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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

"I will be taking my own ship as well." Ixack states, starting into a stride behind Sho. "It will allow me a great chance to study Ancient technology."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Toryn nodded. "Yeah, I'll come along in the Shadow Wind. Never know when having a carrier might come in handy...Although I hope that won't be an issue with this run."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

"Alright. I'll send the coordinates to your ships, or better still, all of your ships SHOULD be able to fit in the 302 bay of my ship. I'll give ya folks a lift with the hyper-drive, then if we need to we can launch them easily enough, sound good?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

"That would be most excellent." Ixack broadcasts to Siphon, his eyes closing as he walks, using his Psi senses to follow the group and keep in step
Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Toryn actually smirks through his current discomfort. "Uh...I think you're thinking about the Firehawk, Siphon... Last I checked, the Shadow Wind is a bit bigger than your bays..."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Siphon actually paused for a moment.

"Ah, your actually BRINGING the carrier. Ok, then yes I'll send you the coordinates."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

"I'll fly separately as well." Veda says. "I'd like to start scans as soon as possible, they're less accurate if I were to start from within a bay."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

"Very well, I'll send coordinates to both of you."

He moves near Sho and Ixack, then presses a button on his wrist.

"They'll be at your terminals before you board."

The three then vanished in a flash of white sparkling light.

Entering the bridge, Siphon first sent the coordinates to the ships he needed to, then sat down and fired up the engines. When the others were ready to go, he'd make the jump to hyper-space.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

"Still takes some getting used to." Sho shakes her head as the materialize on the bridge. She takes her seat in the chair beside Siphon's, her attention fixed on the window. Despite the space on the ship, being on it always makes her antsy. Being able to look out helps. A lot.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Ixack sighs after the teleport, gripping his forehead on both sides by one of his right fingers and one of his right thumbs "My ship should be on the station. I'll have it warp into the 302 bay." he broadcasts to Siphon, then presses a button on his wrist device, followed by a series of hand movements in front of the device. "It is done. I am ready to leave when you are."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Veda nods and leaves the room, headed back to her ship. A few minutes later, it undocks from the station and propels itself to where Siphon's ship was waiting.

I'm prepared, we can leave whenever. She broadcasts, her tone betraying her excitement.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

A short while after Siphon had beamed the three onto his ship, Toryn called out over a channel. "Course laid in, standing by."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

"Copy that, engaging hyper-drive now."

With a surge of power, the Kara leapt forward, then vanished into a hyper-space window.

((Making new thread for the area of the Chozo Facility))
Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Roughly an hour passed in hyper-space as the Kara steadily cruised along. Siphon had toned the engines down on this one to match what he felt Toryn and Veda's ships might be capable of for maximum speeds. Truth be told he was fairly sure the Shadow Wind was capable of nearly the same speeds as the Kara, but he wasn't sure about Veda's ship.

Now after nearly an hour of travel, the Kara exploded out of it's hyperspace window, silently cruising into orbit, her sensors picking up Talok's ship. Siphon inwardly cringed just slightly, for the ship's name brought back a brief flare of a life now gone.

The Alveran ship Daina Eil'Mori silently had taken up a high orbital position, and now came into view for the occupants of the Kara. Also in view now was the planet, which seemed to have several massive areas of desert. The planet likely had become uninhabitable for long periods several centuries ago, and it's star was nearing the end of it's life.

Still, there was enough atmosphere for them to breathe down there, but only for a short period of time. Spending days on the surface wasn't an option, as eventually the heat would rise enough to kill any unprotected humanoid life form.

Siphon now stood up, surveying the surface.

"Well ... we're here."
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Veda's ship appeared almost immediately after Siphon's, immediately going to a low orbit around the planet and beginning an intensive scan. I've arrived. She broadcast, for formality's sake.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

There was a quick flash, that suddenly turned into a shimmering, that further resolved into the Shadow Wind. Seems that Toryn had, once again, attempted to use his experimental drive.
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Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

"Good good. I have a set of coordinates to beam down to, if your all ready to beam?"

((Will be waiting til ALL parties say they are ready before making the next post.))
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

After a bit of a pause, Toryn came back with a reply. "Standing by."
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

All set. Veda says simply.
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Ixack was braced against a wall when the ship came out of hyperspace, his eyes narrow slits "Your inertial dampening capabilities are amazing. Had one of our carriers jumped like that, half the crew would be in the back on the ship." he says, removing himself from the wall and slowly walking towards the door "I'm going down to get the Khala's Bounty ready. Contact me when we are to make landfall." And with that, he would walk off the bridge and towards the 302 bay, if no one had stopped him.