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Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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"I don't know why our medicine isn't working on you."

The doctor said as she checked Sarah Quintex's forehead.


"I told you, it's just a cold. Stop giving me so much medicine!"

Sarah pushed the doctor's hand away.


"I'll get over it."


"It's not the cold, it's the flu. You're showing the symptoms."


"Lady, I got sick with the, 'Swine Flu,' and I'm perfectly fine, I didn't even go to the hospital, hell, I didn't even lie down! I've always been very healthy, now quit it!"

Sarah pushed away another attempt to examine her.

The doctor sighed.


"I'm going to go get a prescription for Aleve, please wait here."



Angry at her arrogant patient, the doctor stormed out of the room.

After a couple of seconds, Sarah said out loud.


"No way I'm stayin' here. I wanna go home, it's late."

I left my nine millimeter in the alleyway to avoid the metal detectors, I'd better go get it before I go home.

Sarah hops off the patient's bed, heads out the door, and heads down the hallway.

*Take the elevator, or stairs?*

(Sarah's a showoff, she'd rather take the stairs, a willpower check will be made if you pick the elevator.)
Re: Outbreak

Not that the desison is that hard, she thought to herself, quickly going to the stairs and skipping her way down a few steps at a time.


"Blasted doctors, I got better things to do then shit like this..."
Re: Outbreak

Twenty floors were quite a workout for her.

She proceeded down many stairs, she didn't count how many floors, but she'd know when she'd hit first floor, that's for sure.

When she reached the fifth floor, she noticed the elevator was going back up.


Bullshit, no way it made it down before I did...

She staved it off, and continued down the stairs.

When she reached the second floor, she thought she saw the lights flicker.

It made her stop for a second, and she was about to continue until...



"What the... A power outage?"

She declared out loud.


Great, I can hardly see anything.

She complained.

She felt her way around as her eyes began to adjust, and proceeded slowly down the steps.

(Fear check)

She was surprised to hear a loud scream from somewhere in the building.

She was confused more than afraid, and she didn't know what to do...


Whatever that scream was, I don't want to stick around to find out

She decided.

*What do you do?*
Re: Outbreak

After a short second thought...


Hmm. Maybe it's another person just afraid of the dark. Might as well help them out real quick...

She followed the screaming sound, looking for it's source.
Re: Outbreak

She tried to figure out where it came from, but the best guess she could reckon is that it came from, "up" and there are about 25 floors on this building...

*What do you do?*
Re: Outbreak


Then again, cowardise has it's uses... maybe AFTER I get my gun...

At that point, she scampered down the stairs to the alley, after her gun.
Re: Outbreak

Sarah walks through the doors to the hall.

(Perception check)

Sarah, heard something. It sounded almost like when you smack your skin, but something was different about it...

The only thing she knew is that the sound came from the main lobby, her only exit.

*What do you do?*
Re: Outbreak

She tenses, her mind allready geared to make a run for it if needed. Slowly, she aproached the door into the lobby, peering in slowly, and hoping the door wasn't squeeky...
Re: Outbreak

(Sneak check)

She didn't make a sound as she peeked into the lobby.

(Perception check)

She saw some... Thing moving across the floor of the lobby.

It almost looked like goo.

*What do you do?*
Re: Outbreak

Sarah reasoned that the goo couldn't POSSIBLY match her in agility and speed- years of gymnastics before she got all serious didn't help either- so probably was worth it running for it. Backing up a bit, Sarah suddenly pounced through the door, headed for outside.
Re: Outbreak

The monster was surprised, and indeed had no chance of catching Sarah as she ran through the hospital door.

She was now outside, the moon was shining bright.

*What do you do?*
Re: Outbreak

She skiddeed to a halt outside the door, grinning.


That's more like it! Now to get my gun!

She headed for the alley, still grinning.
Re: Outbreak

(Perception check)

She immediately stepped back from the alleyway, as she'd recognized that glint in the moonlight as another goo creature.

*The large puddle of organs is in between you, and your gun, you might be able to run past it, or you could just make a break for it.*
Re: Outbreak

She didn't want to leave the weapon here- might be useful after all- with that reasoning, Sarah went to dodge around the goo and find the gun.
Re: Outbreak

(Acrobatics check)

With a quick wall run, she breezed right past the freakish blob, and snagged her gun.

The slime obviously learned from it's mistake, as it made it's slime cover the walls, no getting past it now!

A quick glance behind her reveals a wood fence, if push comes to shove, she could try to jump over that.

*What do you do?*
Re: Outbreak

Deciding the goo wasn't THAT strong, she too a running start, then went to jump over the ooze in the way of the alley- the fence would be too cliche', after all...
Re: Outbreak

(Sarah attempts to jump over the monster)

(Enemy dexterity check)

As she leaped over the slime, part of it's liquid body reached up and attached to her leg, stopping her dead in her tracks as well as making her fall to the ground.

Face down, she looked behind her to see the slime, slowly engulfing her lower half...

*What do you do?*
Re: Outbreak


Aw shit!

Sarah started scooting forward, trying to kick free as well, hoping to escape. Even if it was smarter, it sure wasn't gonna stop her!
Re: Outbreak

(Sarah attempts to escape)

She tries as hard as she can, but the slime is so sticky, it seems to be stuck on her like glue.

(Enemy attacks)

The slime completely engulfed her lower half, and as it moved up, she began to feel a tingling sensation.

The slimes organs seemed to move around, as one part of it, unannounced, tried to shove it's way into her mouth.

She blocked it with her hand, sending it back inside it's core.

*What do you do?*
Re: Outbreak

The girl cursed. A feeling of dread was coursing through her now, and she lowered her gun, trying to angle a shot into one of the floating organs before it could sneak up on her again...