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Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"And this is the medic Krysta Trin aboard The Shining Star." She was grinning as she completely powered up her engines and her shields, "I'll be glad for that escort Kars, I've removed all the weapons from my ship."

Her fingers flew across the keyboard as she powered up the FTL drive, activated her monitors, and pressed the intercom for the "Kitchen", "Mr. William, I'd like some black coffee up here if you don't mind..."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

The Nerkat slowly glided out of the station and made a bit of distance. With a literal twitch of the finger, Sanya brought up the distortion shields and turned off the auxillary. At the same time, the FTL engines charged. "Nerkat heading to coordinates."

The ship glowed a faint blue color, and a moment passes before the glowing mass appeared to collapse upon itself, just shrinking into nothingness, the ship gone.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Roger that. Coming in to dock with the shiney star."

Kars ship had been waiting just above the hanger bay, and upon seeing the Shining Star leaving shot downwards to come into formation with it. Flying gradually closer and closer, the landing gear deployed once more and latched onto the upper hull of the axe class. The action was surprisingly gentle, the little ship touching down with only the slightest bump. On any larger ship the occupants wouldn't even notice.

"All right, I'm secured. Lets fly."

Kars switched the Hell Strafer to silent mode, powering down everything spare short range comms and sensors. Even shields and life support recycling, leaving it to Krysta's shields and his ships reserves. It took just 1.3 seconds to fully power up the Strafer, and only 2 seconds more to kick start the shields from the special capacitor. If trouble showed up, they wouldn't even see him there until he struck.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"This is the Scimitar. I'll be on my way. See you guys there."

The Scimitar rises off the hangar floor and rotates to face out of the hangar. It's engines begin to glow as it glides out, before turning to face the coordinates. The entire ships begins to glow, then vanishes.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Active scans return no hostiles. Specifications uploaded for review. Priority : Return to the Spear

Vix steps from the corner of the hangar where it had been leaning, walking casually towards the entrance. A spectator would be somewhat surprised to watch the humanoid walk towards empty space.. and step straight out into it.

Vix kicks off the station lip, and after a moment, when enough space has cleared..

Activating remote control.. slaving main computers to suit override.

A little further out-system, the Spear comes to life. The single engine at the back fires, and the long, black ship starts directly towards Space Station Brilliance. It cuts a dangerously precise line, directly beneath the station, and neatly scoops up the floating Vix.

Moments later, the assassin/thief is inside, and the engine fires brighter for a moment. The rear of the Spear flares bright as a sun for a moment, and the craft seems to -stretch-.. then it is gone.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Krysta relaxed back in her chair, "I appreciate the help Kars, this poor old tub doesn't need anymore beatings." She grinned as she sipped her now delivered coffee, "Are we all set now? I'm itching to see this dusty old space station."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"You're the last one that needs to jump... besides me and the Telarin. I'll cover your behinds. Go ahead and jump, Thall."

Nadia's Black Wind lifts off the ground and flies a wide curve to head for the bay exit. The Zeta is a bit more direct: It simply turns around mid-air. "This is Thall. Glad to have a medic on this mission. See you on the other side!" As soon as the curiously-shaped Zeta leaves the hangar - it vanishes. There is no visible acceleration; From one moment to the other it's gone.
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Alright Kars? you ready?" Krysta said cheerfully as she engaged her FTL drive, and blinked out.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

The Pillar of Glory enters the Parin system from the periphery, partly because the older FTL drive is inaccurate near larger gravity wells, and partly to give the military presence time to scan her ship and determine she wasn't a spore creature before she entered firing range. The ship heads in towards Parin IV at a sluggish pace, then opens its bay doors to let out a smaller fighter, which gets lead into Space Station Brilliance. The actual docking is uneventful, as is the trip into the bowels of the station.

At the door to the General's office, however, there is a delay. "I'm sorry miss..." the guard takes a quick look at hid datapad. "...Hall, but the general is expecting a transmission, and is refusing to see visitors until after he has received it. My apologies, but you'll have to wait."

"That's fine," Caitlin says as she takes a quick look around the waiting room, then as none of the four guards she sees seems inclined to chat, hunkers down and pulls out a personal datapad, opening the file on her latest project and writing away on it attentively.

(((Figured I'd wait to make a real entrance until after Nadia makes her report)))
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Well, that situation is... interesting." General Finster leans back in his chair, hands folded in front of him. Nadia has just given him the full report. "I will get back to Draven about that device... but sheesh. A live Ashotur, an advanced android and a spore mutation, all in one day. Of course I'll send you personnel ASAP. We have a few more contacts that we can call in, thankfully." Nadia nods and says goodbye before cutting the connection. The General leans back and ponders, only to be disturbed by the blinking light of the internal comm system. "What is it?" "There is a Miss Hall here to speak you, sir. Should I let her in?" Finster sighs. "Alright." He combs through his hair and sighs again.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Miss Hall, General Finster will see you now. Miss Hall? Ah-hem!"

Caitlin looks up from her datapad with a look of annoyance on her face. "What!? Oh, oh right, sorry, I'll just head on in then, thank you." Giving the guard a sheepish look, she puts the datapad away and enters the office.

"Umm, Hello there, my name is Caitlin Hall, I've heard about your need of people for some contract work, and I thought I would come and apply, so, uh, here I am! I guess you could call me a xenobiologist, though I've stusied more in the field of genetics, i have some medical knowledge as well. And I have my own ship! Although I guess you'd have figured that out by now..."

At this point Caitlin just seems to fizzle out, she kinda balls her shoulders as if expecting a reprimand, and looks at the general like she thinks he's going to eat her.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

The General studies the woman before him for a moment. "The sign up was yesterday, Miss Hall. Normally I'd have to decline your offer. However", he quickly adds, rising his hand, "however a situation has arisen that falls right into your field of activity. He opens a compartment in his desk and pulls out a contract PDA. "I would be more than glad to have you on the team. Here, read this, press the button on the bottom of the text and say your name."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Caitlin perks right up, and grabs the contract with a big grin on her face. "Thanks! I tried to be here for yesterday, but my FTL is so old I just couldn't make it. I was afraid i was going to be late, but lucky for me i guess."

She interrupts her rant here to press the button on the contract, having sped through the written part as she spoke. "Caitlin Hall." She passes it back, then halfway raises her hand and asks "So you mentioned something that was right in my field of study has popped up, mind filling me in before i go, or should i find out when i get there? I guess i should know where I'm going too, huh? tee hee"
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Indeed. You will be part of the crew of The Dividing Line, a space station on the outer rim of the Sector. It was abandoned after the war and has been reactivated only today. The core crew is stationed there to investigate anything unusual and generally gather information, as well as find the source of a number of strange signals that we received out of this sector. You will find the details on our server." The General folds his hands and looks at Caitlin, waiting for a reply.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Alrighty, I can do that. Don't see how that fits me so well but that must still to be seen. So I'll just take what I need from your server and be on my way then, alright?"

(((EDIT:Silly me, lack of sleep made me think Rule 34 wanted to dismiss me himself. Unless lack of sleep is making my mind work reverse phychology on itself... ah ta hell with it, will delete if necessary)))

Catlin gives the general a salute like the one seen on the old war vids, and heads out the door. Taking out her datapad, she takes all she can on the mission, then reads it over on the way to her ship, getting more and more excited and animated the further along she gets. By the time she's ready to lift off, she's so excited she would be skipping of she were able to. Her fighter streaks out of the bay, pulling a slingshot maneuver around the station at a speed that would leave a marine with wet undershorts, and leaves the system practically as soon as the Pillar's bay doors close on her fighter.
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