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Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Nikki watched hopelessly as the three IRs scattered in different directions. If Jane hadn't been so loud... Wait a second...
"Hey, come back... Stop Citizen!" She called out after them. Citizens must opey orders from a higher ranked citizen, after all...
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Reiko watches the IR's scatter and the irritation it caused him was immense, walking up beside Jane he puts his hand on her shoulder and Screams into her ear "WILL YOU SHUT UP!!!!!!!!~~" achieving a more manageable level of noise he brings up his communicator "Friend Computer, Troubleshooter Reiko requesting alternative directions to objective if the current station is no longer in existence"
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

"The location of said objective does not exist. Therefore you must be mistaken about your objective," the computer responds, its eye turning to gaze intently upon Reiko.


Meanwhile the IR citizens scattering seem to yell over their shoulders at one another as Nikki calls after them.

"I think she was talking to you!"

"No, certainly not to me, I'm pretty sure she was talking to her!"

"Oh no, I think you're wrong, it's definitely you who is refusing to obey an order!"

"No... no... it's you!"

The IR's voices steadily become fainter as they zoom around different corners, fleeing as fast as they can. Whatever will you do?


Jason does a quick Data Search on his PDC to bring up a map of ERO sector. He deftly finds the app that magnifies individual portions of the map and brings up a picture of the tubeway system. How odd... (Private info sent to Jason).
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Jane flinches when Reiko yells into her ear. Had... had she been talking too loud?

Regardless of his request, though, they needed to hurry...

"FRI- err, F-friend Computer? We're security detail triple-O three four five D... c-can you tell us where our destination is, and the best route there?" She asked - or at least, that's what she was pretty sure she asked. It 'felt' like what she'd said, but given that she couldn't hear herself without screaming, it was a bit hard to tell...
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

The Computer's eye swivels to look at Jane.

"You should get in contact with Troubleshooter Central about your specific orders, citizen. That is the proper protocol for a situation in which an error has occurred with mission orders. The current supervisor on duty for your mission team is Errol-O-CVC-2. Contact him on your PDCs to resolve this issue. Now, if that is all, I am a very busy Computer. At your service."
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Jane stares blankly back at the monitor, only catching a few vague hints that Friend Computer had answered her question at all - apart from the very obvious one where Friend Computer's eye turned to gaze directly at her. Like many other things, being under direct scrutiny from her omniscient, everpresent, biggest best friend forever made her a little nervous.
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Jason suddenly begins to walk, his eyes on his PDC the whole time, making a motion with his free hand for the others to follow. "This way." he says almost too quiet to hear.
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Nikki stood dumbfounded as the three IR citezens continued to run away from her, watching them go with a look of confusion on her face. "That should have worked..." She said meekly.

It was then that Jason spoke up and started walking. Nikki fell in line behind him without a word, checking her own PDC to see if she could find where the camera was mounted, so she knew which way to point it, so she could record properly...
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Reiko dropped in behind the others, Something was very off here. He would have a little talk with Jason when time presented an opportunity.
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Jane noticed Jason's hand go up, and started to follow along with the rest - making sure someone was hauling sleepy Vendretta along as well. "Uhh- can we go faster? We kinda need to hurry!" Jane said, not hearing herself.

"Oh, and thank you Friend Computer!"
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Jason seemed to be leading the group with some purpose in a general direction, and they walked for about a couple hundred yards down a number of twists and turns until they reached a long stretch of corridor that seemed to be in major disrepair. Yellow tape covered several doors in this area, with the words: Disaster Area, Authorized Clearance Only, written in large friendly yellow letters.

The place is mostly deserted, save for a yellow uniformed Vulture Trooper standing in place in front of a door. Jason seems certain this is very close to where they need to be, but can't be certain of which door they need to go. Silently, you all hope it isn't the door being guarded by the trooper. Vulture troopers are the high security internal police force, almost universally drawn from Armed Forces and IntSec. They are often cruel and wield their authority with extreme sadistic pleasure. Still, they are at the mercy of the Computer as much as you all are. Maybe he could be approached?
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Reiko stepped up beside Jason and pulled him aside, Speaking low and fast so as not to be overheard by their new 'Problem' "Whats the issue Team Leader. You have information that much is obvious but we most certainly don't have clearance to deal with a Vulture and something on that little map of yours caught your eye"
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Jason lets a nervous smile cross his face "I just pushed a few random buttons on my PDC and it pulled up a map of the area." he says, still talking low. "I found where we had to go, and behold, we're here." he says, a chuckle escaping his lips. His eyes then darted over to look at the Vulture Security Officer, then back at Reiko. "Maybe if we tell him we're here under Friend Computer's orders he'll step aside."
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

"We both know that won't work, I was armed forces and he will NOT let us through without the appropriate clearance, were either going to need to find another way around on that twice blessed map or neutralize him, either with guile or force." Reiko glanced around carefully before looking back at Jason "Friend Computers orders take precedence. if one of our little group has a silver tongue it might work, I'd rather not hurt anyone without absolute need"
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Jane's hearing had slowly recovered while they followed Jason, and by the time they arrived at their Vulture-protected conundrum it was thankfully back to normal.

"U-um... Jason, whatever you're going to do, you really need to do it fast - we do have a deadline to make, after all!" Jane says shakily, to the both of them.

"D-don't forget to state our s-security detail designation, and all that... it might help!"

While she was speaking, she looked around the vicinity, wondering if there were any helpful ventilation shafts she might be able to duck into case there was going to be an impromptu light show. Or maybe to just circumvent the whole problem. Though, that would probably be a problem in and of itself...
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Nikki chose this moment to speak up. "If we take one of the other doors, I could find us an access to the tubeway itself, then we could just double back to reach the station. Shouldn't be too hard."
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

/me raises his right index finger "I agree with that idea." he says in a calm tone of voice, looking around at the rest of his team. "Just be careful. We don't want Yellow over there to know what we're up to." he says quietly
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

(Is everyone agreeing with this plan?)
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

"Ookay, Jason... you're the boss..." Jane said in response, furtively eyeing both Nikki's camera and the yellow Vulture.

(Sure. Uh, also, forgot to ask to roll Hab Engineering for the my last post - sneaking for this one if it's relevant.)
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

(Im in)