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Overquest campaign

Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: All

Sekla followed the others lead when she saw the guard captain and struggled to help keep the woman down. She was well aware she didn't really have the physique or wrestling technique to be effective, but evidently she was effective enough.

Sekla sighed a bit in relief after they didn't have to fight her, things seeming to calm down. "Right... I've no idea where this place is so lead the way, Yan. I'll carry Kiyomi." She picked the fluff up. She couldn't wrestle a damn, but carrying heavy loads, that she could do.

Once they arrived, Sekla listened, sighing a bit as she took a seat and grimaced. "If you were compromised, and knew where the secret base was, I'm betting that it's not there now. In any case, so let me get this right. That jerk we fought in the tower accidentally threw us forward in time, and he's only got god hood left to reach because he's that big a megalomaniac. And he's got a crown to make that staff even stronger. And in that time he's probably wiped out my old order given how nobody knows anything about magic now, and probably every other deities power base. Possibly rewriting the very nature of magic itself given he can fuck with the leylines with that staff. Great."

She grunted and leaned back, "Either way, we're running blind in a world that for all extents and purposes is totally alien to us. We do have to find the rebel leadership and get some direction. I've ideas but with nothing to base it on or even any idea where anything is, it's pure conjecture. I'm not letting this woman hating, brain boiling asshole get his way. Fucking enchanters. And people call necromancy the most evil school."
Re: Overquest campaign

Yan Yenna
Back Alley/Hideout
Tag: Corgana and Sekla mainly

It took a bit of a scrap, but Yenna got the serum down Corgana's throat with the help of Sangria and Sekla. It was a relief to her when the aggression and blind resistance slid away from the warrior and clarity returned. Sadly, Corgana didn't see through the disguise that Yenna was wearing, but she'd fix that once they got to a safe place to hide and speak.

"We'll give you the serum, but if what you say is true, then we need to be quick about studying it. We have to break that conditioning - it's no use you being back for two days and then selling us out again. We've met recently, you and I, but I'm wearing a disguise now. Here, I'll drop it. You remember now? It's Yenna. Yan Yenna Tea Leaf. We had a little fun back there when you weren't... exactly yourself. Shame though... I hope at least some part of you was there when we were... oh, let's talk in a bit, shall we? Come on!"

...A while later.

"I agree, it's definitely time we made our way out of this mess. But I don't intend to just leave you here and have your mind sink back into undirected depravity - after all, depravity is way more fun if you mean it."

She winked at the warrior, before continuing.

"So we'll need to figure a way to remove his crown and his staff. Easier said than done, but we'll work those problems one at a time. If he's trying to accelerate an ascension to godhood, then he'll probably be creating or collecting powerful artifacts to do that sort of thing. I'm sure a bit of spywork will uncover his means. Then we just have to destroy whatever method he's planning on using.

"Silverpine may have been the former HQ, but with people like yourself captured, and no mental safeguards in place, I doubt it'll be in the same area. We have to presume that some have still managed to elude him, because he still has a lot of security.

"And of course, we intend to help. I'm not going to live in a world where I don't get to choose who it is I cozy up with."

Yenna said this last bit with her gaze directed at Corgana, not being shy at all about the very recent memories of their tryst. It was terrible that it had ended so abruptly that last time.

"So let's look on the bright side. You've been on the inside of Overlord's security forces for the past six months. You know how they mess with girls' heads right? Well, I've got bardic magic. Sekla has access to arcane magic. If we knew what was done to you, we can find a way to reverse it. Then we can think about ways to infiltrate again and finally put a stop to what he's up to."

She turned to Sekla.

"Enchantments can be counterspelled. The only way to rewrite a person's mind permanently is to give the spell permanency. Break the spell, break the permenancy. Corgana here is definitely not permanently conditioned, so we just need to know the nature of the enchantment and we can break it. Right?"
Re: Overquest campaign


Corgana Ironsoul
Back ally
Tag: Yan-Yenna, Sekla

"Oh, Yan, yes, we had an.. interesting encounter." A bit of a grin wandered over her lips.

Corgana rubbed her temples when both heroines spoke to her.. apparently she still had a bit of trouble concentrating, now that the pressure of sharing her vital message had been taken away, though she seemed to be trying her best as she listened:

"Sorry for all the rush. I don't know what ley-lines are but the rebels base shouldn't be compromised, we have smart heads on our own too, a powerful illusion that works only on those not affec.. damn.. that'd mean I too.. wait, you.. you two could enter it!" She nodded.

Corgana then shrugged. "I'm not a mage, and.. most of its lore is lost now, but.. yes, all enchantment can be used for good, or for evil. This world has learned the darkest side of Enchantment.. I don't know more, but the rebel leaders would."

Corgana then chuckled at Yan. "Well, if you want to take me along, I am an able warrior, at least let me guide to silverpine city, beyond that.. ugh.. a part of me wants death rather than slavery, but.. you have to understand, it doesn't feel bad, it feels good, too good.. the Soldiers serum is like one forcefully shaking you up from a wonderful dream and a part of me just wants to like.. dream on.." She shook her head for a moment.

"He is hasty, his mortality makes him reckless. It was just a theory, but the staff he's using eats away at his lifeforce in exchange for great powers.. didn't you say something about time? Anyway.

The rebels hideout is in Silverpine.. its also were a lot of his forces are, indubitably, he can't read mnds, so all the information he got was through his lustful torture and enchantment.. luckily benevolent magic can hide one from such prying eyes, but such an expedition would lead you into more dangerous territory indeed. I think I remember you taking out one DICK.. imagine dealing with a dozen if you are discovered.."
Corgana tipped her chin..

"The problem is that its not a simple enchantment. they.. make submission feel good, they.. train you, cast spells, train you more, in the end you need no more spells to do whatever they want. I wont lie, if the Overlord himself were to command me to attack you two, I would barely hesitate." You get the feeling Corgana isn't comfortable speaking about more of the process..

"Worse so, every day items are enchanted to ensure you keep yourself entranced, theres something in the wells water, for example. Have you eaten any food or worn any clothing from here?
Either way, as long as you aren't fully enthralled to the Overlord we.. you should be able to find the rebel outpost.. I'm not sure if I can be saved but.. I'd be grateful if you tried."
She looked over to Yan Yenna. "It's much more fun to play with a woman if you're properly in charge.. of your faculties." She nodded.

"If you have no more questions let me guide the way.. I have no clue how to combat our foe, so for now, we need to be cautious and avoid.. remember to act like dumb girls outside, but beware.. even a kiss and a dance could be dangerous enchantments worked to ensure your mind slowly falls victim to the sweet, gentle dominion of our m.... that damn overlord." Corgana adviced. It was clear she was an ally. For now.
Re: Overquest campaign

Rebel Cell
Tag: All

"That depends. Given he can manipulate ley lines the very nature of magic might have been fundamentally altered. It's entirely possible this isn't magic but actual biological devolution induced by magic. If so, it might be unsolvable on a permanent basis. The magic would already be gone. I'll need to perform through research on the subject, something we don't have the time for yet."

Sekla looks up as Corgana speaks, nodding. "Conditioning reinforced with magic. Brute force methods. Chances are he's not that great an enchanter but he could be strong enough to summon something that is and snowball from there.Given the vast majority of people aren't trained to resist this stuff and you probably don't even need to mind control species like hobgoblins or whatnot to make them act in certain manners, it's probably not that hard overall. But we'll get a better picture once we can collaborate with allies."

She got up and cast her disguise again. "I'm ready. Sadly I can't disguise anyone but me with this so you'll have to do so with your own methods. I'll work on something to deal with conditioning as well if we get a chance."
Re: Overquest campaign

Yan Yenna
Tag: Corgana and Sekla

"Hey! If they can train you, then I can retrain you," the plane-hopping bard insisted.

"As if the overlord and his lackeys are the only ones who know how to make submission feel good. If pleasure's what is motivating you to go back to that overbearing lout and not live your life how you want to, then I'll press your pleasure button enough until you see things my way.~"

Yenna put a hand on her shapely hips and let them shift to one side as she angled her body confidently.

"And yeah, when you had me try on some of those garments from the tailors shop, I felt the effects. I'm hoping that so long as I don't wear them, they'll go away. Otherwise we'll need to find a magical means to shake them off. But don't worry too much, Sekla. Our magic is working just fine, so the ley lines can't be shifted THAT dramatically."

She jerked a thumb at the hobgoblin apologetically to Corgana.

"Sometimes she gets too focused on the negatives. That big brain of hers, containing all the information of the cosmos it seems, she doesn't let off her steam nearly enough. Some sort've repressed shame complex I'd imagine, right Seklah?"

She patted her greenskinned friend on the shoulder.

"She's really fun though when she does let her inhibitions go~ Both in bed AND in combat. So don't worry, Corgana, if anyone can help you stabilize that pretty head of yours, it'd be Seklah and I. We're fairly resourceful people." She grinned, settling into her role of positive charmer to Seklah's more fatalistic brooder. Of course, Seklah would argue that she was just being 'realistic,' but that was all semantics to the bard, and when Seklah got EXTRA explanatory it usually made Yenna want to play increasingly louder chords on her sitar.

"Mm, with you on our side and the DICK taken care of, I don't think anyone's going to recognise me. Say otherwise if you think so, otherwise, I'll just make my clothing look a bit more slutty and follow you out of town. I can change into my normal dancer's outfit. No one's enchanted that, and I don't mind showing off my flesh, as both of you know by now."

Unless Corgana objected to this approach and suggested that the dancer use up a spell slot to disguise herself again, the bard would simply pack her normal clothing and gear in her pack and wear her dancers outfit, making sure to keep her top bare and wear the skimpiest bottom she had, which covered nearly nothing of her butt and only had barely enough fabric to keep her womanhood obscured. The rest of the outfit was simply colourful sashes that twirled along her arms. She made sure that her whip was the first thing resting on top of her pack, just in case they met with violence, but honestly, they needed to be banking on getting out without attracting further attention.

"To Silverpines we go then!"
Re: Overquest campaign


Corgana Ironsoul
-> Leaving the village
Tag: Yan-Yenna, Sekla

"I rather hope it'd not be my fate to become.. horny and obediant once more as soon as we run out of this potion.. on that note, it should take about a days travel time to silverpine.. don't worry, I can pack tents and simple commodity things without anyone questioning me, that said... uncorrupted food might be another issue."

"You are correct, I think thats how he did it." She nodded to Sekla. "Also, hobgoblin... err.. judging by your apperance.. nonetheless. Basically, what I heard is, it was join or be destroyed with most kinds of monsters, so our travels through the wildernis should be mostly unhindered.. he did make the world save, though, well, some.. useful creatures have also been enhanced."

She cleared her throat at the idea of the bard training her. "I doubt you could match the resources of the Overlord.. I'd.. rather not talk about it. Heh. I mean.. that is what they use, yes, simply enchantments but making it feel so good every time.." She blushed, looking at Yan Yenna.. "Its dangerous, for its the enemis weapon, but perhaps you could fight fire with fire.. as for going away, I don't know that.. what happened to me certainly is .. not going away, perhaps its less permanent on short exposure." Even while Corgana said that, showing off to her still felt good..

Corgana again blushed, though did risk a peeking at the lewd dancer, it seems her actual personality was less.. sensual than Yan Yennas, yet, as the two made ready to head out, she couldn't help but cast a glance or two at the sensual dancer, as they stood infront of the city gate, ready for "I'm like.. going on a patrol outside, don't mind me deary!" Corgana was a bit stiff as an actor, it might be best for Yan Yenna and Sekla to do the talking later, though she was certainly not dull witted, not anymore, a sharpness in her eyes, an attentive watcher, though paying attention to Yan Yenna was still distracting for her.

"Ugh, I can't help but feel a bit naked in this outfit right now, but wearing a proper armor, even if I could find one, would be more dangerous than going.. like this. Anyway. Silverpine city." Corgana began telling on the road. "So called for its white-needled evergreens and strong wood exports. I'm concerned about what you said.. likely they know its the rebels outpost, so we might well see several DICKS, if.. the rebels haven't been discovered, the Overlord would be content keeping them under siege, knowing no one can take action while he attains the power to deal with every last one disagreeing." She shrugged ever so slightly, as you made your way along the peaceful road to silverpines.

That said, neither of you had eaten all day, and soon you found yourself feeling that.. you'd have to search the wildernis for food, or take what Corgana brought, risking the effects of local cuisine. (Survival check)

One way or the other, you set up a temporary camp, causing the attentive guard captain to raise a brow, inquiering, before you can properly finish your meals.. "Hold on, did you hear that too?" (perception check!)
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: All

Sekla nodded as she listened. "Yes, I'm a hobgoblin. And Yes, I know my kinds reputation. I've little doubt they're loving this regime. Totalitarian conquests and the obedience of all those around them with devotion to superiors? They probably don't need any brainwashing, that's already how we were made... It took me a long time to throw off nature's programming and even then I still have some... Relapses. I can understand how you feel to some degree because of it."

Leaving was uneventful, but it was clear they'd need to survive out here on their own then. "Right, least I'm used to doing this. We don't need to find much, even finding just three berries will be enough with my magic."

(Sekla takes 10 for a total of 12, enough to sustain two people.)

Once she took track of their stocks, Sekla nodded, then cast Abstemiousness over a few berries. "Here, I'll eat this tiny bit here, the rest should be enough for you two. It's an old trick of mine, the one I used to help the kobolds survive without raiding. Makes even the tiniest portions enough food for an entire day."

Once they began setting camp, Sekla glanced up suddenly at something catching her attention, evidently the guard captain too. "Yes."

( 26 so Nat 20.)
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: Sekla and Corgana

Survival = 15, Perception = 13

Yenna walked along with Sekla and Corgana once they had left the city limits and decided to simply hum and have a think to herself for a bit, her mind racing back to the low moans of the mad, howling winds of Pandemonium, and the swirling memories of her insane youth, and the strange powers of the Tea Maker and Madam Zun, who both taught her how to exist within a mad world.

Sekla talked about how she had escaped the nature of her people somewhat. The same could be said for Yan Yenna, who was not a human in the typical sense. Biologically, perhaps, but her environment had been anything but a normal upbringing. Yenna was a recovering madwoman in the same way that Sekla was a repentant tyrant.

As they gathered food from the wilderness, Yenna used her bardic insight to pluck some mushrooms and edible mosses and herbs, which she then nibbled on and saved the rest for later, sharing a few with Sekla and Corgana if they felt like getting something other than a single berry.

"Your magic is appreciated, Sekla. Still. I think we can put our heads together and find enough for us to have a proper meal."

She then looked around as Corgana and Sekla mentioned a noise and perked her ears up. Then she looked around for somewhere to hide from view.
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: Sekla, Yan Yenna, also Lena!

Corgana seems a bit apprehensive and disbelieving about a single berry satisfying her, furthermore, while she keeps graciously silent, it is rather easy to tell that she is not all too eager about the moss' taste in particular.

Either way, your nurishment troubles fall beneath the surface, as, into your middle tumbles and crashes a barrel from a nearby hills slope.

A barrel with a girl in it, a girl thats currently gagged and roped up tightly with a spider-silk rope of remarkable quality.


Lena was having an off day. She had been about 98% certain that monstrous creatures like a drider would not be loyal to the Overlord and could be motivated to join a rebellion, likely with some delicious flies. Sadly, she had been incorrect. Both on the fly, and the loyalty account.
Well there had been a little bit of luck along the way, the spider had underestimated her strength. Admittedly, using her barrel as a last-ditch escape method to tumble down the hill had been not overly pleasant, but it had allowed her a way out, despite her bound state.
.. and now she had landed in the middle of.. a slutty fighter, a sluttier performer, and a.. hobgoblin, that seemed to admire the intricacies of her bondage-presented figure.

She didn't get to muse this further as from the hill sounded a haughty:

"Ku ku ku. where are you going! We haven't even filled you up proper you naughty girl... hoh.. whats that, you had friends?"

"Careful, if she catches us.. well, lets just say they have their own way of serving the Overlord.."

You are on a small clearing closeby to the road to Silverpine city. upon a hill about 80 ft away from you you see a Bondage-Drider (tm).

Lena is entangled and restrained tightly and can only attempt to free herself, though others can assist and free her as well. Lena adds one bonus spidersilk rope to her 'Inventory'!

Bondage Drider: 15
Re: Overquest campaign

Barreling into the spotlight, Yenna, Sekla, Corgana

Success! Lena could always count on her barrel, it hasn't failed her yet. The trip down the hill, however, might have left her a little dazed. 'Take that mean-butt spider freak!' Her plan DID feel like it was just delaying the inevitable, somehow. As her head stopped spinning, she took note of her surroundings. A warrior, with the physique to match. She could dig that. Another girl that seemed.. A little skittish, perhaps, but her outfit was bold enough. And a hobgoblin.. Lena couldn't get a very good read on her, though, she wasn't used to dealing with that particular species.

"Mmmph!" 'A little help would be appreciated', Lena tried to say through her gag, but gave up halfway through. While she wasn't entirely dissatisfied with her current situation, a little bit of freedom would be appreciated. This feeling was intensified with the following.

"Ku ku ku. where are you going! We haven't even filled you up proper you naughty girl... hoh.. whats that, you had friends?"

Lena forced herself to remain calm; Struggling would only make it more difficult to contort her body in the needed way. These bindings will probably take more time than she would hope. The rope was much too strong to break out of with strength alone. She could only hope that the three girls in front of her weren't yet bound to the Overlord. As she began working on the bindings, she gave the women the biggest eyes she could manage, trying to convey just how sweet and innocent she was. Ha! Lena made sure to focus on the hobgoblin more than the other two. She seemed the most sensible of the three.. Or perhaps the most dangerous.. Beggars can't be choosers, though.

Initiative: 13 + 1 = 14
CMB to escape binds (Full round action): 10 (Roll) + 3 (BAB) + 4 (STR) + ? (Helpful Adventurers giving a hand.. RIGHT?) = 17 + ?
Re: Overquest campaign

The Great Outdoors
Tag: All

Sekla blinked at seeing the barrel spinning towards them, her casually taking a step aside, when suddenly an web entangled woman was dumped out. Huh. Was there a hill giant nearby or something that came up with some weird game? But where would they get spid- Oh no.

She heard the skittering and looked up, seeing a spider centaur on approach. This wasn't good. And she seemed to think they were with the dizzy woman. Looked like it was a fight. And if she was anything like normal centaurs, it'd be a fierce one.

"Spread out.," says Sekla, as she took the moment to throw a Tanglefootbag at her target. Even if she couldn't root the spidertaur she could at least slow her down, hopefully enough for the others to stop.

( 16 ranged touch. Entangled on hit, reflex 15 to not be also rooted to the square.)
Re: Overquest campaign

Yan Yenna
Do a Barrell Roll!
Tag: Everybody.

At the sign of the barrel crashing down the hill towards them, Yenna instinctively used her cantrip to summon her sitar into her hand, slinging the masterwork string instrument into her hands.

Then seeing the bound woman struggling to free herself, and the drider coming down the hill towards them, Yenna began to play her music, beginning a bardic performance to first [INSPIRE COMPETENCE] and help the woman weaken the bindings that were keeping her locked in place.

"That ain't working... yeah,
That's the way to do it!
Discard that webbing, then you'll be free~"

Naw, that ain't working,
That's the way to do it!
Honey, unbind yourself, don't stick to me!~"

To the tune of

Also, using Bardic Performance to give a +2 competence bonus to all skill checks for this round, and the next two with Lingering Performance feat. Will be switching over to Inspire Courage next.

And yes... her Pandemonium Sitar sounds like an electric guitar. Deal with it!
Re: Overquest campaign

Combat Round 1
Sekla -> Corgana -> Yan Yenna -> Bondage Drider -> Lena(Prone)

Both Sekla and Corgana were amazingly fast to act, Sekla first sending a bag of entangling glue at the drider.. who was hit, and covered in sticky glue!

Corgana, meanwhile drew her blade, reaching down to cut Lena loose, whilest the third of the trio.. began unleashing some sweet rhymes. Still, it was awfully encouraging for Lena, who found herself bursting out of the remainder of her webbings.

With everyones combined effort Lena has been completely freed from the spidersilks. She's still prone on the ground, but thats the least of her issues.

Sekla, meanwhile, whilest immune to cute looks had succeeded in disabling the drider.. for a brief moment that was, as, interestingly, the spider had begun picking up and -eating- the sticky glue, winking down at Sekla as she did so.

"Thanks for the snack cutie, that'll make my websch escht.." chewing noises ensued as she struggled with the glue not working a bit too good on her jawline.. "Extra sticky. Now, who wants to be bound up and become a happy spider-breeder in the name of the great Overlord!"

Those of Scholary interest would have noted how the Overlords influence seemed to work differently on monstrous species. Where humans and similar enough races had all become vapid and giggly horny, The drider most definitly seemed more horny and breedy in her own right, but far more dangerously intelligent as well.

Those not scholars would have a more immediate issue to deal with. Even four on one the creature seemed unconcerned, a long tongue flicking out of her lips as she seemed to mentally sort each of you based on who was the juiciest, most breed-able looking one..
Re: Overquest campaign

The Great Outdoors
Tag: All

The Tanglefoot bag was working. The spidertaur was trying to eat it admittedly, but Sekla doubted she could eat enough to actually unentangle herself before it crumbled on it's own power. Strange how this magic had affected them.

Well, no matter, it bought them the time to free the barrel girl. Sekla backed up to get some distance behind her allies and spread out in case of new tricks, pulling a scroll of magic missle from her backpack. She didn't have too many spells left right now so best to preserve them as long as she could.

"How about you surrender instead and be a hobgoblin breeder?," fired Sekla back. It was a long shot but hey, you never knew?
Re: Overquest campaign

Yan Yenna
Spider Fight
Tag: Arachne Girl

"You'd make a pretty mount, too~" Yan Yenna chimed in, strumming her sitar still.

"We'd ride you during the day, and then I'd let the hobgoblin ride you all night~ Better attention than anything that silly Overlord could do."

As an aside she hissed to Corgana, "I don't think she's gonna be up for it. You flank her, I'll use my music's magic to inspire you!"

So saying, Yenna switched her bardic performance to an Inspire Courage melody.

"Don't. You mess. With a little girl's dreams~
Cause she's liable to grow up. Mean.~

Surprised that you find us all laughing?
You thought we'd be all begging with tears?
Like maybe we'd be caught in your web
like a mosquito and trembling in fear?

The Overlord may be King for the moment,
But we are all queens, understand?
And we'll take his pawns and his bishops and castles
We'll hold it all in the palms of our hands.~"
Re: Overquest campaign

The fight for all barrelkind
Yenna, Sekla, Corgana, Spider lady

That smooth beat helped Lena relax, and, before she knew it, she was free. She would have to ask about learning how to do that later.

"I don't think she's gonna be up for it. You flank her, I'll use my music's magic to inspire you!"

Lena rips off the remnants of her bindings as she gets up.

"In that case, I'll take her from the front. Thanks for the assist."

Feeling confident, Lena moves herself to stand between the group and the Bondage Drider. With the extra help, this would be a cinch.

Move action x2
Re: Overquest campaign

Combat Round 2
Sekla -> Corgana -> Yan Yenna -> Bondage Drider -> Lena(Prone)

"Oh ho ho ho ho.. I like your spirit green one, you can be my personal protein donor.. I need lots for these webs." The drider grinned. She seemed somewhat amenable to lewd offers, though, Corganas wasn't quite the right one.

The fighter stepped forward, up to the hillside, drawing her weapon along the way, though she did not yet strike at the drider, she seemed ready to distract the spider if the others wished to. "We outnumber you. Do not force me to kill you." "True, you do, but in legs department its an equal fight, wouldn't you say?" The drider grinned and cooed, caressing an arm along her leg, a sensual motion that didn't slow down as Yan Yenna continued the tease. "Hmnn a little singing bird for my webs.." She regarded the bard.

"Well, the soldiers serum wont work on her. Wild driders are.. err.. just as bad, if not worse. Unless you have magic to try and.. soothe her, I doubt gaining her as companion is going to work well." Corgana shrugged, whilest the Drider seemed hesitant. She had dealt with the tanglefoot attack, her large body scuttling free, that said, Corganas sword did seem sharp.

"Ooh my.. take me from the front. You naughty girl." The Drider cooed, seeming contemplative. "You know, I'd web you right back up... but.." her mulitple eyes wandered over to the scroll wielding and retreating Sekla... "Perhaps we should let someone else have some fun first though? Ufufufuuu.." With that, the drider scuttled to the right, avoiding trying to close the distance towards Sekla and Yan Yenna, without getting sworded along the way. While at it, her abdomen twitched, a sticky grey mass shooting forth at bard and hobgoblin..

(Reflex saves from you both!
The Drider maneuvered, trying to aim for the casters, but is not quite there. She is in between you, about 20 ft away from Corgana and Lena, about 30 ft away from Yan Yenna and Sekla

Sekla -> Corgana -> Yan Yenna -> Bondage Drider -> Lena
Last edited:
Re: Overquest campaign

Yan Yenna
Combat Rd 2

"Nope!" Yenna ducked the webbing by hopping onto a tree trunk and springing off of it, still keeping her instrument safely gripped in her hands, and landing on her feet on the drider's flank, opposite from Sekla.

She'd wait to see if the hobgoblin had been able to avoid the webbing like she had before determining her next move.

[ 18+8 = 26 for my reflex save. Trusting that dodges. holding off on posting more due to initiative order.]
Re: Overquest campaign

The Great Outdoors
Tag: All

Sekla yelped as a web came flying her way, ducking under it alongside Yan Yenna. Damn, that was an enormous web, she had even gone to the trouble of spreading out.

( 22 Reflex)

The Drider had darted around into the middle of them. Alright then. She was still strapped down well by the tanglefoot bag for now. That meant she was vulnerable still.

"Alright, if you;re not going to submit, I'll just have to punish you until you do.," says Sekla firmly, keeping ahold of the scroll but casting with her other hand to use Produce Flame, before tossing one of the firebolts at her opponent.

( chance for a critical. Critical hit with a ranged touch. 21 fire damage)

Sekla grimaced a bit. "I don't like doing this, cut your losses. Leave or give in, but don't make this continue."
Re: Overquest campaign

Combat Round 3
Initative Sekla -> Corgana -> Yan Yenna -> Bondage Drider -> Lena

"Ow! OW owowow! Hooot! Eeek!" The Drider complained, bathed in waves of fire from which she barely protected herself with her arms raised, patting out her burns. Seeing further that none had been trapped in her webs she hissed.. and scuttled back, not without flipping Sekla off and hissing at Corganas blade drawn and intercepting her from getting to her heated foe.

"You'll pay for that you prick!" She cussed, then.. well, fled. (total retreat action with .. a lot of legs, you can't really pursue her, ranged magic could hit her with 20% cover miss chance as she dashes through the trees)

You seem to have gotten an early victory, though your foe is still alive, and might be plotting revenge after .. getting burned.

Corgana stares at Sekla with all but open-yawed amazement after the spellcasting, finally clearing her throat. "We.. well, with you two around, I'm almost certain we can find .. and help out the rebel base, even if Silverpine is under stricter guard... uh.."

She even forgot to introduce herself to Lena, who would note that her earnstwhile fighting companions both seemed a lot more articulate than the usual Bimbo she had met in these lands and .. well, spellcasters, not under control of the overlord were exeptionally rare.. as in, you never heard of any, .. reason for suspicion? Then again, they look and act all .. off.

You are standing at the edge of a small, simple camp, created by Sekla, perhaps with your assistance. The light of day is slowly fading as you find yourself free of any opposition after driving away the propably most dangerous foe in a five mile radius quickly.