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Pathfinder OOC Thread

Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

should be there, but i'll probably need a poke, maybe some setup time, depending on where i am at the moment.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Likely about the same here.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Pretty good chance I'm getting kidnapped by the cuddlebuddy tomorrow night and will not be around. Just a head's up.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

i should be free, though i might be helping a buddy move, dunno how late that will be going to. night after that is my restarted LARP, so i'll be too busy then.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

No game tonight then, I want everybody here for the escape scene. Will everyone be available next weekend?
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

i have to work sunday morning, but i should be fine either night. would prefer friday, not just for the sleeping in, but because I may have to be in my other games saturday, so i can devote more attention here friday. hardly matters though.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

I passed out ;_;

...And uhm, because of yon school and my shitty time management, I'm probably going to have to have to drop. :[
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Garg, nooooooooo! I would be without my required allowance of derp! D:

On a serious note, while I can handle running this (and DG) while going to school, it's understandable if you don't want to apply the time to it. I'd hate to see you go, but you've gotta do what you've gotta do.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

So far, I have no prior weekend plans, so in theory, I should be able to be here. I just need to be reminded of what day. My only issue then is if Garg drops. We're down another player and while I'm fine with small games, that's cutting it a bit thin.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Well, there‘s three players now, so it really -just- entered small game territory, as the usual number is 4. We can find a new player (or return one of the older ones), but if we can‘t, i dont think it will be that much of an issue. We will hyave to worry about scheduling more, though.

I‘ll miss ya Garg!
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Dunno if we are considering game, but I've been invited out to the cuddlebuddy's today and I don't know when I'll be rolling home. Might be early evening, might be early morning, so dunno if I'm going to be around.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

I should be around, myself. chances are i'll be derpy about the time though, so give me a poke on AIM if i seem to be running late.

EDIT: passed out on the couch not twenty minutes before game start, and the laptop overheated while I slept. Just woke up again now, and Gavrill had joined the room i was watching in solitude before. Sorry if people had shown up and didnt start because i was unreachable. :/
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Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

I wasn't available last night or Friday night either, so don't worry about. Sorry!
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Tass already knows this, but I won't be around Friday night and Saturday is up in the air. Cuddlebuddy's birthday. Interpret that as you will.