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Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Vanessa hurried swiftly down the halls. That thudding ground grew louder behind her. "Dolly! Dolly! Dolly!" the voice happily cried, as if their encounter before had never happened. She was so close! She found the ground give way below her, tripping and falling across the ground as her leg gave out.

"I found you~" he cackled a boyish laugh and closed in on her as Vanessa scrambled to her feet. She was so close now! A hand swept down to grab her by with a last burst of adrenaline she flung herself towards the portal...and through it.

"DOLLY!" the voice cried, a hand slamming into what she now realized was a translucent barrier behind her, preventing him from entering. She toppled hard into a canopy of thick underbrush, grass and flowers too. The whole room smelled...incredible, rich nature. In the center was a massive flower, bigger than she was, larger by far than the one that had greeted her.


The pounding sound grew on the barrier as the thing tried furiously to get in. "Dolly! No! My dolly! I'll be good! Come back!"
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

She tripped! No. Fuck. No no No fuck fuck FUCK FUCK NO! YES! Vanessa shouted to herself while the oaf behind her shouted Dolly repeatedly. The fact that she made it through the barrier and that He couldn't follow her made her pretty damned willing to accept whatever fate lay on the other side.

Yes Wilson? She asked the skull, since it'd asked for her attention, while she recovered on the grass. her legs wouldn't hold her anymore for long and she was so... so tired. But the pounding on the barrier was keeping her active.

Seeing the GIGANTIC flower, Vanessa shivered and sat up, crawling out of sight of the portal to somewhere a little more secluded, and flopped down into the grass, eyes fluttering. Just... just gonna take a nap... she said, passing out there in the rich nature.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Exhaustion gripped Vanessa as she made it safely, she sat on in the grass, room obscured by its sheer height. "Maybe you wanna be...wary here?" he warned as she moved slowly out of the way of the portal. The sound of banging stopped, quiet sobs sounded as steps suggested the thing was leaving.

As she laid down, a desire for sleep overwhelming all other sensations she found herself drifting off. A soft warmth spread over her as she did. She felt snug...cozy...warm...

A restful sleep followed, otherwise nothing noteworthy, no strange dreams or otherwise. When she awoke she found herself unable to move...her muscles not responding at all!

Her eyes open, and her first immediate sight was a completely nude green skinned woman! As her vision cleared she realized that it did look very human but green skin...foliage dressed in her hair.

And she was bound! Grass wrapped tightly around her almost like a cocoon. She couldn't move but she had to admit...it was rather snug.

"Hello little one, did you sleep well?" the woman smiled, her voice was cheery and warm.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Vanessa slept the sleep of the dead, completely oblivious to all things, stress and the constant either fighting or running taking it's toll on top of being kidnapped at some point.

When she awoke, she felt warm and comfortable, wriggling a little and realizing she was bound up very slowly, eyes flitting open lazily as she squirmed a bit, testing the bonds. Nope, she wasn't going anywhere fast.

Seeing the woman, she raised her eyebrows before giving another half hearted still sleep struggle, and giving up for now, listening to her speak.

She sounded cheery and warm, and that could all very well be decieving but she remembered her attitude with the fairy, sighed softly, and calmed herself down. Letting her emotions run wild would do her absolutely no good.

I did. Very well, and this is very comfortable... I don't suppose it'd be too much to hope for that all this... grass? This is grass... was just to keep me warm? she asked, offering a half hearted smile, TRYING so hard to be nice, and succeeding. I mean, I... I actually have no word for you apart from stunning, nymph? Dryad? I don't know the proper name for a woman who seems very much well... excuse me for saying so, I don't want to offend given my current um... situation... Plant. she continued, smiling a little wider now, nervously obviously.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

She smiled brightly. "It was, in some small part for your comfort. This places gets such an ugly chill some nights. It's important to keep bundled up. Plus you were just so...cute! I couldn't help but pull you all tight and squeeze! Ah~ Sorry. It's not just that obviously..."

She seemed to...blush? Not quite red in the face but she moved and covered her mouth. "Ah, and kind too you're just perfect! It depends on what you heard. Dryad is a close approximation, some say Alarune, some say heart of the forest, it really depends. You may call me Paeta," she tipped her head.

"I kept you bound because of that blade and your skill and perchance for using it. I want to get a chance to talk to you, to have us get to know each other. We got off on the wrong foot earlier, you see," she gestured gently and Lena felt a warmth tingle through her belly and for a moment her mind wavered. It wasn't unpleasant. She realized, somehow, that Paeta was...also the plant she encountered when she awoke.

"No hard feelings right?"
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Listening and nodding as... Paeta answered her question, but didn't let her go, Vanessa nodded. Vanessa, or Ness. she said, giving her own name before gasping softly and her mind going a Tiny bit fuzzy. Ahhh ok. So this was the plant below... or related to it, or in control of it. Or it's Mom. Something.

I see. Yes, that's not a bad way to umm... Put that. And yes, i've been very stabby she said, noting that she had tried to murder EVERYTHING she'd come across, and in one situation succeeded. Wriggling a little, she soon went limp. This wasn't the rope, there wasn't a magical sharp rope underneath her and her limbs had zero play so she had no choice here.

Hmm? Hard feelings? no, no hard feelings. she said softly, thinking this would somehow end badly for her in some way, but she was going to have to roll with it for now.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

"Ness, then," she smiled and nodded once more waiting as the realization dawned. "Yes, stabby, that's the word I was looking for," she covered her mouth and giggled once. "You're simply adorable. I'm glad to hear, sometimes I simply lose control you see, it's being trapped in here, but always with good aims! I may not have been able to communicate, but I've been able to...nourish you~ you've been well fed during your time here right? Ah, you're welcome, no need to say it." She patted Ness's cheek gently.

"Now that we're both calm and not...uhm, stabby! As you so eloquently put it, I wanted to make you a deal of sorts."

Her hand trailed down Vanessa's body gently, starting from her shoulder, tracing slow down the side of her breast to her hips where it lingered. The grass parted where Paeta touched, giving Vanessa a faint sensation as it writhed to provide a gap for her fingers.

"We are prisoners of this strange place. I've been here much too long, and while my roots spread far throughout this prison I cannot escape its bounds. It's...abhorrent but I cannot leave on my own. I am bound."

"I want you to take me out of here with you, and in return I will aid your escape. What do you think...?" She smiled hand rubbing gently along Vanessa's belly.

"Of course, if you turn me down, you will be free to go, no hard feelings of course."
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Shivering under her touch, Vanessa listened and tilted her head a little, gasping as Paeta reached her hips, biting her lip and hearing her out since there wasn't anything else she could do. So you're trapped here as well. Why not, I've already got one poor soul coming with. Prison break it is. Fuck this hellhole. she said, nodding.

At least it wasn't dolly.

I'll take you with, lord knows I could use more help, granted after that giant freaky... manchild thing, and the shadow warg, you and a fairy are the only things I've met alive... Could be worse so far. she continued, still squirming as Paeta's hand moved, causing the grass she was wrapped in to shift and tease.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

She put a hand to Vanessa's lips. "Careful, you're very sweet to accept but you haven't understood my proposal. There are those who would...bind you to those words even thought you did not understand." The hand slid from her lips. "As I said, I cannot simply leave, or I'd have done so a long time ago, I cannot stray from my garden and so..."

Her hand slid from her belly gently, sliding down to her groin as a finger traced along her sex. She moved closer, halting the gentle pleasing movements upon request.

"You will need to carry a piece of my garden with you...do you understand?" The free hand traced to her stomach gentle. "Within you." As if to leave clear what was being asked.

"It would not hurt of course," she promised and if allowed her finger continued to gently tease, to bring small pleasant waves tingling through her lower body. "Some discomfort I should think..."

"Are you sure you wish to agree still?"
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Vanessa just let her keep stroking her, groaning as her finger found her folds, still listening, clenching softly out of reflex and slickening slowly. What was being asked dawned on her and she let her head flop back.

So you need to hide something. Like what? A seed... I would guess. I... Yes. I'll do it anyway just don't leave me swollen like a blimp If I can't move around easily then I can't fight and none of us get to leave. she said after a moment, just accepting it. The Alraune wasn't quick to force her on her word, but Vanessa was. I said I would help. If you need to use my body to escape, what person would I be if I wouldn't help another... as long as it's just a moments discomfort. she sighed out, shuddering as her finger made another trail along her petals.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Paeta's eyes widened, she smiled to match. "Oh I knew I was right about you, you're wonderful~" She sighed and leaned forward to kiss her. Her lips were sweet as honey, but not sticky. She was close enough now that Vanessa could smell her scent, an aroma of florals that were so rich and wonderful it practically made her head spin. The kiss lingered for a long moment, the plant woman's deft tongue slipping between them to meet hers while her hand continued to tease Vanessa gently. A wonderful taste that reminded her of the plant only somehow stronger, closer to the source perhaps?

The grass began to break away, along with the kiss. Paeta slid close and kissed her neck once. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself~" she giggled. While the grass had unbound her Vanessa still found her wrists and ankles held gently. "Only periodic discomfort, you won't feel much when we begin, and as for swelling, you just need to keep moving towards the surface and you'll be fine."

She began to move down Vanessa's body, kissing her softly. As a reminder of the plant she'd encountered before wherever she kissed flushed faintly with warmth responding to her touch, especially her nipples which Paeta lingered on for a few moments, luxuriously taunting and teasing away before slipping all the way down to her sex planting a single gentle kiss.

"Last chance~" she warned. Vanessa's sex was flush with warmth and desire, perhaps entirely naturally. "Any requests?" she teased.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Being kissed, Vanessa's already warmed up body flushed hard with heat, moaning into her lips, tongue rolling with Paeta's slowly, savoring the taste, why did being bound up make her so much easier to turn on! talk about life not being fair.

Pushing her hips into Paeta's fingers, rolling slowly, Vanessa moaned again as the grass bared her flesh but left her tied to the ground. The taste on her lips was obviously familiar and it was one Vanessa found she loved, maybe a little too much but it made her hot all over and Paeta would find Vanessa was slick and needy right now, tugging playfully at her bound limbs and shuddering hard as she started to kiss her way down her body.

Her nipples were already hard and each kiss and lick, tease and suckle left her breathless, gasping and moaning sweetly with each little touch, the warmth that spread from the contact only making it better for several long moments before she trailed lower. That single kiss was enough to completely make up Vanessa's mind as the wash of breath over her petals, and then soft lips made her mewl and clench. Do it... god damnit fuck me. Hard, repeatedly. Don't caaaare. she whispered, crying out the last two words in lust and frustration.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

At her command a tentacle wormed its way up her leg rapidly sliding inside her sex with only a moment of rough resistance that only seemed to heighten the sensation of the sudden intrusion. It moved gently for a moment, twisting and thrusting away gently inside her as the woman laid across her waist, tongue flicking gently at the head of the tentacle like appendage, giving attention to her clitoris.

This continued for a few moments before Vanessa felt something warm and hot spray inside of her sending wave of delight to radiate through her body. It felt incredible, causing a bright warmth to spread through her loins. Her entirely body shivered, the woman's hand caressed her gently, her thighs, her belly, up to her breasts. Every touch felt delightful.

She slid up Vanessa's body as she was bound helplessly pulling her into a kiss as the tentacle soon began to thrust inside her again. It was entirely different now, every thrust caused her vision to blur, every thrust caused a tingle sensation to grow in her feet and hands. It was dizzying yet anything but unpleasant. She could feel it coming, slow, steadily building until eventually the orgasm erupted through her body. The tentacle slowed, striking her at the right moments, at what felt like the perfect tempo to cause her to ride out the orgasm for what felt like whole minutes.

It took awhile for the tingling to fade, but other than gentle soft kisses and the woman's gentle carress the direct pleasure had stopped. She was allowed a few moments to calm as she felt herself begin to move, pulled by her binds gently.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

The tendril was there, ready, the Alraune just waiting for Vanessa to give in to her completely, and she had. Twisting up her leg, it pressed forward, her body fighting for just a moment before it shoved into her depths, making her arch hard and scream in pent up pleasure, clenching as hard around it as she could in response before coming back down, hips rising and falling, rolling against it as it rested deep inside her and Paeta shifted around, it was moving slowly, but she didn't care, and then something changed. Something poured into her core, slick, warm, mind blowing, and Vanessa melted at the feeling.

She raised her head enough just to see what was going on before a kiss to her clit made her writhe, eyes wide as her head fell back and she gasped, the tendril starting to move inside her and vanessa immediately, obediently starting to move with it. And then Paeta's lips were on her own, Vanessa thrusting her tongue into the Alraune's mouth and groaning in ecstasy while each thrust made her ripple and constrict around the tendril grinding inside her and her vision blurred. Something was happening to her because of it but it felt so good, that tingle, that warm and prickly sensation spreading through her as it fucked her through an easy to reach and welcome orgasm, Paeta crying out into the forested room loudly in bliss for several long moments, before going limp as the tendril stopped and her climax finally faded.

ooo my gods Oooooo paeta... why are you stopping... she whimpered, squirming weakly before she felt the grass she was bound up in starting to move, making her rise, and she did, on unsteady legs, trying to help, the tendril still buried in her folds making her gasp and squirm, Ness going wherever she was led by this enchanting woman easily and with only thoughts of pleasure on her mind.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Paeta giggled at each of her sounds, sighing contentedly with delight, helping guide Vanessa's pleasure higher and higher whenever she could.

"We're not stopping~" she teased in a voice that made Ness shiver. "We've only just begun."

She was pulled, guided gently to the center of the room up and into the central body of the flower. She might have noticed the second tendril in its depth, far wider and larger than the one before it but not such that it made her fret or worry. "This is going to feel much different," she warned. "Much stronger, just lose yourself to it~ Don't fight it~"

She pulled Vanessa into another kiss, soft, tender, her lands gripped Vanessa's legs as they were pulled exposing her groin. Her sex throbbed with desire, begging for stimulation. She was lowered slowly, maddeningly so inch by inch as Paeta kissed her, growing more and more passionate as each moment passed as if Paeta's own desire and anticipation was growing.

She felt it gently press into her, filling her up and before long it was in. It fit perfectly, hitt against every sensitive spot she had. The length ground against her clit as it slid in and against it went out and Paeta made sure to pay attention to the rest of her body as well hands gliding gently kneading against her breasts gently kissing her fervently as her ecstasy rose.

She was sure she came when it entered her, and again as it thrusted into her. Her body became electric, it was if her entire body had become erogenous shuddering and shivering with delight at every touch. It continued against and again until she wasn't sure if she was cumming or if it just felt that good.

It felt like hours when she felt it, a faint pressure, a warm spray that spread deep inside of it. There was discomfort but only for a moment, the appendage began to thrust again and soon the moment was forgotten entirely, until later. Her awareness blacked out. "I'll be with you, Vanessa~ Let's do this again sometime."

She stirred what felt like a long time later feeling incredible. Her body felt more rested and relaxed than it had ever felt before. She felt light, powerful, satisfied. Her body shivered and pulsed with energy and she held a strong echo of the pleasure she experienced, perhaps even ached for further.

She was however, alone, the flower in the center of the room was missing, yet the foliage was there, no sign of Paeta.

Her things and possessions were near.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Vanessa remained bound, Paeta making sure that she couldn't back out, not that she wanted to, she wanted to keep going. She was moved toward the large flower in the room and she squirmed and moaned when she saw what was waiting inside.

She nodded at Paeta, squirming towards her for another kiss before she was lowered into the flower and her mouth opened into a perfect O, back arched hard, hips squirming left, right, back, forward, trying to both escape, and urge that thick, impossibly pleasurable tendril deeper into herself, body unsure of what it wanted to do. But as she sank all the way in and that thick tendril buried itself in her, she came. Hard. There was nothing to do but take it now.

Something was holding her in place, Paeta was kissing her and toying with her chest as she came again, her nipples and clit hard, her eyes wide while she groaned and cried out in ecstasy into Paeta's mouth...

And it continued for hours. That tiny moment of discomfort was hardly worth noting after so much pleasure. It was like she had been cumming non stop without end until she'd passed out. And when she came back around, she was alone. Well... Wilson was there. BUT SHE WAS ALONE! D:

She mewled, looking around for the flower, one hand sliding between her thighs and grinding hard on her folds, gasping, before her senses came back to her and she stopped, squirming over to her belongings and putting her big floppy shirt back on, blushing and grabbing up her stuff to keep moving.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

"Hey boss you with us again? I got worried about you, it's been a few hours since uh, you were last...aware. How you feeling?" the friendly voice of the skull called out as she regained her consciousness. "Strange show, never seen anything like that," he said quietly.

The could travel back if she wanted or press forward into the dark. A tingling sensation rolled throughout her body.

A power is being offered to Vanessa if she'd wish to indulge it, it will be corruptive in nature and change her in some way, but she can choose to resist it, something may be lost by accepting, something may be gained by rejecting. Yes this is a cryptic :S
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Hrm? yeah, I'm alright. Ooooh it was strange but it felt really good. And we get to help another person. Vanessa said, smiling and reaching down into her bag to pat the skull reassuringly. Before fishing it out and shoving it between her legs for a moment because it was a pervert and then putting it back into the bag.

Tingling all over, Vanessa wasn't really sure what was going on, however, she had agreed to help the alraune hell or high water she was going to. And it seemed that whatever was happening to her was because of that decision, another part of their agreement, their contract, that she would hold to.

She sighed and strode forward into the darkness, continuing on, but she allowed the Alraune inside her to aid her, not resisting whatever change was taking place, eyes open, and sword out.

I choose powa for the above reasons, and because you were so cryptic.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

"Well it was pretty fun to watch, I'm happy to say. You're sure you're feelin' alright now though r-" it went silent as Vanessa slid it between her legs. For a moment she felt a faint pleasant sensation of movement between her legs but it faded even before she placed it back into the bag.

As she relaxed and allowed the strange sensation roll through her she felt a tingling through her hair. If she reached up to check she'd find a single budding flower appear in her hair whose roots wound through. She felt no different otherwise, and it actually looked rather pretty giving off a pleasant soothing fragrance.

She proceeded in relative peace down the hall. She felt a breeze come in from a passage to her left, or she could press on ahead. The breeze suggested that there was a path closer to the surface towards it, but who knew what other wonders awaited her if she chose to explore?
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

The last time she'd chosen to look straight ahead she'd almost run smack into the ogre thing. But she stopped and admired the flower, reaching up to stroke the bud and roots, before continuing ahead instead of too the left, exploring a little.