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Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Okay I'll just assume everyone else is in on this to keep the story rolling. Is someone dragging Vendretta along with the group? She appears to be snoring and drooling. Yet she's listed as a vital member of the team!

The group sneaks their way as quietly as they can towards a side door with large yellow letters and stripes painted across it to indicate its clearance level as being Off-Limits to Red trouble shooters like yourselves.

Deciding to ignore this, your team leader Jason, backed up by Reiko and Nikki go up to the portal and try the door handle, only to discover that it's locked after jiggling the handle several times. It occurs to you that bypassing this locked door might not be too difficult for skilled individuals such as yourself, but you might want to provide some sort of cover so that the Vulture Trooper doesn't get suspicious while you all huddle around a Yellow clearance door to unlock it.
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

"Alright, someone distract the yellow. We have to get this door open." Jason says, quiet enough so that the guard couldn't hear him. "I'm no good with locks. So someone else has to take care of this." he says quietly.
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Willow walks past the vulture trooper and turns to talk to him, forcing him to look either at her or the others, but not both. "Excuse me, but we're a troubleshooter team sent to station SC45, Level 8, Platform A/B and our route would apparently take us past the restricted area you're guarding. How should we proceed?"
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Jane presses herself into a shadow behind a strut as the rest of the group - plus Vendretta - try to figure out how to deal with the door standing in their way.

"We don't have time for this..." she mutters to herself, sweeping her eyes around the hall for a vent they might be able to use.

Rolling Stealth and Habitat Engineering, if relevant
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Reiko takes position in front of Jane and Jason and watches the distraction whilst further shielding his leader and Jane from view while they work
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Nikki couldn't come up with a good idea to get the door open, so she just made herself part of the living visual wall between the yellow citizen and what was going on, doing her best to try and record everything.
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Willow walks past the vulture trooper and turns to talk to him, forcing him to look either at her or the others, but not both. "Excuse me, but we're a troubleshooter team sent to station SC45, Level 8, Platform A/B and our route would apparently take us past the restricted area you're guarding. How should we proceed?"

The Vulture trooper peers down at Willow and taps a thoughtful trigger finger on the side of his slugthrower rifle.

"Show me your mission alert, citizen. If what you say is true, then you can go through. Troubleshooting missions take priority over clearance levels."

Having been directly ordered by a higher clearance citizen to show her mission alert, Willow has no real choice but to accede. Fortunately for her, everything appears to be in order. The Vulture shrugs.

"All right, head on through," he says, indicating that she was free to open the steel bolted door in front of her. Unfortunately, it seemed to be bolted shut, and the Vulture wasn't making any move to open it for her.

(Willow gets a perversity point.)
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Meanwhile the rest of the troubleshooting team manages to not look all that casual, and the Vulture Trooper notices.

"Hey, what are you lot doing over there?"

He hefts his big slugthower and takes a few paces past Willow towards the rest of the group.
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Reiko tosses a salute to the trooper, and as loudly proclaims "Having a friendly argument about the behavior of some I.R.s earlier, they seemed more skittish then usual." all the while hoping his friends caught the fucking hint and stopped whilst playing along.
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

"Yes, quite. They were very ignorant of the clearance levels." Jason says, noticing the vulture trooper and crossing his arms. He raised his right hand and scratched at his head a few times, before returning his hand to his chest. "You wouldn't happen to know where I could find this place, would you?" he asks, then shows his mission alert to the vulture on his PDC.
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

"OH COMPUTER he's going to shoot at us!" Jane whispered, mostly to herself, panicking quietly, and pressed herself further into the little strut in the wall of the tunnel's construction, and hoping the others would convince him not to. She really, really didn't want to die!
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

The Vulture Trooper scowls, glances at the mission alert that Jason shows him and then shrugs his shoulders.

"Not my problem, though it looks like you've only got eight minutes left to get to your destination. Wouldn't want to be late for that, else I'll have to report you."

He smirks and heads back to his post.
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Reiko quietly exhales and relaxes before glancing at Jason, "Lets Move. That was way too close."
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

The bolted door seems to be solidly built, and its bolt is in the locked position. The Vulture trooper seems content to let your group fidget with it, but he's making no move to help you open it.
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

"Eight minutes?!" Jane shrieked. "Oh please Mr. Vulture Trooper man, could you open the door for us?!"
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

The Vulture Trooper shrugs.

"Not part of my mission. My orders are to guard this door and make certain that no unauthorized personnel gain access. You're authorized, so you're welcome to have access to this door. But I really don't know that I have any... hmm... incentives to open it for you."

A whisper of a grin appears at the sides of the yellow citizen's lips.
Re: Paranoia Game #1 - Trouble in ERO sector.

Nikki slowly pushed herself to the front of the group, or at least close enough to make eye contact with the man, speaking softly. "How about a... game? Let Friend Computer choose if you'll help us?" She asked, then help up her PDC by way of explanation, her voice getting a bit louder as she tried to bolster her confidence, now that everyone was likely looking at her..
"It's Fun and Happy, really easy too. We'll ask the PDC to give us a random number between one and one hundred. You're taller than me, so if the number is higher than 50, you win, and I give you some money, say... 50 credits. If it's 50 or lower, I win, and you open the door for us. But we really need through, so if you win, we can play again, and every time you win, I'll give you more credits. Does that sound like fun?" She finished, looking up at him nervously...