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Pathfinder OOC Thread

Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

So, found the ruins we were looking for, but there seems to be an intentional rockslide blocking it off. Do we have any solutions for such?
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Yeah, should work. One of you casters have access to it? I'm cautious about causing a rockslide, but if they made it on purpose, chances are they did so some way that wouldn't bring the entire place down. Hope so, at least.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Meh, even if it does, I suppose it all depends on how close to the nearest town we are. Just gotta make certain we're all upstream when it happens.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Confirming campaign tonight? I'm usually hanging out with people regularly on saturday, but if confirm on campaign being run, then I will be home on time.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

I may be a bit late, im scheduled to work until half an hour before we start. Given that it's satrday night, I may wind up running over said time. I'll be there though!
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

So... Garg isn't coming, Loli probably won't be unless Tass actually bothers to confirm the game within an hour or two, and I'm about to head to bed. Is it really too much to ask that the game is confirmed to be on or not before I go to bed without knowing whether there's going to be game or not? It sucks to miss the game when I could've been there, but it sucks even more when I wake up before 7 in the morning on Sunday to find out that there won't be a game after all.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

well, i always try and get the discussion on such rolling around tuesday or so, but you are more than welcome to start it up yourself as well. I saw you and tass were around more or less the same time yesterday, you could have posted here then, for example.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Generally, unless something comes up that I don't know about, I'm going to run this game at the proper time. If I'm not and I know it, I'll usually warn you ahead of time.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Sorry about vanishing suddenly last night, my internet spontaneously died, and someone was sleeping in the room with the router and modem in it.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Ring of Protection +2 8000
Ring that gives +5 to two skills 5000
Agile Mithril Breastplate +3 13400
+1 Furious Greatsword (Huge) 8500
Cloak of Resistance +3 9000
Belt of Giant Strength +4 16000
Backpack, masterwork 50
Bottle, Glass 2
Cold Weather Outfit 8
Scarf 2.5
Blanket, Winter 0.5
Rope, Hemp 50ft 1
Lamp, Common, 0.1
Lamp, oil x7 0.7
Flint and Steel 1
Crowbar 2
Pole 10ft 0.05
Shovel 0.02
String/Twine, 50ft 0.01
Chalk x2 0.02
Journal, Blank 10
Ink (1 oz) 8
Ink pen 0.1
Mirror, small steel 10
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

So, uh, I'm quitting the game for raisons.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

D'aww. Well that sucks, we'll miss ya. :(
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Well, blegh. Not like we won't see you around the forum, though.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Two days. And as I have been informed by the cuddlebuddy that since we both have Sunday off, I am going to be absconded with and likely will not be around Saturday night.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

So yeah,funny story. My friend wants to run his game tonight, because apparently the world revolves around him. I would have run this anyway but been slightly distracted, but my oither friend wants to play at the chief of the goddamn police's house so that his girlfriend can learn to play too, as she is apparently house sitting for him.

So, yeah... No game tonight. Sorry.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

It happens. Though while you're there, see if you can plant something in the house that would get the police chief in trouble! :D
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

So, I'll just go ahead and ask now if we're playing this Saturday. I'm available, but it is the weekend of Thanksgiving, so it's understandable if ye Americans are busy. I don't know if the Canadians in our group celebrate said Holiday, but the same courtesy is obviously extended to them.