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Overquest campaign

Re: Overquest campaign

Yan Yenna
Victory Pose
Tag: All

"Huzzah!" Yenna said, strumming a final chord and then slinging her sitar to her side, leaning it against a tree. She then strode over to Corgana, leaned into her arms and tilted herself back, as though she were bending herself backward for a kiss.

"You can thank me now~" She said delightedly, and posed expectantly.

Whether Corgana got the hint or not, she would right herself afterward and wave at Lena.

"Hello stranger. Why were YOU getting chased by a drider today? Hmm? And what's with the barrel? There are better modes of transportation out there. Horse. Wagon. Dirigible. Spelljammer..." She listed them off on her fingers.
Re: Overquest campaign

Very, very insulted

Well that was certainly a heated battle, Lena thought to herself.

"You can thank me now"

Lena turned to the voice to do just that, but, luckily, caught her mistake before anyone noticed. Seeing the intent behind the comment, Lena flushed at just how awkward that could have been.

"Wait, wait, wait. Did you just insult mister barrel? I'll have you know that there's no better transportation out there. You have to feed a horse, wagons are WAY too big, and a what now? That's sounding a little too out of this world for my tastes."

Lena had the briefest urge to fight and defend her barrel's honor, but quickly dismissed it. She was maybe, kind of, a little bit indebted to these people. She could forgive a stray comment.

"His name is Tong, and he's helped me out of quite a few tight spots, so please don't insult him. And that spider lady was just being mean. She didn't like my bribe so she up and decided she'd have me instead or something. So.. Thanks." Lena glanced away at this. Please don't let them think I'm weird, please don't let them think I'm weird..

"Oh! Actually, do you, perhaps, not like the Overlord?" The rest of her comment turned into a grumble, "I mean, that spider lady seemed to like him an awful lot.."
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Re: Overquest campaign

The Great Outdoors
Tag: All

Sekla sighed in relief as they drove off their opponent. "Right. We need to move the camp then, and hide our tracks. Last thing we need is her showing up in the night with some of her kin.," grimaces Sekla, starting to get things moving, one hand using the ball of flame in her palm as a torch.

Sekla raised an eyebrow at the comments going back and forth. "You... Named a barrel? Is it an enchanted with intelligence barrel? Eh, concerns for later, we need to move now while we can. I'm Sekla, and clearly we do not. And neither do you evidently. Corgana, you recognize this one?"

Sekla went and fetched a big branch with leaves to use to swish behind them to distort their tracks.

"I already intended for there to be sentries, though this might be a bit trickier. As a spellcaster I have to rest a full 8 hours for this to work, and I know Yan is the same way. But making you stand watch for 8 hours is not feasible either. Not without magic anyways, but I don't know a spell for that, and I've neither the material nor know how to make a ring for it. I don't suppose any of you know how to build traps?"
Re: Overquest campaign


Corgana Ironsoul
the wildernis
Tag: Yan-Yenna, Sekla, Lena

Corgana blushed with the audience of two, then shrugged, grinned and leaned forward to gently embrace Yan-Yenna, nibbling on her lips as she gave her a short kiss. She left out that, for all she had noticed, Yenna had only sung cheerful songs. "I'll admit, I'm a bit overwhelmed with all that is going on, but glad to have you fighting the good fight."

"Moving camp is a good idea. .. and, no.. oh err, yes, my name is Corgana, hello, I don't recognize her as a rebel, but if she can help our cause, any help is welcome. I can stand guard for a while, but.. if I guard you all night, I wont be of much use tomorrow." She nodded.

"Constructing traps without proper materials would take a long while in itself. We should just rest at a space that is better hidden, hope for the best... after all, your mighty magic easily drove the creature off this time.
Meanwhile, err.. Barrel girl, are you from a rebel cell? How is the situation at Silverpines?"
Re: Overquest campaign

New friends, Adventure

"Sekla, Corgana, and Yan? Nice to meet you, my name is Lena. Im so glad that you're rebels. I've had enough of running away for today."

"Silverpines? Well, things were fine when i left, but you never know. I can take you there if you like, it's the least I can do for saving me."

"No worries about the watch! I can split the night with sword lad- with Corgana. I'm not very good with traps but.."
Lena digs around in her pack for a second, pulling out a very long, very normal looking pole. "We can set this on the ground and someone might trip over it! Unless it's spider lady. I think she can see in the dark.. Plus she has all those legs."

"If she comes back, I don't think I can tie her up. She kinda outmaneuvered me last time. But I might be able to talk her out of attacking. Plus I have you guys to count on. And I have really good eyes!"
She taps the side of her head for emphasis. "So I'll definitely see her coming."

She looks to Sekla as she makes her case. "I can't shoot fire, but I can definitely be useful, so let me stay with you, okay? You guys are really, really cool." She turns to Yenna, "Especcially that thing you did. It made me feel awesome, you've got to show me how you do that!"

And I'm starting to talk too much so I'm going to shut up and give Tong company.

Lena will place her things back in her pack and sit on her barrel while she waits for a plan of action to be made.
Re: Overquest campaign


Corgana Ironsoul
the wildernis
Tag: Yan-Yenna, Sekla, Lena

"Well, splitting watches would help, I'll take the first one. You are certainly energetic, not sure how you will use your good eyes in the dark though." She chuckled, blushing slightly when being told she was cool. "Eh eh.. Wait, you come from Silverpines? How are things at the base?"

(DM note: Lena should have no clue about the Silverpines rebel base, not sure what you are on about.)
Re: Overquest campaign

Yan Yenna
Camping Out

"I'll take second watch," Yenna said, after happily receiving her kiss. Yes, she'd only sung songs, but they were MAGICAL songs. Bards kept on getting flak from swordy types and the more flashy spell slingers. But she knew her truth, dang it!

"Oh, I'm Yan Yenna Tea Leaf, bard of Pandemonium, also an exotic dancer, newly inducted rebel, and experience night time companion with a heart of gold~."

She waved at Lena, then started to be practical and get camp sorted out. She Put her sitar down somewhere safe and started making a clear space to sleep on soft earth, without any annoying twigs or rocks giving her a crick in her back.
Re: Overquest campaign

The Great Outdoors
Tag: All

Sekla nodded and started moving camp then, clearing tracks and looking for a covered location. Once they were re-situated she started setting up her tent and unfolding her cot and laying her blanket over it.

"So, guess we've some more help then. Always appreciated. Gods I'm tired after all that. More mentally than physically."

She took a seat, looking over to the new girl. "Lena was it? You seem to hold yourself like a warrior. What's your combat style? Might help me know who I should prioritize what spells on."
Re: Overquest campaign


"Eh? Base? I mean. Of course there's a base. But I don't.. I mean. I can definitely get you to the base! I think. Anyways, no worries about the dark. My eyes are REALLY good. Plus I'm not entirely human."

"Oh, should I call you Yan? Yena? Tea Leaf? Oh! Can I call you Leafy?
Wait, we're setting up camp here? I'm no expert but shouldn't we move.."
Lena shrugs and begins looking for a place to set up her hammock.

"Fighting style? I guess I'm pretty good at getting close to the enemy and making it so they can't move." Lena grabs the manacles out of her bag to display to her new friends. "I can give you a demonstration if you like? It'll be lots of fun, lets go!"
Re: Overquest campaign


Corgana Ironsoul
the wildernis
Tag: Yan-Yenna, Sekla, Lena

"Alright, we got the camp moving covered, and don't worry about that spider, I think she doesn't want to get ~burned~ twice.. hah.. hahaha..." Corgana cleared her throat, apparently her real persona was more the dry humor pun type than giggly. "I suggest saving any.. demonstrations until we are safely at the rebels base, I shall keep guard"

And that she did, awakening Lena later for her shift. (cons check from Lena for little sleep, Corgana made hers)

The night is luckily uneventful, with you either sucessfully hiding your tracks, or the drider simply giving up and brooding and soon the unlikely allies are back on the road towards Silverpine with the light of the morning and a few drops of rain, nothing the name-giving evergreens growing around Silverpines can't cover you from.

As you arrive at the outskirts of Silverpine you quickly realize why the town was chosen for a rebel base, the town was build around an old fortress it seems with the hills housing many a large stone building just as well as small wooden shacks for the poorer inhabitants, stretching into a larger, somewhat disorganized city, though once more the flags of the Overlord fly above the larger buildings, the organizing hand of the ever present overlord clear.


Before you enter the city proper, Corgana takes you aside. "Alright.. remember, the rebels codewords and locations may have changed, I.. I'm sure they are still somewhere in these hills, but obviously we cannot simply walk up and question random girls in the hopes of them being rebels in disguise. We have to go looking for.. well, something the brainwashed servants of the Overlord would overlook. The rebels aren't fools

There is also the issue of us entering.. There is propably multiple DICKS guarding this place, hunting for rebels, so, if we stick together or split up to cover more ground, we can NOT risk attention. Whilest our capable group might be able to handle a DICK, perhaps even two at once, an extended fight is unwinnable, plus not all lesser lords of the Overlord are incapable either, many are powerful enchanters in their own right.

So.. what cover story should we go with? The one about you being slaves of a master attacked by rebels wouldn't quite work for me... I could say I was send to bring you here for questioning, but.. well, that'd have you questioned."
She looked about.

"There is.. err.. the option of me or Sekla posing as a dick as well. I have the serum and.. as long as no one.. examines me closely I think I could do the act, though I'm not sure I could act this confident miss.. err.. Leafy is.. quite encouraging.. *ahem*" she coughed. "Sekla on the other hand has the.. equippment and attitude, but it'd be unusal for a non-human to become a DICK, you might have to answer some dangerous questions. I believe all of us can play a convincing enough act to just go along as ditzes that got lost along the way as well, though that might raise suspicions if none here recognize us.. I'm open to other ideas of course, but what should we go with?" Corgana questined, then, with a sideglance to Lena added. "Oh and, yes, please try to act more.. horny, less.. crazy. The crazy for barrels act is a pretty good one for most, but an experienced DICK would know its not something most masters are into and get you bend over your barrel in ways you .. propably don't want?"
Re: Overquest campaign

Yan Yenna Tea Leaf
Tag: The Wilderpeople

"If I end up liking you, you can call me whatever you like, luv." The human bard chuckled and stroked the underside of Lena's chin with her forefinger. "Yenna or Yan tend to be the popular choices however."


As they approached Silverpines, Yenna observed the surrounding countryside and nodded to herself. There were plenty of places for caves and tunnels dug deep into the mountainside and cliffs nearby for a literal underground network to hide.

"I suppose we'd better get dressed as our slutty selves then. What should we do with our more practical equipment? Hide it outside of town? Wait for cover of dark and then bring it in? Under what circumstances - if any - are non DICKS allowed to carry this kind of stuff?"

She looked over at Sekla and mused.

"Seems a shame not to let Sekla try her hand at being a DICK from another area on the trail of some rebels. And maybe us new girls were just found lost in the wilderness by her, suitably punished, and now being returned to the nearest town along Sekla's route, because er... hell if the DICK was going to waste time bringing them back to their old town. A bimbo is a bimbo, right? We'll just be expected to suck cock in Silverpines now while she continues her investigation... Does that sound like something that would pass muster, Corgana? I mean, yeah, maybe she's a hobgoblin, but she's a sexy, skilled one. Um. Do they have DICK spellcasters?"
Re: Overquest campaign


Corgana Ironsoul
the wildernis
Tag: Yan-Yenna, primarly

"It'd pass, yes. As long as we are.. pleasant and do as expected, we wont attract much attention after we get in. Hiding the weapons might be better. Unless you can disguise them as.. exotic sex toys, for example your whip, any other type of weapon wont do. I can only guess what our foes might question about of course. "
Re: Overquest campaign


"Oh and, yes, please try to act more.. horny, less.. crazy. The crazy for barrels act is a pretty good one for most, but an experienced DICK would know its not something most masters are into and get you bend over your barrel in ways you .. probably don't want?"

"Speak for yourself.."

Lena's hunched form drags behind everyone as they approach the city. Her barrel rolling must have effected her more than she thought if her aching body had anything to say about it.

"So.. I just use my fists anyways. You don't need to worry about me. But, do you think you can tie me up or something? I can pretend to like it and everything! I even have some fake manacles that break apart that we can use. I just don't blend in well with people, opening my mouth is sure to get us caught."

"I could also sneak in ahead of you guys and scout things out before we head in. Having a good place to start might speed things a bit."

Nat 1 on Con check :/
Re: Overquest campaign


Corgana Ironsoul
the wildernis
Tag: Yan-Yenna, primarly

"We could just gag you." Corgana suggested, innocently, for her part. ".. Why do you have so many sorts of manacles anyway?

I doubt you could outsneak an entire town for long."
Corgana nodded.
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: All

Sekla frowned a bit at the talking around her. she had made sure to keep low, so that she wouldn't be easily outlined for any sentry high up to spot. "I feel like I should be insulted a bit at the implication I've the right attitude to be a heartless totalitarian slaver rapist... That back there with the drider was just to try to appeal to her sense of how the world works to try and make her surrender. I'd rather not take a life if I can help it. The dead know no redemption. But the situation does not lend itself well to that sort of thing now..."

"I've some manacles too, because when we got tossed here we were trying to arrest the nutjob who did this. They aren't fake ones though. In any case they don't have any external walls. If I turn everyone transparent we should be able to sneak in under disguises during the night. Far as anyone will know when the day starts is we were always there. Given it's a city, there's too many of them to easily be tracked I imagine. And I can only imagine that populations skyrocketed since everyone with a cock can fuck everyone around. Or is there something about that I should know?"

Sekla shrugs a bit as she considers. "I managed to get around pretty easily personally. The gear things the problem for me. I can drop a lot of stuff but well... Given the state of things right now, a lot of it is not easily replaced. And it's not like I have any of the resources to build an extra dimensional bag to hide it all in. Guess have to hide it all. Just need strictly my spellbook and my component pouch... But even those are gonna be really obvious cus I doubt any of them can even read now... Ugh, this is going to be a pain, there's nowhere to hide things on this leather outfit..."

She humphed a bit. "But then you guys are as rough off, weapons and armor have to be hidden. How the hell do the rebels manage all this stuff?"

She grumbled and removed a weird looking crowbar from her pack, before deconstructing it into a weird long hooked bar, before folding it back toghether into the form of a shovel instead. "Well, I'm going to dig a hole in the bushes and bury all my stuff. Good news is I think I can manage with my book tucked away. Won't be able to change my spells on the fly though so fair warning. So give me an idea of what sort of spells you figure I should bring in so I can prepare em now."
Re: Overquest campaign


Corgana Ironsoul
Silverpine city borders
Tag: Sekla, primarly.. and Yan Yennas bottom!

"The ability to go invisible? Impressive. .. that would solve our problems. The rebels likely have hidden supply tunnels, which, of course, we can't use unless you also know a spell to find hidden entrances with." Corgana pointed to the mountainous landscape and elaborated.

"This used to be a miner town, whilest most treasures have been taken from the mountains and earth, there are many unused old miners tunnels.. hard to search them all, easy to defend.. and indubitably, some more have been dug up, that are on no map. A high ranking hero of old and dwarf remembered it as the perfect place to withdraw to, should all else fail.

As for.. err.. reproducing, populations have grown yes. And the overlord has spent some considerable time and magical effort to erradicating STD's, after a few.. experiences."
Corgana chuckled, smiling a bit forlornly, before shaking her head.

"Ugh.. I just thought about that he does so many nice things for us. Here is another problem. I don't quite know how long I can hold out, but the Dicks get only enough soldiers serum to head out for their missions.. it keeps them under control.. so.. I doubt we have a day to waste just waiting for the dark of night. .. not unless you can make finding a stash of this serum another primary goal or.. " She cast down her eyes, looking helpless for a moment. "If.. I don't get the serum, you'd do best to chain me up in the wildernis. I'd become a liability to you. I don't want to.. betray you just because my body feels so good." She gritted her teeth for a moment.

"That damn Overlord, claiming women are weaker because they are so easily overwhelmed by their lusts.. but it does feel good.. you know.. you shouldn't judge him before you have experienced it, I mean, yes, he's a bastard, but at least he's not killing anyone.. everyone gets to feel good and.. nice and horny." Corgana mused, her hand snaking out, squeezing Yans bottom innocently.
Re: Overquest campaign


Yan Yenna
Tag: All, but speaking to Corgana

"Don't worry, luv." Yenna squeezed Corgana's waist gently and rubbed her back to keep her from shivering. "I'll keep you chained up nice and tight, promise. And when you need a little loving to feel good, you'll get it from me, even if you're moaning about the Overlord the whole time. I'll just gag you. You'll look adorable~"

Yenna was joking outwardly, to cheer the fighter up, but on the inside she was saddened and angered by the helplessness that Corgana and others were in.

"We'll find a way to replicate the serum. If something like that exists, then it means there's a way to manufacture it. We should be uncovering that as a primary focus anyway - the rebellion won't succeed unless we can wake a bunch of women up from their servitude. In the meanwhile, we'll work on trying to decondition you. Take heart - your natural, true self is the one we're speaking to now, Corgana. This is the state that your personality WANTS to return to. That means that if we can substitute or corrupt whatever learning you've had and refocus it, we can give you your mind back."

She snapped her fingers and let her hands to a simple flourish.

"And I should know a thing or two about restoring addled minds. I grew up on Pandemonium! It's a plane of howling wind and darkness that grinds into your very soul. Everyone on that plane goes a little barmy just to survive! So don't let those sexy, pouty lips of yours quiver, luv. We're going to to fix you and everyone else. One way or another."

She grinned and then quirked her brow and added, "Oh and that bit about women being weaker because we're controlled by our lusts is just nonsense. Everyone in every corner of the multiverse knows it's men who're controlled by their dicks, all day, erry day! It's what makes a working girl able to afford new shoes! Now if only every outfit didn't try to enslave me..."

Corgana's hand groped Yan's butt, and in response, the bard immediately cuddled up and rubbed her body along Corgana's. Both of them were dressed in equally skimpy outfits by this point.

"Ah, but we don't NEED the Overlord to feel good n' horny now do we? Riiiight?" She winked.

Then she looked over to Sekla, an idea popping into her head, even as she continued to let herself be fondled on the ass by Corgana.

"Say, if you were pretending to be a DICK just for when we enter, you could carry all our equipment in as contraband that you'd found and then we could stash it somewhere more accessible inside the city. And if we were to find a mine tunnel somewhere, we could stow them away more safely as we search for the rebels."
Re: Overquest campaign


Corgana Ironsoul
Silverpine city borders
Tag: Yan Yenna primarly.

(Think I like this picture more. :p )

"I uhm.. ahem.. I mean.. I don't wonder, part of me -wants- to lose its mind. .. and that part will grow stronger until.. I don't even know if theres a permanent cure." She sighed. "I wasn't really into.. I mean.. I don't know. Before all this crazyness went down.. perhaps I want more of an..intellectual than a physical relationship.. But of course this Overlord never considered such things. Either way." She scratched the back of her head.

"I'm not sure if I like the idea of re-educationing. And I'm not even sure if this is the -real- me, I'm sorry if I sound a bit mopey but its all rather.. disorienting." Corgana grinned a little at Yan Yennas continued cheered up.

"Of course its nonsense, but I think the Overlord truly believes it. The worst kind of villains believe they are doing the right thing. Either way, if you found a skilled alchemist, perhaps you could reverse-engineer the elixir, though.. then again, wouldn't the rebels have already tried that?.. its worth a try for certain. .. and pandemonium doesn't sound fun to grow up in." She shrug-smiled slightly, then, when her groping wasn't halted, but rather, reciprocated, she grinned ever so slightly.

"Y.. you are right, we don't need the Overlord.. and I kind of feel good when I.." She looked around at the others then, shifted the topic, or at least, seemed to. "I'm a natural commander normally." She hinted, the groping on Yan yennas bottom growing a lot more determined. "Thanks for bearing with me.

Actually the idea of carrying in your equippment and my blade as confiscated items could work well. They would propably be locked away, but keys can be stolen and locks broken or.. if you know spells, theres that too. Just say you were on the hunt for rebels and overwhelmed us, as long as we act the ditzy follower part you should have freedom to move about the town after we got in."
Corgana seemed to like this idea. "Use your magic to appear more like one of the Dicks by replicating their outfits, use the real soldiers serum if there is any doubt.. but I'd advice against drinking it, just like it frees my mind, for womens with dicks, well.. err.. I don't know details, but I don't expect we'd be able to free the Dicks as easily as you freed me." Corgana shivered briefly, but her hand not too shily caressing along Yans feminine frame seemed to easily calm her. Infact, the Fighter leaned forward, gently suckling on Yans shoulder before going on.

"I dread to know what they went through."
Re: Overquest campaign

Yan Yenna
Silverpine border
Tag: Corgana mostly

Yenna's coquettish attitude steadily took on a softened tone, as she shifted her tactics and became more a sympathetic ear for Corgana to lament upon.

"I can understand wanting an intellectual connection. Especially when that has been denied to you for so long. But don't think about it so much as re-educating... I meant it more like... mmm... breaking a bad habit. Or rather, substituting someone who could be intellectual and physical with just the physical.~"

She winked, but let her body become more passive and pliable under Corgana's groping. Yenna was a switch, and had serviced a wide variety of customers under Madame Zun. She had gotten used to being whatever her partners needed her to be - a sexual chameleon of sorts. If Corgana was a 'natural commander' then Yenna could be a good little soldier.

"Mm, yes ma'am~"
Yenna said letting her body settle back into Corgana's arms. "We'll get you and everyone else back to your natural selves. There'll be a way to reverse this process. There'd have to be."

The bard shivered as her shoulder was suckled on, and she let herself be fondled like this without much concern for if it were making Lena or Sekla uncomfortable. After all, it was just getting into character after all. Soon, she'd be acting like a brainwashed bimbo again, she might as well enjoy the feeling with a cutie like Corgana.
Re: Overquest campaign

City Border
Tag: All

Sekla mused a bit as she considered. "I personally think, given the lack of walls around the area, we should just approach invisibly under darkness and in disguise as bimbos. Putting me in as an enemy operative, when I have no idea how a DICK behaves or their protocols or code words is just asking for trouble. Especially if there's things I should know, given we've no idea what's going on around here. Disguising ourselves as Bimbos and sneaking into the populace seems better. If they know everyone personally on sight in a city, I suspect the rebels wouldn't be able to do anything there anyways."

Sekla pulls a face, "Plus the thought of having to hurt and abuse all these people, I already have trouble thinking about what's going on around here without getting nauseous. Having to do it personally and pretend to have no respect for others freedom... I'm not sure I'm up for that just yet."

"If we're going to have to make me do this though, we should get our story fully settled though so we can stick to it and I can answer their interrogations. I mean I don't even know how their government works..."