over her body as well. As for why she is crying, who knows?
Re: Operation Is That Cheese in Your Ear (Game Test Thread)

(Phoenix, you need to pin before you rape. >.>:; I'll count it as pin action but remember that for the future.)

While that was what the creature desired to do, the prey's squirming made it impossibly difficult for it to get proper leverage. Frustrated, the creature decided to hold squirming man still before attempting once again.

Pin: (18 vs 8. SUCCESS)

Pinning the man's squirming arms to the ground, the creature prepared to do what it had intended upon earlier. However...

Escape Pin: ( -3 + 10 = 7 vs 4 + 1!!! = 5 SUCCESS)

"Get offa me you stinking..."

In a miraculous burst of strength, the man managed to get his arms free, beginning his flailing about once again as he attempted to get the monstrosity off of him.

Awareness: (-9 vs 0)

Despite that though, the man still failed to call for help, once again as a result of his clouded mind.

Name:Granth Savael, HP:24, Condition: Normal
Name: John Freeman, HP:20, Condition: Grappled

(Ouch. Fail roll on the last one... Try again?)


It was only a matter of time before such weeping attracted someone's attention. Enter Lindy Johnson, your typical civilian living in an apartment. Having been awoken from her sleep by the constant crying, she had opted to head outside to investigate. Dressed in her nightgown, and armed with a flashlight, she headed to the alleyway outside her home.

"Hello? Is someone there?..."

Name: Lindy Johnson
Level: 2
Hp: 30
Str: 10
Dex: 11
Con: 12

Status Modifiers: Drowsy (-5 to all stats on First Roll in an encounter, automatic fail on first awareness roll. Effect disappears following the first turn in an encounter.)

Inventory: Flashlight (+3 to close range attacks, adds +5 to awareness rolls)

(Huge warning here: For the purposes of the test thread, Awareness IS universal. And as this adult female is without the "Drunk" modifier, taking more than one turn to finish her WILL trigger awareness rolls. For now I have a maximum of one Awareness increment per five turns but... if needed, I will extend if upon testing how "balanced" the system is. So lurker, screw up... and the other zombies might have another visitor coming towards them asides from their first encounters :x.)
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Re: Operation Is That Cheese in Your Ear (Game Test Thread)

Annoyed by his prey's avoidance, Granth simply decides to find a less resisting prey later. As such he simply starts trying to bite at the vulnerable column of flesh between the preys body and brain repository.
Re: Operation Is That Cheese in Your Ear (Game Test Thread)

((Sorry, I figured the 'Witch' route would work for the start of the game, when she wasn't strong enough to try and make herself what I was wanting to make it.))

The crying zombie slowed it's sobs, her eyes focusing on the female when the light clicked on her- her various wounds now visible. Her eyes lowered angrily, and her visible eye, nothing more then a eyeless void, focused strait on her. A growl eminated from her as she slid up slightly- then pounced at her.
Re: Operation Is That Cheese in Your Ear (Game Test Thread)

(OOC: Did you guys piss off the dice god or something?... Rolls are rather ridiculous this time around.)

(Bite: 6 vs 18. MISS)

The creature attempted to snap at the man's neck, but missed as a result of his constant thrashing...

(Escape Grapple: 10 vs 15. FAILED)

But was fortunate enough to maintain a hold on his prey as it continued its attempts at escaping. However, this time his prey let out a loud cry for help, having realized that he should have done that ages ago.

"Help! Somebody! There's a wild animal trying to tear me apart! Help!!"

(Awareness Roll: 5.5 vs 0)

Awareness Level Increased to Level 1


(Grapple: 3 vs 1. SUCCESS)

The woman didn't even have time to think as she was pounced upon and knocked to the ground, having been completely taken by surprise.

(Escape Grapple: 6 vs 7. FAIL)

Her instinctive response to shove her assailant off didn't do much either asides from irk it further in its blind rage. She didn't even have time to scream as she desperately attempted to protect herself from the monster.

(Awareness: AutoFail as a result of drowsiness.)
Re: Operation Is That Cheese in Your Ear (Game Test Thread)

Trying to make sure that the prey was silence as quickly as possible, Granth continued to try and bite that vulnerable column of flesh.
Re: Operation Is That Cheese in Your Ear (Game Test Thread)

The enraged creature, her instincts allready befuddled, was acting on pure hunger, swiftly going to chomp down on the creature's neck to silence it.
Re: Operation Is That Cheese in Your Ear (Game Test Thread)

Attempting to bite the man, the beat lowered his jaws with the intent of locking them around the vulnerable column of flesh...

(Bite: 4 vs 16. FAIL)

And missed as the man jerked away just in the nick of time. As if that wasn't bad enough for the monstrosity, the man also managed to escape from his grasp in a burst of strength, forcing him to resecure his prey all over again.

(Escape Grapple: 10 vs 6. SUCCESS)

Once the drunked salaryman was free, he immediately began screaming for help once again.

"Help! Help! I'm under attack! Someone please help!"

(Awareness: 14 vs 20. FAIL)

But no one came to his help...yet.


(Bite: 1 vs 11. FAIL)

The other zombie did not fare much betters in terms of successfully attacking her prey. Most like the salaryman in the park, Linda had effectively moved out of the way just as the monster went for the kill. Thankfully for the hunter however, the prey was unable to dislodge her assailant, despite all her efforts.

(Escape Grapple: 2 vs 8)

That however, did not deter her from letting out a high pitched scream, alerting the light sleepers in her apartment complex of her distress.

(Awareness: 23 vs 20. SUCCESS)

Already people had begun to stir out of their beds to investigate the source of the scream. If the infected did not finish her prey off soon, she would have to expect more company soon.

(Five turns until people come to investigate.)

(OOC: This is a new "mechanic" I'm testing for the awareness system, following an increment in Awareness level. The idea is, after the initial incrementation of Awareness, future awareness rolls determine the chance for "reinforcements" to come to the opposing party's aid. If the opposing party is killed or infected before the reinforcements can come, then the "alarm" wears off, as the "help" was unable to locate the call for help/locate the zombies that were reported. However if they are NOT killed before the turn limit is up, then I will roll another random encounter, and add it in addition to the ones that are currently there.

On another note, you guys have the worst luck ever with rolling. I'm not even kidding.)
Re: Operation Is That Cheese in Your Ear (Game Test Thread)

Granth once again leaps at the prey, trying to silence it's annoying speech.
Re: Operation Is That Cheese in Your Ear (Game Test Thread)

Mad at the pathetic beast, she chomps down worse, trying to bite her neck to break it.
Re: Operation Is That Cheese in Your Ear (Game Test Thread)

(Grapple: 7 vs 7. FAIL)

The zombie pounced at the drunken man... and missed by a hair's width. As a result of his increasingly good luck, the drunkard thought to run away from the beast...

(Escape: 0 vs 7. FAIL)

But fails miserably as the monster leaps over him and blocks his path once more.
Left with no other option, the man once again screams for help.

"Save me! I'm going to be eaten! Someone please!"

(Awareness: 18 vs 20. FAIL)

Which is one again ignored as the ramblings of a mad man. Apparently crazies were common enough this last in the night that no one bothered to pay him any mind.


(Bite: 16 vs 3. Damage: 4)

While the zombie did not succeed in landing a successful bite on the neck of the human, she did however take a nice chunk out of the woman's shoulder while being shoved away.

Lindy Johnson: HP 26/30

(Escape Grapple: 7 vs 3. SUCCESS)

But as expected, the woman let out a shriek of pain as she was bitten. Thankfully though, it appeared the scream did not attract even more unwanted attention as the infected attempted to resecure its prey.

(Awareness: 18.5 vs 20. FAIL)
Re: Operation Is That Cheese in Your Ear (Game Test Thread)

Rrrrrrrr. Granth once again leaps at his prey.
Re: Operation Is That Cheese in Your Ear (Game Test Thread)

Getting the taste of blood, the beast pounced again at the creature, aiming to silence her again.
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Re: Operation Is That Cheese in Your Ear (Game Test Thread)

(Pin (Zombie Jump): 15 vs 10. SUCCESS)

Leaping at his prey, the zombie manages to successfully pin him to the ground. Causing the man to once again thrash about in terror as he struggles to get away.

(Escape Pin: 11 vs 21. FAIL)

This time however, he was not as successful in his efforts to escape, only able to squirm uselessly while screaming for help that simply refused to come.

"Help! Please! Anyone!"

(Awareness: -6 vs 0)


(Pin (Zombie Jump): 10 vs 15. FAIL)

The beast pounced at her prey... only to miss her by a narrow margin as the human quickly evaded. This did however, position her in a place where she could easily stop the woman from escaping.

(Escape: 8 vs 20)

Unable to run, the human resorted to screaming for help.

"Someone! Anyone! Help me! There's a maniac here trying to kill me!"

(Awareness: 16 vs 20)

Once again however, no one came... yet.

(Three turns until people come to investigate.)

Lindy Johnson: HP 26/30
Re: Operation Is That Cheese in Your Ear (Game Test Thread)

Granth would now try again to feast on the fleshy column of his prey.
Re: Operation Is That Cheese in Your Ear (Game Test Thread)

"Stand still!" her raspy voice growled, her body leaping forward once again as she tried to keep her down!