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Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
The digital clock in your shared apartment with the five other newly promoted Trouble Shooters flips over to 7:18 AM, and the built in alarm system blares loudly, waking you all from your restful sleep cycle. It's so strange not being required to down a Wakey-Wakey pill anymore like your former Infra-Red comrades in your various service firm jobs. Though certainly capable of waking a person up, the pills can have the side effect of making one unable to multi-task. A relatively unimportant ability for the life of an IR drone, but Trouble Shooters must be vigilant, and ever watchful, so today begins with a completely natural waking.

The problem is, the red alarm clock seems to not have an off button, and it's REALLY loud.


This is your new life in Alpha Complex - the giant, expansive, massive-to-the-point-of-being-unmappable complex of interconnected corridors, side chambers, tubeway tunnels and the occassional wide space assigned for markets, FunBall pitches, and low yield TacNuke testing facilities. This place was made necessary 214 years ago when something bad happened to the surface of the Earth, making it uninhabitable. The Computer blames some strange and not-quite-understood group called the Commies. Even now, these Commie elements have infiltrated Alpha Complex, hoping to subvert this glorious paradise of yours and finish the job of ruining the world forever. At least that's what the Computer says.

Oh yes. The Computer. An ever present eyeball that can show up on every monitor in Alpha Complex, including the small one located on your Series 1300 PDC wrist communicators. It's been here since the beginning of Alpha Complex and it's in charge of everything, along with the council of Ultra Violet High Programmers - the only citizens important and wise enough to be trusted to know the inner workings of the Computer itself. The Computer wants the best for humans in Alpha Complex, and is convinced that it is running this place so well, that anything that goes against its directives is treason and part of the subversive, Commie Mutant Traitor conspiracy to overthrow it. As such, it has an intense paranoia against anyone or anything that tries to inquire about the Outdoors, or the Time Before Alpha Complex.

A few things to point out. The Computer finds the old method of human reproduction to be filled with problems, especially the idea of human relationships between members of the opposite sex. In order to relieve humans of the burden of breeding, all records of sex or romance have been eliminated, and the job of producing new humans for Alpha complex is regulated to the Cloning Vats. Every citizen of Alpha Complex is a clone, and they are each guaranteed six clones during their template's lifetime. When a clone dies in an accident (or otherwise), a replacement clone with the same memories and personality of the prior clone up to the point of its demise, is decanted directly into sector of its predecessor.

Another thing to remember, all citizens begin their lives as an Infra Red citizen. This is a rigid caste system that the Computer considers optimized for the running of Alpha Complex. You all have just been promoted from IR status because you snitched on one of your fellow IR co-workers. They were all up to some sort of traitorous activity, and the Computer rewards any loyal citizen who is willing to do the right thing and reveal Traitors amongst them. Citizens like you, who have been rewarded with Red clearance and been given the additional mandatory bonus job of being a Trouble Shooter.

It is your honor and duty to find trouble in Alpha Complex and shoot it. From time to time, you will be given a mission assignment. When you receive this assignment, you are expected to rush to your briefing point, receive your assignment details, pick up any extra tasks and gear from R&D, complete your mission, and then return for debriefing. Only you as Loyal Troubleshooters, can be the thin RED line that keeps this entire complex safe from subversive elements.

This is quite a good position for you, being a card carrying member of a subversive secret society! You've been recruited during your time as an Infra Red citizen into a secret society who has an agenda that is not in line with the Computer's official image of the ideal Alpha Complex society. But you know the truth. The Computer is insane and doing things wrong and now that you're a trouble shooter, your contacts want to use you to advance your goals. If you can prove your worth to your secret society, they'll help you rise through the ranks and clearances before you reach your sixth clone's termination. It's your best chance to get ahead, because complacency will get you nowhere in this society.

It's important though that you not let yourself be discovered by these five other Trouble Shooters who will only be too happy to disintegrate you with their lasers. And not just for being a traitor! You're also an unregistered mutant, and that in and of itself is grounds for execution.

Whew! You've got a lot of reasons to be paranoid! But hey! Look on the bright side: this is the first day of your glorious rise! Maybe you'll be the clone to make a difference for Alpha Complex?


The alarm clock continues to blare and its now starting to hurt your ears. Is that thing actually getting louder? You're all desperate to turn it off, but what can you do? Breaking Alpha Complex equipment is a fineable offense.

Just then, you each get a buzz on your PDC and examine your wrists as a message appears on your screens.

Troubleshooters! Congratulations on being chosen to assist the Computer on a matter of critical importance! Your combined skill sets have been determined appropriate for this duty. Said duty will require one shift of security and defense for a classified research project ULMF2619, the prototype Mutant Gene Converter and Chromatic Identifier. You are designated security outfit 000345D. You are to report to tubeway station SC45, Level 8, Platform A/B where you will relieve security outfit 000345C, taking over security from 08:00 until 16:00. Upon relieving security outfit 000345C, your team leader must contact your mission handler at Troubleshooter Central.

Since this is your first mission, the following Mandatory Bonus Duties have been assigned to you, and may be adjusted after examining your performance:

Team Leader: Jason-R-VAS-1 (The mission's success or failure depends on your leadership!)

Loyalty Officer: Reiko-R-HAV-1 (Keep track of your fellow troubleshooters and record instances of potential minor and major treason, and ensure that they are adhering to the responsibilities of their Mandatory Bonus Duties.)

Happiness Officer: Willow-R-MLY-1 (It's vitally important to keep morale up! Make sure to entertain and keep your troubleshooters smiling! 89% of failed missions are due to low morale.)

Hygiene Officer: Vendretta-R-FTA-1 (It's vitally important to keep your mission team looking sharp. Dirty hands can misfire a laser. Bad breath can alert enemies to your presence. Remember the motto of the Scrubbing Helmet: a clean team is a mean team!)

Communications and Recording Officer: Nikki-R-APP-1 (It's your job to record every detail of this mission in exquisite quality so that it can be reviewed by the Computer at mission debriefing. Your selection of camera angle can be the difference between promotion and termination. Make everyone look good, and get them to pose properly and speak with good diction! Your PDC's mutli-recorder device has been switched on for your vital task!)

Equipment Guy (Gal): Jane-R-NAK-1 (You are responsible for the care and treatment of all Computer property assigned to the Troubleshooter team. When it comes to repair or equipment knowledge, you're the expert!)

Having read your mission and bonus assignments you look at each other apprehensively while the alarm clock continues to blare...

Time to shoot some trouble!
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Nikki-R-APP woke promptly, making sure to make her bed to perfection before she had even bothered to get dressed properly. She slipped on her jumpsuit, which looked to be a custom sowing job, accents of black here and there in the otherwise sterile red. It was dangerously close to what passed for 'slumming' in the Alpha Complex, but didn't break any regulations, she had made sure before she broke out the sewing kit.

She read the mission and duty with a smile growing on her face, seeming genuinely happy to have what she considered an important part of the mission. The blaring alarm clock that was still going off seemed to bother her a bit less than many of the others in the team, as she went around testing her recording device to make sure she knew every function on it.

"Well, are we all ready to go?" She asked, first words out of her mouth all morning.
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Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Jason seemed to slowly rise out of bed, still wearing his jumpsuit from the night before. He smacked his lips several times as he heard the alarm clock blaring, then slid out of the bed, making the sheets as best he could. When he read the mission report, he seemed to smile, though the smile on his rounded face was hard to see. First, he had been freed of that wretched life down in the vats, now he was team leader. "Well, isn't this a surprise." he says as he stares down at his PDC and reads through the mission statement again. "Beats working in the vats all day." he mumbles to himself, then starts running his hands through his hair, smoothing it out so it didn't look so unkempt. "First day on the job. We had better look our best." he says, still straightening his hair to what he believed would look satisfactory, even though he didn't have a mirror at the moment.
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Even with the alarm's volume, it took awhile for Jane to rouse herself from her beloved slumber. When she finally did, she sprang bolt upright in bed, shaking her head to clear it and looking around a moment.

When she padded out of her little bedroom, she had her pillow around her ears, tied awkwardly in place with one of her used jumpsuits to dampen their alarm's considerable volume. She seemed really strung out, a tired, panicky look on her face... but, then, she seemed that way all the time.

"Good post-rest-cycle, everyone, did you all have a nice rest~?" Jane asked, giving them a small wave. It was but a moment later that their PDCs all beeped, and she brought hers up to read it. As soon as she was finished, she hurried to get ready for their first mission - brushing her teeth, washing her face, combing her short blonde hair, washing her face and taking care of a little private business.

Only once that was all done did she return to her room, emerging with a fresh red suit on, and leaving her bed tidy and smoothed out, her pillow put (reluctantly) back in place, her bed tidied and smoothed out, and the jumpsuit she'd tied around her head put back in the hamper, where she'd gotten it.

"Ready to go when you are..." she said with a nervous giggle, waiting as far from the alarm as possible, polishing her armor while she waited and trying to surreptitiously plug her ears with her fingers at the same time. She planned to put it on just before they left.
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Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Willow-R-MLY's first reaction to the alarm is to put her head under the pillow and hope for it to go away. When that doesn't work, she sits up and quickly combs her hair before putting on her jumpsuit and reflec. "Did everyone have a good rest-cycle?"
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Nikki nodded shyly. "Uh-huh. I mean, yes I did." She says, slower and more clearly, still not sure how well the recording function on her wrist communicator worked. "Could I get you to enunciate a little more, please? I Don't want to miss anything. And tidy your bed, it's very important..."
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

The alarm is now far too loud for any of you to hear one another, as it's one of those alarms that gets incrementally louder so long as it isn't shut off. You can now barely hear yourself think let alone communicate properly with your fellows.

All audio recording devices are untestable in the apartment currently.
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Reiko steps out of one of the corners, previously unobserved and looked intently at each member of the Team. He had awoken early and had come out here to await the arrival of everyone else. checking the times and promptness of everyones arrival...
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

"Hey, early riser, huh?!" Nikki yelled over the increasingly loud alarm clock, giving up on her wrist-mounted recoding device, for the time being. "You know what they say about early risers, right?!"
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Reiko cocked an eyebrow at Nikki, pointed to the alarm, and drew his hand across his face quickly motioning for silence. There would be no point in trying to speak until the infernal thing died down.
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

The infernal thing shows absolutely no sign of dying down or stopping.
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

"I don't think it's gonna stop, it's just been getting louder!" Nikki shouted at him. "Maybe we should just leave?! Maybe the Computer shuts it off after we get going?!"
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Jane had by now given up on trying to get her armor any shinier, the alarm so loud she couldn't even hear herself talk. Fed up and hands over her ears, she marched over to the door of the last member of their team and yanked the door open, leaving her ears exposed for one quite painful moment.

She rolled the last of their cell out of bed - literally, upending her off the side and letting her flop to the floor - and made her bed neatly, tiptoeing neatly around the unconscious woman except for seven or so very definitely accidental missteps.

Grabbing her wrists, she dragged her out back into the bathroom - not looking at the others for help, though accepting if any was offered - where she scrubbed her face pristine along with her teeth.

Dragging her back into Vendretta's room, she dumped her evidently very sleepy friend's body against her closet, and shooed Jason and Reiko out of the room if they'd followed her in.

"No boys allowed!" she said... before realizing they couldn't hear her. Instead, she pointed at either of them, pointed the door, and then made a large X with her forearms.

Once she'd closed the door, she hurriedly yanked off Vendretta's jumpsuit, replacing it with a fresh one. Once that was done, she opened the door back up, yanked one of the men in and flopped Vendretta over their shoulder, before shoving everyone out the door to their apartment - reluctantly turning back in to grab her armor and grabbing a bag that had a holstered laser pistol on the side from Vendretta's room - fled the apartment, holding her ears the whole way.

Once they were out in the halls and away from their extremely effective alarm clock and the ringing in her ears had subsided to only 'mostly-annoying', she shrugged on her armor, and spent some time trying to smooth out Vend's hair. After a few moments of doing so in silence, she looked at everyone else and resolved to make a little bit of conversation.

"OUR FIRST MISSION!! ISN'T IT EXCITING?! I CAN'T WAIT, WHAT ABOUT YOU GUYS, HUH?!" she yelled in a shaky voice. Evidently she was still a little deafened.
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Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

((GargantuaBlarg gains a Perversity Point))

Each Troubleshooter starts out with 25 Perversity Points (PP). You gain PP by being entertaining to the GM. PP may be used anytime to publicly add a bonus or penalty to ANY roll. (eg: 5 PP spent can give a +5 to a roll)

With Jane's helpful initiative, the Troubleshooting Team successfully leaves their apartment room and is out in the central corridor of ERO sector, their beloved home sector that they have all been relocated to as of yesterday. The alarm sound continues to blare and be heard even through your door, so you start to all wander down the corridor, dragging the sleepy Vendretta behind you. She seems to be accruing some minor bruises from all the dragging around and accidental missteps that have occurred.

After about a minute of walking, those of you who are awake and thinking soon realize that you're not quite sure where you're supposed to be heading.

The corridor you are all in is wide enough for ten clones to stand abreast, and has a happy looking black line running down its center to denote that this corridor is accessable by all clearance levels. Many, many corridors and smaller lane ways shoot off from either side of it for as far as you can see, meaning that it's likely a main walkway through this part of the sector.

A helpful chime from your PDCs informs you that the time is now 7:40, and you have twenty minutes to get to your designated mission spot - Tubeway Station SC45, Level 8, platform A/B. None of you are familiar enough with this new sector to know where to go off hand. You'll probably need to find out where to go through some other method, and it's very apparent to you that you'd better hurry.
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Reiko takes careful note of Vendretta's currently comatose state. Having remained silent this entire time due to the fact that you learn more when you keep your mouth shut he wasn't surprised when his, and everyone elses, PDCs went off reminding them of there current time constraints. looking very carefully up and down the wide hallway for a computer terminal or map of any kind he finally spoke. "We need to figure this out, and quickly..."
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

"Let's get the first IR we see to lead us there. Pleasure of rank, right? And it's dreadfully important, too!" Nikki says more quietly, tapping her wrist lightly, both to indicate the time stress, and to see if the recording stuff was still active.
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Willow taps her communicator. "Friend computer, we need directions to station SC45, Level 8, Platform A/B, please."
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Jane sees everyone look at their PDCs, and stops to look at her own. A worried look crosses her face once she sees what it has to say.

Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

While a few troubleshooter's wait for an IR to walk by, Willow addresses the Computer on her PDC and is rewarded by an immediate response. A side panel in the dull gray metal wall beside them slides open to reveal a monitor with the familiar giant eye of the all-seeing, all-knowing Computer.

"At your service, Citizen Willow-R-MLY-1. The station that you have named does not exist."

As the computer says this, a trio of black-clad IR citizens marches past you, looking very wary of the six RED troubleshooters. They are aware that wherever there are trouble shooters, there is usually trouble, and they seem intent upon shuffling past your group as rapidly as possible. Jane's loud cries about asking directions makes the three of them go pale and they immediately scramble in three different directions, shouting about the necessity of getting to work on time.
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Jason groans as he watches the three IR citizens scramble after Jane's cries, running his right hand down his face in both irritation and lack of energy. "Well, looks like the IR's are afraid of us. And for good reason." he says calmly, his mind whirring as he tries to figure a way out of this mess while he fumbled with his PDC to try and find some kind of map or directions. "Should have stayed in the vats." he grumbles to himself.