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OSAC OOC/discussion thread

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Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
Reputation score
Questions? Comments? Post them here. Or ask me in the shoutbox.

Basic stuff you should know about already:

The campaign premise: Apocalypse is happening. Like, right now. It starts off pretty slowly, but as time goes on, survival should be high on your priority list, because it's going to be tough. The apocalypse will start with things like extreme weather patterns and plagues(which affect different places differently, obviously - an isolated village will likely stay safe from plague, for example - and as those escalate, more immediate threats start to appear.

Scheduling: Post your available times and I'll try to work something out.

Technical stuff: The playing will most likely happen via IRC, but last time I checked you can use Mibbit or other webclient, so that should be non-issue as long as you have a browser with javascript. I'll also request a subforum so there can be stuff happening during downtime and I won't grow too bored if I happen to miss a session.
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Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

Though I may not join in any of the shenanigans because I know nothing of this I will say that I agree with the title of this section.
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

I think I maybe ought to dropout, as I'm just slacking off at my local hobbyshop today and might not get to working on the char sheet. And it starts tomorrow. Sorry for any inconvenience but better to get it out there before rather then hold people up.
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

Hey, room for one more? I'm probably going to kill myself from lack of sleep, but I'll die happy at least! :D
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

Hey, room for one more? I'm probably going to kill myself from lack of sleep, but I'll die happy at least! :D

Make a character.
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

Already on it. Unfortunately I'm now at work for the next nine-ish hours. Should be able to get it done when I get home.
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

I don't know if I can make it tonight, for which I have to apologize. I'll certainly try though, as I'm pretty sure I won't be able to make a Friday game next week either.

Davids plans for the near future:
Buy a horse of decent health and build, along with some saddlebags, from the man. Chatter amicably while trying to haggle down the prices a little bit (using diplomacy checks if necessary) out of habit, though not so much that the man doesn't make a nice profit off of them. Ask polite questions about how to take care of a horse properly on the road, and about places he can keep the animal when not using. Proper care regarding its diet, how much it can carry, how to treat it if it gets hurt, ect. Try to be engaging and friendly while learning as much as possible, as the man probably likes horses enough to find the subject interesting. After that's taken care of, watch the procession of the newcomers with moderate interest.

If things turn into combat, David will mostly try to stay out of peoples way, not being much of a warrior himself. He'll try to heal anyone that gets injured, at least enough to keep them from dying, unless they do something truly despicable within sight of him. He won't outright kill anyone though, and if he can do so without hitting anyone friendly, will use Color Spray to try and neutralize as many enemies as possible. As color spray is an illusion (pattern) spell, they lose my Charisma modifier, which is 4, from their effective hit dice to determine how the spell effects them.
Against undead, who are sadly immune to color spray, David will only engage them only if he can fight them one at a time, unless he gets cornered. He'll only really try to fight low level skeletons or zombies, and will otherwise try to hide behind the bigger angrier people and keep them moving via healing magic.
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

Link to mediafire folder where I will upload all session logs and possibly other Operation Spiders Are Cute related stuff:

EDIT: Apparently the .log files(which I make into .txt files for convenience) don't show formatted when opened in notepad. I don't know why or how to fix that, because in gedit they open formatted so that each message shows in its own line. I think opening it in word or some other program might fix that? Any advice is appreciated.
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Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

pretty sure the formatting is lost once you save it as a .txt file.

in other news, I can't find anything of me in the log posted in the game thread, though i havent checked the other one here yet. did I miss anything of import to my character once i logged off, or should I just be hanging out in the basement as well?
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

Now feels very foolish for having spent money on a poison that is useless to my character except for outside of combat. I need injury based, on contact or inhaled poisons; not ingested poisons. DX
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

pretty sure the formatting is lost once you save it as a .txt file.

in other news, I can't find anything of me in the log posted in the game thread, though i havent checked the other one here yet. did I miss anything of import to my character once i logged off, or should I just be hanging out in the basement as well?

Nope, it still shows to me exactly like it did in the other format.
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

I just realised something; with Sin's character stalking us shouldn't Kaedo/Lindbert/Reginald/(possibly)Jim/(possibly again)Kaedo's horse make a perception check at some point?
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

Umm, what about my other question? :(

The log(split into two posts because of space limitations) has everything that happened in-game.
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

Opening .log files in word has them formatted correctly.
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

I just realised something; with Sin's character stalking us shouldn't Kaedo/Lindbert/Reginald/(possibly)Jim/(possibly again)Kaedo's horse make a perception check at some point?

I don't even think you'd really need that... she's not even trying to hide that well.
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

Sorry I wasn't able to make it last night. There were circumstances beyond my control.
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

To the people who have missed multiple sessions with no announcements: Are you still going to play? I know the current time doesn't fit into bitbot's schedule, but I don't think I've heard anything from the rest of you.
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

So, yeah. Recap:

We met a new friend today! His name is Modesto, and he is a cleric of Unlunu. Or something.
Anyway, we talked to him for a bit, and then the guy we were supposed to get the mission from showed up! He gave me (Dave) a letter, and told us that we had to go find some druids and figure out why the weather was being all weird and stuff. He told us to leave in the morning, and we did more or less just that, going to do stuff like get horses and shit, and then going out of the North Gate of Redwater come the morning.

We walked for a day, not a whole lot happening over all besides some nice chit-chat between Kaedo and David, and then we reached the edge of the farmland around Redwater just as night was falling. We set up camp in a predetermined spot, and were just deciding the watch order when we all (the players, not our characters) started passing out.
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

Yeah, I'm still interested in playing though between getting shit packed and with me about to be moving out and then not having internet for a bit when I do move out everything has been a bit chaotic.
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