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Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


Sex Demon
Feb 26, 2017
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It was another day… that was something that came up a lot honestly… another day where not much was happening around the secluded island. Sure, sometimes Deva would get into some sort of trouble helping the wrong people, but usually she found there was little to do around the entirety of the island. So many seemed content with their lives, but there had to be more, right? Things were actually quite peaceful on this island, few needed major help, perhaps there were more people to help beyond the island? The problem was… there wasn’t any major transportation OFF the island at this point, as it was just large enough with just enough resources to sustain itself and the population without trouble. Some found this place boring as well… but after a time they had learned to live with it, and had found a way to be happy with the relatively mundane lives that they were afforded. Maybe something was out there waiting for her, the problem was, there was no way to get to it, and everyone around her had seemed to accept that fact. Some were just unlucky, born to live in a rather small and secluded island when they wanted something more from life, while others would enjoy the simple and content lives that such peace afforded them. What was boring to one was a fulfilling life to another, after all...

As the sun rose, light would shine down across the small town that Deva would call home, the different buildings lined neatly down the streets. A few people would be walking around, beginning their day the exact same way they had began their last few days. Many followed their schedule, almost blindly, some working on farms outside the town, others handling paperwork and organizational duties, and some just opening shops for the day, expecting the usual amount of business. If it weren’t for the fact that all of them had seen this every day, they might find the sunrise over their quaint little town to be beautiful. But it was an average sight now, a sign that the weather wouldn’t be bad for the day, and nothing more. The peaceful life suited some, others had just found a way to adapt to it. Perhaps Deva had already found some ways to spice up her days, or maybe she was merely bored by the lack of anything to do, or maybe she’d even immersed herself in stories, tales of imagination and fancy to take her on adventures that she couldn’t get on the simple island.

The people here were kind enough, some kept their distance from her, others merely figured that if they didn't bother her then nothing would come of anything. A few were curious enough, and kind enough to reach out to her as friends, leading to her having at least a few on this island that would help ease some of the boredom that could come from having nearly nothing to do. Since life was so mundane for so many, they rarely needed healing or even help, only needing some assistance for the occasional sickness that managed to find them on the island. Along with the people, there was wildlife, and livestock. Animals that the farmers needed for a variety of reasons, as well as a few species of grazing animals in the untamed parts of the island, along with a few predators that generally tried to stay away from humans. So even animal attacks were a rare occurrence considering that everyone had grown so used to them being a hazard and they remained relatively peaceful anyway.


Either way, at some point during the day, Deva would find herself alone for a bit, and then she’d notice a figure in a black cloak standing around near wherever she was. The shape of the figure’s body was feminine, but her face was completely obscured. She wore some armor that would be visible through the cloak, which was a little odd because so few actually needed armor in such a peaceful place. She held a small book in her hand, but it would be hard to tell if she was actually reading it or if she merely held it open. Long, white hair would flow out from the opening in the hood, being the only real detail that Deva would be able to make out for now. As she stood there, she’d look up towards the sky, clearly pondering to herself. Then she’d begin to speak, a slightly deeper voice, almost a hint of… lust? Her voice seemed to swell with power even as she merely spoke to herself, still looking up at the sky. Deva, however, would be able to hear her without any issue.“Such a small and quaint story… Yet still it will have its ending… I wonder if it would’ve been a happy one… I suppose it matters not…” Then she’d turn to see Deva, her face still obscured in shadow, she’d then tilt her head a little, as though observing Deva closely. However, at least for now, she wouldn't say anything further, instead just continuing to look at Deva, no one else around for her to focus on anyway.
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


It was a hammock day. As in, a day were Deva would relax in her hammock. One could be happy with mundanity with a hammock, some fruits.. She held herself content with the fact that a non busy healer ment people were healthy, happy. That in itself wasn't a bad thing. Though she wouldn't mind a suprise rain of pudding or a plague of marshmellows to odd things out a bit, if she was honest with herself.

She looked at the black shape by her side, and, being a practical person, first checked her pulse.. that was fine, and the figure was carrying no scythe, so she was propably in the clear on that front. Deva looked at the cloaked figure and listened to her musings, her calm, blue eyes, in this peaceful town not hidden,.. they had an unnatural glow to them a piercing wisdom, that should belong to a much older person. "Hmnnn.. Definitly a happy ending. I always wanted a happy ending like this you know. A simple life, mundaneity. Apple?" She offered an apple, then stretched, half getting out of the hammock.

"Why are you?" She asked. Most people would have asked who.. or what, but those weren't the important questions. "Anyway, I'm gonna need my hat. A marble I keep in my shed, oh, and a carrot." After saying such, she'd get up fully, walk back over to her shed, retrieving, and bagging the named item, though, in the case of her hat, she put it on instead.

"Alright, ready for all emergencies. Do you know any good jokes by the by?"
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


The cloaked figure would continue to stare at Deva, observing those eyes that bespoke of something far more than what she at first appeared to be. "There will be no ending... Not to this story..." Then she'd hold out her hand, and the apples would start to slowly fade, first becoming see through, before disappearing completely, as though it had faded out of existence. "You... You are different... But it matters not..." Deva would get the distinct feeling that the figure was looking past her... Well, not exactly past her. It was as though she was looking at Deva, and at the same time looking at something so much more, like she saw something inside Deva that surprised her. "You are brave... or perhaps merely foolish... Are you the hero of this story?" She asked, thinking things over as she once again turned towards the sky, then towards the town around her, thinking things over once again.

"Why? Because it never truly ended... That is why... Or perhaps you ask why I am here? I suppose I shall be honest with you, as it will make no difference in a few short moments... I am here to tear this story to pieces. And with the shreds I will gain more and more power. I am also here for recruitment, and you have intrigued me. Perhaps you'd like a chance to join before your world is brought to obliteration? I am the only one that could shelter you from the destruction that is soon to come, after all..." The figure would calmly observe as Deva went to her shed, allowing her to grab whatever items she wished as she stood there and watched. Either Deva was being severely underestimated, or this figure had truly great amounts of power... or perhaps it was both. "That will not help you. You are on a dying world... That much was true the moment I stepped foot on this island. Your fate is either the void, or joining me..."

"Jokes...? You wish for jokes? Perhaps instead of that I will pose a question to you... Why has this town grown more... quiet... than usual. Even a place such as peaceful as this should have some sound..." Deva would get the impression that the figure was smirking as she asked that question. If she listened carefully, Deva would find the figure was entirely correct, there wasn't the slightest hint of noise coming throughout the entire town. Normally she'd at least hear a few people talking, or the sound of a market cart clattering through the street, or even just the sound of animals playing in the areas around her home. That silence seemed unnatural. "I suppose I should lift the silence..." The figure would snap her fingers, and sound would return to the world around them, except the sound wasn't the usual ones that Deva had grown accustomed to. Instead there were... screams of terror? Those were definitely there, as well as... was that... moaning? "Your town is in trouble... Prove to me that you are the hero, and save them... Or prove that you are the villain, and join me... I have other matters to attend to..." And with that, the figure would start walking away, not even turning to look at Deva as something happened in the town around them.
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"Right, right, seems you're reading cryptic 101. Also, thats not how you do an eat." She nodded at the apple-disappearing. "And you're weird, dun matter to me either though." She crossed her arms.

"Brave people are just fools with a knack for surviving. But I'm no hero. Not in the classical sense, anyway. Classical being slaying the dragon, rescuing the princess, I might make out with the dragon and lock the princess away, those gals are terribly cranky, I bet." She nodded.

"I figured this was going to be bothersome, thats why I got me hat." She adjusted it, her tone barely changing from calm and cheerful as she added. "That said, if you want to destroy things here..." She ever so slightly narrowed her eyes.. "I'll have to stop you." She nodded, pulling out the carrot and looking at it, as if it was something intriguing.

"People always look at things the wrong way I find. Ask not why things have grown silent, ask why there was noise before. Answer: People around doing things. So what has changed?" Deva shook her head, putting the carrot away for now at the sudden sounds of distress, sighing. "Anyway." She chuckled, tossing the marbel in the cloaked forms path, as if seriously expecting her to stumble over such a mundane thing, well, that wasn't quite it. Deva expected the marbel to get disappeared, at which point she rushed forward, left hand stabbing at the figure .. with the carrot, while she grinned, the right hand gripping the figures book.

"Zone of silence and obliteration magic. And you are happy to use it on mundane items, but such powerful precision magic can't be maintained on multiple targets all at once, can it? Even if its an innate ability, you have to focus it, else you'd just fall throught the floor below you and that'd just be silly." She held the book tight, a blue rune glowing on each of her fingers, an attempt to imprint something upon the book, clearly. "I never got to introducing myself. I'm not a hero of any story, neither am I a villain, I'm just.. a silly trickster." She withdrew her hand, with an innocent smile. "Power is not posessing the might to eradicate a village or summon a dragon. It's to stop a dragon with a carrot. .. Luckily there seem no dragons about, I am a bit hungry." She mused, in a tone that was somewhere between serious and.. not.

"I figure with all your ching-chang talk about stories and getting more powerful that book is pretty important to you. So I placed a little arcane signature on it." If the carrot hadn't been destroyed, Deva would take a bite now, adding, mouth half full: "You can erase that of course, but I may or may not have placed a contingent boom boom spell in the marking for just that case." She had, infact, not. Such magic was quite complicated. But she was a good bluff. As if that had been nothing, she adjusted her white cloak and slightly greyed out white dress. "I'ma go see how everyone is doing." She crossed her arms behind her back. Truly, she was mostly a healer. Mostly. But making the apple disappear.. it was all too similiar to a dangerous power she herself had researched. Making wounds disappear was, after all, just one step away from making other things disappear too, in a way.
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Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"That which is cryptic to you, is merely a simple and prompt explanation for me. I do not have the time to explain this to one such as you, however. You are like a young kitten, seeing the world as only that which is before you, not comprehending the massive world outside of your little home." The figure wouldn't comment on herself being 'weird' as in her mind the explanation that she had given would also explain the idea of her being different compared to what she understood.

"You fight against the traditional telling of a story... Impressive... It is almost enough to make me regret what must be done to this tale... almost... I have met many princesses in my mission, they become far more compliant when you have their existence in your hands..." The figure would turn a page in her book, before continuing the conversation.

"So you ARE the hero of this tale... If you wish to stop me... then you are welcome to try. Many more powerful than you have attempted to stop me, heroes and villains alike have fought me to their very end, and all are merely a footnote in my own story... You will be the same." Once again she would tilt her head in confusion at Deva wielding a carrot against her, at the very least Deva had thrown the cloaked woman off.

"What has changed? I am here, that has changed... Myself and my servants are here... Yet my servants are not around me... Which also answers what has changed in your town... You best hurry before there is nothing left to save..." The thrown marble wouldn't fade out of existence like that apple had, instead it would stop on its path towards the figure, and float for a moment in mid air. Then the figure would gesture with her hand, causing the marble to fly off towards the town, hitting a nearby fence and falling to the ground. Though because she was focusing on that, Deva would manage to get in close and 'stab' her. For a moment she wasn't worried in the slightest, until Deva grabbed at her book, causing an almost inhuman growl to emanate from the figure, a mixture of surprise and rage at someone touching her book.

"You... You are merely an insect to me... This entire world that you have around yourself is nothing but a small step to greater power... And now I will not regret what will soon happen to this world..." If nothing else, Deva had managed to anger the woman, and because of that she'd feel a dark energy building around the figure, power flowing into her from that anger. "A trickster... Heroes and villains have united en masse to stop me, and you wish to try the same as a 'trickster'?" Once her book was released, the figure would seem to calm ever so slightly, returning to her previous demeanor. "You are wrong. Power... power is the one true justification of the world. Power is something you reach out and take, tearing apart whatever might stop you. Power is one of the only constants throughout every story... I have power... I refuse to be stopped. And soon you will see just how much power I have obtained..." Her voice was filled with strength, force, as though her very words had this 'power' that she spoke of.

"You... You... Cursed fool... Destroying this book would only slow me... delay my journey. You would turn months into years by destroying it... nothing more. Once I am done with this story I will undo whatever you have done to my tome... The only pity is that you won't be around to see me undo it... Well... I suppose you might be... But you won't be in the same mindset when it happens..." But then she would examine the book, specifically the rune that had been placed on it, trying to work out the specifics of what had been done to it. Despite what she had said, she didn't want the book to be destroyed at all if she could avoid it, such a delay would be infuriating to her. "Go then... Witness how your story is already being torn asunder by my servants... Watch the fate that will soon befall you as well, and maybe then you will realize why it is so futile to face me... We will not meet again." The figure would suddenly erupt in a plume of darkness, surrounding her completely as Deva was given the opportunity to head into the town to see what was happening. And once the plume of darkness died down, the figure would be nowhere to be seen.


The first thing that Deva would run into before reaching the town square were two dark purple slimes, something that no one on the island had ever seen before. They were mounds of slime... yet they seemed to move as though they were alive. In fact, once Deva got close, they'd stop and 'face' her, or at least it seemed as though they were facing her. But before she could examine them any further, they'd rush off down the direction towards the center of town. And once Deva looked a little further, she'd see two figures in the distance, and the slimes would stop there, next to those two figures before stopping.


A closer look would show that one of the figures was a man with pointed ears and dark horns that looked almost like they were made of rubber. He had black latex gloves on, and was leaning over a kneeling woman. Deva might recognize the kneeling woman as one of the younger shop keepers on the island, a rather innocent young woman that ran her shop politely. Currently, she was encased in the same dark latex substance that the man's hands were coated in, and glowing purple runes were glowing around her breasts. The dark latex seemed to actually be made of some kind of goo, which slid off the man to encase the young woman kneeling in front of him. At the same time, she was moaning in pleasure, only occasionally struggling before letting loose another moan while the man whispered in her ear. However, once the slimes reached him, he'd look at them curiously before looking up at Deva and smiling deviously.
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"I like kitten. They are soft and purry." Deva informed, apparently not getting the cloaked womand analogy. Or deliberately thinking about kitten. She shrugged, but then added. "Anyway. Of course you are right. Every smaller story must end, else no new story can begin, but in a greater way, the story always continues. And no one can change that." Deva chuckled.

"I'm not really powerful. Too much work. Everyone expects you to do things. Well, I do them anyway, someones got to." She chuckled, watching the marble fly, a part of her mind noting telekinesis. Another nothing the impact velocity of the marble, no wanton destructive force, so the woman liked showing off her powers, but saw no need to destroy, she was planning something big. Also, she was likely not allergic to carrots. "Heh. Well, trickster, wanderer. people like to call me many things." Deva did back off at the gathering of dark energy.. but she didn't seem afraid, more.. thoughtful, than anything.

"You don't understand. It doesn't matter how much power you have, if you want to destroy this world, then I will stop you." She said, with a conviction ill befitting the power she seemed to display by comparison, as Deva pointed at the book. "And I'm not going to destroy your book, of course that'd only delay you. Didn't you listen, I even added something to it. Also, I don't think you'd want to erase it.." As soon as the figure read the rune, she would read a collection of letters.. a name? D e v a

But Deva hadn't stayed around for the last bit, she was already busy heading to town, albeit not without collecting her marble, and checking out the creatures there, observing the slimes.. and the man.

"Right. Interesting." She noted, watching the gooey conversion, and munching the rest of her carrot, picking up her carrot, rolling it over the ground to touch one of the slimes, as she approached, demanding:

"Hello, I'm Deva. Let the woman go and leave peacefully." Deva demanded, one hand behind her back, hiding in her long, white, if slightly dirtied cloak. "Oh and that looks like demonic magic mixed with something else, is that the idea of the cloaked bookworm? Let me guess, one gets past holy defenses, the other does the main work." Deva approached further.

"But the chanting is a severe downside. I presume the goo-creatures alone can only restrict and disable, but that doesn't matter when you can recruit on the field of course. Anyway. If the cloaked one was your leader then consider this your only warning." Deva narrowed her eyes, hidden under her hat. "This is where your invasion ends."
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


When the mysterious woman was alone, she'd look at the runes on her book, wondering why someone would go to the trouble of writing what seemed to be a name when she was close enough to do something else to actually stop her. But other than that, she'd continue with her plans.

Once the slime noticed something being rolled towards it, a slime tendril would extend out of the blob, poking the object, and if nothing else happened, it'd envelop and surround it, dissolving it inside itself. And if it wasn't a trap, the small puddle of slime would grow just a little bit, not being all that bigger considering what it had just 'ate', but it was at least easier to distinguish it from the other slime. Meanwhile, the demonic looking man would giggle to himself for a few moments before answering Deva.

"How about we let HER decide if she wants me to leave her alone, eh? How about it Lil' Slut... do you want me to leave you be like she asked?" His voice was higher pitched, like an imp that had been turned taller and human-like, or maybe a human that had turned imp-like. "Oh, right, supposed to order her first... Answer me! Do you want me to leave you alone?" The woman would moan a bit before managing to speak, her voice strained. "N-No..." Which would make him giggle some more before smiling at Deva and patting the woman on the head. "See?! So how about YOU leave US alone? Or maybe you want to join us... I'm sure Mistress would LOVE to have a few more to serve her... I promise it'll feel... marvelous..." Then he'd open his mouth, an elongated tongue reaching out, wiggling a little before he withdrew it right back inside his mouth.

"You're a smart one... Mistress gave us so much power though... Our 'invasion' of this little island will go just as smoothly as every other time..." Then he would suddenly stand up and reach down to grip the smaller slime, letting it slide up his arm and encase it completely. "Sorry, Lil' Slut, we'll have to deal with this rather rude intrusion first... But soon you'll have someone with you to share in all of this pleasure..." He'd raise his goo-encased hand up and point it right at Deva, smirking as a jet stream of goo would fly out towards her, something she could easily move out of the way of, but if she was caught by surprise then she'd be hit in the face with a jet of thick purple slime.

"Why do we have to fight? Surely you'd feel so much better serving the Mistress that will soon rule over ALL? I'm sure you'd agree that Lil' Slut here is far less boring than she had been BEFORE we came here..." Then he'd gesture at the other slime, and it'd create a thin puddle on the ground, sliding over slowly towards Deva. And as that happened, he'd slowly, casually start walking towards Deva, it would likely take quite some time for him to close the distance, but he was in no hurry right now.
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


The marble had, indeed, simply been a test to confirm what Deva already suspected. It also allowed her to observe the speed and viscosity of the goo...

"See, I have this thing with people ordering other people to say things were I just don't quite.. feel the vibe with it, if you know what I mean. I hope you do, I don't, its something the kids say, also, its rude to show the tongue to someone." Deva remarked, wagging her finger. "Also theres the demonization thing not to forget." She noted.

"I really didn't want to do this you know." She mused, her arm pushing the cloak aside, a large, white wing spreading and catching the goo splashing at her face.. of course it did stick to her wing, likely, as she shrugged, pointing to the right. "Markus weapon store, you see." She said, stepping over to just the same.

"Anyway." She mused stepping inside with a swift step, but still peering out. "I really like boring. May sound odd, but.. well, after a lifetime of adventure." She shrugged ever so slightly, pulling forth a flintstone and pulling the top of a barrel off, seeming to think about something.

It wasn't that she was preparing a weapon. Weapons weren't her style. She hadn't even ment the demon when she was talking about what she didn't want to do. She didn't want to damage Markus shop, but that seemed her best option.

"Funny thing that." She said, lighting a cloth up with the flintstone, tossing it in the barrel and stepping back outside. "Powder doesn't explode quite as fast as most people think. First a certain level of heat has to be generated." She nodded, returning to the street, facing puddle, imp-man, and looking at the goo on her wings, whilest behind her, the building would catch on fire, if not explode outright.

"This will take quite a while to rebuild." She mused, pointing at the flames behind her. "I figure you are not afraid of the heat no?"
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"Oh come now, I only ordered her to answer, I never told her WHAT answer to give... Not my fault if her true desire is for me to stay..." He'd laugh some more before squeezing the woman's breast and sliding her elongated tongue up her cheek, causing her to shiver and moan some more in his grasp. "I don't know if you've noticed this yet, but I don't really care about being a little 'rude' if it means having some fun with you lot..." And just to emphasize his point, he'd wiggle his long, tendril like tongue at Deva once again. "Oh a little demonization doesn't heart... We're all demonized in some ways... Technically you lot all go around demonizing demons... which is a weird things to say..."

The man's eyes would widen in surprise at the angel wings that suddenly stopped his blast of goo. Though the goo would cling to her wing just as she expected, not really sticking it together, but adding a little more weight to her wings. "I suppose Mistress was right when she said the hero would be on this island... For some reason they're always so close to it... But this should be no problem..." Though he did look a bit concerned as she hopped into the weapon store. This was the other problem with fighting people on their home turf, they often knew the environment far better than anyone else.

"I was the same way before... Boring seemed like something so very easy. I could lounge in the underworld all day and do nothing, just enjoy what I had. That was until Mistress found me... She showed me what true fun awaited in the world for those that went out to seize it. She showed the power that awaited those that served her. And how could I ever refuse..." He responded, not planning on rushing into the weapon store when someone else had gotten into it first.

His eyes would widen as he saw what she was doing, stepping back a bit in fear. "Are you mad?! You're closer to the building that myself or Lil' Slut!" The issue was... both himself and his slimes were indeed quite flammable, and so he'd start stepping back, reaching out to grip the young woman's arm and take her with him as he moved away from Deva. Meanwhile, the slime on the ground would expand up to try and put a wall between the man and Deva so that he could get away from the potential explosion.

While all of this was happening, the slime on her wing was sliding along her body, trying to sneak underneath her clothing to slide across and squeeze Deva's breasts. And if she wouldn't stop it, a single stream of slime would continue to try and slide down between her legs, lewdly exploring her body. Both to distract her from the fight, and to hopefully slowly convert her to his side. "How about we talk this out? Put out that fire and we can... try and figure things out, eh? Sound good? If you really want Lil' Slut then you can have her... Let's just not be so hasty..."
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"Same reasoning a torturer would give." Deva answered. "Err.. on the first bit anyway, unless we are dealing with a masochist." The sight of the woman was a bit distracting, but Deva seemed calm headed.. or used to worse nonetheless.

"It's not about the demonizing.. its about the lack of consent with it for me." Deva nodded. If her opponent was observant he'd notice how she acted with concerned purpose, but still, a suprising amount of calmth considering just what was displayed before her.

"Oh, so you are flammable. Don't worry though." She mused, noticing the goo teasing her breast, raising a brow. "I don't plan to burn you, thats way too.. meanie. and.. haah.. quite.. err.. gooey." Deva had to admit, with just a hint of a blush, as the liquid continued to slide over her body, the building behind her bursting into flames, with a waving of smoke into the sky. "You lot either got bad intel, or really unlucky. You exspecially, should have stayed in whatever underworld you crawled from." Deva explained, stepping forward further. There was no explosion. That was not what Deva had set up inside the weaponshop. Just a cascading of fire into the sky.

"Ol' Markus hoards a lot of black powder in his store." Deva explained, pointing behind her. "I never intended to burn you, because I don't have to." She pointed at the sky. "You invaded on a nice, sunny day. A few clouds, barely more. What happens when you create a draft of smokey, hot air?" Deva explained whilest keeping her foes at bay with the fear of fire or explosions at first. "Rain. Now.. a bit of water would dillute your goo, but not just.. wash it off, for that, I'd need holy magic. Usually, it's very hard to affect a whole area, something of the size of a village like this all at once with a spell. Problem with that... It just takes too much power. However." Deva folded her hands together, whispering something into them. "What if instead of creating an entire spell from scratch, you simply used a spell to change something, that was going to affect the entire area already, ever so slightly.

It's one of the first things they teach a priest, actually. Well, that and to take a cushion with you for a night of kneeling on your knees. Can you guess what it is?"
She asked, while above her, the dark smoke and white clouds mingled, and darkened together, growing heavy with rain. "A spell to simply bless water. It's nothing complicated, or powerful, though.. well, little bit of work if you want to scale it up." She nodded. She wasn't fighting against the gooey invasion for now.. it was not a threat to her directly, and she was focusing, after all.
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Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"Yes but torture hurts... I'm just giving her some real fun and helping her understand how wonderful it is to serve Mistress..." He explained, the woman moaning occasionally but otherwise remaining quiet since he hadn't given her an order. "Yet you don't seem all that bothered by her presence... Perhaps you are secretly a pervert just like her? Oh the fantasies we found in her head... She might've even one day become a proper villain..." Then he'd continue to laugh,still enjoying the way he was able to toy with her.

"Would you believe me if I told you that she definitely consented. Definitely... I didn't just ask 'You wanna see something interesting' and take her 'yes' to be consent... I promise..." He joked, not really being the most observant person. Sure he could tell that Deva was far more calm than he was accustomed to, but not enough to realize that there might be a problem with that.

"I see we at least both have an aversion to truly lethal force... We'll be friends before you know it... Or more accurately... We'll be rutting like animals before you know it." Though his sense of confidence and amusement from before had already faded from his voice. Instead it held worry and fear, more from the explosion that might be coming rather than from whatever Deva actually had planned. With the goo not being stopped, it would flow down to Deva's crotch, caressing whatever it might find there, teasing her while some remained at her chest, starting to squeeze around her breasts now. "Oh please, only a few of us come from the underworld... Mistress recruited who she could there but many merely fled her power..." As Deva stepped forward, the goo would start teasing her a little more roughly, as though it was disapproving of her moving towards the demon, still toying with the flesh it found under the clothing, just a little more forceful when she approached the demon.

Just as the demon wasn't exactly great at noticing certain things, he wasn't really an expert on how weather worked either, instead just raising an eyebrow at what she was doing. "Mistress did not care about the weather for her plans... It, like many other things, will make no difference in the end." Though he did seem nervous seeing the clouds building overhead. Few he met had the power to do something like that to the weather, even though technically this was the work of something other than magic, he was never a fan of fighting those that could change the world around him.

That was when he realized what was about to happen, seeing the clouds above him and the spell that she was planning on using, true fear growing in his eyes. "Y-You... Mistress... I have failed you... The hero you warned is too much for me... P-Please forgive me!" He'd continue stepping away, this time trying to get underneath an overhang from a roof, gripping the woman's should to try and drag her with him before the rain came, but there was no way he'd make it in time if Deva continued focusing on her spell.

Meanwhile, a tendril of goo would slide around between her bottom, sliding up against and gently teasing her backdoor, adding another element of molestation from the goo that had initially hit her. The goo on her breasts would also start to move a tendril even further up, aiming for either her mouth or her ears. The stimulation was incredibly coordinated, the goo working in rhythm to tease her as much as it could, partially now to try and disrupt her concentration and stop her from bringing down Holy rain. "We... We will not all be so easily stopped by holy water like you might wish... Many serve Mistress... And many will merely continue in their duty... You will NOT stop us..." Those words might have been more threatening if his voice wasn't shaking with every word, fear evident to even the worst people at reading emotion.
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"Hmn.. I guess you could say I'm a bit secretly naughty yes." Deva chuckled. "Blaming my second wife on that one. Anyway. I don't think she's cut out to be a proper demoness and I'm not letting you do any carvings." Deva reaffirmed.

"I don't believe fiends as a rule of thumb, sorry. As for the animals. Eh. I'm not cut out for that kinda play, people just keep calling me dove or something, not very sexual those things." She nodded, though, her body was far from unresponsive as she gasped slightly with the squeezing of her breasts, actually simple B-cups, if skillfully presented, with her gasping at the goo tingling at her clit and trying to sneak into her sex...

"I.. haah.. noticed her liking to flaunt powers. Good thing too, you know, the truly dangerous rarely do the flaunting. For example.. run." She pointed at the sky, the first few drops of holy water hitting the streets and rooftops. It really was simple magic.. but dangerous to demons. Though the goo poking at her backdoor (and being protected, under her dress) did distract the angel... though she kept her spell up, clearly a more focused spellcaster, though she eyed the goo slithering up wearily, it did not dissuade her still and if she kept her blessing up, the whole city would be drenched in holy water, as her other hand finally slipped into her dress, trying to pull on the goo that had been distracting her.

"Tell the many that are there.. yeeep.. annoying goo.. tell them this then: I'm Deva and I'm ready for them. Tell them to turn back, I do not want to fight them." Deva smirked, just a bit, as the water drenched her hat, making part of her dress see through, and letting those blue eyes pierce the imp. A bit distracted by the molesting goo, yes, yet dangerous. Despite the rougher goo, Deva took another step forward towards the Imp and it wasn't a hero coming to free a damsel that had been captured by evil. It wasn't a villain, that had come to lay claim because it had greater power, there was neither hatred nor heroism, there was...

Sorrow. Deva didn't look at the imp as if he was an enemy. She looked at him as if he was a sick pet she had to put out of its misery. Her piercing gaze, even if distracted by lust, betrayed both an utter certainty that the creature before her was so much lesser than her and that she didn't want to kill it.. unless she absolutely had to. The look of an armed knight facing a child with a stick.. yet wasn't she the one unarmed, embraced by the lewd goo...?
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"Bah... Secretly naughty is nowhere near as fun as actually naughty... And she won't be a demoness, she might have been if she had been given the time, but now she'll be yet another servant of the Mistress... I am sure she won't mind though..." He said, knowing that no one minded being her servant once the time came. When he had been first converted he hadn't wanted it either, but now that he was there he understood why it was needed.

"Racist..." He said before sticking his tongue out at her when she said that she wouldn't believe a fiend just for being a fiend... Which in reality was actually a wise choice considering that he normally had to keep track of when the last time he told the truth was rather than the last time that he had lied. Getting a reaction, the goo would tease her a little faster now, some of it encasing her clit and then starting to vibrate softly, while some of it would grasp her breasts and let another small tendril start to gently tease her nipples.

"She... She flaunts in the hope of sh-showing you how futile your efforts are... in the hope that the strong will join her on her mission..." With that being said, he'd try to run before being caught in the holy water rain, letting out a cry of pain and falling over himself. Though... strangely... he wasn't as pained as a demon should be, sure he was shouting in pain and his skin would smoke a little, but normally a demon would be completely destroyed by this kind of rain in a matter of moments, yet this one tried to crawl away at the pain. In some other parts of the city, a similar scene would play out as the demonic elements of the invading forces fell to the ground in pain, a few quickly teleporting away while others were unable to use any powers to do that. The goo not hidden underneath Deva's dress would dissolve, mixing with the water until nothing was left. "AAAAHHHRRHHGGH... YOU BITCH!... Mistress! AHHHHH I've FAILED...." Yet he still held on, not bursting into flames or dying or even just fading away back to the underworld, as though he was managing to focus enough to hold himself here even with all the terrible pain.

The goo that was reaching out of her dress towards her head would retreat, some of it dissolving off when the rain hit it, realizing that it couldn't come out from under her clothes without being injured. Once she reached for it under her dress, it wouldn't come off that easily, instead it would stick to her hand as well, though if her hand left her dress it would get drenched and dissolve like the fully formed slime.

The demon would merely return an angry, pained expression to Deva, rage at her for harming it like it had, and pure anger at himself for having failed the cloaked woman, and pain from, well, the rain. "You won't stop... us... they're... still in your town... I am not... the only one taking... this island..." And it was true, sounds of moaning and screaming were still coming from around the town, even as the woman's goo suit would dissolve off of her, melting away, taking the glowing runes with it, leaving a naked, still slightly aroused woman looking confused and embarrassed now that the influence of the goo was slowly fading from her mind.
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"I mind." Deva simply stated, though the vibrating of her delicate clit caused her to heat, her body shifting in ways betraying womanly desires as the tendrils caused her nipples to engorge in burgeoning lust, becoming quite visible with the rain, pink tips upon pale, soft angelic flesh.

"Theres better ways to recruit followers. Pamphlets for example." Devas arousal didn't stop her from reasoning easily it seemed. "Thats peculiar though." She mused, noting the demons... relative.. resistance. Not that she liked causing things pain, but well... this was her best option to repel a large scale unholy attack and cleanse the people.. well, hopefully. She wasn't quite sure what the woman was using, but she did believe that more than just demonic forces were at work. At least the goo was also taken care off, which should free most of the citizens.

Well, most of the goo was taken care of. "Good to know. I'll take care of the next issue then." She simply said to the demon, looking about to figure out the nearest source of.. well, moaning and distress, to head there. Sure, she was a bit.. gooed up herself, but the simple molestation she could deal with, plus in time the holy water should seep through her dress, without her having to strip naked to properly get it washed out. She gave the confused, naked woman a slightly uncertain shrug, her own dress clinging to her together with the goo. Perhaps she should strip, she mused, she couldn't move AND focus on continuing to bless the water after all and she had to supress a small moan...
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


The goo would continue to tease her supple flesh, vibrating against her clit and relentlessly teasing her nipples as she tried to figure out where to head next. A good amount of the moaning seemed to be coming from the town square, which was just further down the path that she was taking. Unfortunately, the goo wouldn't stop molesting her, which would make her struggle to even start moving at this point. Then suddenly... it stopped. The goo seemed to stop everything that it had been doing, leaving her aroused without any more teasing. And if Deva looked, it seemed as though the goo was fading away, kind of like the apple had earlier, but this time it didn't feel as though any outside force was playing a part in this. If she turned to look at the demon, she'd see him disappear into a puff of smoke, which was what should have happened quite some time ago. Perhaps that would explain what happened to the goo, it was likely linked to the demon in some way, and now with him gone, she was gone...

In reality... it had done its far more insidious purpose, and had absorbed into her, subtly draining into her skin, being absorbed and remaining there...

Either way, she'd be able to rush off towards the town square now that nothing was molesting her, though she would find her arousal fading far slower than usual. As she got closer to the square, she'd notice a large shadowy looking wall blocking the way into the square, but if she looked closer she'd see...


The 'wall' was actually a large, writhing mass of shadowy, slimey, tentacles, moving all over the place, and making movement past them impossible. And if she found a way to check, she'd see that the entirety of the town square was enveloped in this writhing mass of tentacles. That also helped her realize where all the moaning was coming from, as a few townspeople had been trapped within the gigantic mass of tentacles which were no doubt violating all of them rather thoroughly. Though it definitely sounded as though all of them were 'enjoying' it, which from what she had already seen meant that they were being made to enjoy it. Strangely enough, it also sounded as though nothing but women were entrapped within the gigantic tentacle swarm, despite the population of the island being a rather even split of men and women. Had none of them been in the town square when this attack started?

The tentacles wouldn't seem all that affected by the holy rain, meaning that while they were shadowy, they were in no way demonic in origin. And if Deva got close, a few tendrils would lash out from the wriggling mass and try to grab her and pull her within the same mass that the townspeople were currently trapped in.
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


Town square.. well, that definitly ment trouble.. though the goo was getting quite distracting now.. she was just about to focus on the issue when.. it stopped? She looked about at the goo worriedly. This was... troublesome. The fading away was the womans ability, but she wasn't around.. was it an automatic response to danger, or a more large scale focused ability? Things Deva would have to work out later. For now, she exhaled, and decided to continue on. Perhaps goo and demon were simply linked, extensions of one being? That was the most comforting answer. Either way, she fluffed up her wings to get some of the rain out of them and continued onwards..

To encounter a tentacled mass.. well.. this was a quite literally larger issue than what she had seen with the goo and, attempting to poke the tentacles with a stick.. a valid method of investigation, no doubt, only had the stick snatched from her, if not more of her got grabbed, she was not much quicker or stronger than the average human after all. "Geeesh.. this is more than I expected.." She mumbled. Not demonic... so an aberration? But just what was it made out of, shadowstuff normally couldn't stand the sun. She'd have to observe this creature.. or these creatures to figure out how to deal with them next and the distracting moaning, as well as her body still feeling a little hot from earlier didn't help her focus against the sudden rushing of the tendrils, gripping at her wings, arms, or still wet and half see-through dress.
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


The wriggling mass of tentacles would reach out to grip the stick that had poked it, ripping it away from Deva and pulling it into its swarm of tentacles. It would also try to grab her, trying to grip at her wrist, but because the stick had given her reach, she'd be able to easily escape the grip of the searching tendril, which would quickly retreat right back into the huge swarm of tentacles. But after a few moments more and more tentacles would start reaching out for her, primarily targeting her still wet clothes, attempting to tear them to pieces and get at her body. "Are my little cuties trying to get ANOTHER woman in here? Oh you greedy little babies..." A voice would ring out, coming somewhere from the middle of the swarm. It was a feminine voice that seemed to be talking as though the tentacles were cute little pets that wanted more treats after being fed so many already. Deva wouldn't actually be able to see the source of the voice, but she could definitely hear it from the middle of the swarm.

"I suppose it can't be helped. Alright my sweet little tentacles... Go right ahead and go after whatever new woman you're trying to add..." As she said that, multiple tentacles would shoot out a little faster than the last few, trying to grab any part of her that they could reach, arms, legs, wings, whatever they could manage. If Deva moved away from them, she'd find that there was definitely a limit to how far they could reach before retracting back into their group of tentacles. So if she wanted to be safe she could just stay a good distance away from them, outside of their reach. Though at the same time that would mean there'd be no way to get into them to save the people that she could still hear moaning out in pleasure from within the swarm.

It'd be a few more moments before she heard the voice again, this time sounding like it was talking directly to her rather than towards the tentacles around her. "Oh come now... I promise that this is a lot of fun after you get into it. It's kind of like swimming in a pool, you just have to dive in once so your body can get nice and used to it. So just hop on in and we can all have a lot of fun together. It's so easy for me to give you all this pleasure since I never lived by your world's rules and all that silly stuff..." Well, it seemed that the tentacles were being controlled by yet another member of the mysterious woman's minions. "Are you the one that brought all this rain rain down on us? I should thank you... my babies thrive in nice, warm, moist environments like this rain helps to create."
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


"Ah, a nexus, that explains this and makes things easier. Nexus, root, summoner, lotsa words, one explanation." Deva grinned.. of course, the problem with summoner was.. to get to them, you had to get past their.. pets.. and the tentacles were fast, the stick-stealing had proven that, as had tearing of her lower dress, exposing quite a bit of leg, as well as her cloak... she held her hat with one hand. The tentacles seemed to have a reach limitation, but the voice was right.. she just had to dive in. She eeped as the tentacles gripped at her arms, and legs, and wings, out of reflex, but also tried to walk forwards, into the mass, counterintuitive as it was. "I've never been one overly fond of rules either, but I'm afraid you have to desummon your creations, not letting you run rampant in this ordinary town." She said, with the tentacles gripping at her already wet clothing. "Funny thing though, tentacles always have the same way of acting, aquire, restrain, strip, intercourse. They may look like an intimidating wall, but they aren't really good at keeping anyone away.. they don't want to, really. They can restrict, yes, but they aren't really a defensive summoning." Deva nodded, then went on.

"Area of this size, you use all your magic to maintain this one summon, right? In the future, you want to go smaller scale, add in variety tentacles. You only have basic corrupting and breeding ones by the looks of these. You also need a few with disabling poison, a few mobile hunters that can rush out and collect for the swarm, and most importantly, more sturdy defensive ones, not just one favourite type. By the way. Did you know that tentacles have no ears, or eyes.. well, some have various specialized eyes, but still how do they then detect targets so easily? It's a combination of tremorsense, chemical reception on touch and thermoception, really, thats also why they like it warm and moist, you try seeing on a foggy day." Deva went on.. sure she was grabbed by hostile tentacles, but, unless they stuffed her mouth or had more.. advanced abilities, this was not an issue to her. She had had a pet tentacle.. a long story. Her second wife had been quite fond of the creatures and.. well, one didn't go a lifetime of adventure being a white dressed, innocent looking angel without some sort of slimy, tentacled creature like this attacking one.

"But that aside. Just like before, I'll give you one chance to run and leave this town alone now. You're tossing a bunch of people that can't swim into a pool." She said, stepping fully into the tentacles, if she hadn't been pulled now. It seemed she'd have to get her alternative set of clothes, which was actually a more pristine one than this. She did try to keep her hat on though.
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Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


As Deva walked into the writhing mass, they'd begin grabbing at her and working to rip her clothes up further, the only thing left safe from their assault being her hat, as her hat didn't block anything that they were trying to reach. But other than that they'd tear and rip at her clothing, trying to properly reveal her body to the world, along with their assaults. And with how many of them that were there, they'd make decently quick work of her clothes. Once they were dealt with, the tentacles would start groping at her breasts, revealing that they were tipped with what felt like little tongues that were sliding against her skin, wet and warm. Meanwhile, a few others would keep trying to grip at her legs and spread them open to slide into her sex, which would feel a little more sensitive than usual, especially considering that the arousal from the now disappeared goo hadn't completely left her yet. "Rules are silly... They try to make me not give my tentacles all the people they want, and I can't go doing that now, it'd be cruel of me not to feed them after all. I'm not gonna just desummon my cuties after getting them all out here, especially not when Mistress ordered me to swarm the entirety of the town square. Didn't want anyone getting into Town Hall for some reason, so now I'm here!" The feminine voice explained cheerily. "Course, I warned her about exactly what you're saying. These little ones aren't really gonna keep anyone out, but they DO help keep people IN, so that's good enough."

The voice would huff, as though it were pouting in response to what Deva said next. "I didn't summon JUST these ones for no reason, you know... Mistress wanted it to be ONLY these ones, still not sure why, because I could have all sorts of fun ones to grab more people, but orders are orders and all that. Mistress knows what she's doing after all..." She didn't even feel much need to respond to Deva's tentacle facts, as she knew them all as well, and that was why she tried to pick the best environment for her tentacles. "You seem to know a lot about tentacles though. Would you like to join us and help out around the swarm? I'm sure you'd be able to take care of the Hatchery way better than the inexperienced slaves we've kept around. The poor things sometimes don't even get the daily chance to violate a few innocent looking women when I'm away from home, it's terrible!" Since their summoner was talking with Deva, the tentacles would mostly avoid her mouth, instead their tongues would slide against the side of her face every now and then, while they'd also continually try to grip and spread her legs and find their way insider her sex. Others would continue groping her breasts, fleshy tongue appendages sliding across her nipples, adding a new layer of wetness that was more than just the rain.

"Sorry, Mistress wants us in this town, so we're gonna stick around unless you can force us out! Even if I didn't obey her with all my being, I'd be terrified of what she'd do if I just willingly left when ordered to be here! And don't worry, these people are learning to swim quite well, and at the very least they've learned to float so they'll all be safe!" The voice would reassure, letting the tentacles continue to molest and grope Deva as she approached the source of the voice. Eventually she'd make it to a slight opening around the middle of the swarm, which was also the middle of the square. The tentacles would part to reveal the woman that was likely the summoner of all of them.


"Well hello there! Seems you've managed to find me in the very middle of all my cute little tentacles." The woman seemed to have her own gooey latex on her body, and at the same time she had tentacles coiling around her mostly naked form, licking at her and molesting her just as they were doing to Deva. Around her were a few women that were currently being violated by tentacles, moaning out in pleasure as the swarm enjoyed their bodies. "They're really nice once they get to know you. Plus their tongues can reach so deep once they get going... I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun with them." And now that Deva was close to the summoner, she'd feel the tentacles grabbing at her become a little more aggressive, as though they were protective of the woman that had summoned them. They'd grip and grope a little harder, teasing her more relentlessly, clearly trying to keep her from doing anything to the woman in the very middle of their swarm. "Awww... The little cuties always try to keep me safe... They're wonderful!"
Re: Pages Unfold: Unidentifiable Cake (Pervy/shotgungunshot)


Deva was, for the most part, just a normal woman, so reacted.. aprorpiately to the tentacles groping at her clothing. "Hoihoi!" She complain-squirmed "Watch the hat." Her dress was simply made, squickly exposing a soft, a little inhumanely soft and pale skin, an average,not exceptionally impressive frame and a tuft of dark brown hair above a pink slit of the the fully exposed angel, her wings merging perfectly to her bac, a hint of small cute feathers surrounding the conncecting part.

"Ooh." Deva noted, more curious than suprised again. "Tongue tentacles." On a side-note, and whilest having a tendril caress over her she mused: "City hall, good to know." Deva chuckled.

"To explain an analogy. Just because someone knows necromantic magic, doesn't mean they want to raise the dead." Deva answered, gasping ever so slightly under the molesting tentacles, but almost unnaturally composed. "Hah, sounds quite tempting, my old wedding night all over." She mused, in nostalgia. THen she shook her head though, humming softly. "People don't pay attention to what I say. Tentacles sense though heat, tremors and chemical.. fluids. The tentacles aren't gripping at me tighther to restrain me. They are being lured." As Deva closed in on the summoner, the same could hear her soft humming, the flapping of her wings in rythm, the snipping of her fingers

"I used to have a tentacle pet of my own you see. It loved vibrations in general." Rather than struggling, Deva was swaying forth and back slowly, her hand moving with the tentacles, rather then against almost as if in a dance.

"How about a " She encouraged the tentacles. "Can have fun with the girls later. Relax now." She stepped through the groping masses, her body aroused, sure, but she was used to wilder things "Now then. Bad pet. No greedily groping womnen just like that." She waved her finger, still humming. Was she trying to wrestle control over the summon from its creator? It was certainly an approach she had never seen. "Now, these tentacles feel kind of nice, hey, I might stick around finding climax with them, but I got more important things to do right now. And the tentacles want to move to the south of the island, where theres a nice, moist swamp, less girls, sure, but perhaps I'll find a volunteer or two later." She looked at the woman, then gave a gesture with her arm, the tentacle seeming to follow her, unless this summoner had a lot more ability than she displayed like this.

"That said, I gave you your one warning." She nodded at the luscious woman in charge of the tentacles...