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Otherworldly Magic (Sara)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Taken on her own boat, to pursue the boat she saw in her visions that was cursed to be destroyed, Sara Altel was aboard a specially crafted mage's boat, constructed to conduct magic, so that even the lowest of mages might protect themselves from whatever evil the island had in store. After a time, Sara picked up a strange wind in the air, and after investigating it, found that some kind of magic was drawing them in, assisting them in their goal to reach the island...

Naught but a few hours after she sensed the magic, she caught sight of the island itself. It was very strange that such a large piece of land went uncharted for so long, which only helps further Sara's suspicions about the strange chunk of land. The crew of the boat, transporting Sara to her destination, found a portion of the mountain side they had approached that appeared to be fitting for their boat to dock next to. The anchor was hoisted, and a wooden bridge was made, so that one may walk along the gap leading up to the mountainous terrain.

The mountains were large, and loomed high over the ship. There appeared to be many ways one might traverse these mountains, as if it was meant for human visitors. And there appeared to be signs of creature dwellings in many various places. Holes in the mountains, and even in the ground... Like an infestation of large monsters...

Once they had docked, the captain, a woman of higher standing, fit for the job, walked up to Sara, "This is as far as we go, milady," she told her politely, "This island is cursed, and I'm only willing to trust the protective magic of the mage below for so long. We'll be leaving, but once you've done enough of your research, your mentor said to contact her via your telepathic link." she explained.
Re: Otherworldly Magic (Sara)

And so, the mage trainee sets off the wrecked craft. "Uh-huh, i'll take care.." she mutters - cute little pink lips flashing a delicate grin as she steps out into the wild. Sara was not someone who was the most talented at her craft - she couldn't conjure gigantic fireballs or freeze lakes - but she was at least fairly pretty. Her schools' mage robes adorn her form - a long, one-piece dress with slits at either side - where thigh highs run up in thin little garters underneath the cloth. The center of her robes remain left cut open - baring a few inches of milky-white flesh, obviously not sun-kissed too often - and long, elaborately preeened thick brown hair - halfway shifted over one sapphire blue eye. Her delicate form eases out of the wreckage.

"Sure, i'll make sure to make contact with a ritual circle. " She mutters calmly, looking out over the island with a smug grin, smoothing her robes against her form, and settling them against the curve of her well-defined, feminine hips. Reaching into a pouch at her side, and feeling out her quill and parchment, dexterous digits whip the things loose as she begins to shuffle into the wilds..paying only a mild amount of attention to her surroundings as she begins to take rough notes of flora, fauna, and geography, eyes scanning for a moment, before they return to the parchment..
Re: Otherworldly Magic (Sara)

Walking along the mountain trail, Sara traveled for quite sometime, investigating all the strange plants, most of which bore a resemblance to the plants on the mainland, but appeared quite different, usually in color, and figure. Sara had made quite a few notes, nothing truly noteworthy yet, before she heard a strange flapping of wings above her, and saw a single, jet-black feather slowly descend in front of her. Looking up, Sara caught a very strange sight.

What appeared to be a little girl was flapping her wings effortlessly, and slowly to remain suspended in mid-air. Her skin was almost like a dark blue, or purple tone, and her wings sticking out from her lower body were jet-black. Her hair was pure white. She was wearing highly revealing clothing, along with a chain that came from the collar around her neck, wrapped around her body, and connected to another collar around her ankle. She had over her head, what appeared to be a violet colored halo, which emitted a very powerful, and evil force, sending chills up Sara's spine.

She smiled menacingly down at Sara, "... Your soul looks delicious..." she said in a voice that did not suit a little girl at all, but rather some kind of evil demon...
Re: Otherworldly Magic (Sara)

The immediate presence of a flying creature takes her off guard..and before she threatens, Sara is actually taking notes on it. However, as the threat happens, her eyes widen, and she quickly scrunches up the parchment and puts it in the little pouch at her waist. Her cold blue eyes scan over her form, hands fluffing back through the thick tresses of hair that reach down just to the edge of her bottom. A small rod is produced from her hip, which she thunks into the ground, legs shifted wide - obviously ready for quick movements..

O..oh..! I've never actually f-fought before with magic...But I can defend myself, right? Tapping her staff against the ground, and noting the creature's wings, a glimmer of light sparkles at the tip, followed by a little circiular burst of air - blowing her mage's garb straight skyward for a moment - showing off the little frilly white panties that the garters are laced to.

"Demon, go in peace..I wish no harm.." Light shimmers menacingly from the tip of her staff - pulsing in accordance with Sara's own magical energy, but she could do little more than this at this point..

Demons are afraid of light, right? I just need to..think about..what I learned. Let's see..Harmon's Book of the Planes IV...I should've studied more for that test..!

As her dress settles, she taps her rod against the ground, creating another little gust of wind at its bases, pink lips pursing into a thin line - trying to look far more menacing than perhaps she really was..
Re: Otherworldly Magic (Sara)

The dark, angelic looking girl cocked her head at Sara, saying nothing for a time, before letting out a childish giggle, looking down at Sara with dark, cursed eyes, "Follow me... We're having a celebration, hee, hee!" she giggled, before turning about, and floating through the air, just fast enough for Sara to be able to keep up with her at a quick walk, seemingly not threatened at all by Sara's performance, simply expecting her to follow the dark angel...
Re: Otherworldly Magic (Sara)

Huh..she's not...?

Sara settles her staff back at her hip , letting her guard down for a moment..and instead resorting to taking notes again, her free hand smoothing her dress against the round of her hips.

Did I scare her off...she must have been frightened..right? Sara begins jotting notes..tapping the little ink release point on her self-sustaining quill, a must-have for all mages. Slender legs push her forward after the girl as notes are taken, a delicate feminine sway of her hips the only thing left in her wake. A wandering eye moves up along the girl's curves for a moment, before her teeth press lightly against the flesh of her lower lip...

Wait..uh...I..probably shouldn't stare..like that. Right right, focus..
Re: Otherworldly Magic (Sara)

After a time, Sara was lead through the massive maze of the mountain, and she was sure she'd be lost if she were on her own through the many paths that were made. And what's more, is that she was now certainly lost, and would be barely able to make it back to where the ship docked, with only the dark angel as her guide now. And, looking up at the slender angel, she was definitely no little girl. She might be small, but her ass, legs, and hips spoke of a mature woman, likely using her small size to trick, and deceive...

Being lead through the mountain, Sara eventually heard the faint sounds of moaning in the distance, seemingly coming from where the angel was leading her. Passing along the side of one of the peaks, Sara saw the night sky, and an evil looking, dark cloud was formed over the mountain she was on. She could feel that the cloud was a result of a dangerously large amount of black magic. "We're almost there..." the little angel said excitedly, giggling with anticipation, a wide grin on her face, upon hearing the sounds of moans getting louder, and louder.

Upon reaching the apparent source, Sara and the angel had found the top of a smaller mountain, made into a flat, walkable surface, likely in order for the truly unheard of things in front of her to take place. The sounds of moans, Sara found, were sounds of sex, and torture. Before her lie many demonic looking women of several different types. Some were tan-skinned, pointy eared women wearing little or no clothing at all, almost all of them holding a whip in their hands. Sara saw one whipping a woman bound by rope to a cross, a white skinned female, who had pointy ears as well, and appeared to be an elf-kin, crying as she was punished, being told to say humiliating things by her tormentor.

Others were similar to the dark angel that had led her here, who had a similar clothing style to her, all of them wearing a chain, somewhere on their bodies, likely depicting how they were now slaves to their sexual desires. They were spread about, usually helping with the torture some other demon was doing. One was floating near the elf-kin who was being abused, coming in, and giving her a kiss, and touch on the breast after a short beating was done, and sometimes diving down, and burying her mouth in the elf's pussy, licking her slit, and making the elf beg for mercy as she was tortured this way.

And lastly, the ones Sara felt the most powerful magic coming from, were voluptuous women. They had large breasts, ones that could not be held in but one hand, all of them. They had large horns sticking out of the top of their head, dark colored wings to go with them, and a tail befitting a demoness, full of life, swishing around. These demons, according do Sara's definition, could be none other than the infamous Succubi. The Succubi were the main population of this massive, unholy orgy, and were seen doing a variety of sexual tortures to their both female, and male victims. Some were straddling a man, riding his cock with zeal, while the man himself thrashed, and pleaded in inane babble, mostly about letting him cum, likely a magic the succubi casted to torture the victim with deadly pleasure...

Others appeared to be using their magic to change their anatomy, and actually had large, throbbing members, using them on their female victims. Sara saw one woman, getting stuffed in all three holes by the cocks of her succubi captors. She was already covered in white, gooey cum, a sign that she'd been having sex with these demons for some time...

As she bore witness to the unholy ceremony, Sara suddenly heard a voice behind her, "Mmm... What do we have here?" asked a woman's voice behind her. Upon turning about, Sara saw another succubus, with curly, long, dark purple hair, with purple wings and tail to match, as well as blood red eyes... Befitting a being so evil. She only had thin straps to cover her nipples, and nether, that being the only thing she wore to cover her large breasts, eager to pop out at any moment. She smiled at Sara, eying the sexy mage up and down, "Your soul's energy is much stronger than these humans..." she giggled, and started taking suggestive steps, slowly towards Sara, as if to let the danger sink in, and become all she knew, "... Take your clothes off... I want to feast on your soul..." she commanded Sara, her tone seductive, and her eyes resolute with a heavy passion for Sara's untainted body...
Re: Otherworldly Magic (Sara)

Sara's on-scene arrival quickly brings a livid pink flush to her eyes as she moves from act of debauchery to act of debauchery. With hair still dangling over one eye, and partially concealing her lips, even - the way her lips gape open in shock is clearly noticeable. And feeling the overwhelming magics this powerful around her was like walking into a room with incense so thick you choked on it - the energy dripping from the wild Succubi causing her legs to wobble.

This..this is...

Sara taps her staff on the ground, another circular gust of wind lighting at her feet, dress fluttering about her thighs from the sudden motion. And then that voice hits her..like a brick wrapped in silk. Pivoting on one heeled, fur-lined leather boot, she turns to peer towards the succubus behind her.

Her eyes linger on the succubus for..perhaps a moment too long as she steps forward, otherworldly beauty possessing Sara for a few moments as she meets the succubus eye-to-eye..thigh muscles seen flexing in her thigh highs, signaling she's about to move to action - but is reluctant.

With those eyes boring into her..and those words..

Take your clothes off...

Sara's eyes go blank for a moment as she begins to peel her dress off of her shoulders...getting it halfway down the side of her body - to reveal one milky-white shoulder, and the top round of one breast. Her free hand tugs lightly at the panties underneath her outfit, starting to tug them down...until she snaps hard back into reality with a shake of her head.

I can't just undress here! What's wrong with me! Th..there's too much magic, even I can't fight something like this..!

A tap of her staff illuminates the tip with a brilliant white light...and she murmurs towards the succubus inching towards her. "S-stay back! I..I'm a powerful magi, and..."
Re: Otherworldly Magic (Sara)

The smooth skinned, devilish succubus seemed focused on something else, even though she was looking right at Sara's sparkling blue eyes, the succubi's blood red eyes sending goosebumps through Sara's body. The demon's lips parted in a seductive smile, pearl white teeth peaking from behind pink lips, shaping an alluring grin that makes Sara feel a mental pull, and a carnal rush to meet them with her own lips. The succubus takes a slow step forward, unwavered by her threats. Her dark skinned leg taking one step closer to Sara, her other leg doing the same. Slowly, slowly approaching her, Sara felt an incredible sensation begin to fill her mind, causing her face to flush, and her heart to quicken it's beats.

The Succubi's blood red eyes, staring into Sara, staring into her soul, told her to submit...

The Succubi's pink, lovely lips, smiling at her, told her to give in, to lose all will...

The Succubi's body, her large, soft, round breasts, her voluptuous thighs, and her curvy waist, told Sara to obey...

Then, the Succubus herself, her shapely legs still taking slow, knowing, commanding steps towards Sara, told her, "Give me your soul..." she whispered, the words echoing in Sara's mind, lingering in her being, seeping into her... Corrupting her...

Sara's vision then became a blur, and she felt lightheaded for a short moment, nearly falling over before she felt her vision return, and felt her mind returning to her. When her vision cleared, and she looked back at the Succubus, she was suddenly greeted by a frightening sight. She saw blood red, demonic eyes, right in front of her face, staring back at her, making Sara's very essence feel pierced, and violated by her unholy gaze. Sara felt the Succubi's warm breath smooth along her lips, as she whispered her commands to her, "Submit... Lose your will... Obey me... Give me your soul... And cry in exstacy as I corrupt your body..."
Re: Otherworldly Magic (Sara)

Am...am I getting turned on from even being..near her?

Sara's trembling hands grip at her staff defensively as the succubus draws near, her eyes fastened on every step of her thighs. Her lips dangle open, and were it about two degrees colder, she'd certainly see her breath with how heated it was at this point. And, like a child removed from her bottle..her lips lean forward, pursing apart almost as if ..begging for a kiss, eyes going half-lidded as wobbly legs keep her standing.

Give me your soul..

One of Sara's hands reaches up through the thin mage's garb, and fastens around one of her own breasts, giving a gentle squeeze as she's overloaded with magical sensations. And just as her hand is running down her staff to slip underneath her panties...she feels herself lose all sensation for a moment - that is, until the woman is lingering over her.

As her hair parts from her eyes - the Succubus can feel Sara skip a breath with her lips this close...eyes staring widely into the demoness against her.

I've ...got to think of a way..out of this, i've...

Those thoughts are punctuated by a pretty little brown-haired magess' lips fastening against the demoness before her..sucking at her lower lip needily..
Re: Otherworldly Magic (Sara)

The Succubus let out a giggle as Sara met her pink lips, meeting Sara's lustful kiss with her own deep, passionate embrace. The Succubi's smooth hands ran along Sara's soft back, starting from her curvy hips, and working up, until her fingers found the straps of her garb holding the cloth over her milky white breasts, gently sliding them down Sara's shoulder, and then her arms, exposing her firm breasts to the open air, quickly making them erect with excitement.

The demon's pink lips pulled away from Sara's own lustful lips, looking deep into Sara's blue eyes, with her own, demonic blood red eyes, feeling a dark, magical presence slowly starting to emit from the Succubi, "You belong to me now... My little magi slut... Take off your clothes, and get on your knees before me..." she commanded her.
Re: Otherworldly Magic (Sara)

Sara 's lewd suckling continues for several moments..the hands running along her back forcing her chest forward for a moment - chest not quite the size of a succubus..but ample enough nonetheless - pancaking against her breasts. While she's needily fluttering her tongue against her lower lip of the girl against her...letting cute whimper after cute whimper fall against her lips. The grip on Sara's staff wavers - and a wooden clunk signals it falling to the floor.

In fact, she's taken enough by the kiss that she doesn't even notice her garb loosening until she feels it hit her ankles, leaving her form bare ..cute little pink nipples quickly pebbling up against the succubi's breasts.

The next words slipping from her lips quickly causes Sara to tilt back - decorated only in a pair of thigh-highs, attached with garters to the little lacy crimson panties underneath.

Powerful..suggestions..I can't think...I need to counterspell....I need to..take off my panties...

The succubus watches Sara's thumbs press down underneath the waistline of her panties - turning them inside out as she drags them down her legs, the little click of her garters coming loose heard. And one more moment brings them to her feet - leaving the girl bare - bodied - sex already glimmering with the faintest bit of moisture from the succubus' simple advances. Sara quickly moves onto her knees in front of the Succubus, and her lips lean forward, placing a wet lick at the inside of her thighs - while her hands delicately press against the woman's knees for balance. Wet lips suckle at the inside of her flesh..running up the definition of her leg and leaving a wet trail of saliva as they head inwards to the apex of her thighs...looking all too eager to give oral at this point...
Re: Otherworldly Magic (Sara)

The Succubus lets out a pleased moan as Sara's tongue trails along her inner thigh, her tongue licking the soft, dark skin of the demoness, worshiping her. The angel who led Sara to this unholy place smiled, and giggled as she watched Sara lose herself to lust, and get on her knees, begging for sexual release. "How deliciously pathetic. Who knew someone with such a powerful soul would be such a slut?" she mocked the lustful magi. The angel landed on her feet, and walked over behind Sara, eying her round rump with a lustful expression. "I can't take it anymore, I want to feast on her soul right now!" she announced, before pushing on Sara's back with her hands, sending her down so that she was on her hands and knees, and away from the Succubi's thighs.

The next thing Sara knew, she felt the little violet skinned angel's tongue, lapping at her pink, moist slit. Her tongue sometimes circled around her clit, before returning to sliding along the pink lips of Sara's sex. As Sara felt the sexual stimulation, she felt another orgasmic feeling burning deep within her, a feeling of something being taken from her, seeping out of her at a painfully slow rate, feeling her magic soul being stolen from her as she was stimulated.

Smiling down at Sara as the angel got to work, licking the entranced magi, the Succubus worked her thumbs under the tight straps barely covering her womanhood, and nipples, and simply slid them off her shoulders, letting them fall to the ground as her pink nipples and flower were exposed. She placed a hand over her slit, and Sara felt her summon demonic magic, before her hand slowly started to pull away, eventually holding a large, throbbing, erect cock where her clitoris used to be. She smiled down at Sara, and took a knee in front of her. She placed her hand gently on the back of Sara's head, adjusting her mouth so that it was only an inch away from her excited shaft.

"Come, my beautiful little magi," she commanded Sara, "Put your cute little pink lips around my cock, and drink my cum..."
Re: Otherworldly Magic (Sara)

With a gentle push, the mage topples forward, the heart-shaped round of her hips arched up in the air - pink slit shimmering with her liquid, ripe for the taking. With her hands supporting her, although wobbly, a sharp gasp is heard from her lips as she stares up towards the succubus - feeling a little tongue brush across her velvety soft flower.

Sara's hips lift upward in response, higher - clitoris throbbing as she's suckled at - though at this point, she wasn't aware who was doing it...it was like masturbating, while looking at the most exciting thing she'd seen in her life..eyes glazed over - though her lips hang open in little gasp - thighs quivering as she's stimulated..her nectar beginning to ooze down onto the little dark angel's tongue.

As the succubus materializes a manlike member, Sara wastes no time...her lips trail up the side of the shaft, licking, and leaving a little trail of her own saliva as her tongue massages the shaft, flicking against the underside. Her forefinger and thumb wrap around it, giving a few little strokes, while her tongue gingerly leans forward, lathering at the head against the tip of its slit..

"mmmmpph..." ..a wet, juicy moan slips from her lips as her mouth attatches to the thing, sliding down just an inch or two - either to let the succubus melt in her mouth for a second..or because she's beginning to realize she's being eaten out..though it felt so nice at this moment...
Re: Otherworldly Magic (Sara)

The Succubi's face goes crimson in a lustful blush as Sara skillfully stimulates her cock. Her brows draw together, and one of her eyes close from the sensation of Sara stimulating her demonic phallus. As if it wasn't hard before, now the member was extremely stiff in Sara's fingers and mouth, throbbing excitedly as the magi's tongue runs up and down along the base. The Succubus throws her head back, curly purple hair bouncing as she moans into the air, her cries of passion mixing with the others on the hilltop.

"S-she's..." the Succubus stuttered, barely able to speak as Sara's tongue trailed along her shaft, and her fingers stroked her base. "She's incredible!" she announced in exstacy. The Succubus drew her head down to look at Sara as the magi took the Succubi's member into her pink lips. Sara tasted a little bit of pre-cum leak into her mouth from the cock in her mouth, and felt the demoness place her hand on the back of her head, grasping at her long locks of beautiful hair, and pushing gently, encouraging Sara to take her whole length into her mouth, while her cock pulsated, throbbing inside her mouth.

During her licks, the angel pulled away for a moment, blushing lustfully as she eyed Sara's ass up with a sexually hungry stare. "She's such a whore..." she commented on Sara, "I'm only teasing her, and yet she's feeding me so much energy!" she said with a surprised, and excited tone, "Her life force is so strong to... We could fuck her for another day or two..." she giggled, before burying her mouth in Sara's flower, and raising one of her hands to massage her clit while no longer holding back, licking Sara's folds wildly, while stimulating her clitoris with her fingers, finding all her sensitive spots, and preying upon them...
Re: Otherworldly Magic (Sara)

As the thing stiffens between her lips - Sara's slurping becomes a slight bit more intent - lips drawing an airtight seal around the tip of the head and pushing down slightly - coating it with her saliva and letting out another lewd moan. Her hips waggle behind her as her eyes go half-lidded again...drawn into the Succubus' aura of lust. Her tongue bats at the underside of the shaft..letting the wet, textured muscle slide down along its length with her lips. Sara's hair reaches down to touch the floor at either side of her head - though it's quite a nice handhold as the succubus pulls her onto her shaft...

A..another day or two? I..I've got to do something..but it feels so..-nice-..
Sara's head lulls down onto the shaft in front of her - her velvety nether lips twitching as they're stimulated..clitoris quickly growing stiff with the rapid assault. Sara's excitement trickles down the insides of her thighs as her legs instinctively spread wider, beckoning more stimulation - both of her nipples drawn into stiff little points. Though..from the way her thigh muscles were tightening and her hips were straining..it wasn't hard to tell she was about to cream onto the tongue behind her..
Re: Otherworldly Magic (Sara)

The angel giggled when she noticed Sara was about to cum. Her tongue quickened it's movements around her dripping, pink folds, and she began using her index finger to quickly make back and forth movements over her stiff clitoris, encouraging her climax to be both beautiful, and powerful, so that she might absorb as much sexual energy as possible from her soul. The small angel's tongue eagerly lapped at Sara's folds, using her other hand that wasn't stimulating her clit to spread her flower open, so that she can dip her tongue in deeper, and stimulate her even more...

Meanwhile, the Succubus moaned with pleasure at how great Sara's mouth felt, and as she used her tongue to stimulate her long demonic cock. The demoness couldn't fit even half of her cock inside Sara's mouth, but that didn't stop the dark skinned woman from nearly strangling Sara by making thrusting motions, pushing her cock as deep as it could go inside her beautiful mouth. "I'm cumming..." the demon announced, "Drink it all, my little slut..."
Re: Otherworldly Magic (Sara)

C..can't take it any more..gonna..pop.. Sara's lips give their best little suckles at the shaft at her lips..pushing down gently several times - though the quickening assault was causing her to weaken. A little line of saliva runs down the front of her chin as she loses the concentration to worry about swallowing, and Sara lets out an ecstatic moan as her hips buck up..the girl behind her obviously knowing well how to work the female body.

She can watch Sara's toes curl in her little thigh highs - knees tapping against the ground as her eyes clamp shut, breasts offering little wobbles with each jerk as her entire form moves into full-body convulsions. Muffled squeals exit her lips as her vision goes white, shuddering and jerking, a warm flush of her honey running down onto the tongue of the girl behind herself as she creams herself onto her tongue - thigh muscles stiffening up to a point where they're visible...toned little bottom quaking with each roll of her orgasm..pink nipples stiffened to points ...
Re: Otherworldly Magic (Sara)

As Sara creamed over the angel's tongue, and onto her face a little as well, drenching her in her orgasm, Sara felt a strange sensation deep inside her core, a pleasurable feeling of something being drained from her, as if her soul, the very thing that she channels to use her magic, was seeping out of her, and into the little angel behind her, a realization washing over her, telling her that this was what they meant... When they said that they were going to feast on her soul.

The dark angel girl draws back a little as Sara climaxes, and her sexual energy seeps into her, letting out a squeal, "Messy!" she giggled, as she licked some of the juice near her lips with her tongue. The angel then placed her hands on Sara's ass, and floated up a little, so she could look at the Succubus about to cum inside the lustful magi's mouth. "Her soul is so delicious!" she exclaimed.

"And her mouth is fantastic..." the Succubus moaned, on the brink of climax, even as Sara stopped sucking under the influence of her own climax, that didn't stop the Succubus from thrusting her hips, and driving her cock past Sara's pink lips. The Succubus suddenly threw her head back, yelling with exstacy at the top of her lungs, and driving her cock all the way inside Sara's mouth, the phallus throbbing ferociously as Sara found her mouth quickly being filled with demon seed, some of it unable to stay in her mouth, and flooding out, dripping down her chin, and forming a small puddle of spunk beneath her...
Re: Otherworldly Magic (Sara)

Sara's breath comes in short little spurts immediately after her orgasm - until she feels the shaft push in a little bit farther than she's used to - letting out a few little whimpery, choky noises as she feels the succubus's shaft throb inside her tightly pressed lips. Closing one eye, another little "mmphrr" ..is heard as the succubus blows her load between the mage's lips...forcing her to swallow what she can - the rest dribbling down the front of her chin - globs of it pattering onto her breasts.

Chest heaving, and eyes half-lidded still..her eyes run over the crescent of her back to the heart-shaped curve of her hips - feeling her honey running down the inside of her thighs..and aware - more than anything, of the sensations running through her legs. And perhaps, in a faint moment of clarity - she realizes that she's on her knees..sucking at the shaft of the girl in front of her..and that she'd surely end up completely drained if she stayed!

Pulling her lips back, and coughing a slight bit - more white cream running down her chin - she uses the Succubus' distraction of her orgasm to roll to the side, gripping at her staff, naked body trying to twist to her feet - nearly toppling to the ground with wobbly legs from how hard she'd just gotten off..

I...I've got to get away before my mind goes hazy and I start to throb between my legs again...

Sara attempts to scamper off deeper into the woods...