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Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Senkek, captain, crew, and engineer of the Firebird. Not sure why you wanted a salvager, but I'll do whatever since you seem so determined to have me. The human speaks, unperturbed by the Ingrali. Of course, given that the ships he salvages often still hold their former occupants, he probably is hard to shock.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Sanya," she introduced her self briefly, followed by another curtsy. One can never be too safe when sharing any sort of information, could they? Well, at least that's how it was in her head.
It seemed that this would be one strange group that she would be working with, that is if she decides to even take this job. But, the pay would be a nice way to fund her little experiments. Too bad she had to work to let her fund her play, but the parts to her toys were just so expensive.
The only ones, that were present in that meeting, were the... Ingrali was it? And the...Kopak. Draven and Kars respectively.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Umbral looks up from his pad and turns to the General. "Mind telling us what the job is?"

His tone seems to be a mixture of mild irritation (directed at persons not present, obviously) and boredom.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Patience doesn't seem to be his strength."
"Quiet now."
"Yes, mother."
"Don't call me that."

Anybody familiar with the Telarin would start to wonder when hearing these words - usually they are absolutely formal and factual.

The General nods at Viper and presses a button on his desk. "Ladies and Gentlemen: The Dividing Line." A hologram gets projected into the air above the desk. It's a model of a space station - a spheric main body with two quadrants circling it. "This space station has been built before the First War as a research facility and was used as an army base during the conflict. It has been deactivated a few years ago." The picture zooms out to show a map of the Juris sector, with a glowing red spot towards the edge. "As you can see it resides on the outside of the sector, close to the former Ashotur dominion. In the last weeks we have received a number of strange signals from this region. Chopped up distress signals that seem to be recorded during the First War, reports of people long passed away and a lot of white noise. Not to mention," the General says as he presses another button, "this."

The picture has changed again, this time showing something organic. A brown, sack-like body with a number of tendrils behind them. "What you see here is a space traveling lifeform that has shown up in the sector recently. As far as we can tell it's the spore of some kind of fungus. This wouldn't be that troubling... if they weren't 13 feet long and appearing in groups. Allow me to demonstrate." The picture changes again - another of the spores appears, together with a Sword fighter of the TPD. The spores turn against the ship and batter against it's shields until they give out. Almost instantly the tendrils bury into the ship and start to pump something into it. "The digestive juices of these spores are strong enough to destroy even metal within a few days."

The General turns the hologram off. "We have called for individual contractors because we want to position a task force on The Dividing Line. Your missions would be to reactivate the Dividing Line, search the surrounding planets, investigate anything unusual and defend the station against any incoming attacks. We can't send a Directorate troop, because quite frankly, we need them all in the new conflict with the Nnyarthall - who, to top things off, seem to show interest in the region around The Dividing Line as well. We suspect they receive the same signals as us.
Any questions?" The General looks around expectantly.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Viper's whole demeanor changes when the briefing begins. The pad vanishes into his coverall the second the general begins, and he leans forward slightly at the 'spores'. For the most part he just listens, almost as if he's mentally recording the information.

"One question. What information is available on the spores? Of particular interest to me is if anything is known about what they're made of," Umbral's interest is clearly piqued on them. "I'm asking because I might be able to come up with some manner of countermeasure effective for defending against them."

Whatever he thinks of the latent messages is blocked behind his self-control, and visible interest in the space-borne spores.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Quirking an eyebrow, Sanya examined what appeared to be a rather strange... mushroom... of death. They were going to be protecting a station, that they were supposed to recover and activate, and then defend it from... killer mushrooms... and Nnyarthall. How do they expect....

"How much of a threat are the Nnyarthall going to be while protecting the station? I highly doubt that, even if all of us were ace pilots with the best ships, could defend against a full on fleet assault."

This job had definitly be worth the pay.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Never heard of something like the spores before, but I'm guessing I'm here more for the station and investigating any of the wrecks left behind by those things. Senkek says, still speculating about a need for a salvager.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

The General nods at the questions.
"The spores are organic and have a skin about as sturdy as synthetic weave. They can take a few hits before they go down. One of our scientists, a certain Professor Ardetzki, is tasked with researching them. I will put the files we have about them on our server, together with what we have about the Dividing Line. I recommend all of you download them before departure.

I don't believe that the Nnyarthall will manage to bring an entire fleet into our sector without anybody noticing. But small groups may manage to fall through the grid.

And there will be plenty of mechanics and electronics to repair. I figure quite a few things have corroded over the years. And as I mentioned the former Ashotur dominion is nearby - there will be an abundance of ships to salvage."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Cyrus leans back in his chair and listens to the briefing. He doesn't seem to show much concern over the danger, he merely sits and listens, before finally speaking.

"This is all well and good, however there is one more thing that I will require for my participation. I am... somewhat familiar with the Juris Sector. I would like some information. We can discuss it now or later, whenever is convenient."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Of course. I am allowed to give you most kind of classified information. Go ahead and ask."
"Ah - somebody that appreciates the value of knowledge."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Very well. The Juris Sector was used 100 years ago by my people as a trading route. I'm wondering whether I might find anything out, or recover anything. I would like information on all activity in the sector over the past century. While we're on the subjct, I'd also appreciate any information you have concerning any unidentified species or artefacts."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"ALL activity? Over the last century? On each and every planet? The Juris Alliance controls over 100 planetary systems - do you know how much data that would be?" The General lifts his hand before Cyrus speaks again. "Nevermind, you'll get it. However by definition we do not have information about unidentified species - as soon as we find them we categorize them. But I'll gladly provide you with data from our researchers about artifacts and ruins."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"I don't suppose the word Tiberion rings any bells?"
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Draven had remained silent for the most part, wondering about things. It wouldn't be an easy mission by far, but not impossible to accomplish either. He finally spoke, addressing several issues at once.

"I definitely want to see whatever information you have on these fungal creatures, it's possible my ship's weapons may have more of an effect on them than your standard weapons. They may not, but I want to run some simulant tests to see."

Turning to Sanya he says, "a full fleet would likely consist of larger, bulkier ships. Ours are all small and maneuverable, hard to hit targets. That would be our advantage there."

He smiles at the two Telarins, having definitely caught their exchange, and letting them know it, but not pursing the matter any further just yet. Finally he turns to Cyrus.

"Tiberions? I can say the name sounds familiar to me, though why I can't truthfully say just yet. Perhaps later, when there is time, I can run a search through my people's database and see if anything comes up."

Almost as an afterthought he turns back to the general. "I've heard nothing that makes me decide to pull out. Count me in for this. Especially if the Nnyarthall are a possible factor."

It's unclear why he would be eager to see them, though one might suspect this is part of his personal reasons.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Tiberion... Tiberion... not to me, but then again I'm not that interested in that kind of stuff."

"The Telarin know of the Tiberion. We have found... remnants." Mara speaks up unexpectedly. Her head turns towards Cyrus. "If it ensures your cooperation I will provide you with the data we have found. The Veda dictates that thirst for knowledge should be rewarded if no harm can be done with that knowledge." Thall emits a single, deep sound - the Telarin parralel of a snort. "You think way too much like a real Telarin." "Really? I believe you think too little like one." "So do they - that just proves my point."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Cyrus turns to the two Telarin.

"I'd appreciate whatever information you have. I don't intend to cause harm. I just want to find out what happened to my people."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Umbral's head shoots up when Draven mentions running tests. "Does your equipment have the ability to analyze and simulate defensive systems as well? There's a couple of ideas that I have, and if so, it would simplify matters."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Draven nods. "It does. The only thing it won't simulate is our own defensive technologies, for obvious reasons. But if you know enough about your enemy, you can use the simulator to get a good estimate of what will and won't be effective. We can go over that a little later."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Viper nods. "Understood."

He shakes his head, then quietly mutters something about figuring out his own designs.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"I will upload the data onto the server then."

The General nods, pleased that this problem is solved. "Well. If anybody else has specific demands he should voice them now before the contracts are written."