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Orchrios - Entertainment District


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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This district is comprised of all of the best hotspots, nightclubs, sporting arenas, and other such diversions, including all of the high-end restaurants. The almost bewildering range of options tends to get a high amount of traffic in the evenings.
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

As Bell wandered the Entertainment District looking for somewhere to eat, and maybe unwind a little, at... She'd notice that there was a odd group of three human males sitting at a table outside of closed restaurant.

Two of them wore grey suits, complete with hats, as well as long beards. The third was dressed a little differently, and had a mustache but no beard. Oddly enough, they all had generic-looking, inexpensive sunglasses on, even though it was dark.
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

The sight confused Bell. A trio of sharply dressed men, hanging around a closed restaurant?? “Humans...“ she muttered softly, shaking her head slightly as. She continued her search for foood and fun.
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Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

As Bell passed by the trio, they smiled at her. Then they waved goodbye and faded from view... Almost like ghosts from film.

((And recording reference...))
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

The drow woman started slightly when they waved to her, waving back and jumping again when the trio faded, looking around for other spectators. This was some kind of joke, it had to be. Tucking her head down some, she resolved to walk quicker, choosing the first place with food that was still open to enter, she didn't care any more. She just wanted to be around people, normal people...
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

Bell would quickly find a spot that fit her criteria, and as luck would have it, the place turned out pretty decent. Decent enough, at least, to take her mind off of all of the strangeness of the day... For the moment, anyway.

After a while, Bell might realize two things. First, it was getting near closing time for the place that she was at. Second, certain bodily functions were starting to make their necessity known.
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

Bell calmed some as she ate, her mind having to focus some so she didn't get any of the sauce from the pasta she ordered onto her dress. She took her time, pausing every so often to do some work on her bracelet, going back to eating as she pondered options for the unique difficulty Cross had provided her to work on.

She was just about to change gears, having had the idea to change the image of a mastiff into something she'd enjoy more (not that she'd activate the thing in a restaurant, anyways!), when her waitress came by, depositing the cheque with a smile. "Oh, right! Getting kind of late, isn't it?" The drow commented with a smile, paying for the meal and sliding her half-full plate over. "Can I get this wrapped up, please? I'll run to the washroom and be back to grab it." When the girl nodded, Bell stood, finding her way towards the marked sign near the back. What did the humans call it... Answering the call of nature? The thought gave her a chuckle.
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

When Bell got done with everything, there'd suddenly be a strange feeling about everything... Although it wasn't something she could put her finger on. When she walked out the door and began heading elsewhere, though... Her vision seemed to blur for a second.

When it cleared, though... It seemed like there was a strange reddish cast to the light, but there was almost a blueish tint to the buildings and streets. It was also eerily quiet.
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

There was something nagging at the back of her mind as she retrieved her leftovers and went out the door. She doublechecked, making sure she didn't leave anything behind and that she had given the waitress a proper tip... No, everything was all good there...

A dizzy spell hit her a few steps out of the place, causing the drow woman to brace herself against a railing separating the outside tables from the street. It passed after a few seconds, but her worry did not. Was her food poisoned, or something. Human food had never disagreed with her before...

That's when she realized the world looked different, reds and blues dominating the landscape. Her mind latched onto the poison theory, figuring it was messing with her head somehow. Starting to panic, she worked her way back into the restaurant, walking slowly in case another dizzy spell came over her, looking for a staff or a phone, she wasn't sure which she should trust more.
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

Panic would definitely start to set in for Bell when she stepped back into the restaurant... There were no signs of anyone, or even any signs of food having been served there. Everything seemed abandoned... and almost deathly quiet.
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

A million thoughts went through her head as she paced towards the back of the place, all of it eerily silent, empty. Each thought was crazier than the last, and none of it was helping. She found a phone hanging on a wall near the back, by the offices, but there was no tone, no power running to it, all as dead as the main rooms. Starting to walk faster, she headed back out to the street, trying her own bracelet, even the holo bracer she had been working on, confused and increasingly desperate to find any signs of life about.
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

As Bell wandered out onto the streets, she'd end up stumbling across something truly disturbing...

Lying in the middle of an intersection was what was left of a male human corpse... The face was distorted in a combination of sheer terror and excruciating pain. Both hands were missing, and the chest seemed like it had exploded outward.

An answer for the missing hands, however, seemed relatively easy to explain. A massive creature was perched over the corpse. Although the body was mostly avian, its head was almost leonine... Violet fur and feathers covered its body, save for the flame-orange mane and midnight blue wings... Of which there was a second set. Gore was trailing from the creature's mouth, which might be what was left of the hands.

Unfortunately for Bell, before she could turn to flee, or hide... The creature spotted her. It let out some kind of snarling, grating sound before taking to the sky slightly, seemingly ready to attack her.
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Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

Bell froze when she saw the body, the large winged creature having caught her attention first. the thing was eating the human, she had to get-

But it was too late, the thing letting out a horrible warble and taking to the skies. She answered with a scream of her own, turning around and tearing off in a random direction, too terrified to do anything but run.
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

As the creature made a sweep over Bell's head, she'd see a burst of some kind of energy strike the ground a distance in front of her. As it hit the ground, a miniature vortex of wind erupted. That direction, at least for the moment, seemed to have been cut off.

Although she might not hear it through the wind, the creature's rushing, and her own panic... There was finally sounds of other life, hopefully not hostile. Rapid footsteps, like someone running, were approaching.
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

Bell stopped so fast she almost tumbled over when the bolt of energy landed in front of her the winds whipping up at the spot and staying put. scrabbling to gather herself, she turned at a right angle to the obstruction and fled down a side street, the wind and her own racing pulse blocking out the new sounds of pursuit.
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

Unfortunately for Bell... In her panic, she'd managed to dart down a dead-end street. And the creature was already blocking the exit.

Even as it started to wheel around to dive at her... A loud, thunderclap-like sound erupted, and something struck the creature from behind, knocking it out of the air. The monster was twitching, with sparks and electrical arcs dancing across it.

At that moment, the source of the attack came into view behind the monster. Clad in a strange fashion, and wielding what looked like a customized heavy pistol of some type, was a lone humanoid figure.

((Think Gabriel Van Helsing for the outfit style, just all black. Complete with wide-brimmed hat. The handgun is basically the Redeemer Revolver from Darkwatch.))
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

Bell stumbled into the wall at the dead end, gripping at it and looking up it, then to each side, realizing she was trapped. Sliding down the wall to crumple on the cround shaking, she barely noticed the attack on the creature, the sound too similar to how it had blocked her off a moment before.

When she did finally realize, she just stared up at the new arrival, shaking in place silently. She wanted to believe the figure was here to save her, but with everything else that had gone on, she was too afraid to do anything but wait and see what happened.
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

What Bell saw next might confirm her hopes of rescue... Or just confuse her even more.

The stranger put three more shots into the monster, charging towards it while pulling a slender metal tube out from his coat with a free hand. As he got closer, the top of the tube seemed to unscrew, then extend out, revealing an inner chamber holding some sort of crystal-like stone.

The stone seemed to flash, and then something about the monster twisted, as if it was being pulled. After a few moments, during which it seemed as if both the monster and the stranger were under some kind of strain, the creature vanished in a flash of light. When the flash cleared, the tube had "closed" again, and the stranger put it back into his coat.

As close as he was to Bell, she could now tell that he was a human male, and had something covering his left eye. He turned towards her, and in a gravelly voice, spoke. "Listen, I can get you out of here, back to safety, but you need to follow close, understood?"
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

Bell watched the whole progression, stunned into silence. When the stranger turned towards her, she recoiled a little more, shrinking into the corner she had collapsed in. It took her a moment to respond, gulping down the knot in her throat but still only managing to nod, standing shakily. If the man offered a hand she'd take it, gripping to him for dear life until this madness resolved itself.
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

Bell would end up having to use the walls she was next for initial support. There was a sudden noise somewhere nearby, and the stranger turned to watch the far end of the alley, gun about halfway raised to a ready position for firing... It's very likely that he suspects the monster may not have been alone.

Once she was standing, and seemed in good enough shape to move, the man glanced over his shoulder, and spoke. "Like I said, follow closely. And if you hear something behind us, let me know. Oh, and if I tell you to duck, better make it fast."

With that, he began heading... somewhere. Although it wouldn't be obvious where to Bell, she'd be able to tell that whoever this is, he's moving like someone who knows what they're doing and where they're needing to go.
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