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Partners in the Shadows (Kiyo & Kiko's Adventure)

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Re: Partners in the Shadows (Kiyo & Kiko's Adventure)

Kiko nodded. "It's fine, Shuckie's pretty durable. Uhm, do you think it would be all right if we travelled together for a while longer after Oldale? I'm really just here to see the sights and the bug pokemon, not battle that much. I mean, I don't want to rely on you, but..."
Re: Partners in the Shadows (Kiyo & Kiko's Adventure)

"Sure! Trips are always funner and more enjoyable with more then one person. And it's not a bother, some people don't like fighting. Not to mention Shuckie's Acupressure cones in pretty handy, right Shade?" "Nincada!" the pokemon chirped in the affirmative as the two headed on further towards Oldale Town.
Re: Partners in the Shadows (Kiyo & Kiko's Adventure)

The two of them continued on their journey. Shade was still experiencing the effects of Shuckie's Acupressure. As they travelled through the grass, they didn't encounter any pokemon and made it to the other side of the sea of tall grass without incident.
Re: Partners in the Shadows (Kiyo & Kiko's Adventure)

"Ah. Out of the grass and into safety." Kiko said happily, but she still sounded a little glum, the reason for she quickly divulged. "I hate that we had to hurt the Wurmple. We had likely trespassed into its territory." Turning to Kiyo, she got a look of determination on her face. "Let's get to Oldale town! If I can get some pokeballs, I'll be able to make sure we don't have to knock out any more bug pokemon."
Re: Partners in the Shadows (Kiyo & Kiko's Adventure)

"Maybe so but until we have a flying pokemon or one that knows Fly, we can't get to places without going through their territory and some of them will likely be hostile at first." Kiyo explained gently to his friend. "And yes, I'm gonna need some pokeballs if I plan on expanding my team. Shade here has done me good, but he can't fight every fight all the time. We only have a short ways to go before we reach Oldale. Lets keep going Kiko, Shuckie." He said cheerfully as they made their through the path their destination.
Re: Partners in the Shadows (Kiyo & Kiko's Adventure)

"Right." Kiko nodded and followed Kiyo, Shuckie clutched protectively in her arms. She kept an eye out for other wild pokemon as they went, hoping to steer clear of them.
Re: Partners in the Shadows (Kiyo & Kiko's Adventure)

"You said you don't care for battling? Then do you have an interest or desire to partake in the Pokemon Contests and coordinating then?" He asked Kiko cordially as they continued to make their way to Oldale.
Re: Partners in the Shadows (Kiyo & Kiko's Adventure)

Kiko was thoughtful for a few minutes. "Well, I'd never actually given it a thought before, I really just want to meet new bug pokemon, but contests... Hmm... I'll definately look into them once we get a chance. What about you? Are you going to challenge the gyms?"
Re: Partners in the Shadows (Kiyo & Kiko's Adventure)

Kiyo also pinched his face around his chin and mouth, massaging it some; a habit he had whenever he found himself deep in thought; "Most likely at some point. But I think I shall have to find and train more pokemon before I out any real serious thought in challenging them. And I would like to personally explore more of the world and meet more interesting types of pokemon and discover more secrets and legends that spread throughout the riegons as well. After all, I'm sure there's much more to our adventure then simply battling don't you?" he said ending with a cheerful laugh and big grin on his face.
Re: Partners in the Shadows (Kiyo & Kiko's Adventure)

Kiko smiled back. "My thoughts exactly! Really, I don't know why people like battling, but, I guess to each their own." She continued to walk for a while before speaking again. "Hope we can find some berries soon too. That can bring in some extra cash."
Re: Partners in the Shadows (Kiyo & Kiko's Adventure)

After travelling through the large expanse of short grass they reached the last large patch of tall grass before Oldale Town. The patch of grass was roughly a quarter mile long with less than a quarter mile distance to the Town itself. Nearby they see a sign indicating that the entrance to Oldale Town was just on the other side of of this patch of tall grass. On the ground next to the sign, they see a rusty, broken potion bottle. The sun was high in the sky indicating that it was almost noon.
Re: Partners in the Shadows (Kiyo & Kiko's Adventure)

"Looks like were almost there." Kiyo says as he points out the Oldale welcome sign on the other side of the patch of grass. Before he proceeds onward he stops to bend over, picking up the broken potion bottle and placing it in his pack, tsking; "Ugh- I can't believe some people tossing their grass out around like this. Pokemon live in the wilderness and someone could get hurt if they were barefoot and didn't see the bottle lying there." he saids disgustedly and annoyed at the litter before moving on through the last patch of grass.
Re: Partners in the Shadows (Kiyo & Kiko's Adventure)

No Pokemon attacked as the passed through the last patch of grass. Oldale Town was just around the corner now.
Re: Partners in the Shadows (Kiyo & Kiko's Adventure)

Kiyo walked past the sign around and into Oldale Town. He spotted a building with a blue roof which he instantly recognized as the Pokemart and proceeded to the mart with Kiko and Shuckie in tow. Once inside he went up to the service desk, "Excuse me," he asked trying to get a clerks attention, "But I was given this voucher from Prof. Birch in Littleroot. I'd like to redeem it please." he said friendly awaiting for Kiko to do the same. Once had received his goods he would turn to Kiko, "If there's a pokemon center here we might consider taking Shuckie and Shade in to get recharged and maybe something to eat." he suggested to his traveling companion.
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Re: Partners in the Shadows (Kiyo & Kiko's Adventure)

The cashier nodded and scanned each trainer's voucher and PokeNav, and then smiled as he handed each trainer 5 PokeBalls, 5 Potions, and 1 Escape Rope.
Re: Partners in the Shadows (Kiyo & Kiko's Adventure)

Kiko had been looking around at the trees rather than at the ground, having noticed a Wurmple, different from the one they had just fought, sitting on a tree branch. When Kiyo brought her attention to the littering, Kiko nodded, her smile vanishing. "And it's not like most Pokemon know what to do with garbage."

Once at the Pokemart, Kiko also showed her voucher to receive the supplies, then turned to Kiyo. "Yeah, that sounds good. Uhm... Do you think you could lead the way? I'd probably end up back in Littleroot if I tried to find the Center on my own." Kiko giggled sheepishly and blushed, then looked down to Shuckie. "You could use a rest, right Shuckie?" The bug pokemon in her arms looked up at her in affirmative.
Re: Partners in the Shadows (Kiyo & Kiko's Adventure)

"Okay. I'm sure we can find it easily enough we just need to look out for a building with a red roof with a pokeball on it." he saids after picking up his items and storing them in his backpack. He then makes his way towards the pokecenter with Kiko and Shuckie in tow.
Re: Partners in the Shadows (Kiyo & Kiko's Adventure)

As they made it to the Pokemon Center, he looked at it in more detail. In one of the corners, he noticed a large bin with a sign that says "Please Recycle". In another corner there was a lounge with lots of couches and a few living room tables. Against the wall of the lounge was a large screen TV that was playing the news channel. On the other side of the Pokemon Center was a cafe, and set of stairs that led up to a room with areas for trainers to sleep or hang out.
Re: Partners in the Shadows (Kiyo & Kiko's Adventure)

Kiyo noticed the recycling bin in the corner of the pokecenter and proceeded to walk over to it and rummage the broken bottle out of his backpack never depositing it in it and heading over to the counter and extended his arm on the counter for Shade to crawl down for the nurse to check, "Pardon me miss, but would touch up my Nincada, Shade here and see to my friend here's Shuckle we had a run in with a wild pokemon on our way here." he said friendly as Shade jumped down on the counter and chirped friendly to the nurse. As the nurse would take their pokemon he would turn to Kiko and ask, "Would you like to head to the cafe to get a bite to eat, Kiko?" He asked politely.
Re: Partners in the Shadows (Kiyo & Kiko's Adventure)

As he deposited the broken potion bottle into the recycling bin, an old man in the corner took notice and walked up to Kiyo.

"I see you're trying to make Hoenn a greener place. Take this TM so you can Recycle wherever wou go."

The old man handed Kiyo a TM 67 [Recycle].

Nurse Joy nodded and quickly healed Shade and Shuckie.
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