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Out of Time (TentX)


Former Moderator
Nov 24, 2009
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Lily HP:40 MP:6 STR:40 INT:60
Lily quietly poked her head out of her home, it had only been about a day since the transformations took place. She had been successful playing along with her parents and the rest of the town but now it was time to make her escape. The entire town had gathered at the square to celebrate the near arrival of Lord Dracula, Lily fled in the opposite direction stretching out her new wings and preparing to take to the sky. Before takeoff however something smashed into the road in front of her making her stagger back. As the dust cleared one of the townsfolk, she couldn't tell who, stood before her in their new form as a werewolf growling at her. "It isn't surprising you would be trying to cause a problem Lily....I suggest you join the rest of us. It's the only way."

Miniboss:Werewolf (Sorry you rolled a 1 on your attempt to slip away ^-^')
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

"No, the rest of you are just weak willed. I refuse to be a mindless drone for Dracula like the rest of my family has been. I will ive my life the way I wish to. NOW GET OUT OF MY WAY!"

(cast windcutter)
*not entirely sure how combat goes here :eek: *
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

(bosses and minibosses are turn by turn, normal minions get condensed into one bit of info from point A to point B)

The werewolf seems unprepared for Lily's mastery of her powers and howls in pain as the blades of wind rake across it causing multiple cuts. It quickly regains it's footing though and snarls and fires a ball of energy hitting Lily in the shoulder and taking off one of her sleeves. "You will suffer for your insolence child!"

(Lily causes 15 damage to the werewolf and takes 5 from it's blast)

HP:35 MP:5
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

"You're all talk! Let's how tough you act when I drain you as dry as a bone!" She screams before leaping towards and latching onto the wolf; clamping her newly grown fangs around the beastman with the intent to suck him completely dry.

Vampire Bite
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

The werewolf claws Lily as she leaps but doesn't keep her from latching onto it's back, flailing and howling in pain desperately trying to remove her failing miserablely as she clings and completely drains the werewolf causing it to fall forward with a thud as dead as the stone it lays on. The howls and noise from the fight seem to have drawn some attention though and Lily must flee or have the entire town beset upon her.

(Lily successfully attached and held onto the werewolf for 3 turns without being damaged during that time and healed what little damage she had alone with gaining 2xp, 2 more and she'll be Level 2)
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

CRAP! Stupid furball attracted a crowd! She thinks before quickly running into the nearest lonely alley she can find, hoping to get out of sight and away from any prying eyes of the townsfolk, before changing into her bat for and flying away.
Transform: Bat
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

Lily makes the transformation just in time and flies away before being discovered, even though she could fly the chances of her being able to fly the stormy english channel as a bat were not good. She could either head to London and try slip onto a flight to the mainland or head to one of the small fishing villages and try to sneak onto or steal a boat.
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

There's no way I can fly the channel like this she thought, and I don't have any money so my best bet would be to try to sneak onto a boat or charm a human enough to steal one. Either way just as long as I get out of here and avoid exposing myself as Darkborn, and hopefully avoid any more of Dracula's mindless slaves.

Head to a fishing town and tr to sneak on or steal a boat.
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

As she fluttered away from town suddenly two harpies came screeching out of the dark clouds at her, Lily immediately recognized them as two girls who had constantly antagonized her. "You can't leave yet Lily!" "Yeah! We heard you became a succubus, we want to play with you!" Fluttering about in midair Lily weaves and dives to avoid grasping talons and one tricky maneuver later sends the harpies careening into each other and plummeting to the ground. As she glides towards the fishing docks just as the sky is turning a pale blue she sees random people beginning to wander around, she can either take her chances and try and steal a boat or wait until nightfall outside the town.

(rolled a 14 for the harpy fight and only took 1 damage from a graze)

HP:39 MP5 +1xp
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

DAMN! There's too big of a crowd right now! I'm sure someone will be bale to tell I'm a Darkborne and then they'll run off for the torches and pitchforks! I had better wait till the crowd dies down at night. She saids to herself as heads to a nearby woods/inn to wait until its safer.

Wait until dark.
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

(Failed roll to wait uneventfully)

Lily waited among the trees quietly for hours, as the sun started to set she awoke from a nap to two familiar faces perched in the tree above her. "You're pretty good flying." "Let's see how you are on the ground." "I want to see how she tastes..." "Okay but I get those nice little breasts..." The two harpies grin menacingly down at Lily. "It's plaaaaaytiiiiime" They both sing at once.

Battle: Harpie Sisters
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

"Don't you know when to give up!? I just want to get to the mainland!", she saids as she raises her arms to cat her spell tossing several small blades of wind at the harpies. "I've got no bone to pick with you feathered floozies! Now if you don't leave me alone, I'm going to turn you three into pillows and a feather duster!"
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

(Rolled a 20 for the cast)

Both harpies squak as wind erupts from Lily's hands plowing both of them off the tree and onto the ground groaning as the weakly flutter off the ground.

(You just missed having enough to litterally have them go soaring over the horizon heh.)

HP:40 MP:4
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

"HMPH! Not so cocky now are you!? I'm going to turn you three into a pillow and blanket for me to sleep with!" she saids as she jumps down from the tree, unleashing another barrage of windblades, aiming to finish off the annoying bird ladies before heading back into town to sneak on a boat to the mainland.

Windcutter attack
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

(Another 20, I think I know where Kathy's luck went :p )

The two harpies barely recover before Lily blows them away litterally with her final spell sending them soaring off into the distance screaming.

(Lily levels up)

HP:45 MP:7 STR:45 INT:70
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

"HAH! I knew those three were all talk! I need to hurry up and get to the docks before ride to the mainland takes off. I don't want to be stuck here come morning, or any longer with a bunch of angry villagers to worry about."

Head to the docks and try to sneak aboard or steal a boat.
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

Lily sneaks over to the harbor but unfortunatly arrives too early and is caught trying to steal a boat with the captain still onboard. After an extremely violent scuffle Lily desperately blows the captain and half the dock away to escape from the approaching mob. After obtaining a boat the hard way Lily just needed to figure out which country on the mainland she'd go ashore at.

Lily lost 6HP and 1MP fighting the boat captain and the angry mob
(Rolled a 2 on your sneakiness ^_^)

HP:39 MP:6
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

"I doubt I would stand any chance of confronting Dracula by myself at all as I am now. Greece is much closer too. So I guess that would be my best bet for now." She saids as she begins navigating the boat towards mainland.

Investigate monsters in greece.
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

The boat trip takes several days and thankfully there was food stocked on board to keep Lily going. Just as night falls on the 5th night she slips into Athens completely undetected and finds the city streets bare. Not a soul in sight. She could prowl the city hoping to find the answers or check some of the city's seedier areas where no one would probably mind her appearance.
Re: Out of Time (TentX)

"Man. It's a real ghost town around here. It seems pretty much completley devoid of life. But still it would be smarter to stay down towards the shady parts as not to draw any unwanted attention to me being a succubus." she saids as she starts heading down towards the seedier parts of the city.

Check the city's seedier areas.