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Outerlands OOC

Re: Outerlands OOC

New Feats were added. Your Descendants can now be Bastards or Mongrels (thanks to Maiko); CW gave me the idea to summon multiple creatures at once; and now you can Dual Wield and Cast, as well as be awesome at grappling.
Re: Outerlands OOC

>Delicious grapple feats >They require Dex and Str >I dumpstatted the fuck out of both of those

Re: Outerlands OOC

So a suggestion I put to Silth, was wondering how others felt about it;

Keep the Farm construction at 3 food a cycle, but instead of costing 5 wood and 3 stone the cost would now be 7-10 wood. The farms would then be able to be upgraded, starting off with increasing their size for x wood and stone, and then eventually given other upgrades, possibly to increase their size or production or whatever.

Though another idea would be to keep the new cost, but instead of 3 food per cycle they'd give 5 and instead of having 1 per 5 villagers have 1 per five adult/elderly villagers. And if the villagers drop to below the required amount to build the next farm or if, for example, we have 5 farms and the adult villagers drop to 15 then we'd not be able to purchase any more but still able to upgrade the existing farms.

I'm suggesting this mostly because none of us had the foresight to think about making a character/bringing along a pickaxe and so making it harder for us to acquire stone without finding a way to trade for it.
Re: Outerlands OOC

Changing the mechanics to account for player stupidity is a decision that I wholeheartedly support!
Re: Outerlands OOC

I'm suggesting this mostly because none of us had the foresight to think about making a character/bringing along a pickaxe and so making it harder for us to acquire stone without finding a way to trade for it.

On the other hand, my character *did* find a reasonably friendly goblin looking to trade stone.
Re: Outerlands OOC

Ah cool. Would that be enough to tire us over for a while? Because I was thinking we'd need to build a fair few farms before we start anything decent to account for all the food the gluttonous bastard villagers are consuming.
Re: Outerlands OOC

Well, we do need something to trade *for* the stone, and the terms probably won't be amazing, but we could probably make it work as long as we need to. Have to ask Silth what if any restrictions there will be.
Re: Outerlands OOC

I suggest trading off the more slutty descendants. Not like they'd be of much use for anything else.
Re: Outerlands OOC

OI! Falisha 's not THAT kind of descendant!........ Now a one night stand, however...... She might agree to that. :p
Re: Outerlands OOC

I'd like to sum up the jokes that we have for Outerlands so far (In order of appearance):

Aust secretly not-so-secretly wants to be enslaved.

Erryn's a man.


Note: Tenta's character being a slut isn't in there, because that's a fact. A dirty, dirty fact.

I do like the farming mechanics Oni brought up, as well as some new harvesting stuff.
Re: Outerlands OOC

You better damn well like them. I spent all of 15 minutes thinking them up during a particularly slow period in work. Also, farming sims are kinda my thing, so I may end up suggesting some other farm related stuff later on.
Re: Outerlands OOC

Hey TWO! Post that you've met a miner in the quests board! Or respond to milky's post.
Re: Outerlands OOC

Goddammit Silth, throwing five ogres at us. We're not Del, dammit.
Re: Outerlands OOC

Another suggestion, this time a skill for axes.

Guillotine - Chance of instantly killing an enemy that isn't non-living, headless, a boss etc... (so basically regular mooks), when it's under 50% health, the chance increasing as the enemy goes further below 50% BP. Thinking that it would need a pretty high level in Axes, and would cost an assload of exp to purchases, as well as the max chance percentage being something like 20%, with perhaps rage increasing the max to 25-30%. Though it would be a passive ability like Cleave so you wouldn't have to worry about high BP costs.
Re: Outerlands OOC

Well, since Oni brings up Abilities and BP, there are a few things on the horizon I'm tinkering with:

New Stat called FP (Fatigue Points, per usual) - This would be used instead of BP for abilities, and every ability (including passive) would use at least 1. I liked the idea of abilities and activities using up BP; now, it'll probably be shouldered off onto FP.

Alchemy - Just coming up with ingredients and the chart of what they do before it's implemented.

STCR (Space Time Continuum Rule) - It's either causing too much confusion or complaining about how believable it is, so most likely I'll be removing it. This leads to new spells; Most branches will have some sort of teleportation (for speedy returns to previously visited places, as long as certain conditions apply), and several elements will get the ability to create a light source for minimal MP.

Food Usage - Villagers won't consume food like a horde of locusts. Mostly.

Also, because of the changes to the STCR, Descendants would be able to carry far more resources before having to worry about a backpack upgrade. I was thinking of going from like, 6 to.... 8? [/sarcasm]
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Re: Outerlands OOC

Did a bit of thinking on the teleportation spells and came up with a few ideas. Some aren't exactly instant teleportation, but more like very fast movement.

Firewalk: Allows the Descendant to step into a flame large enough to fully engulf them, and teleport to a similarly sized flame in an area they are familiar with. If there's no sufficient flame there, then the spell fails and the Descendant's left inside a firey inferno.
Smokeform: Allows the Descendant to step into a flame (as above) and transform into smoke. While in smoke form, the Descendant can travel great distances at high speeds, but is affected by winds.

Earthmeld: The Descendant is swallowed up by the earth. Carried along in a subterranean cocoon, they can travel great distances, but solid rock slows (or prevents) travel, as do metals. Also, once the spell is cast, the caster can't change course while en-route.

Ride the Lightning (No, not a Metallica fan): The Descendant summons a bolt of lightning from the sky onto themselves and are nearly instantly transported along it to another location where another bolt lands upon their arrival. Can only be cast in storms.
Ride the Lightning Take II: The Descendant transforms into a bolt of lightning and streaks along the ground towards their destination. Any body of water prevents this movement and causes the Descendant to abruptly stop the travel and possibly take some damage.

Wings of Solaris: The Descendant grows a pair of brilliant white wings that wrap around them before discorporating into a cloud of feathers that flies along the wind to their destination where a similarly beatific display heralds their arrival.
Skybeam (Alternate Name: Bifrost Bridge): A beam of scintillating light from the sky engulfs the Descendant. At the destination a similar beam deposits the caster. Can only be cast under the sky, and only during the day.

Luna's Embrace: The shadows seem to completely swallow up the Descendant leaving nothing behind. At the destination, the cast emerges from a shadow. Can only be cast in dark or shadowy areas, and the destination must also have a sufficiently dark area to emerge from.
Moonbridge: As Skybeam, but instead of a rainbow coloured beam, this one is pure silver light and can only be cast under the sky when the moon is out.

Dyfri's Chariot: The Descendant conjures up a swell of water to carry them along to their destination. Needs a sizable amount of water to cast, and needs to 'refuel' on water during the trip, meaning that the path has to regularly cross bodies of water. Effectively limitless range on open water.
Sasquatch Catapult: The Descendant cocoons themselves in a snowball which is then loaded by summoned Sasquatch into a similarly summoned catapult and then fired. The Sasquatch and catapult vanish as soon as the snowball is airborn. The Descendant takes no damage when they land, but the snowball breaks apart into a snow drift on their landing point. Because it's magic, the catapult has unlimited range, but may be intercepted by flying penguins.
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Re: Outerlands OOC

More suggestions!

Firstly, a clean up of Guillotine;

Guillotine: So long as the enemy isn't non-living, formless, a boss etc... when its health is knocked to 50% or less the character has 10% (15% in Rage) chance of instantly killing it. Once the enemy's health has been reduced to 25% the chance is increased to 20% (30% in Rage).
Skill Level: 8-10
Cost: 100-200 EXP

I also suggest a slight addition to Rage in the form of damage mitigation 5. Reason being is that the character would be pumped up on adrenaline and such, and so would be numb to a bit of pain.

Other skills now;

Greater Rage/Primal Rage: Strength and Stamina is increased by a further 10 (bringing them both up to +15) and damage mitigation is increased by 5 however both Will and Intelligence are decreased to 1 for the duration of this skill and all melee attacks automatically succeed against the character, but at half damage BEFORE damage mitigation. Animal Fury now deals 3d6 damage.
Skill Level: 8-10
Cost: 100-250 EXP

Greater Cleave: Allows the character to continually attack enemies so long as the character kills each one after the other.
Skill Level: 8-10
Cost: 100-200 EXP

And to expand on my farm idea from the other day;

Farm Plot: More of a hobbyist plot than anything for widespread production, this small collection of crates of dirt produces just enough food for one adult to survive on per cycle.
Cost: 7-10 wood
Takes 1 cycle to complete, limited to 1 per 5 adult/elderly villagers.

Allotment: An upgraded Farm Plot complete with basic tools, it's big enough to allow production of food for up to three adult/elderly villagers per cycle.
Cost: 20 wood, 15 stone
Takes 2 cycles to complete, limited to however many Farm Plots there is in the village.

And now a couple items;

Fertilizer: Lasts for two cycles, first cycle triples the amount of food harvested from an Allotment, second cycle doubles the amount of food harvested.
Cost: 5 manure, 2 bonemeal
Takes 1 cycle to create.

Manure: A waste product from training animals in the stables.
Cost: N/A (Just needs animals in the stables, 1 manure per animal)

Bonemeal: A fine powder made from crushed bones
Cost: 1 bone-type item

Of course, changes/suggestions/alterations are all welcome.
Re: Outerlands OOC

Life stopped for the weekend, as I'm in the process of moving to a new place. New poasts/rule updates continue tonight.