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Orchrios - Entertainment District

Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

Bell just nodded again, jumping and letting out the start to a scream when she heard whatever noise had caught her savior's attention as well. She followed as close as she could manage when he set off, resisting the urge to grab the man around the waist, but still staying close enough that she almost stepped on his feet several times.
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

Fortunately for Bell's nerves, whatever had made that noise seemed to have had something else to do, as it were. Unfortunately, as the pair passed over an overpass like bridge, her close following of the man caused a slight problem. Either she got too close, or her legs got tangled in his slightly, but he tripped and went over the side. And Bell got drug along for the "ride".

The fall was only about eight feet or so, but the man landed on his back with a grunt. His hat was also knocked off by the fall, and was sitting about a foot or two away. However, Bell landed more or less in a sitting position right across his collarbone. She had remained propped up due to her hands, arms outstretched, landing on his chest, which knocked the wind out of him. Due to the positions involved, his suddenly exhaled breath ran right across a sensitive area...
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

The drow woman let out a fresh scream as the pair went overboard, landing heavily on top of the man with a noticeable thump. She felt the gasp of air, but the impropriety of it escaped her notice at the moment. She scrambled off him as fast as she could muster, looking about shakily for any creatures, before her gaze returned to the man. She knew she had knocked the wind out of him, and she desperately hoped that was as far as the issue went...
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

Fortunately for Bell, by the time she was checking on him, the man was already getting up himself, if a little stiffly... However, her own scramble had snapped the band holding the eye-patch the man was wearing loose, and she'd now have enough features of his face visible to memorize them... Or potentially recognize them, since it was a face she'd seen just this morning.

"Oof... Well, that worked..." The voice even matched. Apparently, the gravelly voice from earlier was faked, and Nate wasn't able to do so right now.
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

That shook Bell out of her stupor somewhat, shaking her head and doublechecking to make sure she wasn't mistaking him. "Mr. Cross?! What... How... What's going on?" She stuttered, her voice cracking near the end.
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

Nate grabbed his hat from off the ground and put it back on. "Short version on my best guess? Fate decided to play one hell of a cruel trick on you tonight. Fortunately, I was already tracking some trouble. Right now, there's a way back to the normal world nearby, and that's where I'm trying to get you. Assuming I can, we can go into more detail later."

Nate paused long enough to get his bearings, and then gestured in a direction behind Bell. "That way, come on." From his tone, and the way he's been moving, this isn't Nate's first visit to... wherever this is, and he did seem to know what he was doing.

True to his word, there was a transit station platform not far in that direction that seemed to have a faint glow around in... And the entryway didn't have the weird coloration of the rest of this place to it.

However, in the distance back towards where they fell, a black, older Earth-style car appeared, and began revving, as if it was about to charge down the street towards them. Nate quickly swapped clips in his gun and practically hollered at Bell, "GO! Get to that station door!"
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Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

“Fate? I thought i had been poisoned!“ Bell protested, wrapping her arms around herself defensively. She had lost her extra food sometime earlier in her panic, she couldn‘t even remember when.

She followed again, not sticking quite as close this time, until the new panic situation occured. She glanced. Between him, the station, aand the revving car once each, then bolted for the station as fast as she could, not even looking back. If that‘s where sanity had gone, that‘s where she was going, simple as that.
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

Bell made it through the doorway without incident, even as the car charged down the street and Nate opened fire on it. Whatever happened next in that strange other-world was lost, as once she passed through the doorway, everything reverted to normal. There were sounds of people again outside, the lights had returned to normal, and a check of her wristband would show that normal service had resumed. Although the station was empty, it seemed that everything was back to normal... for now, at any rate. However, it was starting to get rather late.
Re: Orchrios - Entertainment District

The colours changed back to normal, the screeching of engine and blasts of gunfire replaced by the bustle of a small crowd outdoors, and Bell slowed to a stop inside the station. Sinking back down to the ground like she had inside... wherever that had been, the woman took a few moments of silence, trying to piece everything together. Her shoes were ruined. She didn't know when, but the heels had snapped off. Couldn't have been during that last run, she'd have toppled. Finally collecting enough to think straight, she checked the time. She had been out far longer than she wanted to originally.

Bell sighed as she resolved to... yell at someone later, or something, all the adrenaline from her flight draining her, slowly leaving the building and walking home.