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Out of Character Chatter Thread


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Name should explain this one.
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

So, I'm just kind of flailing around here, can someone explain things in captain dummy talk?

EDIT: i usually need someone standing over me to explain things as I'm filling out a character sheet for a new game/system/thing
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

What species and class are you going for?

Use the stat roller linked in the sign up thread. You can reroll anything under 10 - just list both links the thing gives you when you do, and announce that you rerolled and stuff. Whatever numbers you get from that, you can shuffle around your stats however you like.

After that, you write down the various things you get from your species and class - stuff like stat bonuses, how big your character is, special abilities, etc.

Then you choose skills (how many points you get for this is determined by your class, with your intelligence modifier added to it, times 4). The maximum rank you can buy skills is 4, and if it's not a class skill (also listed under whatever class you pick) you have to spend 2 points instead of 1 to get it. Uhh, your intelligence modifier (your modifiers for any stat, really) is basically how many evens you're above or below 10. If your Int is 10 or 11, your mod is +0; if your Int is 14 or 15, it's +2, and if it's 9 or 8 your mod is -1.

Then you pick a feat. Generally you only get to pick one, but certain classes and races get extra ones.

There are a lot of skills and feats. Just browse through them, and try to decide what you'd like your character to be good at.

You were gunning for a Twi'lek, right? I'm considering being one too, so I'd have someone to use that sekrit head-tentacle language with (I'm considering playing a THEEF, so SEKRITS are important). Not really set on the idea, but if I do, then yeah. Anyway, here's the little notes I have for them, since you're probably making they too.

Twi'lek ((( Page 32 )))
+2 Cha, -2 Wis
Medium-size (no bonuses/penalties)
10m speed

Low-light vision (x2 far in low light); retain colors
+1 Fort
Lang: Speak & Read/Write Ryl & Basic; Lekku

You get one force point, which is basically a hero point for when shit hits the fan, IIRC. You get bonus languages if your Intelligence modifier is positive - each point of modifier gives you the ability to speak OR read and write one language.

Whatever problems you have, you can probably herp about it in this thread, and someone will blerf at you with answers and stuff.

I can help, but I'm not too good with d20 D&D-style systems and stuff.

Regarding team synergy, I am currently pondering a Twi'lek, maybe Human Scoundrel, or a Droid Tech Specialist. <_>

Also, here's a notepad sheet. The formatting doesn't work on ULMF due to tabbing and stuff, so it'll have to be rebuggered for that, though.


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Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

So, uhh... i got home from work today, and my laptop won‘t turn on. Sheet‘s done except for equipment, but i dunno if i can get to it. I‘ll update when i can.
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

seekrit thiefing Twi'lek sounds cool, yes. Hrm. I will ponder your posting. I will hopefully be able to understands it.
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

How many people are we looking at here, cause if you need another hand, just let me know. I can hopefully turn out something after a little while.
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

Aust, I'm rethinking getting involved in another RP, even though star wars if fun. I'll drop out, so there's definitely room for you.
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

On Tentanari's request, The core book, hero's guide for later levels, arms and equipment guide, and ultimate alien anthology, as well as a sheet for those tha tlike paper copies:

smaller download, so it's easier for some to manage. should last a week from the time people stop downloading it, so yeah.
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

I know it's kind of late, but any chance there's room for another player? Can't believe I missed the recruiting thread for over a week...
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

Don't you drop out of poastan for months at a time.
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

Gee, thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt.

In answer to your question (it was intended to be a question?), yes, I have in the past. That was mainly due to me having some emotional problems that needed working out on my end. I like to think I have a handle on those now. In addition, Star Wars is something I'm strongly interested in.

So yah, can't promise anything, but if it helps give some confidence that I'll stay through it all, if I drop without a good explanation (or any explanation at all), I'll stay out of the RP/PbP section of the board from then on.

Besides that, I think Aust's shown their interest before me, so if after Aust, there's no more room, that's fine.
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

Whatever your reasons were, it wouldn't be fair to hold you to that non-promise, nor to expect you to keep playing if you lose interest or whatnot. If you think you'll stick around, then cool, and if you don't, then live and let live or whatever phrase is appropriate.

Uh, of course, it's not like I have a say or anything. >.>;
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

Hardware hasn't said anything yet about a player limit, so I'm going to assume that it's still open.

...Given the fact that his computer's about 8-10 feet away from mine, and that's where he spends most of his waking time, I feel I'm in a good position to know about such matters.
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

Most?? Try all.

I really don't care about group sizes; the only caveat is that in bigger groups it's a bit harder for the GM to keep one or two people from dominating most of the play sessions. If others are okay with the focus being off of them more often than not, there's no real issue.

But that may all be water under the bridge, as it were; I dunno.
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

Ill try to whip up a char after classes tonight. I just need to decide between a droid and a mando and have help working on both of them.... Heehee ^ ^ ;;;
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

If you can get a hold of me, I can help out. Shoutbox works but gets iffy, AIM or steam are the better ways, usually.
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

I'll try to make mine soonish too.
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

Check the GM Briefing thread for an update/clarification of how this is going to work. Specifically, regarding the question that arose about "adult" content.
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

For any players concerned:

Yes, Hardware is still going to run this. He's just had a bit of writer's block, I think. Hopefully, he'll be making a post sometime today for the purpose of getting things moving...
Re: Out of Character Chatter Thread

regarding Hardware, this is the same buddy you told us all about ages ago, right?