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OSAC OOC/discussion thread

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Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

I'm interested but I just can't stay uP that late. Sorry.
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

Since there was no session this week, submit a watchlist for the night.You can handle making it either IC or OOC.
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

I think David was supposed to take a later watch, since he has to sleep a lot and then pray in the morning in order to get his spells. So, he would be on last watch I guess?
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

Yann would prefer either the first or last shift, as she needs to rest for spells as well.
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

Modesto is the same. First or last.
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

Kaedo will take the last 2 shifts. And any others if need be.
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

Cassandra volunteers for first shift & midnight shift if necessary, citing her light-generation cantrips as good reason for her to be stationed at night, and if only one shift is needed, that she should take first shift because {bluff}she's a princess{/bluff} and needs her rest.

She is also willing to take up any camp fire tending duties due to her pyromania.
Re: OSAC OOC/discussion thread

Hmm. The watchlist still isn't complete, I take it?
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