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Pathfinder-related Notes - As I think of them. (Might want to read this first.)


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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RCSD Info Thread.

Just realized that I've got a few things to say on how I'm going to be running my PF stuff.

First, bit of a blurb that I'll be borrowing from Hardware (includes a slight paraphrase):

(Sc8)Hardware said:
1. I am a GM, NOT a DM. My job is to facilitate the story the players are telling. One of the key house rules of my usual group, and one that I stick to almost religiously, is that the GM cannot tell the players "no." I may make a task ridiculously difficult to complete, but I have to at least allow you the opportunity to roll for it. The only caveat is that if you are being totally stupid (i.e., acting wildly out-of-character, deliberately metagaming, griefing, etc.) I will suspend this rule and flat-out say no.

2. Our other major house rule is that the GM is not allowed to permanently kill off PCs before level 5 (or the equivalent in whatever system is being used). This is not to say there will not be consequences, however. Do not take this rule as a license to go stupid. I won't kill off a PC permanently, even if you went wild, but you won't like the results.

3. In furtherance of that last item, I will add that my default position is story trumps everything. I will not allow the plot threads to be broken simply because someone made a bad roll, so don't worry about that. There won't be a deus ex machina to swoop in every time players fail at something, but plain bad luck won't cause major issues.

4. {With} regards to "adult" content in the game. While I am not at all averse to the presence of such material in the game, that will not be the focus of this campaign.

Also, before people start worrying about starting gear, starting money, and what-not...

Three rules on starting equipment:

1. As long as it doesn't cost more than what you'd start with, I'll likely allow it. If you're not sure, ask.
1a. To clarify: Take maximum for starting wealth, and then that's the most a single piece of starting gear can cost. It's not a hard total limit.

2. Although I'll allow up to three masterwork items, no magic items to start with. I may choose to allow healing potions, though.
2a. Transmission Crystals are ubiquitous enough that they shall count as a normal, common item. Even though they are technically a magic item.

3. I'll probably play a little loose on encumbrance, unless I feel things are getting ridiculous. The lulzy storyline may be the exception to that rule, as situation warrants.

While I'm at it, characters will recieve maximum HP gain per level, just like they get at first level. Should reduce math issues. And characters will be starting at first level, unless someone joins mid-game, in which case they'll start at the group's average level.
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Re: Pathfinder-related Notes - As I think of them. (Might want to read this first.)

With regards to third-party stuff from the SRD: Run it by me first, and I'll decide on whether or not to allow.

Slight note regarding psionics, since that's come up some already:

At the moment, psionics don't exist within the campaign setting. I'll be thinking about it, and should I work them in somehow, then that restriction will be lifted.
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Re: Pathfinder-related Notes - As I think of them. (Might want to read this first.)

Specific House Rules Listing

1. : Players shall take maximum starting gold, and may use that as a single-item limit on starting gear, with a maximum of three masterwork items.
1a. : Players may not take magic items at start, barring healing potions, common alchemical items, and transmission crystals.

2. : Players are given maximum hit point gain per level.

3. : Players taking the Additional Trait feat may choose from the same lists as starting/previous choices.

4. : Craft rules regarding time required are going to be re-worked to fit with a more realistic view of how long it should take to make the item.

5. : For the Evil campaign, being stoned adds a +10 bonus when trying to understand the character Gilfer when he's in his non-manifested mode of speech.


Squirrels are not banned. That's just me making a reference to the band "Darby O'Gill" and their running in-joke.
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