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Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


Cyliarra couldn't help but smile when she saw Alice blushing under her praise. It made her look so adorable, and only gave the elf more reason to compliment her in the future. It was just one of the many many reasons that she loved the merchant. "Oh you are so cute... my love. Of course it sounds nice... Your body already seems to remember how wonderful it was. Pleasure, warmth, comfort, love, and safety all from your Mistress... I promise that I will care for you... keep you safe... and make sure that you get the happiness that you deserve..." She would promise, still teasing and toying with her body. Once again her Tome would glow, this time more rapidly as though it were trying to say many things... but she wasn't paying attention to it any more. The one person that she cared about more than anyone else was right before her. And not only was Alice right before her... but she had the chance to enslave the wonderful little merchant for the first time... all over again. Anything that her Tome had to say to her wasn't nearly as important as making sure that Alice was happy... that she felt the pleasure and joy that someone as incredible as her deserved.

The mist would keep coiling around her more and more, growing a little denser now that it was entirely focused in on pleasuring Alice. It would slide over her clit, circling and teasing it, giving her pleasure without fully letting her embrace release... not yet. Though most of it would focus in on Alice's breasts, Cyliarra remembering how much her little merchant enjoyed having those played with, and how sensitive that she herself had helped to make them. She'd pinch and rub her nipples, gripping and rubbing her breasts, rolling them in the grasp of the dark mist. Her whole body would ring in pleasure, ecstasy shooting through her like electricity from the dark corruption that was flowing deep inside her. Meanwhile the fantasies would grow more and more vivid, though now they would also start mingling with actual memories that Alice had... Memories of caring and passionate love making... of being groped and cared for by her Mistress... of being held close to the elven Nurse while lying comfortably in bed... and of course submitting fully to her wonderful and caring Elven Mistress. It wouldn't restore all of her memories... but it would bring back the memories of being enslaved at least... all of the pleasure and happiness flooding back to her at once.

"I promise to treat you with all the love, care, and lust that you properly deserve... My Love. I know I can treat you right... and I know that I will." Cyliarra would reassure, petting and molesting her cute little slave, toying with her body carefully to elicit as much pleasure as possible. Feelings of warmth and safety would flow through her, as though this was where she belonged. It was comforting and caring... a warmth deep in her heart and her mind as her soul was painted in corruption just as she wanted. Submission felt natural... obeying felt so comforting and nice now that she was wonderfully helpless in the grip of her Mistress, she'd feel both completely exposed and helpless... but also warm and safe at the same time. She knew that there was nothing that she could do to get away from her Mistress, but at the same time she knew that her Mistress would care for and keep her safe.

A sense of safety and warmth... submission and happiness, would all hit Alice at once as she rested her head in Cyliarra's bosom. And as she began suckling, a warm and sweet taste would flood her mouth, Cyliarra's milk filled with delicious and wonderful corruption, flowing into her mouth and painting her soul as she accepted the dark powers that Cyliarra used to further enslave her. It was a sweet and seductive taste of darkness, all the pleasure she was already feeling magnifying under the extra corruption. Her chest would swell a little, her breasts growing an extra cup size and feeling so full as she drank more and more of that corrupted milk. A deep heat would flow through her, her skin growing inhumanely pale, any previous blemishes fading away as the corruption went to work on her body. "That's a good slave... Drink that corruption in... my sweet. Just fill yourself with Mistress' milk. Let it flow deep into your soul and submit to it... Become my slave... Just enjoy yourself. And feel how full you are? Full of Submission. Full of Mistress' Love... Full of Corruption... Just feel all that pleasure surging deep within your soul. Be my wonderful little slave. My happy little corrupted pet. Enjoy the pleasure and fulfillment I bring you... Free from choice... Free to embrace your subservient and slavish personality... Just enjoy it, my love..." And as she said that, she'd hold Alice close in her arms, letting her go completely limp, keeping her held and helpless in her grasp now. She'd pull her into a deep kiss, pushing her tongue into Alice's mouth, her own tongue coated with some sort of black goo that would mingle deliciously with the milk that Alice had already been drinking. She'd hold her in that loving kiss for a few moments, further filling her with dark corruption, giving her even more pleasure from that simple kiss, then she'd bring her right back to one of her nipples, encouraging her to keep suckling.

Then Cyliarra would reach down and physically squeeze one of Alice's breasts, giving it a firm grasp and pulling it a little, and the merchant would feel a surge of ecstasy as milk started to flow out from her own breasts now, corrupted milk flowing out of her nipples as they were squeezed, bringing an even higher level of pleasure. "Good girl... Such wonderful milk... Just let it flow out..." She would whisper, still milking her slave. And now Alice's fantasies would start to get more direction. She could see herself lying down on her Mistress' lap, being pet and milked like a good corrupted pet, her milk flowing out, Cyliarra bottling it and using it to corrupt others, ensuring that the two of them could live a life of comfort, pleasure, and happiness with Alice forever with her loving and caring Mistress. A feeling of deep satisfaction rising within her at the thought of her milk being used by her Mistress, corrupting others and making sure they knew that her Mistress deserved her place of dominance... But at the same time, Cyliarra would only truly have eyes for Alice, keeping her close at all times, caring for her and sleeping with her personally, the personal pet, slave, and lover of her Mistress. As that corruption filled her, Alice's eyes would take on a red tint, another sign that she had submitted fully to her Mistress... and she'd start to feel a strange sensation around her lower back, and if she looked she'd have a small, pink, demonic tail, just another sign that Cyliarra's wonderful corruption had tainted her soul, painting her very body as a sign that she belonged to her Mistress, that she was owned completely by the wonderful Elf that currently held her in her arms...

Valerie knew that the ability to keep trying, to pick yourself up from defeat and keep going, was one of the truest strengths that a person could have. Her first defeat had devastated her... and had made her wonder if she should even keep trying if she wasn't going to be the best. But she had gotten through that... and after those first few defeats had taught her so much, she didn't fear losing any more. So long as there was breath still in her body, she'd turn her failures into the building blocks of future success. Hell... that was what she was even doing now. The first time that she had faced Deva was a defeat... more because the angel escaped than actually defeated her. From that she had learned that she had to be ready for the angel attempting to escape. Thankfully that wasn't a problem given their current situation. She had also learned quite a bit about Deva's personality then and there... knowing that she had the personality of a proper slave, and likely desired the eventual submission. Her next defeat came at the hands of Narcissus and The First... That defeat left her with a powerful werewolf form that she had learned to use to her own advantage now, and it was the source of her absolutely incredible strength... And finally she had lost to Deva as a wild werewolf under the control of Narcissus. That one had made her understand that she needed to come into the fight as a true Mistress... one that deserved to take Deva as her own. It was the impetus for asking Cyliarra for her full freedom... so that she could face Deva once and for all, not as an Amazon, not as a Werewolf, not as an agent of Cyliarra, but as Deva's MISTRESS.

Even while completely driven wild with her desires, Valerie couldn't help but be impressed by the arsenal that Deva brought into battle with her. Her willpower, her spells, and her equipment all worked together to keep her in this battle, something that the werewolf could respect. Any normal woman would be on her knees, their brain turned to mush under the desire to be a bitch to the mighty werewolf Alpha. But that just made Deva that much more of a delicious treat. She was a bitch that had to be CONQUERED... not one that would just throw herself at the werewolf. The fight... the struggle... putting a bitch in her proper place and establishing her dominance... that made this all the more exciting for the carnal desires that had filled Valerie since she had transformed.

"Didn't want to... Grrragghhh... Hurt you..." Valerie would admit, having held back because she didn't like harming her future slaves... But seeing those defenses meant she'd need to unleash as much power as possible if she wanted to win this. Then she would howl, a howl of pure desire reverberating throughout the cavern as wild side was now clearly in control. "Mnnnngghh... But bitches need to be taught their place..." She would state lustfully. Her voice held aggression, but not anger, as though she accepted that Deva merely had to be taught her place. Dominance, lust, and aggression in her words, showing that she wanted to put Deva in her place, but without anything that would say she was upset with Deva. On the contrary, she relished the chance to show the angel her place, and was impressed that she would need to use that full force. It was an odd feeling... to want to pin her opponent down and utterly defeat and dominate her, but not a hint of anger or frustration in her voice from having to do so.

The werewolf would have a very small smirk when Deva noticed that she was blocking the enchanted rocks, having watched quite a few of Deva's fights. Everything that Cyliarra observed of Deva was also given to Valerie, letting her see and understand some of the ways the angel fought. Then the fights she had with the snake agent and with Cyliarra had just given her more information. That information might not have been on Valerie's mind considering that her body and mind were entirely focused on claiming their new bitch, but the things she had learned influenced her combat instincts, instincts that moved her to avoid any potentially devastating attacks.

"Clothes are... Grrrrrrrrrrrr... Pointless... Get in the way of breeding! But... Can make some at the village..." Valerie managed. It seemed that even when completely overcome by her primal lust, she wanted her bitch to have things that made them happy... In fact... Part of her wondered if she could get a special outfit made for Deva that marked her as Valerie's chosen Cock Slut/Bitch... something that made the entire village know who she belonged to. The werewolf would look up and down Deva's form, licking her lips some more at the thoughts of what to do to that angel.

With each piece of equipment that Valerie tore off, her movements would get more frantic and wild, lust overcoming her mind, excitement growing greater at the thought of being closer and closer to that delicious angel underneath all the armor and spells. Her grip was incredibly strong now, her hands holding her tight and keeping her pinned to the floor, growling and howling with unrestrained lust now. Her expression was lost in wild, carnal instinct now, ready to claim her bitch. There was a look of pure dominance and lust deep in her eyes as she kept the angel pinned to the ground. The angel would be able to tell that even with all her strength she wouldn't be able to power our of that grip. Sure there were probably spells that could get her out of this situation, but there was definitely no way to overpower the wolf at this point. Meanwhile, she'd feel even more excited as the musk continued to fill the air around them, feeling each and every layer of protection torn off with more and more urgency. And this would feel right... this was where a bitch belonged, being pinned down by the Alpha, unable to resist the mighty wolf from putting her in her place and fucking her. Her submissive feelings would grow stronger as she remained in that powerful musk. At the same time she would start to feel the Wolf's fangs held just a little bit away from her neck, just another sign that her Alpha was in control...

The werewolf would grow even more incensed when Deva's pussy returned, already deeply inhaling the scent, her eyes growing just slightly hazier with lust at the feminine scent she was picking up... the smell of a bitch. She'd start panting heavily now, her grip tightening just a little as she growled and held her teeth close to her bitch's neck. And with the musk in the air, the smell of an Alpha, Deva's pussy would be nearly drooling with anticipation. That throbbing, perfect, beautiful wolf cock would look even more enticing now... like the most beautiful thing in the world. She was meant to have that deep inside her, to feel it shoved deep inside of her. "MY Bitch!" Valerie would growl when Deva mentioned that she was feeling like a proper bitch now. And that was exactly how she was feeling, those words sending a shiver down her spine as she finally felt like she was where she belonged, pressed to the ground by her Alpha, the wolf taking whatever she wanted without hesitation. It was her place to be bred, to have that cock inside of her, filling her with wolf cum... But another part of her was telling her to keep struggling, not to break free, but to drive the wolf even crazier with lust... To inflame her desires and make her go even wilder, to further put her in her place. And when she started struggling, Valerie would growl even more, panting faster and faster as she would press Deva further into the ground, and then biting into her shoulder, the bite actually not causing any pain, instead more of the werewolf essence would flow into her, heating her up and making her pussy quiver, suddenly feeling empty... like it was missing something. And she would almost instantly know that she needed that wolf cock... that it was what her body desperately needed now.

With her defenses gone and that naked angel body before her, the wolf would lick her lips some more, not once letting up on her grip on the angel, keeping her held close and tight. Then she'd pull the angel even closer in, pressing her own furry body against Deva. That musk would seem so much stronger now that her Alpha was right against her, the dominating, intoxicating, wonderful, powerful scent speaking to the animal part of Deva's mind. It encouraged every bit of submissiveness in the angel, her mind and body crying out with a desire to submit to the Alpha... HER Alpha... the one that currently had proven herself stronger, more dominant and powerful, a true leader. Meanwhile she was just a bitch... meant to be ravaged, fucked, used, and dominated by her Alpha. Her purpose was to please the Alpha... she was meant to be taken completely by the strongest wolf she could find. And right now she knew who the strongest wolf was... it was the werewolf that had already beaten her and had her pinned down right now.

With Deva's encouragement, Valerie would bite down once again, still no pain coming from that bite as she was filled with more werewolf essence. The emptiness between her legs would seem even more pressing... like she was WRONG not to have an Alpha's cock deep inside her. Like it was only right for her to milk as much cum as possible out of that red, throbbing dick. Her body was crying out desperately for that dick she could feel pressed against her body while she was held in an Alpha's grip. At the same time, her mind seemed to fill with submissive, bitch thoughts... images of being taken by Valerie time and time again. Her pussy drooled, and at the same time that musk would fill her nose, lungs, and cloud her mind with lust. She was subservient, obedient, a bitch... while the wolf above her was dominant, powerful, HER Alpha. "MINE!" Valerie would growl out, pushing Deva up against the wall of the tunnel, using her incredible strength to pull her back to her feet and press her against the wall, not giving her the chance to escape. But at the same time, that growl of ownership would feel incredibly fulfilling to the angel. She belonged to the Alpha... she couldn't deny the Alpha... she couldn't resist the one that was MEANT to dominate and fuck her... meant to breed with her... meant to shove that throbbing, beautiful, powerful, long, thick, red, perfect wolf cock deep into her bitch-pussy.

Valerie would use her power to shove Deva against the wall, bending her over forcefully, not hesitating to move the angel's body so she was bent over while the werewolf would manage to mount her doggy-style. She'd hold that cock just inches away from the entrance to Deva's waiting pussy, letting the musk overwhelm her even further, pressing against the entrance at first. Deva's body and mind would cry out, almost begging for her Alpha to take her immediately, knowing that just feeling that inside her would be what she was meant for... what a bitch like her was supposed to do. Without waiting another second, Valerie would take both of Deva's wrists, holding them together in one powerful hand, ensuring that she was being held up by the weight of her own body against the wall, and her Alpha holding her, nothing else. Her other hand would grip Deva's hip, using it for leverage. Then... finally... she'd thrust that cock deep into Deva's pussy. With one forceful thrust she would get her cock in all the way to the hilt, shoving it deep inside the angel, howling with pleasure as she felt the tightness clamping down on her cock. She'd immediately start thrusting, moving at a wild, lustful, powerful pace, taking what she wanted, not waiting to fuck her bitch's pussy... the pussy that she had been desiring for over a decade. Then as she started thrusting into the angel, she'd lean forward herself, putting more of her weight onto Deva, and also allowing her to thrust even faster. At the same time her mouth would come right back to Deva's neck, another sign that the angel was completely in the wolf's power, unable to fight her off no matter what she did...

But at this point she wouldn't want to. From that very first thrust, ecstasy would shoot through her like lightning, shooting from her sex all through her body. And that feeling of emptiness... of missing something... of needing something inside her would suddenly feel so fulfilled. That cock feeling like the first drink of water after days of wandering a desert... like a need she had been missing for far too long had finally reached her. The pleasure would magnify by the second, the musk driving her pleasure and lust higher and higher by the second. THIS was where she belonged. THIS is where a bitch was meant to be. That cock would fill her entirely, her own pussy just barely able to handle that throbbing wolf cock, able to take her Alpha's cock. With the physical pleasure came a mental fulfillment... a feeling of being exactly where she had always meant to be. She would know that this was where she belonged, beneath her Alpha, with a wolf cock throbbing deep inside of her. It pressed all the way deep inside of her, every thrust another affirmation that she was a bitch. Each thrust reminding her of her place in the world, reminding her that she was always meant to be fucked by the Alpha. Her place in the pack decided... the Alpha's bitch... meant to be bred, meant to serve, meant to be dominated and fucked, meant to be protected by the Alpha... meant to be a sign of her Alpha's rule... That was where she belonged, that was where she always belonged. The musk would push that line of thinking deep into her, and each and every thrust would punctuate those thoughts with an intense ecstasy. Her body cried out in pleasure from her place as a bitch... while her mind fell into true and proper fulfillment and belonging the more she accepted that she was VALERIE'S Bitch.

Deva knew, on a certain level, the effect she had on Valerie when challenging her on. But she also desired this.. to not just give in willingly, but to be dominated, owned. She'd submitted in play pretend to others in the past, but was it really true submission if she could shatter anothers dominion with ease? Valerie was different there, could be different, if properly encouraged. The impressive specimen of amazonian strength had the largest impact of all the agents on Deva long before this fight.. only Neith could come close, and Neith was almost more like a lewd friend now.. and how had she escaped Neith's contraptions and poison?

"A good mistress should never want to hurt her slave.. but don't be needlessly concerned either.. no healing mage is my equal." She chuckled. Had Valerie tried to assault her for real, it would have just activated another contingency spell Deva had, one she cast when first facing the snake-agent. But she didn't reveal that yet.. she may yet need it.. if not for Valerie.. Even if the mighty amazon-wolf howled out in battle-lust.

"B.. breeding huh?" She blushed and chuckled.. she better brush up on her mending-magic, yes.. Also, she ought to make sure to change up her gear a little, her dress actually hid customized bag of holdings.. if the wolf ruptured that, they'd be drowned in an assortment of -stuff- Deva had collected..
"Well, if you really prefer me naked.." She blushed a little, aroused at the tribal sentiment of Valerie. She could guide and manipulate a mistress easily.. but a proper mistress was ment to be encouraged in what was best for them, not what the slave wanted.

Deva had to think back to her first master.. and first lover, so many years ago. The one that had taken her virginity had been a brutish demon-dickgirl,.. and her master had enjoyed using her a little rougher as well.. Deva had gotten used to it. She was aware that there was many other ways of lovemaking, yes, but.. this.. this felt right to her.

She glanced up at the beast growling above her... haaah.. when would she get to experience its.. her lust already? Deva only struggled to encourage Valerie onwards, at this point. That wild, heat-driven expression on Valerie was so hot.. it was like rutting with a true, feral wolf-master.. and yet, she would protect and treat Deva kindly, like a mistress.. hmnn... the alpha was in control.. that lewd musk told her. Speaking about scents, Deva's sex had a soft, flowery smell to it, a hint of her angelic heritage.. a sweet flower for Valerie to pluck.. a twitching, puffy sex, encouraged by the wolfs wildness and Deva's own arousal.
"Come on.. go wild.." She moaned and encouraged, her eyes wandering tot hat canine shaft, she biting her lips and nodding in agreement to Valeries claim of her.
"Don't take so long or I imight be able to cast Mass Fowl again, wolf! You don't own me yet!" She tempted and teased with lustful enthusiasm.. a feeble bluff, of course, Mass Fowl was not a spell she could use multiple times a day, nor could she just chant it with her arms pinned down like this, that's why she'd distanced herself casting it the first time.. but she wanted to feel the full might of that wolf-cock. she wanted to be enslaved by a proper beast.. her mighty mistress. She could feel something.. primal pouring into her, and she just squirmed a little more, MAKING Valerie enslave her or release her.. yes!

Instinctively, she spread her legs.. she felt horny, empty. She needed that nice cock.. not human cock, no.. wolf-cock.. yeees.. "Hmnn.. yeees.." She purred out, lustfully, murring softly as she felt the wolf-mistress strong body and fur up against herself, knowings he was unable to escape.. or focus, with that wonderful musk overtaking her, if she wanted to do something, anything.. now would be the time, propably.. and she did want to do something.. nuzzle into that strong beasts fur, to be precise, nuzzling and cooing softly.. but only when the wolf held her strong and in her place proper, still!

"A..alpha.. my strong alpha.." She cooed, with soft yearning in her voice. She wanted to serve and please the alpha. The strongest wolf-beast Deva could have found. "Haamnn.. f.. feel so empty..." Deva whimpered softly under the werewolf lustful influence. "Make me yours!" Deva demanded of her alpha, feeling the scent of her assault her senses.. her mind.. Even there Deva would struggle a little, only to feel it slowly give way.. she was a wolf, a bitch.. and she wanted that pointed, red wolf-cock within her badly now..

Deva gave off a soft growl, challenging, encouraging, enticing her alpha when she was pushed up against the wall, struggling to maintain control of her own lust and not just pounce her alpha like a wanton bitch.. she was her alpha-wolfs to take, not vice versa!
"Haaah.. yes alpha!" She moaned, as she was pushed up against the wall onto all fours.. this .. was apropriate, right.. Valerie would take her, not like she'd have with Narcissus, but victorious, in a tunnel she had dug down herself, on a battlefield of her victory, basking Deva in her overwhelming wolf-musk... and even if Deva squirmed on a little, Valerie could smell the angels eager, pure arousal on her.
And Valerie was in control of her desires too.. superb. .. wonderful. A true mistress. Not ruled by anything but her wild instincts and might, making Deva shake up in helpless lust..

Her alpha lifted her up, Deva's wings soft pillows for the furry wolf mistress, she gasped as she felt the wolf prod at her entrance, a soft whimper escaping her throat... "Haaah.. yeeeesss.. " Deva sighed and half screamed, as Valerie finally invaded her luscious, warm depths, wetness clamping down on the wolf-cock invading the angel so deeply. "Haaah.. drive yourself deep into me.. ooh alpha.. yes.. take me as you please, just don't hold back!" Deva moaned and begged and panted.. not like the mighty, wild wolf mistress needed that much encouragement, of course.

The angels vagina oozed and dripped in warm welcome, her body shuddering.. Deva was quite experienced.. and enduring, but considering the situation, her pleasure was building quickly, her wings fluttering slightly, she mewling, letting her mistress hold her, fuck her.. love her.
So fast.. so wild.. just like a beast loving her.. Deva moaned and decided.. Valerie deserved her, indeed.. she moaned and titled her head, presenting her vunerable neck to the wolf, to hold her down like a bitch proper.. her place to be bred and enjoyed..

Deva moaned and writhed under her mighty wolf.. finally, her sex was stuffed with the mighty canine cock she deserved.. she yearned for. Her hands softly clawed at the stone wall before her, her sighing and moaning echoing through the small tunnel.. this felt.. wonderful. It filled her so deep, so completely... it made her a slave to wonderful, dominant wolf-cock.
She panted, her legs tensing and squeezing up against one another as she felt a powerful climax build within her, grinning to herself.. yes... she was this mighty wolves bitch and lover.. she smiled, dreamily.. relaxing, yielding, letting herself be taken by the mighty wolf-cock filing her so nicely.. this was fine.. no, more than that. Finally.. she felt... happy.
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Valerie knew that Deva was a master of healing magic, she knew the angel would be able to heal from the injuries that the fight might have given them... But the act of inflicting that pain had been something she wasn't keen on. Still... if her bitch was fine with it... and wasn't going to be actually hurt, the werewolf decided that she could let loose entirely, and overwhelm the angel. It wasn't that she feared harming Deva, she was smarter than that. It was more that she had wondered if the force was even necessary, no point in making her slaves feel even a moment of pain when you had other methods. What Deva had proven, however, was that other methods weren't going to work. That had been the turning point... the moment that both the human and werewolf parts of Valerie agreed that there was no more holding back, and that they'd tackle this problem with their full force. After all, every aspect of Valerie wanted to take Deva as her own. The few remnants of her competitiveness wanted to show she was the best Mistress their could be, her lustful sides found Deva to be the most arousing creature they had ever met, the fighter within her was eager to have a companion that she knew she could count on, her wild werewolf side could tell that Deva would make the perfect bitch, every part of her wanted to take Deva, that was just another reason that she had trained for so long... And today... here and now, she knew that Deva would be HERS!

"Grrrrrr... Yes... Breeding... Fucking... Rutting... Whatever." She'd answer, licking her lips a bit at the thoughts of the days she'd be spending with Deva once this was all over. Valerie would seem to take in Deva's scent more and more, eyes growing just a little more wild, a little more unrestrained as she got the scent of the angel's sex. She could tell that Deva was aroused, which just drove her own lust higher, the musk in the air growing thicker and thicker by the second. Which in turn just enhanced Deva's desire to be dominated by her Alpha even more... She wanted to be fucked, bent over and taken by her Alpha. An Alpha that would roughly take her, shoving that throbbing cock deep inside her, fucking her at the pace of a wild animal. An Alpha that she would service day in and day out, servicing Valerie as a proper bitch was meant to do. But at the same time, that Alpha would protect her, keep her safe, fight off any threat that came their way. Valerie had proven her strength, her power, her dominance, and so Deva would feel deep in her mind that Valerie had proved she deserved the place of an Alpha.

As Deva continued to struggle and threaten to cast another spell, she'd hear Valerie let loose a primal, gutteral, lust filled growl. Her passion, lust, and instincts inflamed even more by her bitch trying to resist her. The struggle made it that much more exciting to the wolf, and in turn made it that much more enticing to Deva. Yes, a bitch wasn't meant to resist her Alpha... but she was meant to excite her Alpha... to entice her Alpha to fuck her... and by struggling just enough to not get loose, she knew she was driving her Alpha even wilder. She wasn't doing this to win or escape... she wasn't doing this to get Valerie to let her go... she was doing this to be fucked even harder.

When Deva spread her legs for her Alpha it would feel... right. It felt like she was fulfilling a purpose that she didn't know she had until now. This was what a bitch was meant to do, spread and bend over for their Alpha, ready to take that wolf cock, ready to feel that throbbing red member pushing deeper and deeper inside her, and the closer that she got to that the more she would feel like she was doing the most natural thing for her. Valerie's fur was soft, warm, inviting, and comfortable, the instincts of a bitch making that fur feel even nicer to the angel. It was a sign that she was safe, a sign that she was protected, and a sign that she was going to be fucked by her Alpha. And being pressed up against that warm fur, the musk Deva had been smelling the entire time would fill her nose even more. Her Alpha smelled dominant, powerful, arousing, and it all brought those bitchy feelings bubbling even harder to the surface. The scent would be going directly into her nose as she was held tight against her Alpha, knowing that her Alpha could do anything to her and there was nothing she could do to resist it. She couldn't stop herself from being fucked, she couldn't stop herself from being pinned to the wall or floor, and that fact alone seemed so... arousing.

Deva growling just a little bit was the final straw, every trace of restraint would drain from Valerie's expression, thrusting into Deva without the slightest bit of hesitation again and again, thrusting incredibly fast, with the pace of a wild animal. Her wolf-cock would throb lustfully in response to Deva's pussy clamping down on her, Valerie growling now from pleasure as she thrust deeper and deeper into the angel's waiting sex. Submitting to the Alpha, begging to be taken and fucked at her Alpha's leisure, acting like a proper bitch, it would send surges of even stronger pleasure through Deva, the musk and Valerie's dominance making that submission feel even more natural, more arousing, more PROPER. She was a BITCH... it was her place to service the Alpha, to be used at the pace the Alpha demanded. The Alpha TOOK what they wanted, and right now she wanted her bitch... HER bitch... that thought alone would cause a swelling of submissive, subservient pride within Deva, mingling with the intense pleasure. She wasn't any regular bitch, she wasn't A bitch, she was VALERIE'S Bitch... She was a bitch for her Alpha and her Alpha alone, the mightiest wolf she had ever seen, having eyes only for her and her body... It wasn't just a pleasurable and wonderful submission... it was a marking from the Alpha herself... a mark that Deva was the most deserving to be Valerie's bitch.

When Deva presented her neck to Valerie, the werewolf would once again bite down on her, holding her neck within her jaw, not tight enough to hurt, but enough to remind Deva that her Alpha was in complete control. It was yet another symbol of Deva's submission to Valerie. That cock throbbed and stretched her ever so slightly, pushing deep inside her and filling that wanton emptiness she had been feeling. It wasn't just that it was physically pleasurable, it wasn't just ecstasy coursing through her, it was a mental fulfillment. A feeling of being in the right place... of being where she truly and honestly belonged. She was pressed against the wall, bent over and taking her Alpha's cock deep inside her, and at this moment she couldn't imagine anywhere better to be. Valerie would bite even deeper into Deva's neck, increasing her pleasure even more, stoking all the submissive, bitchy instincts that were overtaking her. Being a bitch was natural... it was the right place for one such as her, to be Valerie's prized bitch, her lover, to get fucked whenever Valerie wanted...

Valerie grew even more forceful now that any trace of restraint was removed, pushing Deva further down to the ground, holding her tight enough to ensure she couldn't escape. She could writhe and thrash in pleasure, but Valerie's grip wouldn't relent. Deva was truly and completely held, pushed down by the Alpha on top of her, yet another strong symbol of complete and utter dominance. A slight grip on her neck thanks to Valerie's jaw, a hand gripping her wrists to make sure she couldn't get away, and another hand on her hips to keep that cock shoved deep inside her.

That cock would keep throbbing inside her, Deva feeling every inch of it as Valerie moved faster and faster. And that throbbing was a sign that she was pleasing her Alpha, that her Alpha was enjoying her body and taking pleasure from it. Once again that would fill her with wonderful, subservient, bitchy feelings of pleasure and accomplishment. She was making her Alpha feel good... that was the duty of a bitch. Her body would feel like it was on fire with pure pleasure, the musk growing thicker and thicker and reminding her that she was a bitch, this was right, Valerie was in charge, bitches were meant to be dominated, she was meant to be fucked. That cock pressed deeper and deeper inside her, keeping her in her place. Deva knew then and there that she was meant to fuck Valerie, meant to feel that cock deep inside her, meant to be bred and ravaged, and right now she was fulfilling her purpose. It was a powerful pleasure that radiated from deep inside her, a physical pleasure radiating out from her pussy, a mental pleasure of submission flowing into her mind, and a spiritual pleasure deep in her soul as she felt like she was where she truly belonged. All of it would mingle together to help build her to a climax faster and faster.

That cock filled her completely, filling every need that she could ever have for that very moment. That cock belonged inside her, it was as though she were made to be Valerie's bitch, like it was her purpose that she had only now finally been able to see. Valerie thrust faster and faster, moaning and growling as her cock throbbed harder and harder. Then Deva would feel something that her brain could only interpret as arousing and wonderful. She felt a large bulge in that wolf cock, the middle of it expanding, a knot forming in Valerie's wolf cock and moving down deeper. Anticipation would surge through Deva as she knew what was coming, she knew that her Alpha was taking pleasure from her body, and she knew that the greatest pleasure a bitch could feel in her body was coming as part of that cock grew into a proper knot. And it would start pushing out the walls of Deva's sex, sticking deep inside her, swelling with werewolf cum that Deva knew she needed deep inside her as the entirety of that knot made its way inside Deva... And yet despite that Valerie managed to keep thrusting, moaning and growling some more as that thick, large knot would be pushed along with her cock, extreme pleasure and ecstasy coursing through her, working together with the anticipation of the orgasm that was coming...

"MY... GRRRAAGGH... BITCH!" Valerie would shout out before howling loudly, a howl of pure pleasure reverberating throughout the tunnel. Then that knot would finally release, a torrent of werewolf cum shooting out of the tip of that cock, spraying out deep inside her. Deva would feel a wave of sticky warmth shoot deep into her, the entire load pumping deep inside Deva. A flood of warmth filled Deva's pussy, flowing deep into her body, even into her womb. More and more of it kept flowing into Deva, overflowing inside Deva, some of it spilling out from Deva's pussy onto the ground. It was a deep and wonderful warmth, a sense of pleasure and belonging. And Deva's own pleasure would start to spike in turn, she had achieved the greatest pleasure a bitch could get from sex, knowing that she had made her Alpha cum. Her Alpha was pumping deep into her, more and more hot, sticky, thick werewolf cum filling her to the very brim as Valerie continued to make low and pleasure filled growls. Ecstasy and pleasure would surge through her, she had fulfilled the duties of a bitch, she had made her Alpha cum. She felt owned, dominated, loved, and protected as Valerie deposited her load deep into Deva. And yet more and more of that cum kept flowing out, Valerie gripping Deva and pulling her in even closer, her orgasm incredibly powerful as she held her Bitch nice and close, making sure she got to feel every pulse and throb of Valerie's dick as it filled her with cum...

Deva chuckled and moaned soflty at her beautiful wolves.. enthusiasm. "Hmnnyees.. take me.. let me have you.. hamnn.. Let my scent unleash the beautiful, strong beast mistress within your heart fully." Deva encouraged.. she heavily doubted anything could unleash Valerie further at this point, but.. she knew the power of words. Even by just saying it, she could encourage, empower her beloved wolf.
"Suffer no limits to hold your wild desires.. we both want you proving your strength to me!" She continued. At this point, she was not entirely in control of her own desires either, yearning to stoke the fires of her lovers lust as she inhaled that strong, dominant musk. It was her nature to support and empower her mistress. It had been, so long ago, and now it was once more.

Deva purred and subtly shifted to edge her wild alpha on.. the musk had found quite a receptive target to it, whilest Deva fantasized about the might of that wolf-cock within her.. well.. she didn't exactly need to fantasize, right now, did she?
"Haaah. rut me like a wolf.. a bitch.. " She pleaded, with a lustful sigh.. yes.. she didn't want to be fucked like a human, not right now. She wanted the beautiful, wild, noble warrior above her to unleash and take her as nature had ment her to, that red, throbbing shaft claiming her completely.

"Yeesss.." Deva moaned and panted and sighed, remaining a recieving position for her wolfish mistress, relaxing, letting her take her, invade her..love her.. it felt.. right and nice, yes.. It was the musks effect of course, .. but the scent of her Alpha was too sweet to ignore.
"Haah.. deeper mistress! Fuck.. rut.. go wild... make me yours.. ooh pleasee.." Deva pleaded now, a lust-lost smile on her lips. She nuzzled into that warm, soft furr.. so helpless.. so safe. She panted, relacing into the nice wolfs fur, her eyes clouded with loving lust, her body pulsating, wings twitching with desire, ever so slightly, as she bit her lips, to supress a soft scream. She smiled and inhaled deeply. Mistress nice musk turned her into a proper bitch... would she be properly enslaved? No.. hopefully just a little enthralled, to be worked on . hmnn.. more by that beautiful, majestic wolf-penis.. .hmnn....

Deva must have dones oemething to properly unleash Valerie.. her soft voice? Her sweet scent? The cute little growl.. anyway.. it felt as if a mighty, wild wolf was fucking her now.. and she loved every second of it.
Deva wanted to moan out, encourage her wild wolf to rut her, to drive her cock in deep.. but her voice refused her, shifting to an almost wanton sounding moan instead.
She was a bitch.. and she was getting fucked just like one..... but not any bitch.. yes.. Valerie's bitch.. that mighty cock pounding her.. that was hers.. hers to please and pleasure and submit to.. Valeries...

"Ooh.. haah.. aah.. mistressss.. alpha!" She moaned out, eagerly. She belonged here.. Not into this tunnel in particular,.. but under her Alpha. held by her Alpha.. pleasing her... being enjoyed by her..
Deva moaned and writhed, her sex twitching and squeezing Valerie's shaft.. clearly, the angel was nearing an.. if not having a little climax already as her wolf-mistress enjoyed her proper. She was pushed to the ground, fucked like a bitch, allowed to writhe lustfully, but little more.. and she loved it.. she felt.. fulfilled.. a companion.. so strong.. so. superior... her Alpha.
She was pleasing the Alpha.. her Alpha, Valerie.. she could feel that wonderful wolf-cock throb and piston into her with primal might. Yes.. she was ment to be taken by that magnificent cock. She writhed and moaned in eagerness.. and then.. there was her reward, the reward of a true, loving bitch.. with Valeries cock driven deep into her warm, wet depths, she could feel a swelling at her base and immediatly, she knew what this ment.. Valerie would hold her.. knot her.. there would be no escaping her belly swelling with the She-wolfs copious and indubitably saved up amounts of superior alpha-cum pouring into her womb.. her body twitched and spasmed slightly, if not for Valeries hold, she'd propably have collapsed then and there, holding onto the wall in lewd desperation, feeling the knot throb and grow within her, her sex squeezing and teasing that cock on.. yes.. her Alpha would take her, completely..

But Valerie wouldn't cum just yet, even with her mighty, overwhelming thrusting, even whilest Deva drooled, ever so slightly, expression lost in throughoutly fucked lust, ..no.. she'd expand more, feel her cock lodge deep within the angel-bitches pussy, feel it expand, prepare.. Deva shivered in delight.
"Y.. your Biaaaaaah...." Deva tried to respond, confirm, agree, but again her body twitched and struggled to maintain itself as she felt the pure pleasure of warm, mighty werewolf-cum pouring into her from her beloved Alpha. She smiled and relaxed.. the time for struggle was over.. now, she was a willing, eager receptacle for her mistress fertile cum to pour into her. "Haah.. please.. fi.. fill your bitch.. fill me moree.. haah.. I.. give myself onto you.. ... Let me taste the pleasure of.. haah... being yours with all of your wolf-cum..." she panted and moaned, holding onto her own lower belly with two weak, lust-shaking hands, sloppily leaning over to struggle and.. give Valerie a soft, loving kiss, even, no.. perhaps especially while the wolf-mistress thick seed kept pouring into her. "Love youuu..." She mumbled, a hint of tears glistening in the corner of her eyes.. she belonged.. she was protected.. a wonderful, mighty Alpha holding her, filling her with her lewd warmth. Perhaps this ment she'd not be alone, anymore... Happily, the angle smiled to her lover, as she messily nuzzled into her fur and tried to kiss her,. alll she could do right now, well fucked and knotted up as she was. By her beloved Alpha.

Valerie had given in entirely to her lust, fucking her bitch with wild abandon. She would thrust at a wild pace, taking her completely, only caring for one thing right now, and that was feeling her bitch wrapped around her cock. That red wolf cock would throb deep inside her, as she held Deva against that wall, fucking her like a bitch, making her subservient and submissive feelings bubble back to the surface. It felt so good... so fulfilling, to be filled with a hot wolf cock. Her Alpha was taking her, her Alpha owned her, her Alpha was rutting with her like a wild animal, her Alpha was taking her like a bitch. She was a bitch... She was owned by her Alpha... Her Alpha had proven her dominance... All of this was only natural, it was what an Alpha was meant to do. And all of that would actually give Deva a deep sense of pride and satisfaction. She was Valerie's prized bitch... Valerie had seen so many women, met so many submissive souls... but only Deva had been chosen to be her bitch, the Alpha Wolf only wanted the angel as her bitch...

Deva's moans of ecstasy and her encouraging words would only drive Valerie on even further. Her primal instincts wouldn't allow her to stop at this point... she was going to rut and take her bitch no matter what. But hearing that Deva wanted it too, hearing that she wanted her to take her completely, that just made it all the sweeter to the wolf. She would keep fucking her, pushing her throbbing member as deep as she could, feeling Deva's pussy clenching down on her. "MIIIIIIINE!" She would growl out from ecstasy, getting faster and faster as she kept reiterating that she owned Deva, that the angel belonged to her and no one else. "MY BITCH!" It seemed that more complex thoughts weren't really coming to her now, as she would keep reminding Deva that she belonged entirely to Valerie. Every claim of ownership, every bit of pleasure that the Alpha took out of this would make Deva feel even better, feel even more owned, feel more and more like a wonderful Bitch that was meant to be filled by her Alpha. She was meant to be fucked whenever her Alpha wished, she was meant to pleasure her Alpha as much as she could, she was meant to stay with her Alpha and bask in that intoxicating musk... A proper Bitch was always by her Alpha, to the point where they even started to smell like their Alpha. That wonderful, powerful, dominating musk would fill the air around her completely, and she could almost feel it starting to cling to her. A bitch wore that scent as well, but unlike Valerie, where the scent was a sign of dominance, on Deva it was yet another powerful sign of submission. A proper bitch was so obedient, was fucked so often, was with her Alpha so consistently, submitting to her fully, that she would begin to even smell like her mighty and dominant Alpha.

Valerie would pull Deva close, making sure that she could cling to her fur and nuzzle into it, that powerful scent still filling her as she remained pressed against that mighty wolf. It was a comforting, safe place, to be curled into her Alpha's fur, feeling the musk overtake her, a red wolf-cock thrusting deep into her, all while kept underneath her Alpha, where she belonged. It was safe, warm, comforting, and allowed her to be the wonderful bitch that she really was. She knew she couldn't get away, she knew that her wolf had her completely, she knew that her Alpha was so powerful that there was no escaping her, and she knew that even if she did escape, her Alpha would quickly catch up to her and take her all over again. All of that would make her pussy drip even more, it'd send deep and satisfying feelings of pleasure through her, knowing that she was completely helpless with her Mistress... her Alpha.

That knot would swell just a little more, ensuring that her Alpha's cock wouldn't leave her until she was completely filled. As she started cumming she would grip Deva even tighter, pulling her even closer to make sure that she was completely filled by her wolf-cum. It kept pouring into her, filling her with hot, sticky, wolf cum. It'd keep pumping out of her, a copious amount of that wonderful semen flowing into her. Deva was in her proper place. This was where a bitch belonged, being fucked by her Alpha, her pussy filled up completely with wolf cum, her Alpha knotting deep inside her, ensuring that as much Alpha cum would fill her as possible. She'd keep howling in pleasure, her orgasm shooting through her body and pumping Deva full of that wolf cum. It'd make her feel so full, sticky, messy, bitchy... but at the same time valued, cared for, protected, her Alpha cared about her, wanted her, was pleased by her. Then when she struggled a little, she'd manage to get into a deep kiss with her Alpha, Valerie's eyes going wide in surprise for a moment before she pulled Deva into that kiss, eager for it as well, her tongue pushing deep into her Bitch's mouth, exploring passionately, making sure that she could tell that even with that kiss her Alpha held dominance. But her bitch wouldn't be completely enslaved, not yet, she was owned yes, she belonged to her Alpha, as was only right... But the wolf planned on working on her so much more.

There was so much of that warm wolf-cum that some of it would start dripping down the angel's thighs, overflowing from deep within her. Her stomach swelled from the amount being pumped deep into her, a deep pleasure from knowing that she had made her Alpha cum. She felt sticky, messy, owned, held in the powerful and safe embrace of her Alpha. It was simultaneously lewd, pleasurable, and yet comforting and loving. She was safe... her Alpha could protect her and care for her... Her Alpha was protective, strong, seductive, beautiful, and so very dominant. That musk would flow around her, enrapturing her, that intoxicating and wonderful smell reminding her that she was a Bitch... She was Valerie's bitch... And she was safe. Safe to be herself, safe to be owned and fucked, safe to be weak and supportive, safe to not have to do the fighting, safe to let Valerie protect her, safe to support her Alpha rather than have to fight... It was a deep, fulfilling, pleasurable, satisfying feeling of safety.

Valerie was completely driven by her instincts now, not putting thoughts into her actions as she made a low, satisfied growl as she finally stopped cumming deep inside the angel. She'd moan and continue kissing Deva, shuddering a little as the last of that cum filled her. Her instincts still had overcome her, acting without thought as she saw the tears in Deva's eyes... And Deva would feel a furry hand on her face, a wolfish finger reaching up to wipe the tear away, Valerie's actions driven entirely by instinct. Yet... even while completely overwhelmed by her primal instincts, she would still move to comfort Deva, she would still wipe a tear away and pull her even closer to reassure the angel. "My Bitch..." She would whisper, this time sounding caring and possessive, not growling or howling in lust, wanting to give her those words of reassurance.

Even with her done cumming, Valerie's wolf-cock wouldn't go limp, nor would she pull out of Deva. Though she wouldn't be thrusting into her, she would just hold Deva close, hugging her possessively, her cock still buried in Deva as she held the angel. After a few moments, some of her mind would seem to return to her... just enough to say more than just possessive shouts of pleasure and reassurance. "Mmmmmmm... Good Bitch... My good little Bitch..." She would compliment, holding her and kissing her some more, those words feeling incredibly fulfilling. Getting her Alpha's appreciation was a beautiful reward for a Bitch. It all felt so wonderful, to be held close and hugged into that warm fur and intoxicating musk. Even with that rutting done, the musk filled the air around them, making sure that Bitches like Deva understood their place underneath the Alpha...

"You're my Bitch... You belong to the Alpha... You are MINE... Take in your Alpha's scent... Let it soak into you... Submit... You are a Bitch... Bitches pleasure their Alphas... A Bitch is meant to be fucked... bred... rutted... knotted in... You love it... You are Mine... You are protected... You are safe... You are mine... I will keep you safe... You strong Alpha will protect you..." Valerie would whisper a bit, animal lust still clear in her voice, but enough of her brain there to implant those ideas even deeper into her Bitch's mind, to make sure that she belonged to her completely now... To make sure that she had her victory, and she would keep her Bitch. Once she was certain that her Bitch would stay... certain that she owned Deva, she could work on her a little more. But for now she would just hold Deva close, cock still deep inside her, holding her in a deep embrace and kissing her. It was so lewd, yet so comforting and protective, being held right up against her Alpha, yet still having that cock pushed into her. It felt right... she was in her proper place, wrapped around Valerie's cock while held close in a protective, safe embrace.

"Awww.. you're nice.. I like you." The by now pale-skinned merchant concluded to her dark, misty lover. It wasn't just that Alice didn't fight her loving dark-elves corruption, rather, it seemed like she was inviting it, ignoring the tome, the mansion around, even the stray chicken that wandered by in the backround.

She gasped and mewled softly, feeling the nice mist toy over her, Alice's sex warm, wet, eager and puffy under the teasing of the mist.. although she seemed to appreciate even more of that attention focusing on her bossom. Alice gasped softly, but audibly, with the mist toying over her and teasing her, tilting back her head and sighing in happy, horny satisfaction.
"Mi.. mistresss.." She purred happily, with the warm, tingling mist rolling over her. "I.. I think I remember now.. I was your slave, and you.. treated me so nicely for it.." She smiled, dreamily. Being Cyliarra's slave was a strange, yet wonderful sensation. Helpless but bo be hers, helpess to obey.. helpless.. to be happy.

She didn't bother to bend and contort herself into lewd positions, even as her breasts swelled nicely, naughtily.. she knew Cyliarra was there, would take her, guide her mind and body. "Hmn.. yeess..s o full.." She cooed along, leaning in and nuzzling, suckling up on her beloved's breasts, smiling and letting herself be filled, feeling her breasts swell, her body gaining an unearthly, corrupted, but also graceful quality to it.
She mewled, soothed and relaxed in Cyliarra's arms, just enough strength left to softly nuzzle up to her and suckle on her beloved mistress lips in that lewd kiss. The black goo Cyliarra presented herself with did suprise her a little.. but it came from her mistress, surely, it wouldn't do anything to harm her, so Alice wasn't worried.

She let out a moan of happy contenment when Cyliarra guided her back to her breasts, licking, kissing, suckling and encouraging the dark areola with soft lips and a warm, slathering tongue, before properly latching back onto it, enjoying it with happy moaning escaping her lips.
"Groaaaaahnnn?" Alice then made, emberassed, aroused and suprised as she fellt mistress warm, soft hand upon her swollen breasts, squeezing it, encouraging some milk of her own to flow.. but she just nodded, letting it happen, letting her milk flow out, rather, relaxing, encouraging her breasts to fill more, prepare to be milked more, as pleased her mistress.. as she enjoyed and loved herself, in secret perversion, not so secret it seemed, considering Cyliarra seemed to know, and gladly fulfill and indulge her every desire.
Alice's soft hands held onto Cyliarra, carefully steadying herself as she sighted in lust, pushing out her breasts a little, a pleading, hopeful expression in her eyes as she glanced up to her lover from the dark elf mistress' breasts... without stopping her sensual suckling, of course.
She smiled then and, with a lustful shudder, her hands came up, trusting mistress.. lover.. Cyli.. her motherly beloved to hold her warm and tight.. as she gently reached up to slowly, sensually rub and soothe along her own breastflesh, encouraging their growth, enticed by the fantasy of the corrupting mist, encouraging her breasts to feel good and warm and swell in the production of corrupting milk. "Hmn.. mistress.. My beloved Cyliarra.. " She smiled and relaxed, her skin perfectly pale, eyes red, breasts.. large and oh so sensitive as she smiled, invitingly..
"Hold me.. love me, make me your favoured tool of corruption. Help my milk fly out and help me be yours..oooh.. tell me.. how can I bring you joy, my love? I wish to thank you by hmnn making you feel the same bliss I do, as you take such a firm, gentle, soothing hold upon my mind. Don't tease me with fantasies of what could be.. let us make these all realities!" She purred and encouraged, seductively, her hand caressing along Cyliarra's arms, holding onto her needily. She needed love. corruption.. enslavement. She wanted to be a true agent of her beloved ones corruption. She wanted to rest and hug up to the dark magician, their breasts breathing out their dark desire for one another in glistening drops of perverted sundew in the morning sun. She wanted Cyliarra, complete.. and all.. "All of your love and lust and desire, give me all of it.. nurture me with it, fill my heart and soul and breasts with your beautiful, loving essence!" Alice praised and encouraged, poetically.


(Alright, so maybe I dun have non-futa nude Deva art!)

Deva was less inclined to poetry than Alice, and more inclined to moan like a wanton beast. And it was wonderful.
A good, overwhelming rutting that could even halt the onslaught of thoughts in her mind, this wold lovemaking replaced Deva's maelstrom of thoughts with but a single, primal instinct. It was.. liberating.
That red, mighty, angry canine cock pulsing within her, that was what she had to worry about now, the teasing of her vaginal muscles against the mighty animalistic organ, that was her primary concern. It was.. oddly empowering, to be chosen by such a powerful specimen as her breeding-alpha, her toy.. Deva knew she was worth it, but still it felt nice to know with certainty.

There was no stopping the mighty amazoness, rutting her like a proper beast. She could feel the tip of that hungy wolf-shaft nuzzle and prod at her womb.. and it was delidciously tasty and distracting. The only things the beast above her growled was about her ownership of Deva.. and the old angel couldn't help but rejoice.. after that fucking, Valeries domineering musk would be all over her.. and that too aroused the lewd angel to no end, allowing Valerie easy, lustful entrance into Deva's warm and inviting depths as she relaxed her body for it's rightful taker.

She gave slow, sensual licks to her alphas warm, sweet, musky fur, nuzzled up to it and panting in happy, submissive need. This place.. this was nice. She wanted to stay like this.. or, if not stay, then return to states like this often.. daily. Nuzzled into her Alphas fur, pleasing her with her own body.. The instinctual power of the alphas musk was overtaking her.. and she didn't mind it, not really.
Deva panted lustfully with the wolf-knot expanding and nicely lodging itself into her, Valerie adjusting and positioning her bitch for the perfect, lustful act of primal lust and breeding. Deva closed her eyes and sighed lustfully as she felt that powerful warmth filling her. Their first time...
There was no doubt that she was the alpha's bitch.. not with how much lustful wolfcom kept pouring into her like this.
Deva purred into the sloppy kiss.. not even bothering to fight it now, submitting, no, not just that, licking at and even further encouraging her wolf-lovers dominance, before she ended the kiss, with a lustful, enticing, if slightly dumb-fucked expression on her lips.

Deva panted at the sticky, hot wolfcum flowing out of her somewhat swollen belly, even past that hot fleshy knot tight within her.. her mistress was so virile and impressive, she thought to herself.. and she smiled, relaxed, happy, horny in her situation..w hat a mighty alpha.. she would fight for Deva, protect Deva, and Deva.. could just be the person she was ment to be, so long ago, a healer and advisor, a slave..

"Hmn.. yes.. I think I am your bitch now.." She smiled, gently catching that wolfish paw in both of her own hands, holding onto it, nuzzling her cheek into Valeries strong hand for a long moment. Deva blushed, just a bit, when she felt the wolfs shaft still within her.. but she most certainly didn't mind, not even attempting to chang her position, letting Valerie rest, hard and hot and a little messily, within her own body, smiling shily under the renewed kisses, looking at her lustful, bestial lover.
She blushed, when Valerie leaned closer to whisper lewd, dominant suggestions into her ear.. of course, someone with Deva's mind could resist them, fight against them.. but the all-enveloping musk made that hard, kept her complacent.. and who would want to fight this primal bliss?
"Haah.. your bitch.. my wolf, my alpha.." She agreed, lustfully.
"Yess.. fucked.. bred.. rutted. .knotted in.. ooh.. fuck me my beast, protect me, my love.." She nodded and panted and encouraged. She inhaled deeply in reflex, and the musk told her that this was alright.. that this was good. That she'd be protected and get to feel good.. and be fucked lewdly, like this, always.. yess.. she wanted it. She smiled up at Valerie, her beautiful Alpha.
"Thanky ou Valerie.. I feel.. a peace.. finally. With your scent soothing me, and your cock pulsing in me.. I can truly feel like a bitch. I guess.. hmnn.. I can finally.. well, my first goal is completed.. Oh, sorry, my" she purred sensually... "Alpha.. I guess I should not have secrets from you, remember what I said when I entered?"

"I know you can hear me. I'm coming, so lower your magic and I wont have to get.. rough. It wont stop me for long, anyway."
She declared, as she ascended... "There is no hiding forever, not with all the things that you've done. I know you tried to make the world better, but look at what you have become."

She grinned, then added.
"And, remember what I said about my Nemesis summoning?"

"To use it, I have to have a piece of the one I want to use it on... but I do, I got a good feeling in on you after all, eh?"
Deva grinned and shifted, leaning to lick at Valerie's shoulder, nuzzled up to her, basking in her scent, feeling that wolf-cock in her, it almost seemed like she wanted praise for being a good girl for her smartness.. although, if Valerie still seemed uncertain, she continued explaining:
"You both assumed I was talking about Cyliarra...That's wrong. When I used my Nemesis summoning, Cyliarra was never the target. Did you not see it in their eyes? This woman isn't Cyliarra's weakness.. she's her greatest strength l.. like I could.. maybe be yours one day, Alpha...?" Deva said, with a very uncharacteristically girly undertone in her voice, as she nuzzles her nude body up against her werewolf-lovers fur, looking at her with big eyes that almost seemed to ask for -more- enslavement.. that must have been an imagination.. right?
"My Nemesis summon requires me to touch someone the moment I cast it.. now, presuming my shadow is an extension of myself and keeping in mind I had never touched Cyliarra when I used it... then what was I touching instead?"
Deva gave an innocent smirk, followed by her extending her arms, suddenly gripping Valeries muscular shoulders.. to soothingly, gently rub over them. "That's right, my powerful Alpha. ohmn you smell so good... I came here not to defeat you or Cyliara.. hmnn.. wi.. will you demand to know who it is? Will you command me.. ooh will you train me so I'll just have tell you whatever you want?" She panted, positively now, her eyes oddly hopeful.
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Cyliarra would chuckle just a little bit when Alice said that she liked her, a genuine smile on her face just from hearing those words. "Well I Love you, Sweetie." She would reply, knowing that the line was a little corny, but believing it from the bottom of her heart as well. Inviting the corruption in would only magnify the pleasure, warm and pleasant sensations surging through her as she let more of Cyliarra's darkness in. The elf would hold Alice close, stroking her face gently, wanting her to feel safe and loved as she was filled with ecstasy and corruption. "My sweet and wonderful little slave... My submissive, corrupted, beloved little pet..." The elf would whisper to her, those words sending a familiar shiver down the merchant's spine.

The elf's smile would grow a little more when Alice mentioned that she at least remembered being her slave. That acknowledgement would cause a sense of satisfaction and familiarity to flow into Alice, a familiar and welcoming helplessness that she had enjoyed many times in the past. That feeling of her Mistress playing with her breasts, being putty in Cyliarra's hands as she was allowed to indulge in submissiveness. "That's right, My Love. I give you pleasure, happiness, safety, love, and make sure that you're treated well... And in return I just want to see you happy... Happy as the submissive, subservient, servile, slave that I know you want to be." And those words would just sink into Alice, the corruption carrying them deep inside of her, returning more and more of those familiar feelings to her, giving her back the feelings of warmth, safety, and pleasure that being a slave had brought her. It allowed her to embrace her nature, her Mistress caring for her and nurturing her. The mist would be able to tell that Alice was getting more pleasure from her breasts, and so it would coil around it more, squeezing and groping them, caressing against them, sliding against her nipples, working in a rhythmic pattern, sliding and teasing all of the most sensitive spots... all the spots that Cyliarra had learned from all the times that the two of them had made love.

She didn't need, or even want, Alice to contort and bend in pleasure. She didn't need to make the merchant scream her devotion to the heavens, none of that was what mattered to her. Instead she just wanted to hold the merchant close, keeping her in a close embrace as she was pleasured. She wanted to be there to comfort and hold her love, while at the same time ensuring that her corruption and pleasure would just deepen. She would grope and squeeze Alice's breasts while the merchant suckled, letting some of that milk flow out slowly, a sense of deep and wonderful pleasure filling her mind as her breasts were milked. As that milk slid down her skin, she could almost feel her breasts having even more room for corruption, that mist flowing deep into her, encouraging more and more milk to flow. It felt warm, lewd, beautiful... the perfect symbol of her complete and utter submission to her Mistress. Her very body changed to spread her Mistress' corruption, her breasts dripping a steady stream of corrupt, lewd, delicious milk that further showed how much she was owned by her Mistress. And as that milk streamed, Cyliarra would reach down and catch a little bit of it on her finger, smiling a motherly, lewd, loving smile at her little slave. Then when her finger had enough of Alice's milk on it, she'd reach up and gently press her finger against Alice's mouth, pulling her away from her feeding for just a moment. "Taste it... my Slave. Taste your corruption... your milk... your submission... Savor that sweet and wonderful texture before drinking down more of your Mistress' essence..." She would order, a warm but lewd tone in her voice. And when Alice tasted it, she'd find her own milk tasted almost as good as Mistress', a deep happiness filling her from that taste, the taste of her own submission.

But then she would bring Alice right back to her breasts, encouraging her to resume suckling, that warm, sweet, delicious liquid coating her tongue as it flowed down her throat. She could almost feel the corruption sinking into her, she could feel her skin growing to that perfect shade of white, her eyes beautifully red, her body unblemished, her breasts larger and leaking corrupted milk... All of it together would make her feel so perfect... so wonderful. As she massaged her own breasts, she could almost feel them growing a little, getting more sensitive and full, their milk production encouraged by her massaging, causing them to flow even more, feeling warm and wonderful on her already sensitive skin. "You look so beautiful... My Slave... My Corrupt little pet... Your body turned to show just how deeply your obedience runs... My Love... I never thought you could look any more beautiful than you did before. But it seems that you know just how to prove me wrong..." And now that the corruption had taken hold even more within her, those words from her Mistress would bring even more ecstasy, as though the words themselves snaked their way around her and pleasured her on their own.

"My favored tool of corruption? My sweet love... I can see the corruption on your skin... I can see it in your eyes... And your breasts drip with the purest sign of your devotion... That milk you're making... It's filled with corruption, yes... But it's nearly identical to the milk you drink now... The corruption filling it, able to seep into the very souls of those that drink it... You can thank me by being with me... by being mine... by remaining my devoted and corrupt little pet... but most of all... by spreading that wonderful corruption to as many as you can. Spread this beautiful feeling you've been given... Corrupt others... Show them that your Mistress owns you completely, and bring them under this wonderful corruption... Make them as lewd and beautiful as you... Make them understand how wonderful your Mistress is... But that is only part of what would make me so happy... My Submissive Love... The other part is you being by my side... Coating one another with more pleasure and corruption. I want you more than anyone else... I want to care for you... I want you to be my favorite little tool... My Lover... My pet... I want you to corrupt many... But at the same time I want YOU before any other..." The elf would explain, smiling as Alice seemed so taken by the corruption now.

"All of it? Anything for my love..." Once again she'd pull Alice into a deep kiss, more and more of that tasty, hot, delicious, thick liquid corruption flowing down her throat. After that she'd lean down and put her lips on one of Alice's nipples, gently suckling, encouraging more flow as she tasted her Love's milk, drinking of her slave. Her tongue and lips expertly caressing her boobs, knowing exactly where to lick and how hard to suckle to encourage more flow, tasting of her slave. And that would cause even stronger pleasure and submissive feelings to course through her, knowing that her Mistress was enjoying the taste of her body. Then the mist around them would start to flow into Alice even faster, going in through any orifice it could find, coating the inside of her body with lustful corruption. At the same time she could almost feel the corruptive influence reaching deep into her very soul, touching it and flowing into it, tainting her very soul with her Mistress' love and lust. In her mind's eye she could see her white soul being touched by a deep purple essence, Cyliarra's lust, love, desire, happiness, pleasure, corruption, all of it filling her soul and painting it the color of her Mistress. Her very being, who she was, influenced by Cyliarra's rule over her. It was right... her Mistress' essence painting her soul, giving her even more feelings of pleasure and submissiveness. It was a lewd sensation, lust and desire filling her from deep down within her soul, spreading across her entire body. She wanted to be groped and held by Cyliarra... she wanted to spread this corruption as much as possible... she wanted to forever be Cyliarra's submissive, lustful, pet... she wanted to have her breasts milked and played with all the time... she wanted to wake up entangled with her Mistress, the two held together, fondling and pleasuring one another as that corrupting milk coated their skins from a night of being with one another. But that same lewd desire was accompanied by a deep love. Her soul was being touched by Cyliarra's very essence... And as such her soul would be filled with Cyliarra's love as well. She knew that Cyliarra loved her, cared for her, wanted nothing more than to see her happy. She wanted to hold her, comfort her, keep her safe, and make sure that she was given all the pleasure and happiness that she deserved. Cyliarra wanted to keep her close, she wanted to lie next to her and cradle her in her arms. It was deep and powerful love, a mix of motherly feelings and deep desire to see nothing more than Alice's happiness. This was what Cyliarra was... this mixture of lust, deep and powerful corruption, and an affectionate and warm love. And all of it would fill Alice's soul all at once as her body completely and utterly took in that corruption, took in Cyliarra... At the same time it filled her mind, her submissive nature encouraged, made stronger, enforcing her connection with Cyliarra even more, making her want to be with her Mistress. And it would fill her soul, painting who Alice was with her own essence, letting her fill from top to bottom with corruption.

"More than just fantasies... Then let's make these things reality... My Love" Though she couldn't completely leave right now, she could at least allow the two of them to experience some of this. A part of her was disappointed that she didn't have any cute elves or humans that needed breaking in like she had last time. But she did have one thing she could do, and so she would close her eyes and focus a little, pulling power from her Tome without speaking to it, still ignoring its attempts at talking to her. Instead she'd use a bit of magic from it to make the room they were in appear different. In Alice's eyes, and in her own for that matter, the two were in a beautiful throne room. Alice could see a comfy and soft looking cushioned area right next to a majestic throne... The place that Cyliarra's treasured pet would sit whenever she wasn't in Cyliarra's lap. But right now, before the two of them was a young looking ninja that Alice instinctively knew had just tried to ambush and kidnap her Mistress, but was caught...


The ninja stood in chains before the two of them, a defiant and angry look in her eyes after being caught, apparently still looking upon Alice's wonderful Mistress with such fierce hate. That felt... wrong to Alice. No one should look at her Mistress with such a hardened expression. Cyliarra should be looked at with awe, or happiness, or reverence, or so many other wonderful things that Alice would feel her Mistress deserved. "Well my Love... Do you wish to make your fantasy a reality? Do you wish to spread that deep and wonderful corruption to others? To take others for your Mistress... to teach them the proper respect you know your Mistress deserves? To corrupt others... which in turn will fill your soul utterly and completely with that same corruption?" Cyliarra would whisper so close to her ear, those words seeming to encourage those fantasies from earlier. "Or do you wish to sit with me on that throne, held helplessly in my lap as I feed you more and more corruption, sinking it deep into you, giving you more and more pleasure to paint the deepest reaches of your soul? Either way... My Sweet Slave... My Corrupt Pet... My Adorable Little Alice... Either way my corruption will fill you... and you will be mine..." Cyliarra promised, those words building a deep anticipation in Alice, spiking her pleasure all over again.

Alice smiled, warmly nuzzled up against her lover. Her mind, her being was relaxed and open, steadying herself up against the dark elf while her body shivered in waves of pleasure. Alice wasn't scared of this darkness, no, never, just a little overwhelmed.
"Ahmn..." Was her only response, cooing and writhing under Cyliarra's touch. "Aww.. you're nice." She affirmed.. well, when her body was not busy, writhing, panting and moaning under the lustful caress of her breasts by that twirling mist.

She looked up to her true love as she suckled soft, warm gulps of corruptive milk from her bossom, calm and soothed in her embrace. Alice meanwhile just relaxed, holding herself steady, holding her breasts there, for Cyliarra to take and caress them.. milk her. She felt so.. safe, secure, submissive and protected in this embrace, free to be her loved slave-self, free to relax and be happy.. free to be milked and corrupted. She could feel that mist slither deep into her with the first drops of her milk released,.. and she squirmed and moaned out in a little climax at the lustful sensations of all of this. "Ooh mistress.. this is wonderful.. hamn.. my breasts are all yours.."
She cooed lustfully, before looking at Cyliarra, offering her a fingerful of milk to drink, nodding with shy eagerness, licking and suckling on her own milk, that symbol of mistress' sweet corruption and dominion..

She purred, unable to respond with her mouth seeking out mistress' breasts for more of her wonderful essence but a moment later, but her smile gave Cyliarra all the answers she needed.. Alice loved it.. loved this, loved feeling her milk flow out and shadows slither into her, just to encourage more flow of lustful milk, the only reason Alice did not cry out in wanton need for more her own self-control, letting the mist take her slowly, letting this happen to her..

"Mistresss.." She whispered and sighed.. it felt so wonderful to massage her now lewd, pale breasts, her hands shifting to a more wave-like motion, slowly encouraging the flow of her milk, caressing along and along her breast-flesh in eager circles.. her mistress corruption, blossoming through her...
"Ohmn. mi..mistress Cyli.. haah.." Alice panted, feeling the pleasure of just hearing her beloved owners words revibrate with praise through her, continuing, no, speeding up a little her own lewd milking. "Haah.. guess then I'll be with you, forever, to thank you for this wonderful feeling.. hmn.. spread your corruption?" She considered, then nodded and purred lewdly, before leaning in, recieving Cyliarra's kiss of corruption and moaning in lust.

Alice smiled in forlorn desire, even now not offering much resistance to the concetrated corruption flooding her, instead she smiled in lustful love, stroking and petting her own breasts and nipples, collecting her milk to glisten upon her hands.. before reaching out, massaging and covering Cyliarra's breasts in it.. a warm, relaxing tingle spreading over them as they felt.. fuller.. it couldn't be that Alice had been corrupted so she now even twisted her corruptor.. or? With a longing smile, Alice caressed and teased along her areola, drawing slow, sensual circles.. as Cyliarra felt the fullness within her burgeon, a warm, wet drop of milk glistening on her right nipple and dripping down unbidden.. then from her left.. and again forming on her right, corruption flowing from her and staining the ground below, a sticky whiteness spreading upon it further than it should be normally possible...

"Hamnn.. my beloved. My font of corruption." Alice praised with barely contained desire. "Ooh my lovee.. hmnn.d.. drink from me.." She cooed in soft desire, her hands forming little, lustful fists, while she moaned.. and opened herself to be filled by the remainder of the dark mist, a dreamy, loving smile on her lips, something beyond physical lust ravaging through her very being as she felt touched by her one true love. Her corruptive mother. Alice smiled and panted and nuzzled her beloved, finally feeling.. so complete with her loving corruption to guide her.

Then, the scenery shifted, and before them stood a chained ninja. A silly girl to have wanted to attack her beloved. "Yes mistress.. to please you and corrupt myself.." And help that silly, hate-filled ninja find the happiness she had found.
"The answer is obvious, my sweet dark mother. First I will corrupt her.. then, if you are satisfied, you will reward your slave?" She cooed, her suggestion almost pushy, having lost none of her fire as she hadn't fought, but embraced the corruption, a teasing, longing smile on her lips as she suddenly rushed at the chained ninja, smiling, cooing, drawing a finger through her own breast-milk, before drawing a rune on the ninja girls forehead, before lifting her hand, commanding. "Relax." And that rune lit up, a brief sensation of woozyness overcoming Cyliarra.. oozing from her own stained, corrupted breasts.. although she could shake it off with ease, the poor ninjagirl had no such luck.. as Alice reached out to strip the helplessly relaxed, half asleep girl, smirking, collecting a single drop from her breast and pushing it past the girls lips into her...

Not her mouth, of course.. her other lips. "I'll wake her back up now.. I wouldn't want her to hurt herself in struggle, so just a touch of mistress love first.." She nodded, brushing back her dark-red hair, caressing along the ninjagirls pussylips briefly, admiering her nude form.. before brushing away the soothing sign. "True pleasure comes from once breasts, not sex, of course, so this will encourage yet contain her desire, make it unbearable until she melts into your corruption. Hello there evil ambusher... now here is the question.. will you drink from our font of truth willingly, or will I have to make you a slave to your breasts first?" She cooed, posing sensually.. this was as much a show for Cyliarra as it was for the ninja-girl after all.

"Rethorical question of course.. lactation is the truest form of obediance.. I would not be so cruel as to deny you to experience such firsthand!" Alice cooed, the corrupted merchant-girl rubbing her own large, milk dripping breasts up against the ninjas, warm and soft and oozing corruption upon her.
Meanwhile, the milk staining Cyliarra's breast throbbed warmly and now it was her turn to find her mind assaulted by a lustful vision, for so great was Alice's love and desire for Cyliarra's corruptive touch that her ideal lover was even more corrupted and loving than the real thing.. Cyliarra saw herself sitting upon that throne room, guarded by big-breasted guards, holding a queens audience of her people.. all happy, horny.. obediant, smiling at her, not the deluded smile of enthralled slaves but citizens, for a noble queen, as a large, ceremonial bowl of white-gold and silver was given from one to the other, each of her many citizens taking one deep sip.. their eyes emptying and smiles widening as they reached up to massage and touch their breasts, cheering for the bountiful endowements their queen had bestowed upon them. The women had beautiful large breasts.. and so did the once-men, now female looking ones (slightly different attire, allowing for subtle bulges between their legs to tease their lovers) and Cyliarra found her mind relaxing, this was nice. This was beautiful, her own little queendom, were those she protected were happy and beautiful.. its as if this was the fate she should have had.. albeit slightly tinted in a lewd breast-fetish.. but considering how truly she owned Alice, perhaps it was alright to be infected just a little by her desire for buxom cup sized beauties, let this new fantasy slide nicely into her hopes for the future, accept it... all her people, protected and lactating corruption for one another.
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Valerie had been impressed by Deva since the moment the two had met... That was part of why now, even when completely overcome by wild desire, she still knew that Deva was the only one worthy of being her Bitch. And knowing that would feel satisfying to Deva... that musk further enhancing those feelings. She was the only one that Valerie had eyes for... She was the only one that Valerie wanted to take, to fuck, to rut, to breed, to keep as her own. Inside Deva knew that were they to ever meet other Bitches like her, she'd get jealous looks when they saw the Alpha that Deva had been claimed by.

Deva would be able to tell from the deep musk that filled the air around her, and the way that red wolf-cock pulsed within her, that she would get to experience something like this constantly. She may not be feeling this exact wild pleasure all the time, but with how virile her Alpha was... Deva could tell that this would be a very regular occurance for the two of them. She could already imagine the little 'game' it would become. Looking for new ways to push Valerie over the edge, finding new things that would drive her Alpha wild with lust, and whenever she found just the right way to get her to give in to those animalistic desires she knew she'd be rewarded by another wild fucking, another rutting, another knot expanding deep inside her as she was filled with her Alpha's cum. But even with those fantasies she knew that she was owned... That she belonged to Valerie... That she was meant to submit and obey her mighty and dominating Alpha. Valerie would actually reach out to pet her now, a sign of affection along with the lewd ownership that she took over her bitch. Yes she wanted to rut and fuck with Deva on a near daily basis, but she also wanted to protect and care for her Bitch. Her Bitch was her property, but she was also someone that she wanted to care for, someone that she wanted to keep close...

"My Bitch... Your Alpha will protect you... Keep you safe... You're mine." The wolf would tell her, holding her close, making sure she was nuzzled into her fur, letting her feel safe and loved as she was pressed against her Alpha. And she would smile when Deva explained that she felt at peace... a deep part of her just as glad to know that she was the one to bring that peace to her angel. Even when she was purely human, she wanted to be able to give Deva, a properly submissive soul, the peace and future that she deserved. Now she had managed to do so, and she was proud to be the one to own and dominate Deva.

Then she heard Deva fully revealing her plan, explaining what she had been doing from the beginning. However, her mind was still wolf-ish, and was having some trouble following along with the things that the angel planned. It wasn't that she was dumb, but even now her mind was a bit flooded by instincts that made it difficult to fully understand the scope of what Deva was doing, instead focusing on how much she wanted Deva. Though hearing that Deva wanted to be her greatest strength made the wolf smile, both her werewolf side and her Amazoness side touched by that desire, and by how cute the angel sounded when she mentioned that perhaps she could be her greatest strength one day... Though when she looked at Deva she was almost certain that the angel was almost asking to be further taken in... Further enslavement... Further beholden to her will. Though as things stood Valerie knew she'd need to take a different form to do this right... So she'd grip Deva and slowly pull her cock out of the angel, kissing her one more time as she did so. And while Deva would feel a slight disappointment at no longer being filled, she could still feel her Alpha deep in her mind, she could still feel the fulfillment of submission, and she knew that as her Alpha's Bitch she'd get to experience that cock time and time again...

Either way, after she had pulled out of Deva, Valerie's form would start to shift back to human, the wolf form turning to a strong Amazoness, her cock still firm and tall as she returned to her human form.


At the same time, Valerie's scent would still hang in the air, clinging to the Amazoness before Deva... reminding her that her Alpha was still there, that she was still owned. But now that she had a chance to cum, Valerie was a bit more in control of herself, smiling a bit at Deva. "Now then... About the plan that you've used with that Nemesis spell..." She'd reach out and pet the angel, a deep satisfaction still coursing through her from the knowledge that she had pleased her Alpha... her Mistress. "You're very impressive. And I'm glad that you did that." Seemed that her Alpha was proud of the plan that Deva had set in place, and Valerie would then pull Deva in closer for a few moments, that musk just as strong as it had been moments ago. But now she could feel the muscles on her powerful Amazoness... still just as helpless in Valerie's grasp as she had been before. Only now she was helpless because Valerie was strong enough to keep her close, instead of the powerful wolf jaw close to her neck.

"I suppose I can tell you as well... My sweet little Cock slut." She'd say affectionately, still holding the submissive angel close to her, that musk filling her senses. "I wanted to be freed from Cyliarra for more than one reason... I think there's far more going on than what she thinks... Though believe me... If I thought Cyliarra was correct about everything going on... I'd still be on her side. But I think there's more to all of this... And I think you also KNOW a good deal more of what's going on around this..." Though before Deva said anything in response to that, Valerie would put a finger to Deva's lips, a lustful and mischievous smirk coming to her lips. "Shhhh... Don't tell me... It'll be more... Fun... for both of us if I MAKE you tell me." She would whisper, a strong, dominant, and lustful expression on her face as she gently teased Deva. Though she would then remove her finger, allowing Deva to speak if she wanted.

"Kneel down for me... my Bitch. I don't want you enslaved just to my Wolf side... I want you to be MINE. The Alpha's Bitch... The Amazoness' treasured cock slave... Just as I have two sides to myself... Your submissiveness will be given both those pleasures." Of course, those two sides would still be the same person. The same Mistress. They were just different aspects of her personality, different parts that made up Valerie. Though when she saw the ground, Valerie would gesture for Deva to wait just one moment before kneeling, looking around and pulling up pieces of cloth that had been torn to shreds, and softer bits of carpet that had managed to end up in the tunnel. She'd quickly ball those pieces of cloth and rug together, before putting it down on the ground in front of Deva. "There we go... NOW kneel down for me." She'd chuckle, giving Deva a slightly more comfortable spot for her to kneel. Just because the angel was going to kneel and submit didn't mean that it had to be uncomfortable.

"I wanna try out something that I figured out through a decade of training..." Valerie would say, standing up before Deva's kneeling form, a lewd and lustful expression on her face as she stood before Deva. And as she stood there... the angel would find her eyes drawn directly to that throbbing... beautiful... powerful cock. It was just as beautiful as she remembered it being. And once Valerie noticed Deva was staring at it, she'd start to have it slowly sway back and forth, slow and methodical movements... making it even more difficult to draw her eyes away from that cock. It would almost seem to fill her vision, swaying back and forth... back and forth... drawing her eyes in to that perfect... throbbing... pulsating... long... incredible cock. "Just let yourself admire it... You've spent so long without getting to even see it... So just watch it... Watch it sway before your eyes... Following that cock with your eyes... Filling your entire world... Stare at it... See how beautiful it is? So nice to just watch it for a little bit... Stare at your Mistress' cock..." She encouraged, keeping a hand on her head to make sure that she was focused on that swaying cock, keeping her directed right at her cock as it moved back and forth... A slow swaying that she would find it more and more difficult to pull her eyes away from... That cock dragging all of her focus in... almost demanding her full attention...

And as she kept staring at it... it would keep looking more beautiful... Valerie's cock seeming more enthralling and enticing with each slow sway. "Just let your eyes go where they want... Let them focus exactly where they belong... Keep them right there on my cock... Let them follow it left and right... back and forth... Pulling you in more and more as you can't bring yourself to look away..." She continued to whisper, that voice sending a small shiver down Deva's spine. Valerie's hypnotic cock already starting to pull her in... and it didn't help that the musk still filled the air around them, Deva's mind already having been focused on Valerie's cock in some sense... It just made it all the easier to keep her eyes locked on it... Letting her focus and thoughts stay on that beautiful member that swayed before her eyes...

Deva purred happily in the arms of her strong, dark furred wolf-alpha. She wouldn't admit it but she liked being.. the only one for someone. Being important to Valerie.. so she just clung a little tighter, relaxing in her wild lovers primal musk. Deva felt like this had been decided long ago, by the mighty amazoness confidence and lustful attention to her. She couldn't wait to tease and please her alpha .. or please her alpha out of Valerie... well both were one and the same, but still..
Of course she didn't want her lover to be just a beast, she wanted a companion.. but form time to time, to be rutted like they were to beasts would be.. liberating, she was sure of that.

"Hmnn yes.. my Alpha." She encouraged, then gasped when her lover slowly withdrew from her, wet and sticky with their desire. . although even with the Alpha withdrawinlg, Deva felt her influence, which the angel had willingly let in.. it was.. arousing as well, quite a lot so.. she wanted to caress and massage and attend her mistress wild body, encourage her wild virility and..
And Valerie shifteed back, to a human form.. not that her human form was anything to be disappointed about, of course. Deva murred, almost too innocently sounding and nuzzled into Valeries petting hand with big, happy eyes. Pleasing a mistress.. it'd been too long.
"Nemesis summoning is awfully risky.. but I felt like Cyliarra's wards would hold if there was a.. problem." But Deva then hushed herself, nuzzling to her muscular protector and listening to Valerie with a curious smile.. and a blush when Valrie went back to the lewd .. nickname for her.
"I' uh ... m.. make me tell you? I uh.." She blushed, then nodded. she still was not entirely certain of everything, but she had a good guess or two..

She blushed, biting her lips.. both of Valeries sides? Now that sounded.. tempting. With little hesitation, she knelt down.. on the ball of fabric, chuckling secretly at her considerate mistress.. a little pillow for a good girl.. that had been how she'd treated- her- slaves. Hmnn.. the amazoness was truly a perfect fit for her, wasn't she?
Or perhaps, she was a perfect fit for Valerie.
She did tilt her head as Valerie promised more fruits of her long training to Deva.. hadn't her.. combat expertise been that trainings main result? Well, she'd find out, kneeling before the mighty amazoness, stately cock throbbing afore her.
Wait, was Valerie trying to hpynotize her, wtith that nice looking cock? Something like that wouldn't work on Deva... unless she was already owned.. and wanted to be a slut for that beautiful, magnificent cock.. she purred..a nd watched it sway.."Hmlnyaaah.. yesss.. I uh.. woah... "

Deva's cheeks flushed as she, held and guided by her mistress, watched that cock sway back and forth, back and forth.. taking in more and more of her field of vision, that mighty prick was her sole focus, and she took in all of it's beauty, listening to Valerie. "Hamnn.. woah.. it's so.. beautiful.. your cock.." she moaned softly. Valerie would turn her into a genuine cock-slut.. and protect her and care for her and.. all of this was so wonderful and tingly and arousing. "Haaah.. you're making me a slave to your cock.. oooh.." She clarified.. but closed her eyes, sighing with arousal and joy. Yes.. watching it sway back and forth, so seductively..

Valerie could see Deva's eyes glaze over a little, going along, as she was told, following that cock and letting herself be mesmerized by it with relative ease.. and guessing by the wetness between Deva's legs, the sweet, flowery scent of her arousal, she wanted this too. Valerie would use that beatutiful cock to enslave her further.. and Deva just stared and let her eyes go were they wanted, which was following the cocks throbbing sight and display.
She loved this. She loved being held tight by her amazonian werewolf-mistress, Being made to stare, wanting to stare .. She couldn't look away.. didn't want to look away from her lovers cock. What a lewd, pretty, kinky tool to drag her into slavery.
She watched it pulse, so thick and long and strong.. it made her salliva gather in her mouth, thirsting for that beauty. By no means was Deva tired of thinking, of her free will.. but she was tired of worries. She wanted.. to have a break, every now and then.. and if being owned by such a magnificent woman with such a nice.. throbbing cock would help her feel good and happy and free of worry, then why resist it.. why resist that nice, swinging cock? This was were her eyes belonged, her mistress lewdly whispered.. enjoying the sight of that mighty penis. "Hmnn.. oooh Val.. mistresss...it's so beautiful..." she cooed softly, dozily.
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Cyliarra would hold Alice comfortingly, glad to see that she wasn't afraid of the corruption that had seeped into her. She wanted her love to feel happy, loved, safe, and submissive, and now with her desires unleashed she was able to give all of that to her darling Alice. But it wasn't just the corruption that she gave to her love, it was the physical pleasure, her loving yet lewd touch that perfectly understood Alice's body. All of that mixed with care and love, mixed with a dominance that told Alice she was free to be what she wanted, to enjoy herself and indulge in the pleasure without any fear of being judged. "Thank you, Sweetie..." She would reply when the merchant called her nice. Then she'd give Alice yet another kiss, the corruption sending even more sparks of pleasure and ecstasy through her body from knowing her Mistress loved her.

The elf would smile and pet her a little as Alice shuddered in climax from drinking in that delicious corrupted milk. She would hold her close, ensuring that it was easier for her to drink, easier to become even more corrupted, easier to let her Mistress' dominance into her even more. "Your breasts do belong to me... My Love. They belong to me... Your body belongs to me... YOU belong to me..." She reaffirmed, the words almost seeming to lock into place in Alice's mind. It was a beautiful, warm, safe, familiar sensation of being owned, of having Cyliarra hold a true and wonderful dominance over her mind and body. "And because of that... My breasts are for you and you alone... Sweetie. This deep corruption... This beautiful darkness... This sweet nectar that flows deep into your very soul and cements your submission to me... It's all yours." She would continue to encourage, petting and kissing Alice lovingly, holding her just a little closer as more of that warm milk continued to flow, seeming to never end so long as Alice kept suckling. Meanwhile her own milk would continue to slowly drip down her breasts, some of it even soakig back into her skin, which would in turn only further build the corruption inside her. The whole time, Cyliarra would be groping and rubbing those breasts, encouraging the flow of milk, giving her even more pleasure, loving nothing more than the smile she could see from Alice, knowing that she had made her love happy, that she had given her love the pleasure she needed... The pleasure of submitting.

The word Mistress would feel so right on Alice's tongue... like it was something that she had called this elf hundreds of times before. And at the same time it felt like the perfect word to describe the elf that was filling her with corruption. She was beautiful, powerful, dominant, caring, loving, motherly, lustful, kind, and so very corrupting... All of it together would bring one word to Deva's mind, one title the encapsulated those concepts... 'Mistress'. Of course, other names and titles still worked... but that one certainly felt like it was the most fitting for the powerful elf that had filled her with this wonderful corruption. "With me forever... My Love... That's all I've ever wanted. You'll be mine... be with me forever..." She would whisper, that promise sounding even more enticing to Alice's corrupted mind. Cyliarra had just wanted Alice to be happy... and if that happiness came from being with her forever, and being given pleasure and love, then that was just what Cyliarra would ensure happened. "Yes... My Sweet little corrupted pet... Spread this wondrous corruption. Give others this dark and satisfying ecstasy... Let their bodies turn to show their devotion just as your beautiful form does now... And with them nice and corrupted thanks to our efforts... We will have a world that could never tear us apart..." She explained, giving further context as to why she would want to corrupt so much more than just Alice. While she had eyes only for Alice... HER Alice... she also wanted a world of pleasure and happiness where it was impossible for her to be taken away from her loving Mistress. And as if in response to that idea, more corruption would surge through Alice, more corrupted milk flowing out of her, the very thought of corrupting others for her dark Mistress making her body lactate further. Then when Alice started rubbing that corruption into Cyliarra's breasts, she'd feel... satisfaction? It even felt right to be spreading some more of this corruption to her Mistress. Sure, her Mistress was still in charge... but even greater pleasure... even greater ecstasy... even greater corruption was right to spread even to the one that now controlled and owned her completely. Cyliarra would moan softly at her own breasts starting to feel a little fuller, surprised but ultimately accepting of the feelings that her love was rubbing into her.

Alice's font of corruption would continue to rub and pleasure her, the mist finally starting to clear up... but only because so much of it had already flowed deep into the woman's body and soul. Cyliarra would squeeze and fondle Alice's breasts, knowing how sensitive that they had become. The elf would continue to suckle, drinking in Alice's milk, taking that sweet, delicious, corrupting taste into herself as well. For the merchant it would feel... dark... beautiful... intimate... and corrupting to be able to both feed and feed from her Dark Mother.


Cyliarra would smile when Alice gave her answer, clearly pleased by the solution that she had come up with. "An excellent idea... My sweet little corrupted love. 'Dark Mother'... I like that... Yes if you please me you will get your reward..." She promised, curious to see how much Alice had taken to the fantasies that the corruption would instill in her. The ninja girl, meanwhile, would stare angrily and defiantly even as Alice rushed over, apparently having reflexes fast enough to keep track of her as she got close. "Damned Freaks!" The ninja would manage to spit before the rune on her forehead was drawn, her eyes seeming to glaze over as Alice's spell overcame her. Cyliarra, meanwhile, would take a moment and blink a bit before shaking the effects of the spell off, having built up her own magical resistances over her own adventures. The ninja girl would be easily stripped, revealing her clearly well trained body, the body of one honed to fight and kill. Her muscles were lean and toned, while her breasts were already decently sized, C-cups that now hung free with Alice getting her clothes gone. There'd be a few tattoos over the ninja's body, mostly just symbols of her native land that likely had some sort of meaning. Alice would find the woman's lower lips soft, and just a little wet as they were spread for the merchant's milk coated fingers.

Cyliarra would lean forward a little bit in her throne, interested in the methods that Alice was using, a look of intrigue and amusement on her face, smiling at Alice. And if at any point Alice looked back, she'd be given an encouraging smile and a loving look, Cyliarra wanting to make sure that her corrupted slave knew she was appreciated and that she was already doing well. Awareness would flood back into the ninja's eyes as the mark was erased from her forehead. And that same ugly, incorrect expression would return to her face. One of anger, disdain, hatred, and such other emotions that were not fit to be in the presence of Alice's Dark Mother. It was wrong for a child to look at one's mother the way that the ninja was... Cyliarra was the mother of this beautiful corruption that had taken Deva in... it was only right to treat her with the proper reverence. "Monsters... Our clan won't let this world fall to your evil... 'Font of Truth'? You perverted ones call that truth... I'd sooner cut out my own tongue than give myself to you willingly... My spirit won't break to you." Those words would only seem foolish and misguided to the corrupted slave... the words of a foolish child that didn't truly understand the world around them. Meanwhile, Cyliarra would smile with approval as her eyes wandered up and down Alice's body, clearly enjoying the pose that the merchant had struck.

The ninja girl would moan a bit as those oozing breasts were pressed against her own, the corruption dripping out of Alice and flowing into the ninja, making her squirm a little in her chains, already responsive to the pleasure that was filling her. She'd struggle, trying to get away despite the chains that held her, only succeeding at rubbing her own breasts against Alice's even more, getting them further coated with that corrupting milk. "Mnnnagh?! G-Get off of me! NNnnnnnghhh... S-Stoooahhp..." She moaned, not able to get away from Alice, her body already lightly aroused thanks to the woman's ministrations. Though as it stood she was still trying to pull away, fighting as best she could through the haze of lust and corruption, defiance still held in her eyes as she wanted to get away from this situation. At the same time... she would start to feel a weird tightness in her breasts... as though something was filling them as she kept trying to struggle away, refusing to submit easily to the powers that Deva was using against her.

Cyliarra, meanwhile, would moan as she felt a warm throbbing in her breasts, corruption and fantasies flooding her mind... But they were fantasies that came from her love... from her corrupted slave... from the one that she cared about above all else in the world. She knew that she owned Alice so completely, that her love belonged only to her... so she wasn't scared of the fantasies that would fill her mind from Alice... She had colored Alice's soul and mind with her own corrupted colors... so it was only fair to allow Alice to paint her desires and hopes for the future as well. So rather than even attempting to resist those fantasies, she'd actually invite them in... trusting that her servant also wanted happiness for the both of them... trusting her Love to have both of their happiness at heart. Those fantasies would fill her mind... Sitting at a throne with beautiful guards stood next to her... their armor designed so that their large, lactating breasts were free to the world, devotion and worship in their eyes. Before her throne were her followers... her Queendom... all in revealing and beautiful clothes, smiling up at her as they each were allowed to drink from their holy font of corrupted milk, their minds emptying out as they drank, their breasts growing a little as they started dripping corrupted milk themselves, all of them happy and praising Cyliarra for the holy gifts that they were given. Meanwhile she could see the bulges between the legs of some of them... answering what had become of the 'males' of this marvelous world... This was wonderful... it was nearly perfect... But Cyliarra would still adjust one part of the fantasy to be better to her liking. She added Alice, curled up in her lap, held close and suckling on her breasts, beautiful and corrupted as she was held in a motherly embrace, smiling down at her beautiful slave with nothing but love and lewd corruption in her eyes... No fantasy of hers was complete without Alice... without the one that she loved. Before it had been a wonderful and enjoyable fantasy... but now it was Cyliarra's true paradise... it was what she wanted for the world... It was what she wanted to achieve with the help of her slave... and it would easily lock into place in Cyliarra's mind, her soul receptive to the ideas and corruption that came from Alice.

Valerie would stretch a little bit once she was back in her human form, she had learned through her training that stretching after turning into her werewolf form seemed to cut down on the soreness it usually brought. The Amazoness would smile genuinely when she saw how happy Deva looked, seeing her nuzzle against the hand petting her, it made every obstacle that she had to go through more than worth it. "I knew you'd be so much happier as my little Cock Slut... You're mine... and I can tell that's just what you needed." She would whisper, still petting her and holding her close, her skin glistening just a little with sweat, her own musk still in the air. "Had the Nemesis summoning gone wrong I have confidence that Cyliarra would have been able to handle it... And even if it got something really dangerous in here... I'd still be around." The confidence was still clear in her voice as she talked about that. Not as though her victory was assured, or any type of arrogance, but more that she always believed in her own ability. As much as she wanted to take Deva for herself as soon as possible, she would have also been able to focus on fighting any sort of major threat that might've entered. Either way, that didn't matter too much since things worked out properly in the end, and now she had a beautiful angel to play with and enjoy. "Yes... My Cock Slut... Sure I could just ask you since we're on the same side... But I think we'd both enjoy it if I made you tell me instead... So let's make this much more fun..." The Amazoness explained, that lewd and yet mischievous smirk still on her face...

The Amazoness understood a bit about being a good Mistress. You had to make sure that your Cock Sluts were comfortable... and unless they enjoyed it when their knees were hurt, she had to make something soft for them to kneel on. When you had a decade worth of training, you did more than just improve your combat skill. Valerie had also had time to think of some rather kinky ways to take Deva as her own. And this was one of them that she discovered actually worked... especially with those that were naturally submissive and infatuated with her cock like Deva. That cock would sway with a slow, almost perfect rhythm, drawing Deva's eyes in as it continued to sway left and right, left and right, perfectly at eye level so her eyes could easily follow it. "That's a good girl... Just follow that beautiful cock... Let it fill your vision entirely... Focus on it... Let it push out all distractions... It's wonderful... isn't it? The most beautiful cock you've ever looked at..." She encouraged, keeping her voice more even to lull Deva further into her focus on that throbbing... long... powerful member that Deva would already find so easy to just focus on. The pheromones in the air still affected her, but now they seemed to just make that cock look even more enticing... more enthralling... more hypnotic. Her mind and body wanted that cock... wanted to stare at it and follow it as it continued to sway back and forth... back and forth...

Valerie smiled as she saw Deva starting to be properly affected by that cock. She had figured that Deva may be able to resist it had she not already been enslaved... but that didn't matter anymore. "That's right... It's so beautiful. You just can't look away from it... Can't stop thinking about it... Can't do anything but stare at that cock... Isn't that right, my Cock Slut? A Cock Slut like you can't help but stare at such a perfect cock... But that's okay... It's alright for a good Cock Slut to just follow this cock with her eyes." Valerie would say, making sure to put just a little bit of emphasis on the term 'cock slut', making sure that Deva had that term in her mind even now. And as she spoke that cock would continue to sway, back and forth, almost seeming to lock Deva's eyes in the more that she stared at it. And the longer that she stared, the more details she would notice about that perfect cock. How it throbbed in time with the swaying, how the head almost seemed to be begging to be kissed and suckled on, and how the length of it seemed just right so that it could fill her completely without being too long... Every little detail that she noticed of it would only make her find it that much more beautiful. "A slave to my Cock... That's what you're becoming... You're right... But that's okay, isn't it? It's alright to be a slave to such a perfect Cock... In fact... It's almost natural for a Cock Slut to be a slave to a cock... Just watching it sway back and forth, left and right, again and again, finding it so hard to think of anything except that cock... Unable to think of anything but what I tell you... unable to focus on anything but that cock." She would continue to say, taking just a small step closer to make that cock fill up more of Deva's vision, making it even harder to look away from it, though at this point the angel wouldn't really want to. Why would she ever not want to look at that perfect, beautiful, wonderful, enthralling, enticing, tempting, mouth watering, throbbing, hypnotic cock...

She would smile a bit more when she noticed Deva's eyes glazing over, taking just a moment to admire how pretty Deva looked when she was properly losing herself to that power. Even in her human form, Valerie had a much better sense of smell than before, and she could tell that Deva was growing more and more aroused by this. "That's right... It's so hot to be enslaved to my Cock... It's so naughty and lewd and wonderful to be enslaved to me as my perfect little Cock Slut... So hot that you can't even take your eyes off it even now... I can tell you're salivating... You want to suck it, don't you? But you have to wait... You have to be completely enslaved to my cock before you can have it... A good Cock Slut needs to bring themselves so far under that power before they get that reward..." Valerie whispered, making sure to make Deva want to be enslaved just as much... to guide her desires further into submitting to Valerie's cock. "It is beautiful... Good little Cock Slut... So nice and perfect and beautiful... It CAN'T be wrong to submit to it..." She would keep it swaying, drawing Deva's eyes in more as she kept that idea in her mind, the idea of submitting to Valerie's cock. And as it swayed, Deva would see a bit of precum glistening at its tip, another detail that would just make it even more enthralling. She'd be unable to take her eyes off it even more as a small string of precum would ooze out, that string swaying in time with Valerie's cock, just another thing that would make it almost impossible to look away.

"Feel that cock deep in your mind too... Feel it pushing out any shred of resistance that might still be left... Just let it all go so that you can make more room for that cock in your mind... Let it throb and pulse in your head as your eyes watch its sway... Even if you were to close your eyes right now you'd still see it in your mind, throbbing and beautiful... swaying back and forth in that perfect rhythm... Try it... Close your eyes just for a few moments... And yet you still see that perfect cock... You still see my cock swaying in your mind's eyes, demanding your focus... It's still deep in your mind... still enslaving you even when your eyes are closed because it's right there in your mind." She continued to entice, making sure that Deva would see that cock even if she closed her eyes for some reason. "And that's because a good Cock Slut can still envision her Mistress' cock perfectly even with her eyes closed... Now slowly open your eyes and keep staring at that cock... Let it keep pulling you under... Let it fill your vision and your mind all at once..."

"You are a good Cock Slut... You obey your Mistress' Cock. You obey your Mistress... You love that wonderful cock... Cock Sluts obey their Mistress. Cock Sluts can't help but think of their Mistress' cock... A good Cock Slut is always eager to suck on Mistress' Cock... A good Cock Slut is rewarded with her Mistress' Cock... Submit to Mistress' cock... Good Cock Sluts dream of their Mistress' cock... A good Cock Slut would obey her Mistress' orders... And when they do... Good Cock Sluts get rewarded... Just let that cock fill your mind... Mistress' cock belongs deep in your mind, body, and soul. Keep staring... keep following that sway... And let every detail fill your mind so you can be the most wonderful Cock Slut... Mistress' Cock Slut... Valerie's Cock Slut... MY Cock Slut..."
She said, lust and dominance in her voice as she spoke to Deva... making sure to keep repeating that term 'Cock Slut', making sure that Deva had that word and title in her mind. Valerie made sure that her cock would push that idea into Deva... to get her to want to be a Cock Slut, to submit to that title completely so that she could further belong to Valerie, and all the while her cock would keep swaying, that string of precum making it even more hypnotic and enthralling.

Deva certainly did not mind the well built amazoness stretching infront of her, a shy redness to her cheeks, her wings fluttering softly under Valeries touch. "Yes, my bet was the defensive wards would hold." She chuckled, blushing ever so slightly with Valeries lewd suggestions.

Either way, Valerie had made a good choice in enthralling the angel, her eye relaxing, following along, taking in the sight of that beautiful cock, with her mouth watering ever so slightly at the lusty sight. Hmmnn so pretty. Yes, she wanted that cock...
She purred and blushed at being called a cock-slut, taking in the shaft swaying before her.. which was alright.. hard to think about other thing.. hmnn.. It was so pretty, and perfect, so beautiful.. she wanted to pleasure it.. "Hamnn.. alright to be a slave to such a beautiful cock.." She purred happily, smiling and nodding along, her wings puffing up a little before settling down in a more relaxed position, her body overall just calm and relaxed, just her eyes following along, like her mind followed Valeries words.. yes.. this was happening to her and that was so.. nice.

"Hamnn.. yes.. so hot.. want to suck it.. please.." She purred, lustfully licking her lips.. she was.. sleepily aware of what Valerie was saying.. she was aware of what was happening, of her being hypnotized.. enslaved to a beautiful cock belonging to a beautiful mistress.. this was nice.. She wanted to moan out her joy at being enslaved.. but she also wanted to just listen at the cock and stare, watch it glisten so beautifully with precum, for her, watch it sway.. let Valerie tell her what to think..
Deva blushed and moaned, closing her eyes as instructed.. and moaning with pure joy at the image of the cock, still there, having pushed deep, sucessful, throughoutly into her mind.

"Ohhmn mistress, yes.. it's there.. your beautiful, perfect cock.. so soothing.. oohmnn yes, my mistress.." She purred happily, admittedly not as rethorically apt as she was normal, but also far more relaxedly, closing her eyes and sighing with the repetition of her lewd title, she moaned out and sighed and closed her eyes once more, with mistress beautiful cock on her mind.. Her cock.. her mistress.
And then she opened them again, with a calm, soothed expression in them. "Hmnn.. mistress Valerie.. this feels so nice. Thank you. Hmnn so nice.. mistress cock deep in my mind.. obey your cock.. and you. I ah.. I love this beautiful cock fucking my mind before it takes my mouth..." She repeated and then purred, with a sleepy, soothy tone to her voice, gently reaching out a hand to caress along that beautiful cock. without stopping its soothing swaying.. it was like Valerie was fucking her mind, after fucking her body as a wolf.. and Deva wanted it. What better tool to her submission than such a beautiful shaft? A slave, to Valeries beautiful cock. The hot, mighty amazoness was enslaving her.. and deva just wanted more... and her arousal was evident in the tingling wetness between her legs, Deva's whole body both hot and at the same time dozy, comfortable.

Mistress cock was so nice in her mind, throbbing and dripping sweet precum and swaying her into soft submission. Swaying left and right, pushing away her resistance and doubts and worries to have a nice space to sway and throb, just for Deva. This was so nice.. and lewd.. and intimate. She was her mistress bitch and cock-slut... she smiled, with calmly enthralled, sharp blue eyes, taking in every detail, every vein of that cock before her, whimpering a little with growing need.. That cock had thrust so deep into her mind and now it was there, soothing, throbbing, enticing. "Ohmnn.. I'll be a good cock slut, mistress... may I service your cock that owns me?" She requested, with drool gathering at the tip of her lips, hot arousal in her voice and a barely contained quivering of her body, eyes following that deliciously dangling precum with a lustful sway.
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Valerie would notice that Deva liked her stretching, so the Amazoness would keep it going just a little longer, showing off her muscles and how flexible she could be when she wanted to... just a bit of teasing for her angelic slave. Sure, slaves were usually the ones to put on enticing displays for their Mistress but Valerie didn't want Deva to be left without anything. If the angel liked seeing her body, then that was just another way for Valerie to make sure her slave was happy.

The Amazoness had a perfect rhythm with her swaying cock, slow and enticing as it continued to enrapture Deva. And with her earlier enslavement, and with how hypnotic that cock was... it would be difficult to think of the term "Cock-Slut" as anything more than a wonderful compliment. She was Valerie's Cock Slut... she was owned by that magnificent cock, and that meant she was owned by the powerful, beautiful, wonderful Amazoness that stood above her now. "It's only natural for a Cock Slut like you to be enslaved by such a beautiful cock... You're a Cock Slut... And because of that you find it so easy to just stare at a perfect cock like this... Your mouth naturally waters when you see one like this... But that's all okay... That's just natural for you." Her voice was soft but insistent, not loud, but certainly dominant as she worked to further push these ideas into Deva's mind. She had practiced and fantasized about this for ages, about the many ways that she would put Deva under her control, about the technique she would use to give Deva and her submissiveness the Mistress that she deserved.

"If you want to suck it... If you want to wrap your lips around that beautiful cock... You need to make yourself a perfect Cock Slut... You need to submit to my Cock completely... You have to let it fill your mind and push deep inside your very soul... And once you do you'll get to suck on Mistress' cock." The Amazoness would promise, that cock still swaying, glistening slightly with precum, a string of it still swaying in time with the cock. "That's right... That perfect cock fills your mind... It pushes out all those silly things that you don't need, any of that resistance that might still be lingering, we don't need that... It just gets in the way of being a perfect cock slut. You can almost feel that cock throbbing in your head, filling your vision even while your not looking at it." She continued, smiling a little as she saw Deva moan at seeing the cock still. A part of her internally noted how wonderful Deva looked when she was mesmerized by a cock, making plans to do this a bit more often once everything was over.

"A perfect Cock Slut... A nice little Cock Slut... An obedient, submissive, subservient Cock Slut... MY Cock Slut..." She whispered, wanting to push that term and title further and further into Deva's mind, especially as she had proven herself receptive to that idea. "Let it push deep into your mind... Let it thrust itself deep in, fucking your mind... Feeling so wonderful deep in your thoughts. It feels so right doesn't it? Taking your mind now... Making sure that you're a Cock Slut so that you can get your reward... Isn't that nice? Isn't it so nice of that cock to make sure you become a perfect Cock Slut so you can have that wonderful reward?" She continued, not relenting on pushing that idea into Deva's head, still swaying that magnificent, glorious, perfect cock right in front of her. It all felt right... proper... she was meant to be enslaved by this cock... to submit to Valerie's incredible cock. It was only natural for a Cock Slut to obey a cock... and if she was going to obey a cock... it had to be such a perfect one like Valerie's. Her body tingling with arousal just was more proof of her place... She was Valerie's Cock Slut... She belonged to Valerie... She belonged to the werewolf Alpha Valerie... and she belonged to the powerful, beautiful, hypnotic cock wielding Valerie. They both owned her entirely... and they both protected Deva, they both made Deva feel so aroused and wonderful... it was all so right. And it was even right to want more... to feel how wet she was at being enslaved... to desire to become even more and more enslaved to that perfect cock... that was what a Cock Slut strived for.

"Do you want to finally suck and pleasure that wonderful... perfect... incredible... mesmerizing cock? I will let you... But if you do... You'll be a Cock Slut... If you take that tantalizing... Throbbing... Powerful Cock into your mouth... It'll thrust deep into your mind and body and make you a proper Cock Slut... There's no turning back... You'll be mine forever... Do you still want that?" Valerie would ask, knowing full well what Deva's mind would want now. And to the enthralled angel's mind, that wouldn't even sound like a tradeoff whatsoever... It sounded like a situation that only brought wonderful benefits. She'd be able to suck on that beautiful cock... and she'd be a good Cock Slut just like her Mistress wanted... to her mesmerized brain that would all sound like such a wonderful idea... Especially as more precum seemed to glisten at the tip of that cock, as though it were begging to be sucked. As though the most important thing in the world right now would be sucking on Valerie's cock, pleasuring it... tasting that powerful member and the sweet taste of that cum she could see right now... Was there even a reason any more to say no to that perfect, beautiful, wonderful cock? Any reason not to take her dominating Mistress' offer? It would be difficult to think of any negative to this... it all sounded so great to Deva.

And if she did wrap her lips around that cock, there'd be a pulsing of joy and pleasure shooting through her mind. That cock would start to throb in her mouth, throbbing and pulsing in time with the image of that cock in her mind. Her mouth and thoughts were wrapped around that cock, a deep feeling of contentment and belonging pouring through Deva now that she was finally able to taste that cock. Her tongue would light up with a delicious, intoxicating, wonderful taste as she finally got to suck that cock... and at the same time, being so close to that cock would cause more musk to fill Deva's senses, driving her even further into submitting to Valerie's powerful rod. It all flowed into her at once, mingling together in a feeling of pure ecstasy, that warm precum tasting so sweet, fulfillment and pleasure pulsing through her in response to her pleasuring that cock. That taste... that scent... that feeling of fulfillment, it would all lock into place while that cock throbbed in her mind... and if she didn't resist Deva would feel that she was a proper Cock Slut now... After all... she was sucking off the cock that she was enslaved to... she had a cock throbbing and thrusting deep into her mind... she was obeying Valerie and that wonderful cock in her mouth... that all pointed to her being a Cock Slut... This was what Cock Sluts were meant to do... This was only natural for a Cock Slut... and if she was doing it then it would have to make her a Cock Slut... She knew all of that to be true because that Cock had told her so... she knew it was true because her Mistress Valerie told her so... it all would seem to make perfect sense to her...

Deva gave an innocent smile, taking in the muscular werewolf with a dazed, happy smile. Hmnn she wanted to nuzzle and kiss Valerie all over..

Although, right now it was hard to focus on her admiration of -most- of her beautiful mistress body. Valerie had such an impressive shaft..
"Ohmnn.. that beautiful cock owns me.."
She purred. She felt thirsty for this beauty.. but her mistress told her that was just natural... how she sallivated and yearned for the yummy taste..

"Hmnn.. I want to suck it.. give myself to it?"
She affirmed, and blushed, watching Valerie's lewd penis sway so sensually. Valeries cock.. pulsing deep in her mind, throbbing and dripping obediance.. she had a horny, enthralled expression in her eyes now, obediantly following that cock, cooing with eager happiness.
"Ooh yes mistress.. cock slut.. deep in my mind.. your cock fucking my mind.. "
She smiled and moaned and relaxed, giving herself to the imagery Valerie skillfully conjured. "Ooh.. yes.. such a nice, strong, beautiful cock.. making me its slut.. I love it.."
She cooed. Valeries beautiful, perfect cock was controlling her. That cock and it's owner, her beautiful, strong amazonian mistress..

"Y.. yes pleaaaaase!"
She positively begged, when Valerie asked if she was ready. Her mouth sallivating, her pussy almost as wet, both throbbing with desire for Valerie.. being a slave was never something Deva had truly feared, always secretly desired.. but a slave to the right one. Like this.. this mighty mistress, this wonderful cock.. she'd always.. enjoyed a certain oral fixation, and now..
She looked up at Valeries explanation.. she wanted this.. this cock.. it filling her mouth.. her mind.. she leaned forward, her soft breath upon the shaft, lips, warm, soft, wet, with angelic attention, slowly lowering themselves along Valeries cock like a warm, inviting ring of pleasure, drawing her in, tempting her into the angels moist mouth and a wonderful time with Valeries devoted cock-slut and slave..

As she let that thick, strong meatrod bind her will, Deva hoped that she'd get to taste it a lot in the future. Deva suckled up Valeries precum, tasting it like beautiful ambrosia. Deva sighed with the elation of comforting pleasure she had already expected this would bring. She didn't speak.. she just basked in the moment, slowly, sensually, with lewd enjoyment taking in that shaft and feeling it slide into her, past her lips, inch by inch. She could feel it throb in her mouth and in her mind.. this was.. wonderful.
Mistress cock gave her purpose.. it soothed her and anchored her, it protected her from worrying too much.. as long as she could please this beautiful penis, the rest of the world would sort itself out.. somehow.
She smiled and let the cock slide into her, showing her lewd skill in taking the throbbing length deep into her cheeks and past her lips, burrowing her nose in Valeries dark pubic hair to inhale deep of her musk.. no reason to fight it anymore now. Every reason to enjoy it.

A deep, content moan vibrated along Valeries shaft as Deva exhaled in the sublime revelry. The throbbing of mistress cock within her body and soul.. She didn't fight.. why would she.. a minor tradeoff, to be a cockslut.. in exchange for being well.. a happy cockslut. She relaxed and let it happen.. no, she encouraged it, soft, cute licks on the underside of that throbbing slave-collar, closing her eyes to imagine it throb in her mind, ready to pour it's seed of obediance into her..
Finally, cute, but enthralled blue eyes opened, glancing up at Valerie her eyes empty of resistance and will..yet.. longing.. lustful.. yearning.
She was a cockslut. A slave to this cock.. and all she wanted right now, in this moment, was to pleasure Valerie by pleasuring her cock, allowing her mouth and mind to be yielding and pleasant to Valeries thrusts within.

A younger Deva would not have wanted this moment to ever end. This moment of calm, blissful purpose and ecstatic pleasure. But no.. Deva knew.. she wanted it to end.. not for it's endings sake, no, but so that a future of many, many more mind-fucks by that beautiful cock could happen for her. A part of her had to chuckle.. In this moment, what she was doing was not struggling against or merely enjoyingt this moment, no... she already found herself fantasizing happily about the next time Valerie would take her, guide her down, remind her how wonderful the cock thrusting into her mind was.
She pursed her lips, suckling and cooing, one hand reaching out, clinging to Valerie's thigh. But that was the future. Now.. now she wanted to feel it.. taste it.. enjoy it. Show Valerie her considerable ability with her mouth. Who was the comparison here, some silly fire-goddess? Deva could pleasure her beautiful mistress far more than that! Valerie better be prepared for the slave she aquired herself, for Deva intended to not let the mighty amazoness get away with just enslaving her and cuddling her a little.. no. She wanted Deva as a slave.. so the angel would make this worth her while. Deva knew exactly how to coo softly to entice Valerie. To reach up and supportingly massage that heavy sack, to suckle on the tip, just a little bit.. if Valerie wanted her as a cock-slut, Deva would be the best one Valerie had ever seen. If she had Deva enslaved to suckle on that beautiful spear of hers, she better not expect to talk without sluring her speech in happy lust a few moments after. There was one thing more important than Valeries cock right now and that fact cut through any enthrallment like a hot knife through butter. More important than sucking and snuggling and letting the cock throb so nicely in her mind and push all the resistance away.. It was the need to see mistress Valerie, the one that provided her with this wonderful, soothing submission and amazing cock... Deva wanted to see her happy.

Alice nuzzled up to her corruptive mistress, nuzzling warmly into her soft, warm embrace, smiling up with a shy, encouraging smile. She nodded along with Cyliarras claim on her, smiling, cooing, resting her head upon Clyiarra's bossom. She moaned softly, her toes curling a little in pleasure, cuddled up to her lewd, dark mistress.

"Awww mistress.."
She cooed softly, blushing and nodding at Cyliarras idea.. a nice, safe world full of happy, corrupted slaves.. that sounded just wonderful.. and not just because it came from Cyliarra. At the idea, Alice's body twitched and pulsated with lust, she chuckling, smirking.. briefly considering the term 'milk palace'.
But she could toy around with her beloved mistress' body lots and lots later. She whimpered softly, lovingly at the attention upon her breasts, but finally nodded.. and turned her attention.

It was easy for Alice to aquire the ninja girl.. not because she was weak, but because Alice was .. quite complimentary to Cyliarra's corruption. She cooed at the well-trained morsels body, examining it, caressing it slowly. If she doubted herself, Cyliarra was there, watching, encouraging. How could she fail like this? So she drew her milk-covered fingers over the sensual womanly curves laid bare before her, caressing, circling, slowly, but determinedly working her way towards the ninjagirls breasts.

Alice didn't like the unhappy, unpleasant emotions in the slavegirl-to-be's eyes. She could .. help her. yes. "Shhh.. your mother loves you. If you complain about it or not."
She nodded. "It feels nice, doesn't it? The milk feels nice.. don't fight it.. your soul can't fight.. it belongs to our beloved dark mother, you see."
Alice encouraged.. before deciding the Ninja-girl had complained enough and it was now her time.. lifting up her breasts, she pushed them up against her mouth, rubbing, pushing, encouraging her to drink and smearing her milk over her lips if she did not, that sweet, tingly, corruptive milk. Even if the ninjagirl struggled, Alice would just coo and reach out, soothingly caressing and pressing her nipples, fingers sensually circling the girls Areola.. before taking soft, but firm hold, slowly mimicking milking motions.. even whilest making her suckle on Alice's chest.
"The liquid of life.. a present of our mother.. Enjoy it, submit to it.. let it spread through you. Only happiness in her care, only submission. A river of milk to stain the land in her white will."
It was hard to tell if Alice was preaching.. or fantasizing, now.. although it was equally effective either way, as she teased and caressed along the girls nipples sensually, encouraging..
"A slave to this milk. A slave to your milk.. a slave to your breasts.. just be happy and good, for our queen and mother of corruption."
Alice relaxed and smiled.. both Cyliarra and the lewdly trapped Ninja feeling their minds adjusted by the corruptive desires of the lewd merchant-girl, as the Ninja-girl was fed her own batch of milk, of corruption to submit to.
Breasts.. Beautiful, pretty breasts, warm and voluptrous.. Cyliarra's corruption and Alice's fetish intermingling, teasing.. tempting. The Ninjagirl felt an intense desire.. no.. a realization.. she loved breats.. her breasts.. Alice's.. the beautiful dark elves.. mistress breasts. She loved her mistress, she wanted to serve them.. willingly. Because it felt nice.. and right.

Alice, meanwhile, turned and, removingt he chaisn and restrictions on the ninja-girl bowed, stepping forwards with her, clearly secretly hungry for her mistress approval, but not neglecting to sensually tease and caress her.. prey's soft bossom, encouraging it's warm, corruptive dripping, having already infested the ninja-girl with Cyliarra's gift.

Valerie couldn't help smiling herself when she saw Deva's beautiful dazed and happy expression. This was what she had truly longed for over her years of training. It wasn't the physical pleasure, though that was a definite bonus, it was the look she saw in Deva now that she was enslaved, that happy expression that the Amazoness knew couldn't be properly faked. The look of a slave that finally found where they belonged... that was one of the most beautiful sights in the world, and seeing it on Deva made it all the more beautiful to the powerful Amazoness. This was a slave, a bitch, a cock slut that she would fight for, fight with, and protect for years and years to come...

"That's right... My little, precious, happy, submissive Cock Slut... MY Cock owns you... I own you... You are mine..." She continued to encourage, wanting Deva to sink deep into her control and dominance, wanting her to submit and be happy. That cock throbbed in her mind, pushing out any resistance as it grew her desires more and more. But Valerie wouldn't judge the angel whatsoever, seeing her salivate and desire that cock... it was only natural. "A perfect Cock Slut like you just can't help salivating at the mere thought of Mistress' Cock... Don't fight it... you're a Cock Slut... And that's so wonderful. You're MY Cock Slut... It penetrates your mind and soul... Imparting that powerful truth... My Cock Slut..." She continued to encourage, knowing that Deva had already given in, but getting her own enjoyment out of pushing the idea in.

Valerie swayed that cock in time with her words, keeping up the rhythm as that throbbing member danced right in front of Deva's eyes. That string of precum looking so delicious as it swung back and forth... back and forth... pulsing in her mind. "That's right... You want to suck it so much... You'd give almost anything for it... But all you have to give is submission... All you have to do is completely become my Cock Slut." The Amazoness would continue to encourage, knowing that such a deal would sound so wonderful in Deva's mind. Not only would she get the pleasure and happiness of serving that cock every day, but she'd also get to suckle on it now just for accepting that in the future. She watched Deva closely, seeing her eyes follow that cock so intently, knowing that it had wrapped her thoughts and desires around it. "Fucking your mind... Mistress' cock is deep in your mind... You can see it thrusting deep into your thoughts... into your will... Cock Sluts like you can't help but imagine such a perfect cock. It's deep in your brain now... No matter where you look you can still see that cock... Swaying back and forth... Filling your vision no matter what you do..." And the scent in the air, that powerful musk would only serve to encourage those ideas, pushing more and more thoughts of submission into Deva's mind, making her able to imagine that cock all the more easily. It was so perfect... so beautiful... so commanding... so powerful... so dominant... it would feel almost impossible to resist it. How could a Cock Slut like her ever resist such a perfect cock? It was only right to be owned by it... to salivate over the mere thought of it... to desire to suck it deep in her soul... to obey the incredible Mistress that the cock belonged to. All those ideas would seem to get pushed deeper and deeper into her brain by that cock.

Valerie smiled widely when she saw the way that Deva was nearly begging for her cock, knowing that she was ready to become a proper cock slut. It meant that the angel was enslaved, that she would willingly become an even more perfect Cock Slut for a chance at sucking her off... And in that moment Deva looked more beautiful than ever before. The look of submission, devotion, and happiness appearing on her face. "Good Cock Slut." She reaffirmed, a calm but loving smile on her face, one of dominance, one that was fitting of a proper Mistress, but at the same time it was one that wanted Deva to be happy. Valerie shivered just a little bit when she felt Deva's breath on her cock, her own anticipation growing at the thought of the angel's beautiful lips. Then she'd let out a low moan as Deva took that cock in, breathing a bit ragged in surprise by how warm and inviting the angel's mouth was. And that moan would cause the cock in Deva's mind to throb even harder, a feeling of happiness and contentment coursing through her from the knowledge that she was bringing that cock and her Mistress pleasure. It was a feeling of deep pleasure filling both her mind and soul, her submission being rewarded, her fulfilling the wonderful pleasurable role of being a Cock Slut.

Even that precum would feel wonderful on Deva's tongue, a sweet and thick warm coating spreading across her tongue. It was a taste that would be almost indescribable, sweet, warm, thick, intoxicating, and it'd cause an incredible warm feeling to flow through her. And that was from just a bit of precum, filling her mind and soul with those nice feelings, her mind would almost naturally start to wonder what getting more of it would taste like. Deva was safe... she was cared for... she was loved... she was desired... she was owned... she had a Mistress... her Mistress kept her safe... her Mistress cared for her... her Mistress loved her... Her Mistress loved her... her Mistress desired her... Her Mistress owned her... Those thoughts would seem to be pushed into her mind by that cock, pushing those ideas that felt so warming and wonderful in her mind. "Mnnnaahhh... Oh fuck... Ooooh... That's it... Just build your... Gnnghhhh... build your thoughts around that cock... Like a.... Fuuuuuuck... Like a good Cock Slut... Cock Slut's build their mind around Mistress' Cock... Hooooh that's good..." She spoke, a bit tougher now that she felt Deva's warm mouth around her cock, surprised at how wonderful she was, but still strong enough to reinforce those ideas, still together enough to keep enslaving her to that throbbing and powerful cock, still making sure that Deva was completely and utterly owned.

Deva would feel a warm and heady sensation filling her as she took that musk in up close, breathing in a strong amount of that scent. It was the scent of a powerful, dominating, and strong Mistress. It would make those ideas of being a Cock Slut drift through her head, almost seeming to imprint even deeper. That cock throbbing in her mind only enhancing with the thick musk that was filling the air and Deva's nose. Then seeing those cute, enthralled eyes looking up at her would make Valerie shudder a little harder, moaning loudly and reaching down to put her hand on the back of Deva's head, petting her a little. However, she'd also hold Deva there, not forcing her roughly, but holding her, a strong and powerful hand keeping her head at cock level. It wasn't like she expected Deva to move away, but that hand on her head, keeping her there, making sure that she was still on that cock, it was another sign of submission for Deva, and another sign of dominance for her beautiful Amazon Mistress.

Valerie would continue to moan and hold Deva's head close, giving her enough room to move, but not letting her move away. Even the small signs of dominance were important, a proper Mistress needed to make sure that there was dominance in every action, make sure to encourage submission whenever they could. It all worked together in order to enthrall Deva to her even more. The Amazoness wasn't going to take half measures with the most important person she'd ever met. And as the angel picked up her pace, Valerie would tilt her head back and moan louder, shuddering in pure ecstasy as Deva demonstrated just how good she was. The Amazoness had thought the Fire Goddess was good, but this was a whole other level. The angel seemed to have a level of skill that she wasn't prepared for. All the fantasies that she held over the years, all the things she imagined from the angel, she hadn't expected her to be this good. Her cock throbbed eagerly under the attention, Valerie barely able to get any words out between her moans as she felt expert ministrations like she hadn't felt in her entire life. Internally, she checked off yet another reason that Deva was such an incredible slave. "Ahhhhhh! Oh Fuck... Good... MMMMNN... Good Girl... Good Ngghhhhhhhhh... Good Cock Slut..." She moaned out, shuddering more and more as the angel suckled on her cock, throbbing simultaneously in pleasure in her mouth and in her mind. Deep down Valerie felt the same way about Deva. She loved this incredible pleasure, it was so much better than what she expected, but that wasn't what she wanted most. It wasn't having a powerful and impressive slave to show off to her Amazoness, or having someone to fight beside for the rest of their lives. Those were all wonderful things that she desired... things that she had wanted for a long time. But what she had wanted most from the moment that she met Deva... The thing that she wanted when she saw how saddened Deva was when she resisted her the first time... When she saw that true and beautiful submission deep in Deva... The thing that she wanted most was to make Deva happy. She wanted to see Deva feeling good, mewling and shaking in lust and pleasure, she wanted to see the angel's eyes filled with submission and happiness, she wanted the angel to get the happiness and warmth that she deserved.

As Deva continued sucking, she'd feel those balls pulse, she'd feel that cock throbbing harder and harder, another string of precum sliding across her tongue. She'd know that Valerie was right on the edge of cumming, her moans getting louder now, her breathing more ragged as she started to thrust into Deva's mouth. With those thrusts she'd almost feel that cock thrusting just as powerfully in her mind, completely pushing submission and thoughts of Valerie's cock into her at the same time that she felt the one in her mouth thrusting as well. A powerful sense of arousal and anticipation would start to build within Deva as Valerie was brought close to climax, and two thoughts would come to her mind. She could take longer and pull Valerie further into lust, or she could work to push the Amazoness over the edge and get the real taste of Mistress' cum. Both seemed like what a proper Cock Slut like her would do... they both led to pleasuring Mistress' perfect cock, so they both seemed right... Though she also knew that when that cock came, the one in her mind would cum too. The thick and tasty semen would spill across her tongue and that intoxicating taste would surge through her, and she knew that when it happened there'd be cum surging into her mind as well, filling her mind with cum and pushing thoughts of submission and being a perfect Cock Slut into her, imprinting those ideas in her mind in a warm wave of thick cum deep in her mind... All of that would be waiting for her the moment that she made Valerie cum... it was just up to her exactly when that would happen...

The angel nuzzled up to her amazonian lover. In a way, at least to her, this was deeply romantic. One that had trained for, waited for her and.. let's face it, fantasized about doing this to her for a decade? She'd had many unreliable lovers.. Valerie was clearly not one of them.. and that made her happy, as did, admittedly, the cock-hypnosis.
Deva had been happy as a slave. Ironic, perhaps, for one like her, but having a mistress soothed her mind and calmed her thoughts.

Rather than responding right away she purred sensually, focusing on pleasing that cock before her, the cock that owned her, the cock she wanted to pleasure. She nodded along.. she was a cock-slut, Valeries words and that beautiful shaft made it so. So big and beautiful and throbbing, fucking her mind.. as they both wanted it to. She inhaled deeply of the sensual musk, nodding along, panting.. yes, that cock was in her mind, first flaccid and snuggly nuzzled up comfortably into her head, then growing hard and pushing deep into her, pumping into her very being in just the right way.. she could see it, wanted to see and imagine and fantasize about it.

Kneeling before Valerie, her hands rested in her lap, .. well, not just rested, playing along her pussy, not to push herself into a climax, but to stroke herself, in rythm with that throbbing cock, a slave, rewarding herself for her own enslavement, her eyes throughoutly and truly lost to the bliss of being Valeries cock-slave. She loved that beautiful cock.. and the beautiful, strong mistress it belonged to.. just like her.
Her body twitched with the name, the title.. Good Cock Slut. That was who and what she was now, thanks to Valerie.
She smiled, definitly enslaved, but also warm and happy, responding to the cock throbbing against her tongue by licking it sensually, wanting this experience to be supremely pleasurable for her now one and true mistress.

She wanted to pleasure and please the cock. It was nice.. and tingly, it filled her with enjoyment. Such a simple thing.. a beautiful penis.. and yet it was all enough to own her... well, not really, it was the strong, proud, honorable amazon mistress owning it.. but the tool of her enslavement was currently hot and hard and throbbing past her lips, as she suckled down that precum with obediant, lustful greed.
"Hamnnn.. it tastes so good.. please, let me taste your seed, share it where it belongs, upon and within my body.. just like your will belongs upon me, and in my mind.. mistress.."
She finally brought out, breathless, but encouraging. A little taste of precum had her wanting that cum, all of it, to feel it, to feel owned, and safe, and protected and cared for and belonging to the owner of her cock. She panted, and nodded along.
"Haah.. y.. yes mistress.. please take good care of your cock slut.. aaah.. I'm letting it happen.. thrust your will into me and let your slave yield around it.. so soft and warm.."
She encouraged her own enslavement with the soft licking of her tongue and suckling of her warm cheeks. She loved mistress cock.. and mistress, and her cock, loved her in turn, made her feel their warm, dripping, messy love, thrusting it rihght into her..

Deva sighed in lustful relieve at the sensations sweeping her away. Losing control. Belonging to the wonderful cock. She relaxed.. and let it happen. Let Valerie imprint her lewd ideas upon the angel. She wanted it too. A strong mistress that would soother her storming soul, to keep her from being alone, worrying.. panicking.. with that wonderful, throbbing, delicious penis.
She looked back up at Valerie with obediant cock-slave eyes when the amazoness hand softly held her in place, encouraged her, Devas wings folded, her posture soft, vunerable, aroused and exposed.. ready to recieve her mistress love and will.

Deva's head and sensual lips wandered up and down Valeries shaft.. first to drive her to her climax, then to make her enjoy it, fully. If Valerie wanted her as a happy, cock-sucking cock-slut, she'd get the best there was to get. Deva's fingers upon her body unable to match the lustful enjoyment that her mistress moans let wild in her, Valeries sounds of pleasure, of indirect approval, enough to make Deva's body throb wild in turn.. and increase her efforts to please her mistress further. At this point, only Valeries command could have stopped her anyway.
The cock owned her. Valerie owned her. She had to keep thinking about this.. so obviously, the one thing that owned her, she wanted to make happy. The woman who owned her.. she wanted to show her love and affection to, in the most carnal way possible.
Deva rocked back with Valeries powerful thrusts.. as sensation as overwhelming physically as it was mentally.. not even because of Valeries force - the powerful amazoness could likely do whatever she pleased with a non-magic enhanced Deva-, but rather because of the raw passion in every thrust.

It is said that a mistress is the one that has total control over the pleasure of their slaves, a favourite test of Devas having been to ask a prospective slave of hers, and she had many, what a slaves duties were... an easy answer for most.. but then what were a misterss duty, she would ask, and then reject many if they could not answer. A slaves pleasure was their mistress' indeed.. and a true mistress pleasure.. was their slaves.
And that was how Deva wanted Valerie to cum, how she wanted her to flood her mouth with that hot, sticky cum, to fill her mind. Sure, she could tighten her lips a little more, bop her head a little faster, lap along the underside of Valeries shaft at that spot that had made the amazoness moan wildly earlier.
But she did none of that.

She readied her mind, for the flood of Cock Slut cum to claim it. She readied her mouth to be filled with Valeries semen.. she would have to gulp it down. Have to let her mind get overwhelmed by it. Valerie, her mistress, was too powerful, too impressive to resist, too.. virile. Deva would be forced to swallow, just like she'd be forced to have those thoughts sink into her mind forever.. even her powerful mind would overflow, and there'd be nothing she could do about it.
There was nothing she wanted to do about it. She'd had her fun, she'd been the hero, the mistress. She'd been free. Now, she wanted to be free.. with her mistress.
What happened from now on wasn't up to her anymore. She could suggest, sure, but it was Valeries decision, ultimately. She would belong.
This also ment she didn't have to worry anymore.. finally.. Finally.
She didn't have to worry about worlds to save and people to rescue.. oh definitly she would do that.. but not on her own anymore. Not even as her primary concern.. her true, ultimate concern would be pleasuring Valerie and her cock, to massage and enjoy every last bit of that beautiful body, to please Valerie in however way she deemed fit. And that liberty, that freedom from these heavy burdens.. that was what made solving them all the easier. It was easy to rescue people if you didn't get lost worrying about rescuing people, but first finding a new way of soothing Mistress' morning wood to awaken her gently.
Other people could hurt you, hate you, betray you,... and worst, far worse, of all, they could leave you. But Valerie wasn't like that. Deva was willing to believe this once more.. risk this, one last time. And as long as she could please and pleausare her mistress, the angels world would be fine.

This was what Deva struggled to put in words, but where words completely failed was with her grateful desire. This was how she'd make Valerie cum. No speeding up. no pressuring her, no physical stimulation would do, but a look.. the look of a happy, needy slave-girl. Deva could not, would not stop her pleasuring of that cock, not now, not at this apex.. but she could put all of her desire, her submission, her desire for submission into a look of love and longing up at Valerie, down from her knees, with that thick shaft bulging her cheeks a little, Deva glanced up, nuzzled into Valeries mons and pubic hair, past the mighty, well toned abs of her mistress, along her voluptous breasts and strong neck, moan-opened lips, to those deep, dominant eyes.
Deva knew what Valerie thought this moment, or at least, she suspected it. Valerie was a good person and she had to wonder, had to hesitate, just a little. That was Deva's look. Don't hesitate. Don't doubt yourself. Do it to me, for me.
Her eyes pleaded, as she sunk down on that cock. Save me by owning me. She withdrew halfway, only to sink down again. Don't hold back your roughness, don't hold back your love. Don't hold back the flood of your cum to stain my mind, to guide it, to reform it. Please make me yours. I want it, as much as you want it. Don't worry if I pass out from the overwhelming pleasure of making you cum, of being rebuild as yours.. I want it. I know you will keep me safe. I can't stop it anymore.. you can't...

Deva smiled up at Valerie, and then her body tensed, with her own building climax. With it, Valeries cock would be forever there with her, to steady her, remind her of who she was, whom she belonged to. It was an almost strange thought, at the edge of this pleasure, but Deva enjoyed it immensely. She could feel her body tensing, could feel Valerie.. her beloved mistress throb upon her tongue, could feel the cock thrust deep into her body.. and mind and with one, wanton, hopeful look still holding Valeries gaze for seconds longer than some hours she decided.. as emberassing as it will be, to lay bare my soul and weakness, to shatter between the anvil of her love and the hammer of her lust, I will let her see it. See the cock thrust deep into me, let her witness her wonderful cum wash away the old me, her guiding hand and strong cock build the new me, make me

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