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Orchrios - Residential District


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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As with much of Orchrios, the Residential District was a hodge-podge of architectural styles, reflecting the mixed nature of the entire colony itself. Although a few businesses were in the district, they were mostly small businesses, such as might be owned and operated by one person, or a very small staff at most. The largest businesses in the area were grocery stores and the occasional sit-down style restaurant.
Re: Orchrios - Residential District

Orchrios Solutions was situated in the Residential district on a Main street, less than a block away from both the Administration and Entertainment districts. S squat two-level building, the front had the name plastered in simple letters above large windows, displaying electronics devices from both races. Inside was a small showroom for much of the same with a desk near the back for sales and services, the rest of the main floor closed to the public, holding storage and workspace for the service center. Upstairs was accessible both from the back, and from a second stairwell outside, and contained Bell's living quarters, the upper floor having all the amenities of a standard house.

Bell arrived to find the 'Closed for Lunch' sign on the front door, letting herself in with her own key. She found the current staff on break in the back, consisting of Richard, the man in charge of repair for human tech, and Persephone, one of her sales counter, and a drow. "How'd it go?" The man asked when Bell entered the back, though he had already noticed his boss' happy grin.

"Better than expected! I'm gonna need you guys to pick up some of my shifts, but if all goes well, I'm expecting more business, and raises all around!" Bell replied happily, tossing her arms in the air. That brought grins to the pair she was chatting with. "I'm gonna go see what I can do with the schedule, we may have to hire another temp or something. Seph, you wanna send out that I need everyone's availability updated by the end of tomorrow, just to be sure?" She asked. The other drow nodded, and Bell wandered into the office, snagging a cola from the fridge on the way by. For a human concoction, the fizzy drink was surprisingly delightful.
Re: Orchrios - Residential District

While Bell was going through her shop, she might notice something strange.

Through one of the windows, and only out of the corner of her eye, it would seem for a second like there was a large black bird perched on the corner of a nearby roof.

If she turned to get a better look, however, there'd be nothing there.
Re: Orchrios - Residential District

Bell stopped when she thought she saw the bird out the corner of her eye. Nothing was there when she went to look more directly at it, though.

"Oh hey, what's that new thing on your arm?" Richard asked, breaking her train of thought. Turning back to him, she lifted it for a second, showing the bracer off. "New tech, sort of a holographic pet thing. I'm supposed to figure out how to get it to accept programming for more features. Currently thinking something like a dualboot, but i'm not sure how smooth that will be just yet. they want both races' tech in it." She informed him.

The odd bird forgotten about for the time being, Bell slid into her office chair and got to work.
Re: Orchrios - Residential District

While working at her desk, the mysterious bird appeared again, same out-of-the-corner-of-the-eye deal as last time. This time, it might register as having a similar build to an Earth owl, but somewhat larger...

And once again, the strange avian would completely vanish without a trace should/when Bell turned to get a better look.
Re: Orchrios - Residential District

Bell jumped again when she noticed the bird stalking her from outside again. She snapped her head around to look at it, but the thing was gone faster than she could do so, same as last time. Grumbling, she had an idea. Turning on her drow bracelet, she set it to recordc video, turning off the floating UI again after and leaning on that hand as she started work on her desk again, giving her bracelet the perfect view of the window outside.
Re: Orchrios - Residential District

Once again, the mysterious avian reappeared after a while...But this time, there seemed to be movement. It would be hard to tell out of the corner of her eye, but it would seem as if the creature was turning its head...

Although it might be very hard to see, the 'face' of this thing was seemingly comprised of a single large, humanoid-like lidded eye. No beak or other features. Just an eye.

Should Bell check her recording later... Nothing would be there at all.
Re: Orchrios - Residential District

That sure as hell made Bell jump. It took her a minute to process what she was seeing out of the corner of her eye, but when it clicked, she let out a squal of fright and jumped clear off her seat, turning to the window. It was gone again of course, but at least she had the recording to fall back on, this time.

Except that showed nothing either. Starting to shake in fright, she ran over to the window and closed her blinds. Then she walked over to the door out, cracking it slightly. The pair were still on break, already looking in her direction, having heard the squeal.

“You two seen any birds outside?“
“Uhh, birds, boss?“
“Yeah, like, owls, or something?“
“Nothing like that, nope...“
“Hey Rich, owls have beaks and stuff, right? Nothink like a single giant eye instead of a face, right?“
“Nothing like that, nope. You feeling alright, Bell?“
“I... Think I‘m going to go have a nap...“ Bell said, dipping back into the office for a second before reappearing a moment later. “Here‘s what i got of the schedule so far. Either of you two get bored, feel free to work on it. I‘ll check in at close, if I‘m not sleeping.“

She tossed the workpanel with the schedule on the nearest repair desk and offered a wave, heading for the stairs up to her house, letting herself in and headed for her room, laying down fully clothed, and trying to have a nap.
Re: Orchrios - Residential District

The occurance happened only once more, as Bell was getting schedule. It did appear in the corner of her eye once more, head pointed away again. But it seemed to take off and vanish before Bell turn, if she even tried to get another look this time.

((Yes, the creepy owl-thing has left.))
Re: Orchrios - Residential District

Thoroughly convinced she was going insane by then, the drow woman ignored the final appearance of the eyeball owl and left her office quickly, dropping off the schedule and going to bed in a hurry.

(This should leave it open for whatever or a timeskip when i get back. ciao everyone!)
Re: Orchrios - Residential District

When Bell roused next, it would be dark outside... A quick check of her wristband's clock, however, would show that it was only evening... And just after sundown, too.
Re: Orchrios - Residential District

The place was dark when Bell opened her eyes again, a quick glance at the watch function of her bracer told her it was just after sunset. She groaned a bit, getting up and going to the washroom to splash some water on her face. She'd slept right through the rest of the day. It was still too early to just go back to bed, though, and coupled with the growling in her belly, she quickly decided to head out, if only for a while.

She changed into something a little more appropriate for a night on the town and replacing the makeup she had just washed off. A bloodred dress that accented the curves in her dark skin just so, and matching heeled boots, elbow length gloves, and purse to complete the image, and she was all set.

Bell checked downstairs first though, instead of taking the door to the stairwell outside. Everyone had already gone home, but the schedule had been finished by one of her employees, everything seemed to count out properly, and she had even been given the morning off, bless them. Smiling as she locked up again, she headed off towards the entertainment district of Pathos. She didn't have any particular place in mind, just glancing at places as she passed, waiting for somewhere that looked fun and had food at this time of night.
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Re: Orchrios - Residential District

Bell might be relieved when she left, on another note. No strange sightings.
Re: Orchrios - Residential District

Evening, and Will leaned back in a threadbare armchair, thinking. This Drake character...what was his game? He wanted to talk to Nathan Cross, or at least hear about him, but the guy was some kind of tech bigwig. How the hell was a grounded pilot supposed to run into the guy? And what was in it for him?

"A satisfied sense of curiosity, I guess." He muttered to himself. He had a nasty idea that he was picked because of that incident with Hope Shipping. A dozen arrests and he wasn't one of them, but some people assumed that was because he was smart enough to not get caught. Pure bull, of course, but there you go. With a sigh, he pushed himself up from the chair and picked his way through the small apartment, grabbing his jacket and keys. The building would probably be closed at this time of night, but maybe he could get an idea of their hours.

At the very least, Cross might be able to give him some idea about this guy Drake.
Re: Orchrios - Residential District

When Bell got back home, it would seem that perhaps Nate, or someone that he knew, had been by. The leftovers that Bell had dropped in that other-world were sitting neatly next to her front door.
Re: Orchrios - Residential District

Finally home, the slow walk taking much longer than she anticipated, Bell noticed the container of food left behind. "Fucker couldn't even drive me home..." She grumbled, scooping it up and taking the stairs up to her rooms, and putting the food in her fridge on the way to her bed.
Re: Orchrios - Residential District

Will sighed heavily as he unlocked the door to his apartment. Rogue intelligence? Industrial espionage being too "low key"? People offering him jobs as a form of protection?

"Eerie-ass day that's probably going to turn into a eerie-ass week." He mumbled, locking the door behind him. After a moment's thought, he pushed the armchair over to block it.

No sense in not taking precautions, after all.
Re: Orchrios - Residential District

Bell woke up slowly, dull and groaning instead of her usual chipper attitude. She went through her morning routine distracted, groaning again when she saw her ruined shoes and dirty dress from the night before. She figured it hadn‘t been some horrible dream, but she had held out the hope until then.

She was finally ready to head out, dressed in a more conservative light purple top and matching skirt, kneehigh black socks and a pair of dress shoes she figured she could run in, just in case. She took the outside staircase out, not wanting to chat with her employees until after she had sorted things out, at least a little. They saw her out the window as she passed though, so instead of popping in, she just pantomimed that she was heading over to Horizon, and she‘d be back in a few hours. They nodded, and she was away.
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