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Overquest campaign

Re: Overquest campaign

Outskirts of Silverpines
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"If you're not comfortable doing it, then we won't make you," Yan told Sekla.

"What are our chances of sneaking in unobserved? And where are we going to go? We need time to search. And we're not going to be invisible all the time, and even bimbos are going to want to know where strangers suddenly came from. A story that holds just enough water to let us walk around relatively freely will be better than a transient stealth spell."

She looked over towards Lena.

"What say you, barrel roller?"
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: All

"It's a city. Do you know everyone in a city? Even if they've been there for years, not everyones going to remember every person of the several thousand population. We just need to be invisible to get into the city itself, then we can use disguises from there.," says Sekla simply.

"As for the chances, the main issue is what sort of wards they have up. Alarm wouldn't work, it'd go off for every cat and dog and bird that wandered into the area. We probably don't need to worry about them seeing invisible things since you can't make potions of spells like that and they probably are not casters. There might be high powered wards to deal with it but if they've that level of magical options, frankly we'd not have a shot in any scenario. And neither would the rebels meaning they wouldn't be there."

She taps a finger on her cheek. "Frankly, getting in is just half the problem. Once we're there, we have to find rebels in the entire city without causing a giant scene. And given the DICKs are scouring it most likely, I'm not too confident we can do it without risking being caught by causing a scene."

She looked to the new girl, nodding. "I'm all open for options and plans here. I can get us in I'm pretty sure, but from there..."
Re: Overquest campaign


Corgana Ironsoul
Silverpine city borders
Tag: Yan Yenna and Sekla primarly.

"A bad habit? A bit of a poor choice of words, come on. It's not like I drink too much dwarven brew in the evenings.." Corgana said, gruffly, channeling her malcontent into further gropings of the poor Yan Yenna, one hand slipping under her clothing, unashamedly, pulling her closer, handling her like a priced trophy where she was allowed.. the dancer had met all different kinds of folks and Corgana had all the makings of one of the wilder men (and sometimes women) that were confident enough not to need an obediant yes-sayer below them.. but quite enjoyed some pliable submission when given a chance, moreso with someone that could grow dominant or seductive enough to .. tempt them along the way. In this case, Corgana noticed that her hands had grown a little.. wild.. and withdrew them, out of consideration for Yan Yennas modesty, clearing her throat.:

"Hmmmnn.. ultimately, I have little to lose,.. so I'll let you decide the course of action. I will say that it might be easy to get in.. harder to get out. That said you don't need to worry about hurting and abusing folks, Sekla, can hardly abuse those that are into it.

Can't you wing acting like a Dick? It's a shame that those of us with more.. deceptive talents aren't equipped for their task."
She grinned momentarily at Yan Yenna. "Perhaps we can find a sock for you to .. pad certain things out with. Just avoid being.. called to action... just throwing out ideas, sorry, I'm not a much of a group-planner. I could get in by myself, but my sanity is limited.." Corgana seemed to have a few only semi-innocent thoughts for a moment, before shrugging apologetically.
Re: Overquest campaign

Outskirts of Town
Tag: All

Yenna was not at all perturbed by Corgana's continued groping. Modesty was something she was known for eschewing from time to time, even in the times where most women were not bimbos due to some mad, perverted wizard's scheming. In fact, Yan Yenna was even inclined to keep Corgana's hands down underneath her clothes by putting her own hands over the woman's wrists, encouraging the act, especially if part of the groping was outside the view of Sekla and Lena.

"I tend to get to know the people I see on a day to day basis, Sekla. Are you thinking that we'll be able to find the rebels and conclude our business without any of the locals becoming just a teensy bit familiar with us? I'm telling ya, we need a coverstory. Going in without one is just going to lead to trouble."

She sighed and leaned against Corgana again, trying to give her an easier angle to her soft bits without seeming too obvious about it. She also snuck a hand over the fighter's ass and groped it.

"Oh I don't think a sock is going to fool anyone. But how do the dicks even acquire their male bits? Are they born that way or is there some sort of spell or process they go through? Do some girls train to be dicks? Maybe I could be one in training, on my way to getting qualified. I mean, I'm willing to lie through my teeth to give us advantages, but I don't like hurtling into a lie blindly unless I'm forced to do so. After all, you saw through my lies eventually, even with your clouded mind. A professional seducer and persuader like myself needs proper information if I'm to work effectively. Hrmm... it really is a shame we can't use you more reliably Corgana. You know enough about their inner workings to be a good inside woman - if only we could keep you focused."

Yan's words were saddened as she brushed the small of Corgana's back sympathetically. She tried wracking her brain, thinking about any spell or lore that she knew of that could potentially be a work around for strong enchantments and conditioning.
Re: Overquest campaign


"Ugh, listen, as much as I want your folks helped out by me, I got to go, sorry." She pulled out her barrel, salluting all of you before climbing in.

"Who says you have to stick with only one idea is my question. Either way.. perhaps we'll meet some other day, for now, I got to roll!" And with that, she and her barrel rolled on off. And if no drider had caught her, she is still rolling today..
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Re: Overquest campaign


Corgana Ironsoul
Silverpine city borders
Tag: Yan Yenna and Sekla primarly.

".. right.. whatever your decision be, come upon it fast, because if this keeps up I'll either start Ravaging her, or we might get found out." Coragan unashamedly admitted, her blushing hesistance fromholding Seklas hand re-affirmed as the same encouraged her, leading to those strong, determind hands unashamedly cupping Yan Yennas pussy under her dress, cupping her lover button, the other feeling her breast, pulling her close like a poession... but the way one would pull close a prized gem, worried of it breaking, gladly showing it off to others.. yet yearning to own it for themselfs. "That I cannot answer, all I know is that they were not around before I was.. caught.. and afterwards I asked little questions.."

Corgana squeezed Yan Yenna tighter at that memory.

"Maybe you could be, but its risky. It is something the average bimbo looks up to... Well, to keep me focused all that'd be needed would be soldiers serum. and if I consumed it all I might face.. certain side effecs.." she coughed slightly. "Plus, you as my 'Slave' could help me fit into the role easier, ,I am certain." She cooed..

"What did the crazy barrel roll girl say again?" She pondered.
Re: Overquest campaign

Yan Yenna
Tag: All

"I know people, Sekla darling. For every cutter who'd rather keep to her own business, there's another ten busy body berks who'll want to ask questions. Even among bimbos. If we can constantly keep on the move, then sure, your way's fine. But we're going to need to find a safe place to hole up without any neighbors, city or no city."

With Corgana now making more direct and insistent, controlling pulls, clutches and cupping, the dancer was getting increasingly into her role, closing her eyes for a moment and sighing contentedly as she was felt up, an inviting look on her face.

But she had the wherewithal to make a decision too. It was no use debating, and Sekla was the type who rarely tended to budge once she got a notion into her head, at least not without arguing the point past Yenna's attention span.

"No... I don't want you to change more because of our efforts to find a good cover story. I like you just the way you are Corgana.~" the bard said in response to the fighter's suggestion of downing an excess amount of serum.

She brushed the back of her hand up along the taller woman's neck.

"Okay, we'll try it Sekla's way I guess. Forget the cover stories and just go in under the cover of magic. We'll find a good hidey-hole and scope out the possibility of getting Corgana a regular supply of soldier serum to keep her from going tits-out, bum up barmy."

She grinned.

"Let's sneak in, cast these spells and get to a decent spot. All right Corgana, can you make sure Sekla and I look slutty enough for when the spell wears out?"
Re: Overquest campaign


Corgana Ironsoul
Silverpine city borders
Tag: Yan Yenna and Sekla

"Hmnn.." Corgana cooed, her hand stopping most certainly non modestly, but not wild enough to force Yan down a path of arousal that'd be all too distracting. "We don't have to hide out for long.. just long enough to find the rebels.. if they don't have a fix for.. me.." She shook her head.

"Make sure you look slutty enough?" She grinned a bit, cheering up. "Oh certainly, you are .. quite fine already..e rrr.. but Sekla could expose more cleavage. Its unusual non-humans, exspecially.. those with her gifts are turned all horny and submissive, more of a punishment, so she'll have to look the part." If allowed she'd help adjust Seklas apperance, with just a bit of groping along the way. The groping was a bit distracting perhaps, but also a clear sign that the warrior was still in charge of her metnal faculties.

"I should do the ruffling up before magic hides us." She nodded, at this point clearly fighting an urg eto.. ruffle up Yan a bit more, but sticking to the mission.
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: All

Sekla nods as they got a course of action. "Good enough for me. But I don't... do submissive very well. And these dom clothes I picked up from the other town doesn't speak to that very well either. Ugh, gonna have to get more clothes it seems."

She sighs as she's adjusted and groped, looking at Corgana wryly. "I can just cast a spell to appear human if need be. Hobgoblins and Humans are similar enough in body form that it'd be difficult to disrupt the spell by accident. And we only need expose ourselves so long. Our first priority once we arrive is case the city and know our escape routes and where we can rest safely. If shit hits the fan, we'll have to leave very very fast."

"But yes, do all disguises now before I start casting stuff. We'll circumvent the roads and slip in through the side since there are no walls. The odds of wards are pretty low given animals and such and the vast area it'd have to cover so we shouldn't have any trouble. And non spellcasters have no real easy means of dealing with invisibility. It'll be once we're in that things get tricky."
Re: Overquest campaign


Corgana Ironsoul
Silverpine city borders
Tag: Yan Yenna and Sekla

"The clothes are actually not a problem, if you can still act ditzy and 'in charge'.. to keep it short, some of the .. masters enjoy a pegging. .. Ugh, thinking about it, I got no idea whos in charge of Silverpine from the regime.., problems for later." She nodded, whilest still mostly? innocently adjusting Seklas outfit. "Alright.. lets get this started, the longer we keep on talking here the higher the chance theres a ranodm patrol waiting for us."

It seemed easily enough to slip into the city from the side, though circling the town a little further revealed that there seemed to be an effort to build a fence around it to increase security, luckily the fence was incomplete, it was a large-spread town to build around. That ment many hiding places.. but also uncertainty on where to start looking. Someone had added a 'No Rebels Allowed!' sign to a part of the wooden construction.
Re: Overquest campaign

Yan Yenna
City border
Tag: All

Yenna stuck close to Corgana and Sekla as they made their way through the half constructed wooden border wall. If the bard were honest with herself, she was concerned and slightly scared of walking into an even more heavily guarded city with the prospect of being hopelessly mind-broken and bimbofied hanging over her like the sword of Damocles.

What kept her going was a determination to achieve her short term goal of clearing Corgana's mind. And then, should that goal be realized, it would lead her on to a secondary goal, which was to make as much trouble for this Overlord's society as possible.

Maybe the amazing sexy orgies didn't need to go away entirely, but certainly not all being run by a lone man. Better to have a free swinging society of peace, love, and lots of kink, she figured. Or at the very least, there should be a sanctuary from all this madness, similar to what the traveling market had been to the howling winds and far reaching darkness of Pandemonium. Her upbringing gave her strength... it reminded her that things could always be bleaker and far worse.

And if they failed. There was always the consolation that she would at least enjoy a simple life of sex and easy living - which was something she aspired to anyway.

She'd look for a place in the city to go where they could reasonably blend in once their spells wore off. But she also wanted to get her bearings and learn as much of the layout as she could.
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: Silverpine City exploration

It took only a little ducking to push past the either unfinished, or perhaps intentionally damaged and loosened planks of the fence. Apparently whoever had promised to build a great wall to keep the rebels out had much work ahead of them yet.

It was an overwhelming situation. It wasn't two sides, they against an invading horde.. it was them, against the world. A horny, giggly world on top of that.

Whilest Yan Yenna already made plans for a new society to take the Overlords place, she, and all three with them, noticed a glow of red in the distance, to small and early to be the sunrise.

And then, perhaps, in all the misfortune, a twist of luck wandered towards them.


The woman wore grey-brown colors, good enough for stealthing in this enviroment, and juggled a few spherical objects, with fuses. Due to the magic she seemed completely unaware of you three, even if she cautiously looked around, before pulling out a set of stones in place of all but one of the spheres, beginning to crack the stones together, creating a few sparks. "Damn tossel danglers thes is gonnae damn blaw yer minds." She mused silently to herself, with a heavy accent.
Re: Overquest campaign

Silverpine City
Tag: All

Sekla cast her illusion before sneaking along with everyone. The fence wasn't much an obstacle as of yet. Probably the Bimbo's idea rather than the DICK's.

Course, they didn't get inside before a... Dwarf? Came wandering in, carrying fuze bombs. Uh oh. Well. There was a few things Sekla knew. You didn't distract an alchemist in the lab. You didn't disturb a summoner drawing a circle. And you never, EVER surprised a demolitionist who's setting up explosives.

So, the logical answer would be to follow her after she did her thing. Which evidently was blow some stuff up. Though no telling if the others would come to the same conclusion as her.
Re: Overquest campaign

Yan Yenna
Tag: all

Yenna watched the women with the accent walk their way, juggling what appeared to be, in her limited experience, some sort of explosive bombs. She fought the urge to simply talk to the woman, as Yenna generally liked explosions and things that made loud noises, as was her random nature, but she didn't want her spell to end and wanted to make sure that she and her companions got into the town proper before letting the magic slide away, but she felt compelled to stay and silently watch the woman.

If they could follow the girl after her little mission was completed, then they could introduce themselves while attention was diverted to the cleanup. Although, an act of demolition was certain to put people on high alert, but who knew... they probably already were.
Re: Overquest campaign


On closer examination, the woman seemed shortish, but not a dwarf. Perhaps a bit of dwarf in her bloodline? She certainly liked to curse, though she was rather careful and rigorous in placing the spheres, putting each of them up to a larger, brown wooded buildings wall. Finally, she carefully put the last sphere infront of the others, and pulling out its weird stone as well.

"Thaur we gang. " She mumbled to herself, slightly adjusting the final sphere, cracking her neck.. before rushing, speeding away!

If any of you stayed long enough and did not follow the woman, you'd hear the hissing of fuses lighting up as either magical, or alchemical sparks cracked lose from the edges of the spheres. The woman sprinted away far enough to be under cover by some bushes under a hill upon which another house stood, about 200 ft away, hidden from most eyes but yours and.. was actually hard for you three to address, as she put her fingers firmly into her ears and stared straight ahead at the hissing noise.

Corgana herself raised an eyebrow and looked questioningly at her companions if they should intercept this all, but decided to take no action unless her companions did first. Also, she realized one likely couldn't see her expression a bit too late.

After a short fizzing, the bombs fuses seemed to stop burning, before with a deafening crashing noise, exploding up against the wall into bright-hot fireballs, blowing a massive hole into it. Before you could admire the view, the last bomb, launched half into wall and building went off as well, and something inside seemed to react with the flames and force from the secondary explosion, causing a crackling noise from inside, and a brief color change of the fire from orange to green, before a new flame started to burn inside.

The explosive noise was deafening, indubitably attracting a lot of attention, though the woman simply moved back deeper behind the bushes, grinning, watching her handywork, before pressing her hand into the about man-high hill.

And pressing a little harder.
And hesitating, as she reconsidered, looking over the hill, putting her hand slightly to the left and pressing again, slightly worried seeming as again, nothing happened there. "Main'en, ah ken it's somewhaur abit.. " She mumbled, as behind her, fires began licking at the seemingly wooden underground of the demolished building.

(The explosion forces you to check for fortitude DC 12 or be deafened for 2 rounds, +4 circumstantial modifier if you covered your ears.)
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Re: Overquest campaign

Yan Yenna

As soon as the short woman started to rush away, Yenna patted her companions on their asses and dashed off after the demolitions expert, slipping behind the bushes with her even as the explosion cracked and shook ground behind her.

She had a light ringing in her ears, but didn't go deaf, and she was instead focusing on what the little woman was doing with her hand and touching the hill. There must be some sort of switch around here, and if they just waited for her to give away where it was, then they could follow her inside and THEN finally give her a neat little spook followed by a hopefully non-violent conversation.

[Fortitude roll: 7+5 = 12. Just made it.]
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: All

( 17 fort)

Sekla blinked and hunkered down as the detonations started up, going off loudly. she was happy she'd grown up around mages, explosions weren't unusual to her. they weren't a violent group by nature, but fireball could still be useful for making firebreaks or eliminating dangerous molds.

More noticeably, it seemed like the Not-Dwarf was looking for something in the grass now. That wasn't good, the place would be crawling in people soon. she moved over and quietly observed the area for any indentations, hoping to spot anything to trigger that could help the possibly dwarf related woman.

( 24 Perception)
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: Everyone

Sekla spots a small, but noticeably clear cut uneven piece of stone, just below were the smaller sized but presumambly human woman was currently poking. Deciding to take the initative, she snuck up to the side of the stone, poking at it, pressing it down and thus opening a small, about half a humans height crawlspace, with a "Got it.. huh.. whatever, stupid thin'" From the woman, as she crawled in swiftly. Though, if you followed you'd soon notice that, luckily, the earthen tunnel slowly widened, until one could stand, if a bit bend over. The demolitionist pulled out a small stone with a tip that lit up as if burning, the wisdom of which considering her other.. equippment one better not questioned. The entrance quickly began closing again behind her though...