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Pathos Facility - REALLY Old Version

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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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The Pathos Facility is a comfortable clinic/hospital built and opened by the Earth-based Halsey technology corporation. The treatment wing was designed primarily for the observation and care of those suffering the early stages of AAD. Branching off the other direction from the lobby is the four-floor dormitory wing, set up for housing the facility's staff...once said staff arrives or is hired...

Officially under the direction of Doctor K. Shiraishi, the facility currently stands mostly empty, as it has not yet officially opened. Senra Belladonna, a local Drow computer expert, has been working on finish the computer network setup, and also awaiting the arrival of the Halsey personnel assigned to help start the facility. The work has been slow, and it's now almost midnight...

At the dock station for the ferry that leads to the mainland, three humans exit. Two of them are engaged in idle banter, while the third stops to check a pocket-watch pulled from an inside pocket of his coat. Even with there being activity, his quiet voice stops the other two as he comments, "It's almost midnight." With a seemingly renewed purpose, the three head off towards the Pathos Facility.

At the second the clocks click to midnight, things change all across the island. All of the noise that would have come from other people stop. Every piece of power technology cuts out simultaneously. The light from the moon takes on a different shade.
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Re: Pathos Facility

Bell sits at a human computer, completely unaware of the time, humming along to a wordless orchestral piece playing from her wristband. She's been typing out a program manually for the past three hours, meant to eventually interface Drow and Human computers in the facility. Its been her pet project since she was hired to the Pathos Facility, and she has made some progress, but it looks like the place will be up and running before her program is.

Her song is interrupted by the coming of midnight, the power loss shutting down her wristband, not to mention the computer and the night's work. Her delicate fingers lift from the keyboard and she stares at the dead screen, her expression one of mixed surprise and anger. She speaks out loud to nobody in particular.

"The hell? Son of a... Well that's just great, all the night's work, gone like that. What time is it anyway?" She says as she tries to call up the time display on her wristband. "Ah well, time I should be getting to sleep anyway." She says, taking her glasses off and carefully heading for her room through the darkened building.
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Re: Pathos Facility

After quite some time, distant footsteps, growing closer, can be heard. Before long, three humans enter the lobby.

The first one inside is clad almost entirely in black, with a dark green overcoat. In the odd light, his silver-gray hair seems to be almost a sickly yellowish-green. Seemingly a little distracted, he turns to wait for the other two to enter.
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Re: Pathos Facility

Just leaving the West Wing, Bell happens to glance towards the main entrance and sees the three figures sillouetted in the moonlight. She jumps and gives out a little squeak, then walks over to them. "By the moons, you three startled me. What are you all doing out this time of night?"
Re: Pathos Facility

The first one in the door gave a start, and made a quick hand gesture before turning around to face the speaker. The two with him would quickly recognize it as a "Wait for my signal" warning.

With that, he'd turn to face Senra. When he answered her, it would be in a quiet, yet calm, voice. "There were some delays. We were meaning to arrive earlier, but..." He shrugged before continuing. "It seems that we're arriving later than anticipated."

Easily visible on the front of his coat is a clip-on ID, bearing his picture and the name "Koike Shiraishi". His green eyes seem to be evaluating Senra, although in reality, he's using his heartbeat to count the passing of time. 'Have to see. Things should shift soon. Have to see what happens.'

Suddenly, the odd cast to the moonlight fades back to normal, and the power returns. Oddly enough, everything turns back on exactly as it was when things faded, as if nothing happened.
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Re: Pathos Facility

Angus Jack O'Neill entered the room silently, the only clear sign he was there being that you could see his blue eyes reflecting the dim moonlight. He parked up against one of the walls, saying nothing, but nodding his head to the woman in the room to acknowledge her presence there.

Jack was clad in all black, from the black shirt visible under his black leather jacket to the black pants he wore. Given his height and intimidating size, all that black made him look like some kind of colossal undertaker who you really didn't want to meet after dark. In truth though, he wouldn't hurt many people unless he had to, unless of course you really pissed him off, at which point running was your best bet, and even then, most didn't make it. Shockingly enough, he even had black hair, which was only now becoming visible now that the moon light was returning to normal.
Re: Pathos Facility

"Oh, well..." Bell is interrupted by the power restoration, and her music now playing again from her wristband, somewhat louder than expected now that there's other people to hear it. She shuts it off quickly. "Sorry about that, looks like the power's back on, that was weird. so you three just arrived then? do you have rooms and stuff yet?"
Re: Pathos Facility

Shiraishi's left eyebrow hopped briefly at the sudden burst of music. His calm, however, didn't waiver. "Rooms, yes. The assignments should already be in the database. If not, then I'll just assign them."

Only one name shows up for room assignments. Shiraishi's own name, listed as acting facility director.
Re: Pathos Facility

Gil entered the room with a bewildered look on his face."

"Damn. Do you think that was just a random power outage? Fuck, man.."

He noticed Koike looking at the room assignments. When he looked at the screen, he could hardly believe it.

"What the fuck? Where's my name? Where's Mr. Steak's name?"
Re: Pathos Facility

Koike took a moment to sit down at the computer, then swung his left fist back over his shoulder to pop open a metal case on the wall. He glanced back long enough to grab a key, read the number on it, enter Gil's name into the list, then tossed it over. "That work?"
Re: Pathos Facility

"Woah, cool."

Gil looked at his newly acquired key.

"Let's go see if my new room is any good.."

With that, Gil went off to locate his room, and most likely rest for the night.
Re: Pathos Facility

Bell stifles a yawn. "Right, well, you look like you have it under control, I'm going to bed. If I spot you guys tomorrow I'll give you all the grand tour, alright?" She says, then heads off to the East Wing, heading up to the women's floor and going to her room.
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Re: Pathos Facility

Koike watched the woman leave, then spoke again. "I'm going to have to find out which room she has, so I can enter it into the list."

With that he grabbed another key, entered the information into the computer, then tossed it over to Jack. "I'm heading up topside. I'll make sure the stuff up there is set up, then get some sleep myself."

A pause, then... "I'm a little surprised to have been greeted like that. It was still during the Hour, yet she was active. If you catch Gil in the morning, make sure he knows that we need to have a small meeting tomorrow at some point."
Re: Pathos Facility

*later on in the night*

Gil sat on his bed. He couldn't sleep. He didn't feel like reading until he fell asleep. Instead, he pulled out a modified black .44 double-action revolver.

He took the six bullets out of the gun. They were the only bullets he had brought along. Then he disassembled it, and cleaned it, before putting it back together, freshly cleaned and ready to go.

The whole process took about two hours, and he eventually found himself tired enough to go to bed.
Re: Pathos Facility

Koike Shiraishi climbed up to the fourth floor, and entered the meeting room. Almost more of a combination of library and lounge than anything else, it held several bookcases along the walls. In one corner stood a server rack that wasn't connected to anything else. This was the SEC's communications server. Due to its design, it remains unconnected to any other networks.

Also on the far wall from the door was what appeared to be an analog thermostat. Koike swept the room carefully for recording devices, before stepping over to the dial and turning it in a short pattern. With that done, a series of wall panels next to the dial retracted, revealing a hidden storage area. Across from the meeting table, two more retracted, and revealed a computer bank, apparently set up for observations.

It was to this that he turned. After making sure that the system was fully ready, Koike returned to the dial, turning it again. This caused the panels to return to their original positions.

After checking the adjoining office, Koike entered his room and got settled in before sleeping.
Re: Pathos Facility

Jack quietly took the key and nodded to Koike. "I'll pass along the message sir."

He then turned and left for his own room on the second floor, silently vanishing. It was amazing truly how a man of his size could move so quietly with seemingly no effort at all, a testament to his abilities.

Finally reaching his room, he quietly got comfortable, then laid down on the bed and went to sleep.
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Re: Pathos Facility

Bell opens the door to her room, finding it exactly the way she left it. In the short time she's been here, she has managed to fill every available surface with stuff, including the floor. There is an S of clear space in the floor, from the door to her computer desk to her bed and ending in the bathroom. The desk is probably the neatest place in the entire room, crammed full of only computer stuff as it is. There are two computers there, a Human one and a Drow one. She spends a few short moments on the Drow computer, then logs out and checks the time.

"12:35? The hell, it must have been at least an hour since the power went off, it must have messed with the clocks or something." She shrugs physically and mentally, then strips down and goes to bed naked, too tired to care. The clothes get tossed on top of a small pile near the bathroom, to be eventually cleaned.
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Re: Pathos Facility

When morning comes around, the dormitory wing's current occupants would likely be woken by the smell of assorted human breakfast foods being fixed.

Koike Shiraishi was down in the kitchen area, following one of his usual morning routines, with one exception. While normally he only made enough for himself, he was making more, in case. Scrambled eggs, sausage links, pancakes, and a few buttermilk biscuits, along with a pot of coffee, were soon sitting out in the dining area, along with Koike himself.
Re: Pathos Facility

Bell would indeed have been woken up by the smell of breakfast wafting up from the kitchen area, groaning hungrily and pulling herself out of bed still half asleep.

What is that? It smells good.

She stumbles over to the bathroom for a quick shower, waking herself up in the process. Once out, she does her hair up in a long braid, leaving a few strands around her face, and slips into a long, light purple sundress, putting on a silver pendant on a thin golden chain and some makeup for good measure.

Botched my first impression with the new humans here, might as well make a good second one. Especially with the big boss man, he did seem to be sizing me up pretty good last night.

She takes a look at herself in the mirror, adjusts a few choice strands of hair, and, satisfied, grabs her wristband computer on the way out, heading straight down to the kitchens.

She saunters into the dining area seductively, hoping to get everyone's attention, only to find Koike the only one there. Mentally surprised that she wasn't the last person to wake for once, she does her best to make it look like the display was for him alone.

"Why hello there, I apologize for last night, I forgot to introduce myself properly. I'm Senra Belladonna, but everyone calls me Bell. Did you cook all this? It smells absolutly delicious."
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Re: Pathos Facility

Koike looked up about as soon as Bell announced her arrival. He answered her in the same calm, quiet tone of voice that he'd used last night...probably how he normally talked. "Senra Belladonna...I see. Yes, I did make the food. There's extra if you want to try some. As for last night, you did seem rather tired, so there's nothing to worry about."

'Interesting...There wasn't a whole lot of disorientation apparent last night. I'll have to wait and see if there's any of the usual memory loss...Well, usual for us...I don't exactly have a reference for how the Drow normally react to this...
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