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Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Sweet secrets of the deep space!" The General lunges forward in his chair and hits a button on his desk. At once a blue shield flickers into existence in front of his desk. "What in the hell are you thinking, breaking into my office like that. Tell me why I shouldn't call security right now... Great, dropped my cigarette." The General dives under his table and comes up with a Tobaccorp cigarette - imported from Terra Prime. With a sigh he lights it again.
At first the simulation goes well against a group of the creatures - the program titled them A.F.O.s for some reason. The plasma weapons dispatches them two at the time with just two hits needed.
Suddenly, a cloud of spores appear.
"That is worst case scenario", Mara comments as the cloud descends upon the ship and tears it to ribbons. The bombs manage to tear holes into the cloud, but in vain - the holes fill up too quickly with other spores. "An older Claymore battleship of the Directorate sent us footage of this. Never before, nor after has anybody witnessed a cloud this big. The battleship managed to escape, but many of it's convoying ships were not that lucky."
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Simple. I'm here to work for you."

Vix's voice, as ever, gives nothing away about what lies within the suit. Genderless, featureless, emotionless.

The humanoid stands before the General's desk, and checks the room for threats. Seeing none, the blank visage returns to the smoking General.

"How much can you offer?"
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"How much can I offer? I don't even know who the hell you are. We already had the briefing. You could've shown up there." The General leans back and musters the black figure that appeared in front of his desk.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

There is a moment of uncomfortable silence, before Vix deigns to speak again.

"I am Vix. If you have not heard of my work, there is no need for me to be here. If you have, then you know that I am here to work for you. If I was not, my objectives would already have been achieved."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Draven shakes his head at the second simulation. "Well, it would seem the bombs are most definitely out of the question for use on those things. The beams did much better than I had hoped against them though. I think we finally have a working weapon against them, unless they have some other surprise that we have yet to see that the simulator can't account for."

He turns to Mara and adds, "what I mean is, it can only go by the information we've plugged into it regarding those things. If they have some kind of extra defense or an attack we've yet to see, the computer can't "guess" as to what that might be."

He turns back and smiles just a bit. "At least we have something that we know should work against them now, which is more than we had before."
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

The General's jaw drops, causing the cigarette to once again twirl towards the ground. "Vix... the... THE Vix? The unseen mercenary? Why in the worlds are you interested in this? This is going to be a longer term mission, you know. Monthly pay, teamwork. Not exactly your type of mission."
"It indeed works better than the Terran projectile weapons", Mara agrees. "Their magnetic propulsion devices work fairly well, but they don't fire rapidly enough to really take out a bigger group with one ship."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Vix stands stock still, with, some might say, a militarily precise stance.

"You are correct. However, I am still interested in taking the job. Make of that what you will."

An odd beep echoes from the humanoid, but Vix ignores it.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Good good. The Directorate has had an eye on you for a while... I understand that you demand a special pay?" The General picks up one of the contract PDAs and looks at Vix expectantly.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Correct. Paid half on advance, half on completion... or on my destruction."

The humanoid extends it's arm, and places a card on the table, with printed digits. Where the card came from is any man's guess.

"This account, on Terra Prime."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

The General has dived under the table for his cigarette again and lights it a third time. "God damn it, these things are expensive", he murmurs. He blows a puff of smoke to the side as he studies the card. "And just how many credits should I write down in the contract?"
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Vix is silent for a moment.. reaching out to the glimmering blue shield at the front of the General's desk. A black fingertip strokes the shield, almost lazily, curiously.

"Finance is unimportant. Pay whatever you paid the others. But it should be no lower than a million credits. What are your terms when it comes to technology, and other finds, on the Dividing Line?"
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"The technology on the Line? Psh. It's an older Space Station, abandoned after the First War. I would be very surprised if you find anything of interest. BUT", he leans forward. "In the unlikely case you do, it's to be handed over to the Telarin representatives that partake on the mission. They'll register it and give it back to you IF it's safe." General Finster puts in the changes in the contract and turns off the shield to hand it over. "There you go. Press the button and say your name - or, what you claim to be your name."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"We can only hope then that we don't encounter more than we can handle. What about the Telarin's own weapons? Have they had any success against these things, or has that not been tested?"
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Vix pushes the button, and speaks aloud.


Simple as that. The contract is laid upon the desk, along with a small subtle gesture, that left a tiny button-like device on the shield emitter. No bigger than a pinhead, and completely transparent.

"I understand the terms. This Dividing Line is more important than you know."

With that, Vix turns. and strides from the General's office without another word.

A few minutes after the humanoid leaves, the General's shield flickers on at random, then off again, then on, again and again.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

((Pale, I don't know WHAT you planned, but since you didn't inform me on what is supposed to happen I'll go ahead and think you want to annoy the good General.))

"What the..." General Finster frowns and reaches for the emitter. With a yank he pulls the device out, forcefully disconnecting it from it's power source. Below the wood the glowing blue light of a crystal circuit board comes into view - a rather exclusive piece of work. The General opens an audio channel to his secretary. "Can you get a technician down here? My shield emitter just malfunctioned."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Krysta stares after the figure that just left the office, before slipping into the room before the door slid shut. She was wearing her medical garb, have come straight from infirmary and there were little blood spatters on her uniform. "General? I'm here to recruit." She said in a soft musical voice. "However, I don't fight. I'm only here to make sure nobody get's killed."
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"We can only hope then that we don't encounter more than we can handle. What about the Telarin's own weapons? Have they had any success against these things, or has that not been tested?"

((-__- Sorry for not replying. I didn't see this, honestly!))

"Oh, our weapon systems can be configured to attack different targets at the same time. The Delta gunship has eight weapon slots, but can't power big weapon systems like the P.O.L.L. - which is basically a shieldcracker laser." A bit of pride swings in Mara's voice. "Of course it's rather slow, but it punches through several spores at one. At least in theory."

The General sighs and puts the shield emitter down on his table. As Krysta speaks his hand slides under his table - no doubt to grab the handle of a gun. As soon as he recognizes the medic uniform he relaxes somewhat. "Ah, good good. Though there WAS a set time for a meeting", the General softly chides as he grabs another contract. "But I figure you had something important to do", he adds with a look at the blood.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

She nodded, "Yes sir, I was giving my first cybernetic eye implant." she said with pride evident in her voice, "It went perfectly. There was only a little bleeding..." she blushed at the state of her uniform, "And once my patient wakes up he won't be half blind anymore."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

((No problem bro.))

"Alright, so we have two ships then that can take these things out effectively. Now, I would like to know a little bit more in regards to this Dividing Line station, if you have the time."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"That's good. Congratulations. I thank whatever power that looked over me that I still have all my arms and legs. Not everybody was that lucky in the war." His eyes wander to Krysta's hands for a moment before returning to her eyes. "So, do you have a ship? Otherwise I'll contact Nadia, the Garik representative on this mission, to take you on board."
"Oh, we don't have a Delta. Ours is a Zeta with just two turrets and one static gun, as well as a rather big P.O.L.L." Mara shifts a bit. "But I figure if all of our ships combined will be able to deal enough damage to at least critically weaken even a cloud... Ah, the Dividing Line." Mara fiddles with her gauntlet, and after a second a panel slides open. She presses a few buttons and a holography shows up. "You see the two quadrants that circle the main body? The one that looks like a tube holds the personnel quarters. It can be detached if an emergency arises. The other, the flat one, holds the solar panels. The generator itself lies in the middle of the main body. The Line has, to be frank, poor weaponry for a station of that size. A few dozen turrets. Smaller rocket launchers and Rapid Fire Cannons. But it should be easy to add modules once the Generator is back online."