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Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Kars idly sings an old Kopak folk song of some kind. Horribly out of key and missing important lyrics, but unless anyone listening understood Kopak they wouldn't much realise. It was good for him that his anatomy didn't have much problems with blood going to the head. Pre mission stress didn't even cross his mind. It was space, he'd seen it before. If this area of space was more dangerous than the rest, bring it. He built the Hell Strafer to take him to hell and back.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

A man wearing a white coat over his arms walks through the doors, a stern look on his face, thoughts and tactic running through his head as he notices Nadia, then smiles "Are you Miss Nadia?" he asks, his sunglasses covering his eyes as he walks towards Nadia, then stops a few feet away "I was asked to help with some kinda mission, then they told me to talk to some girl named Nadia." he says, his facial features not covered by the glasses showing disdain as he looks at the Black Wind
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

The hooded Garik turns around to face the speaker. Her gloved hands sink into the sleeves of her rope and she speaks in an especially stern tone. "You must be Mr. Igerson then. General Finster has informed me about you. He was... not pleased by your absence in the meeting."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Vance laughs and shakes his head "I prefer to shy away from those kinds of things. Reminds me too much of the old days" Vance says, crossing his arms and looking the ship over once again "So, what's this mission, and why would it require all this firepower? All I was told was to speak to you, and stay here on the station until I did." he says, tilting his head to the right and raising his left eyebrow "I assume it requires speed and power? If they didn't need speed, they wouldn't have hired me." he says, his head returning to it's normal position
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

((Please do put a . at the end of your post. Thank you.))

"If you would have been at the meeting you would know now... Excuse me, do you have a problem with my ship?" Nadia straightens to all of her height, just under 6 feet.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

((Sorry, man.))

"No, just admiring the fact that it has more firepower than my Light Gunship." Vance says, turning to face the Forward unto Oblivion, a triangular-shaped ship on the far side of the hanger "Although mine has less firepower, it could probably out-maneuver and out-run any other Gunship" he says, letting his arms drop to his side as he turns back around to face Nadia "So, when do we leave?" he asks, his left eyebrow raised once again.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Nadia sighs. "As soon as everybody is ready we're heading for the outskirts of the Sector to reactivate a Space Station and use it as a base for a strike team, consisting out of independent contractors - like you. It's a long term deal you've signed."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Sounds fun." Vance says, chuckling as he turns around and cracks his neck by tilting it to the left "If you need me, I'll be on the Oblivion, making sure everything is working fine." he says, starting to walk towards his ship and raising his right hand "See ya when we decide to get underway." he says, a chuckle following as he continues walking "This is going to be fun" he thinks, opening a door on his ship and walking in, quickly arriving at the cockpit, then sitting down in the one solitary chair in the center, then begins to type on the console in front of the chair, checking every aspect of his ship.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Suddenly a voice comes over the speaker system.

"The group leaving for The Dividing Line is cleared for take off. I repeat: The group leaving for The Dividing Line is cleared for take off. Please download the FTL coordinates into your system and start as soon as possible. The Terra Prime Directorate wishes you a pleasant and safe journey."

The announcement is repeated in several languages before the speakers go quiet again.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Plasma weaponry, neutrino ion generator..." Sanya repeated quietly to herself.. She was fairly amazed at the tech. She needed to learn more for her curiousity was seriously sparked. You never know when something could be applied in a different way... or copied onto her own ship. Her own knowledge was... weird. The theories and applications in some areas could be highly advanced, for at least a civilian, but other areas she wouldn't know all that much. Like...

"How does your plasma weaponry work?" Her eyes were alight with a passion for learning. Her mind had quickly forgotten her... embarrassing situation... of her being found snooping around.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"That's our cue." Vance says, the check finishing on his systems "All clear, eh? Great, now I just download the FTL coordinates, and I can get out of here." he says, rubbing his hands together as the data downloads "This is Forward unto Oblivion, I'm leaving. I'll be scouting ahead so as to make sure you all can make it to the target point in one piece." Vance says over the radio, a smirk on his face as he starts up the engines, preparing to take off.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Who is this guy?" Thall checks the status of the Zeta on the inside of his helmet when Vance's signal comes through. "No idea. Let him scout if he wants to. Doesn't hurt anybody." She draws a cable from her helmet and connects it with the same console that Thall is using. "Ah, there we go. Vance Igerson. The man has quite a history." "Hm. Coordinates downloaded. Zeta 1097 ready for take off." The last words were transmitted to the rest of the group.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

The two hands hanging from the smallest ship in the hanger clap together and lift into the cockpit as the hatch closes. "Alright! Time to go."

Co-ordinates in check, Kars fired the engines of the Hell Strafer. Upon releasing the magnetic foot from the floor of the hanger the ship rose smoothly into the air, still upside down. With a sudden spin that looked faster than comfortable it twirled in the air to face the exit, and screamed out of the hanger clearing the station.

Of course, Kars didn't even intend on using the co-ordinates if he could help it. Hitch hiking, was his preferred method of transport. So he opened the team comms channel.

"This is Kars here, anyone care for a fighter escort?"

(Is there a method we could use to indicate comms speak? I can't remember if we had one before.)
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Draven had opened his mouth to answer her question when the announcment came out. "Well crap, looks like I'll have to show you later on then. Better get back to your ship, we'll talk more at the Dividing Line, I promise you that."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

((I declare underlines.))

"This is Nadia - you could escort our medic. Her ship is The Shining Star. At least this show gets on the road." Nadia sits on her pitch-black bridge and enters the navigation data. "FTL engine up... GI3 engine up... shields up... Black Wind ready."
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"And, I'm off." Vance says over the radio before his ship lifts off the ground, then heads out of the hanger bay. Suffice it to say, Vance is laughing like a madman inside his small bridge, the engines finally finished charging as he takes off, flying towards the target point at maximum speed.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Wh- what?" Sanya was too caught up in her head to have heard that. "Uh, right! Thank you uhm... Draven." She scuttled out of Draven's ship and made her way to her own. Making a mental note, "STOP MAKING A FOOL OF YOURSELF.

She hurried into the cockpit, syncing up her spine to the interface once again. Her eyes flitted around in her head, looking at the invisible screens that were shown only in her mind's eye. On... on.... on...... Sanya turned on the auxillery engines, seeing as her primary propulsion is best not used within a space station. At the same time, the ship downloaded all of the data regarding the mission that was needed. "The Nerkat is ready...."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Draven watched Sanya go, and made sure she was well clear of his ship before sitting down in the command chair and powering up his engines. "This is Draven, aboard The Deadly Mist, I am moving out at one quarter sublight speed until I clear the station."

His ship moves off, and after only a few moments, exits the space station. Powering up his hyper-drive, he speaks one final time. "This is Deadly Mist, moving out at full speed. Will meet you all at the designated coordinates. Draven out."

With that, a purplish cloud appears in front of his ship, and it jumps into the formed hyper-space window, vanishing without any trace.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Once Umbral hears the command, he puts in the commands to bring the Dragon's Fang to full power. The systems activate, the hatchway seals, and the engines kick on.

Once he's clear of the station, he enters the code to bring his defensive systems up to standby, just in case. General Finster had said that the target area was not secured. After that last switch, the Dragon's Fang makes its jump.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

In a chorus of groans and metalic shrieks, the Fire Bird, Senkek's ship of questionable vitality, begins to lift off. Shedding a few pieces of salvage here and there from the coat covering it, the ship then slowly backs out of the docking bay before moving out to line itself up on the coordinates of The Dividing Line. Slowly it begins to pick up speed as it moves out from the station. Then, with a cascading shower of lightning running across the outer hull, the flying scrapheap rockets off with its FTL drive kicking in.