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Pathfinder OOC Thread

Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

25 point buy in pathfinder rules is roughly equal to 32 in 3.5
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

well, looked up gametable, it seems like it only handles pre-set games, and dnd wasn't in there, from what i could tell. theres chess and checkers, allies and axis, some really good ones, but i didn't see one that we could even steal dice from to run a dnd game with. was I missing something Incy?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'd say so. Try Osu gametable.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

just to set it straight now, let's get this clear, so i dont have to install or sign up for anything else unnessecary.

first post: otg gametable
second post: gametable
third post: osu gametable

which is it?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

The third one, i looked it up to make sure on my hard drive. First post was from memory, second post was referring to first so i didn't think it'd be necessary to rewrite it all.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Ah, kay. looks kinda nice now, but it apparently won't run on Tass's xp machine /:
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'd say so. Try Osu gametable.

It looked like it had promise. Then I installed it, and it didn't run on my computer. :|

Right now, my inner laziness is tempting to me to tell people to just play it on IRC or somesuch. That would, of course, require that we all figure out how to use IRC.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

In theory one can set up a dicebot for irc.

Not sure why you have problems, but its not due to xp, I'm running that.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Pathfinder point buy uses different rules. Things start at base 10, can be bought down if needed, and buying over 16 gets very expensive. The pathfinder book suggests 25 for an 'epic' game, much as 3.5 suggests 32 for the same.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

In theory one can set up a dicebot for irc.

Not sure why you have problems, but its not due to xp, I'm running that.

Well, if we're using IRC I was going to suggest suptg server (irc.thisisnotatrueending.com) which already has one.

Tassadar: Maptools should run fine on any system that has Java. Do you have the newest version installed?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Oh, right, availability. Is there a less-shitty way of saying "unemployed faggot"? I am one of those, and am consequently free most of the time, besides... like, five to noon - 11 AM to 6 PM EST according to . The next few Fridays and Sundays are taken up, though.

I like to roll for stats, but I guess that fucks up stuff. On a related note, my first statgen, 4d6s drop lowest, got me three 11s, a 10 and two 9s.

Actually, it sounds like Campaign 3 will be more sandbox, and thus free for me to start that guild possibly. I'll switch my preference to that, with Campaign 2 as secondary.
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Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

@Spider: I do, Java autoupdates for me. Sometimes programs simply don't work on my computer though, as my copy of windows is missing parts since they're useless and generally unnecessary.

@Incy: After looking in the book seeing how weak point buy is, I'm forgetting why I listened to your suggestion about using point buy. Remind me.

@Loli: Pathfinder races are generally more powerful than the ones in 3.5, since they're starting at +2 to stats instead of +0. I haven't looked at the 3.5 book and don't feel like getting it or looking it up online, but the actual point values look to be the about same as I remember form the last time I used point buy. It takes 17 points in order to get an 18 in a stat, and after that you couldn't even get another stat up to 16 with what you had left over. That would leave everything else at 10. :|

So, we've got Incy voting for campaign 3, Shrike voting for campaign 2, Copper for both, Blarg for 3. LDF and spider either haven't voted, or I missed them somehow. Currently looking like it's going to be campaign 3.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Well, if we need just a chat room, I know a decent one called Chatzy. Doesn't require downloading and you can "reserve" rooms, if I remember correctly. It's kinda like the little shoutbox we have on the forum, too. Nothing fancy, just a room for us all to gather in. Just suggesting since a. Copper hates downloading stuff and b. it seems like folks are having issue with what's been suggested.

I generally do rolling when it comes to stat generation and am not quite familiar with point buy, personally, but I figure I can give it a shot if that's what we're going to go with.

Speaking of times, so...We're looking at Friday? Maybe? Also, leaning a little more toward campaign #3, if we're needing a tiebreaker.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Well, if we need just a chat room, I know a decent one called Chatzy. Doesn't require downloading and you can "reserve" rooms, if I remember correctly. It's kinda like the little shoutbox we have on the forum, too. Nothing fancy, just a room for us all to gather in. Just suggesting since a. Copper hates downloading stuff and b. it seems like folks are having issue with what's been suggested.

I generally do rolling when it comes to stat generation and am not quite familiar with point buy, personally, but I figure I can give it a shot if that's what we're going to go with.

Speaking of times, so...We're looking at Friday? Maybe? Also, leaning a little more toward campaign #3, if we're needing a tiebreaker.

If we use irc(which I'd prefer over chat sites) you can just connect via mibbit, so you wont have to download anything.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Re: point buy

It's only weak if you want to start with a 20 in your primary stat. This is obscene. Your proposed stat line is also obscene. If we're gonna be a bunch of powergaming gits, like almost any dnd game i see online, consider my interest withdrawn. I find nothing fun about walking over regular enemies, player pissing contests and dying horribly to the insane homebrew monsters the gm cooked up to challenge the party.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Well hell, I only switched to two to be a tie breaker, back to three it is! Mwahahaha!

I would prefer something with a diceroller, at the very least. Other than that, I'd be happy with whatever, but some sort of mapping function could be indescribably helpful in some situations. When I get home I will try Maptools, see how well it works out.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Was it really necessary to neg rep me because i don't like the look of how the game is shaping up to be and thus withdraw from something i don't think will enjoy?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Was it really necessary to neg rep me because i don't like the look of how the game is shaping up to be and thus withdraw from something i don't think will enjoy?

There's a difference between excusing yourself politely followed by leaving the room and stalking out, shouting "assholes" over your shoulder and slamming the door behind yourself.

Just to be clear, I wasn't the one who negrepped you. So many people act like assholes in the internet that I'm jaded to something so minor as that(figures I'd call that minor, but still).
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Was it really necessary to neg rep me because i don't like the look of how the game is shaping up to be and thus withdraw from something i don't think will enjoy?

No it wasn't. And no, it wasn't me either. Though, your petulant rage quitting has little merit, given that I never outright said that I was not going to use point buy, I only implied it. Unless it was only a warning toward your rage quitting, in which case we're back at square one.